###creating a pipe operator to negate the %in% operator
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24941080/meaning-of-symbol-in-r
"%ni%" <- Negate("%in%")
#' Get the minimum positive value
#' @param x A numeric vector or variable
#' @return Returns the minimum positive value in an object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' minpositive(c(-1,-2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10))
minpositive <- function(x) {
min(x[x > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
#' List the array structure variables
#' @param channel A character indicating the channel that the data was scanned
#' at. It is mostly included in the MFI variable names.
#' @param totsamples A numeric value indicating teh number of samples on a slide.
#' @param blockspersample A numeric value indicating the numer of blocks in a
#' mini-array. The \code{".gal"} file can help in getting this
#' @param chip_path A character indicating the path of the folder location with
#' the array data.
#' @param sampleID_path A character indicating the path of the folder location
#' with the sample identifiers matching the array structure.
#' @param mig_prefix Optional: A character indicating the identifier of an MIG
#' dilution file
#' @param machine Optional:A character indicating the machine used to process
#' the data in the folder
#' @param FG Optional:A character indicating the name of the foreground
#' variable name. if not specified its created as
#' \code{paste0("F",channel,".Median")}
#' @param BG Optional:A character indicating the name of the background
#' variable name. if not specified its created as
#' \code{paste0("B",channel,".Median")}
#' @param FBG Optional:A character indicating the name of the
#' foreground - background variable name. if not specified its
#' created as \code{paste0("F",channel,".Median...B",channel)}
#' @param date_process Optional:A character indicating the date
#' when the samples were processed.
#' @description A generic function returning a list with the data structure.
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @return a list of parameters required to process the data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## specify the the parameters to process the data
#' genepix_vars <- array_vars(
#' ## the channel the data was processed in
#' channel = "635",
#' ## folder where the array data is stored
#' chip_path = "data/array_data",
#' ## the number of samples per slide or in as single run
#' totsamples = 21,
#' ## How many blocks each sample occupies
#' blockspersample = 2,
#' ## folder where the array data samples id files are stored
#' sampleID_path = "data/array_sampleID/",
#' ## optional
#' mig_prefix = "_first",
#' machine = 1,
#' date_process = "0520"
#' )
#' genepix_vars
#' @return genepix_vars
array_vars <- function(channel = "635",
totsamples ,
FG = "",
BG = "",
FBG = "",
chip_path = "data/array_data",
sampleID_path = "data/array_sampleID/",
mig_prefix = "_first",
machine = "",
date_process = "") {
####List the directories with the CHIP data###############
paths <- list.dirs(path = chip_path, recursive = TRUE)
## remove the parent directory
## the folders with the chip data with the different batches is left
paths <- paths[!grepl(paste0(chip_path, "$") , paths)]
if (FG == "") {
FG <- rlang::sym(paste0("F", channel, ".Median"))
} else{
FG <- rlang::sym(FG)
if (BG == "") {
BG <- rlang::sym(paste0("B", channel, ".Median"))
} else{
BG <- rlang::sym(BG)
if (FBG == "") {
FBG <- rlang::sym(paste0("F", channel, ".Median...B", channel))
} else{
FBG <- rlang::sym(FBG)
genepix_vars <-
FG = FG,
BG = BG,
#rlang::sym(paste0("B",channel,".Median")) ,
paths = paths,
chip_path = chip_path,
sampleID_path = sampleID_path,
mig_prefix = mig_prefix,
machine = machine,
date_process = date_process,
totsamples = totsamples,
blockspersample = blockspersample,
mp = machine,
dp = date_process
#' Title Create directory function
#' @param path folder location to create a directory
#' @description creating a directory
#' @return created directory
#' @export
#' @examples
#' create_dir("data/sample_folder")
create_dir <- function(path) {
if (!file.exists(paste0(path))) {
} else
warning("The folder", path, " already exists")
#' Object names of a list
#' @param i - a list filenames with .txt or .gpr extension
#' @return a list of file names
#' @export
#' @description A generic function returning a vector with the names of
#' files in the same directory. Removes the file extension
#' @examples
#' name_of_files("KK2-06.txt")
#' @return name
name_of_files <- function(i) {
name <- gsub("\\.txt*|\\.gpr*", "", i, perl = TRUE)
name <- gsub(" repeat", "", name, perl = TRUE)
name <- gsub(" ", "_", name, perl = TRUE)
# Function to be called in case of replicated error
#' \\\_Start_Function_For Error\\\ #
#' @description A generic function to write into the log
#' file with a replicate check error
#' @param iden An id for the file with replicates error
#' @return a log file showing the replicate errors
#' @keywords internal
error_replicates <- function(iden) {
sink("log_replicates.txt" , append = TRUE)
warning("The replicates per antigen per sample are more than expected for ",
#' \\\_End_Function_\\\ #
#' Check existing sample ID names
#' @param genepix_vars A list of specific definitions of the experiment design.
#' See \code{\link{array_vars}}.
#' @description A generic function to check if the file(s)
#' with the MFI values have a corresponding sample ID file. Sample ID file is
#' a file with the identifiers for the samples in array file.
#' @return A file with missing corresponding sample ID files
#' @importFrom stats median quantile rnorm sd
#' @importFrom utils read.csv write.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' genepix_vars <- array_vars(
#' channel = "635",
#' chip_path = system.file("extdata", "array_data/machine1/",
#' package="protGear"),
#' totsamples = 21,
#' blockspersample = 2,
#' mig_prefix = "_first",
#' machine = 1,
#' date_process = "0520"
#' )
#' check_sampleID_files(genepix_vars)
check_sampleID_files <- function(genepix_vars) {
## copy all sample ID with missing CSV file
sid_files <-
gsub(".csv", "", list.files(genepix_vars$sampleID_path))
## check if all the chip files have an existing sampleID file
sid_check <-
genepix_vars$chip_path ,
recursive = TRUE,
pattern = "*.txt|*.gpr",
full.names = FALSE
## convert all the file names to caps to avoid merge errrors due to case
sid_check <- toupper(sub(".*/(.*)", "\\1", sid_check))
## missing sampleID for any given file
miss_id_file <- sid_check[sid_check %ni% toupper(sid_files)]
if (length(miss_id_file) > 0) {
write.table(miss_id_file, "missing_IDfile.txt")
if (length(miss_id_file) == 0) {
warning("All array files have a corresponding sampleID file")
} else{
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