# This tests the basic BumpyMatrix functionality.
# library(testthat); library(BumpyMatrix); source("setup.R"); source("test-bumpy.R")
x <- NumericList(split(runif(50), factor(sample(20, 50, replace=TRUE), 1:20)))
x <- unname(x)
mat <- BumpyMatrix(x, c(5,4))
smat <- .create_sparse_bumpy_matrix(x[1:10], c(5,4))
test_that("BumpyMatrix constructor works as expected", {
expect_s4_class(mat, "BumpyNumericMatrix")
expect_identical(dim(mat), c(5L, 4L))
expect_identical(length(mat), 20L)
lmat <- BumpyMatrix(x > 0.5, c(5, 4))
expect_s4_class(lmat, "BumpyLogicalMatrix")
ix <- relist(as.integer(unlist(x)), x)
imat <- BumpyMatrix(ix, c(5, 4))
expect_s4_class(imat, "BumpyIntegerMatrix")
# Row names are correctly added.
mat <- BumpyMatrix(x, c(5, 4), dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:5], letters[1:4]))
expect_identical(rownames(mat), LETTERS[1:5])
expect_identical(colnames(mat), letters[1:4])
test_that("BumpyMatrix constructor works as expected with a proxy", {
expect_s4_class(smat, "BumpyNumericMatrix")
reproxy <- smat@proxy
reproxy@x <- rev(reproxy@x)
smat2 <- BumpyMatrix(x[10:1], proxy=reproxy)
expect_identical(smat, smat2)
# Validity method catches badness.
expect_error(BumpyMatrix(x, proxy=1:10), "2-dimensional")
out <- smat
out@proxy <- cbind("A")
expect_error(validObject(out), "integer indices")
expect_error(BumpyMatrix(x, proxy=sparseMatrix(seq_along(x), seq_along(x), x=rev(seq_along(x))), reorder=FALSE), "consecutive")
expect_error(BumpyMatrix(x, proxy=sparseMatrix(1:10, 1:10, x=1:10), reorder=FALSE), "number of non-zero")
test_that("BumpyMatrix constructor works with a missing 'x'", {
mat <- BumpyMatrix()
expect_identical(nrow(mat), 0L)
expect_identical(ncol(mat), 0L)
mat <- BumpyMatrix(dim=c(5, 4))
expect_identical(nrow(mat), 5L)
expect_identical(ncol(mat), 4L)
expect_identical(mat[1,1][[1]], integer(0))
test_that("BumpyMatrix dimnames setter works as expected", {
rownames(mat) <- letters[1:5]
expect_identical(rownames(mat), letters[1:5])
colnames(mat) <- LETTERS[1:4]
expect_identical(colnames(mat), LETTERS[1:4])
dimnames(mat) <- NULL
expect_identical(dimnames(mat), NULL)
test_that("BumpyMatrix utility methods work as expected", {
expect_identical(undim(mat), x)
expect_identical(unlist(mat), unlist(x))
expect_identical(undim(smat), x[1:10])
expect_identical(unlist(smat), unlist(x[1:10]))
test_that("BumpyMatrix basic subsetter works as expected", {
# No drop.
i <- c(3,2,4)
j <- c(1, 3)
sub <- mat[i, j]
expect_identical(dim(sub), c(length(i), length(j)))
expect_identical(undim(sub), x[as.vector(outer(i, (j - 1) * nrow(mat), "+"))])
sub <- mat[i,]
expect_identical(dim(sub), c(length(i), ncol(mat)))
expect_identical(undim(sub), x[as.vector(outer(i, (0:3) * nrow(mat), "+"))])
sub <- mat[,j]
expect_identical(dim(sub), c(nrow(mat), length(j)))
expect_identical(undim(sub), x[as.vector(outer(1:5, (j - 1) * nrow(mat), "+"))])
