
Defines functions centerprob

Documented in centerprob

#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @param logr TODO a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}
#' @param emfit an object of class \code{Mclust} providing a 
#' mixture model estimation. 
#' @param times a single \code{numeric} value, used as an integer, specifying 
#' the number of time the median of each segment is sampled in order to 
#' predict the cluster assignment for the segment.
#' @param center TODO
#' @return TODO a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}
#' @examples
#' # TODO
#' @author Alexander Krasnitz, Guoli Sun
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @keywords internal
centerprob <- function(logr, emfit, zgroup, times, center) { 
    ## Create new matrix using input data
    gz <- matrix(nrow = length(logr), ncol = length(emfit$parameters$mean), 
    ## Assign correct value to epro object according to mean length
    if (length(emfit$parameters$mean) == 1) { 
        epro <- as.vector(1)
    if (length(emfit$parameters$mean) > 1) {
        epro <- emfit$parameters$pro        
    gz <- t(epro * pnorm(-abs(t(gz) - emfit$parameters$mean) /
    ## Combine columns of z table using indicator matrix zgroup
    gz <- gz %*% t(zgroup)  
    gz <- matrix(ncol=ncol(gz),
                    data=apply(gz, 2, cumsum)[seq(from=times, 
                                    to=nrow(gz), by=times),] / times)
    ## Mean value within each segment
    gz <- (gz[,center] - c(0, gz[-nrow(gz), center])) / 
                            sum(epro[zgroup[center,] == 1])
    ## Ensure that the return value is always inferior to 0.5
    return(ifelse(gz < 0.5, gz, 1 - gz))
KrasnitzLab/CNprep documentation built on May 28, 2022, 8:32 p.m.