
Defines functions normalComparison

Documented in normalComparison

#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @param normalmedian a \code{numeric} \code{vector}, 
#' of the same length as \code{normalength}, specifying the segment values
#' of the normal reference segments.
#' @param normalength an integer \code{vector} specifying the genomic lengths 
#' of segments in the normal reference data.
#' @param tumormedian TODO
#' @param tumorlength TODO. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param normalmad a \code{numeric} \code{vector}, 
#' of the same length as \code{normalength}, specifying the value spreads 
#' of the normal reference segments. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param normalerror a numeric \code{vector}, 
#' of the same length as \code{normalength}, specifying the error values
#' of the normal reference segments.Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param tumormad TODO. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param tumorerror TODO. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @return TODO
#' @examples
#' # TODO
#' @author Alexander Krasnitz, Guoli Sun
#' @keywords internal
normalComparison <- function(normalmedian, normalength, tumormedian, 
                            tumorlength, normalmad=NULL, normalerror=NULL, 
                            tumormad=NULL, tumorerror=NULL) 
    nisnull <- c(!(is.null(normalmad) | is.null(tumormad)),
                    !(is.null(normalerror) | is.null(tumorerror)))
    nsred <- matrix(ncol = 2 + sum(nisnull), length(normalmedian),
                data=c(normalength, normalmedian,
                if (nisnull[1]) normalmad, if (nisnull[2]) normalerror),
                dimnames = list(NULL, c("length", "mediandev", 
                if (nisnull[1]) "segmad",  if (nisnull[2]) "segerr")))
    nsred <- nsred[order(nsred[, "mediandev"]),, drop = FALSE]
    lnorm <- sum(nsred[, "length"])
    z <- cbind(c(nsred[, "mediandev"], tumormedian), c(nsred[, "length"],
            rep(0, length(tumormedian))), c(rep(0, nrow(nsred)), 
    z <- z[order(z[,1]),, drop = FALSE]
    z[,2] <- cumsum(z[,2])/lnorm
    z <- z[z[,3] !=0 ,, drop = FALSE]
    negtail <- z[order(z[, 3]), 2]
    if (nisnull[1]) {
        z <- cbind(c(nsred[, "mediandev"]/nsred[, "segmad"],
                        tumormedian/tumormad),c(nsred[, "length"],
                        c(rep(0,nrow(nsred)), seq_len(length(tumormedian))))
        z <- z[order(z[,1]),,drop=FALSE]
        z[,2] <- cumsum(z[,2])/lnorm
        z <- z[z[,3]!=0,, drop=FALSE]
        negtailnormad<-z[order(z[,3]), 2]
    if (nisnull[2]) {
        z <- cbind(c(nsred[, "mediandev"]/nsred[, "segerr"], 
                c(nsred[, "length"], rep(0, length(tumormedian))),
                c(rep(0,nrow(nsred)), seq_len(length(tumormedian))))
        z <- z[order(z[,1]),, drop=FALSE]
        z[,2] <- cumsum(z[,2])/lnorm
        z <- z[z[,3]!=0,, drop=FALSE]
        negtailnormerror <- z[order(z[,3]),2]
    return(matrix(ncol=2+sum(nisnull), data=c(lnorm%/%tumorlength,
        negtail, if (nisnull[1]) negtailnormad, 
        if (nisnull[2]) negtailnormerror),
        dimnames=list(NULL, c("samplesize", "negtail",
        if (nisnull[1]) "negtailnormad", if (nisnull[2]) "negtailnormerror"))))
KrasnitzLab/CNprep documentation built on May 28, 2022, 8:32 p.m.