# Make sure dim names come along for the ride.
rn <- letters[1:5]
cn <- LETTERS[1:4]
dimnames(mat) <- list(rn, cn)
sub <- mat[i,j]
expect_identical(dimnames(sub), list(rn[i], cn[j]))
# With a drop.
sub <- mat[,1]
expect_identical(unname(sub), unname(head(x, nrow(mat))))
expect_identical(names(sub), rn)
sub <- mat[2,]
expect_identical(unname(sub), unname(x[2 + 0:3 * nrow(mat)]))
expect_identical(names(sub), cn)
# Turning off the drop.
sub <- mat[,1,drop=FALSE]
expect_s4_class(sub, "BumpyMatrix")
# Zero-indexing works.
expect_identical(dim(mat[0,]), c(0L, ncol(mat)))
expect_identical(dim(mat[,0]), c(nrow(mat), 0L))
test_that("BumpyMatrix basic subsetter works as expected in the sparse case", {
ref.smat <- .promote_to_dense(smat)
expect_identical(ref.smat[,1], smat[,1])
expect_identical(ref.smat[,4], smat[,4])
expect_identical(ref.smat[1,], smat[1,])
expect_identical(ref.smat[5,], smat[5,])
i <- c(3,2,4)
j <- c(1, 3)
expect_identical(ref.smat[i,], .promote_to_dense(smat[i,]))
expect_identical(ref.smat[,j], .promote_to_dense(smat[,j]))
expect_identical(ref.smat[i, j], .promote_to_dense(smat[i, j]))
test_that("BumpyMatrix advanced subsetter works as expected", {
lmat <- BumpyMatrix(x > 0.5, c(5, 4))
out <- mat[lmat]
ref <- BumpyMatrix(x[x > 0.5], c(5, 4))
expect_identical(out, ref)
expect_error(mat[lmat[,1:2]], "same dimensions")
# Also works for the sparse case.
lmat <- BumpyMatrix(undim(smat) > 0.5, proxy=smat@proxy)
out <- smat[lmat]
ref <- BumpyMatrix(undim(smat)[undim(smat) > 0.5], proxy=smat@proxy)
expect_identical(out, ref)
# Works for the sparse/dense hybrid case.
ref.smat <- .promote_to_dense(smat)
lmat2 <- BumpyMatrix(undim(ref.smat) > 0.5, proxy=ref.smat@proxy)
out2 <- smat[lmat2]
expect_identical(out[,1], out2[,1])
expect_identical(out[,4], out2[,4])
expect_identical(out[1,], out2[1,])
expect_identical(out[5,], out2[5,])
test_that("BumpyMatrix subset replacement works as expected", {
mod <- mat
mod[,1] <- mod[,2,drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(mod[,1], mod[,2])
mod <- mat
mod[1,] <- mod[2,,drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(mod[1,], mod[2,])
mod <- mat
mod[1:2,3:4] <- mod[4:5,2:3,drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(mod[1:2,3:4], mod[4:5,2:3])
mod[] <- mat # forcing everyone to be the same again.
expect_identical(mod, mat)
# Same stuff works in the sparse case.
mod <- smat
mod[,1] <- mod[,2,drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(mod[,1], mod[,2])
mod <- smat
mod[1,] <- mod[2,,drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(mod[1,], mod[2,])
mod <- smat
mod[1:2,3:4] <- mod[4:5,2:3,drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(mod[1:2,3:4], mod[4:5,2:3])
mod[] <- smat # forcing everyone to be the same again.
expect_identical(mod, smat)
test_that("BumpyMatrix subset replacement works with lists", {
mod <- mat
mod[,1] <- mod[,2]
expect_identical(mod[,1], mod[,2])
mod <- mat
mod[1,] <- mod[2,]
expect_identical(mod[1,], mod[2,])
mod <- mat
mod[1,1] <- mod[2,2]
expect_identical(mod[1,1], mod[2,2])
# Same stuff works in the sparse case.
mod <- smat
mod[,1] <- mod[,2]
expect_identical(mod[,1], mod[,2])
mod <- smat
mod[1,] <- mod[2,]
expect_identical(mod[1,], mod[2,])
mod <- smat
mod[1,1] <- mod[2,2,drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(mod[1,1], mod[2,2])
test_that("BumpyMatrix combining works as expected", {
# rbind() works as expected.
x2 <- NumericList(split(runif(10), factor(sample(8, 10, replace=TRUE), 1:8)))
x2 <- unname(x2)
mat2 <- BumpyMatrix(x2, c(2,4))
output <- rbind(mat, mat2)
expect_identical(dim(output), c(7L, 4L))
expect_identical(output[1,], mat[1,])
expect_identical(output[6,], mat2[1,])
expect_identical(output[,2], c(mat[,2], mat2[,2]))
expect_identical(output[,4], c(mat[,4], mat2[,4]))
# cbind() works as expected.
x2 <- NumericList(split(runif(10), factor(sample(10, 10, replace=TRUE), 1:10)))
x2 <- unname(x2)
mat2 <- BumpyMatrix(x2, c(5,2))
output <- cbind(mat, mat2)
expect_identical(dim(output), c(5L, 6L))
expect_identical(output[,1], mat[,1])
expect_identical(output[,5], mat2[,1])
expect_identical(output[2,], c(mat[2,], mat2[2,]))
expect_identical(output[4,], c(mat[4,], mat2[4,]))
# Works with sparse/dense hybrids.
output <- cbind(mat, smat)
expect_identical(output[,1], mat[,1])
expect_identical(output[,5], smat[,1])
expect_identical(output[2,], c(mat[2,], smat[2,]))
expect_identical(output[4,], c(mat[4,], smat[4,]))
output <- rbind(mat, smat)
expect_identical(output[1,], mat[1,])
expect_identical(output[6,], smat[1,])
expect_identical(output[,2], c(mat[,2], smat[,2]))
expect_identical(output[,4], c(mat[,4], smat[,4]))
# Works with dimnames.
dimnames(mat) <- list(letters[1:5], LETTERS[1:4])
copy <- mat
dimnames(copy) <- list(letters[5+1:5], LETTERS[4+1:4])
expect_identical(dimnames(rbind(mat, copy)), list(letters[1:10], LETTERS[1:4]))
expect_identical(dimnames(cbind(mat, copy)), list(letters[1:5], LETTERS[1:8]))
# Errors out.
expect_error(rbind(mat, mat[,1:2]), "same")
expect_error(cbind(mat, mat[1:2,]), "same")
test_that("BumpyMatrix transposition works as expected", {
tmat <- t(mat)
expect_identical(mat[,2], tmat[2,])
expect_identical(mat[4,], tmat[,4])
# Works with some dimnames.
dimnames(mat) <- list(letters[1:5], LETTERS[1:4])
tmat <- t(mat)
expect_identical(rownames(mat), colnames(tmat))
expect_identical(colnames(mat), rownames(tmat))
# Works in the sparse case.
tsmat <- t(smat)
ref.smat <- .promote_to_dense(smat)
expect_identical(ref.smat[,2], tsmat[2,])
expect_identical(ref.smat[4,], tsmat[,4])
test_that("BumpyMatrix lengths works as expected", {
out <- lengths(mat)
expect_identical(dim(out), dim(mat))
expect_identical(out[,1], lengths(mat[,1]))
expect_identical(out[5,], lengths(mat[5,]))
out2 <- lengths(smat)
expect_identical(dim(out2), dim(smat))
expect_equal(out2[,4], lengths(smat[,4]))
expect_equal(out2[4,], lengths(smat[4,]))
test_that("BumpyMatrix redim works as expected", {
out <- redim(undim(mat) > 0.5, mat)
expect_s4_class(out, "BumpyLogicalMatrix")
expect_identical(out, mat > 0.5)
# Also works for the sparse case.
out <- redim(undim(smat) > 0.5, smat)
expect_s4_class(out, "BumpyLogicalMatrix")
expect_identical(out, smat > 0.5)
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