Defines functions MAI

Documented in MAI

MAI = function(data_miss,
               MCAR_algorithm = c("BPCA", "Multi_nsKNN", "random_forest"),
               MNAR_algorithm = c('nsKNN', "Single"),
               n_cores = 1,
               assay_ix = 1,
               forest_list_args = list(
                   ntree = 300,
                   proximity = FALSE
               verbose = TRUE){

  MCAR_algorithm = match.arg(MCAR_algorithm)
  MNAR_algorithm = match.arg(MNAR_algorithm)

  # Possible imputation algorithms
  MCAR_algorithms = c("BPCA", "random_forest", "Multi_nsKNN")
  MNAR_algorithms = c("nsKNN", "Single")

  # Check argument inputs
  if (!MCAR_algorithm %in% MCAR_algorithms){
    stop("Incorrect MCAR algorithm selected. Possible choices include:BPCA,
         random_forest, or Multi_nsKNN ")

  if (!MNAR_algorithm %in% MNAR_algorithms){
    stop("Incorrect MNAR algorithm selected. Possible choices include: nsKNN
         or Single ")

  # Check data
  if (is(data_miss, "SummarizedExperiment")){
    if (sum(is.na(assay(data_miss))) == 0){
      stop("No missing values detected to impute")
    if (any(rowSums(is.na(assay(data_miss))) == ncol(data_miss))){
      stop("Detected a row that contains no observed data, omit this row.")
    if (any(rowSums(is.na(assay(data_miss))) > 0.8*ncol(data_miss))){
      warning("Detected a row with more than 80% missing values.
            Consider omitting rows that are > 80% missing.")
    if (ncol(data_miss) < 50 | nrow(data_miss) < 50){
      warning("The smallest data set MAI has been tested on was a 50x50 matrix.
            Accuracy can not be guaranteed for smaller data sets.")

  if (sum(is.na(data_miss)) == 0){
    stop("No missing values detected to impute")
  if (any(rowSums(is.na(data_miss)) == ncol(data_miss))){
    stop("Detected a row that contains no observed data, omit this row.")
  if (any(rowSums(is.na(data_miss)) > 0.8*ncol(data_miss))){
    warning("Detected a row with more than 80% missing values.
            Consider omitting rows that are > 80% missing.")
  if (ncol(data_miss) < 50 | nrow(data_miss) < 50){
    warning("The smallest data set MAI has been tested on was a 50x50 matrix.
            Accuracy can not be guaranteed for smaller data sets.")}}

  # Check n_cores
  if (n_cores%%1 != 0){
    stop("n_cores must be an integer greater than or equal to -1.")
  if (n_cores > detectCores()){
    stop("You specified more cores than is available to your system.")
  if (n_cores < -1){
    stop("n_cores must be an integer greater than or equal to -1.")
  if (n_cores == 0){
    stop("n_cores must be a non-zero integer.")

  # Check summarized experiment
  if (is(data_miss, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
    fldata = data_miss
    data_miss = assay(data_miss)

  # Original data percent missing (total)
  PercentMiss = (sum(is.na(data_miss))/(nrow(data_miss)*ncol(data_miss)))*100
  data = largest_complete_subset(data_miss)
  # Estimate threshold I
  threshs = list()

  if (verbose){
    message("Estimating pattern of missingness")

  for (i in seq_len(10)){
    try({threshs[[i]] = check_distance(data_miss, data, PercentMiss)},
        silent = TRUE)

  threshs = threshs[!sapply(threshs,is.null)]

    {smallestDistance = threshs[[which.min(lapply(threshs, function(x){
    error=function(e) {
      message("Error message:")
      # Choose a return value in case of error
      return(stop("Not enough data to estimate the pattern of missingness!"))

  # Set Threshold params
  alpha = smallestDistance[1]
  beta = smallestDistance[2]
  gamma = smallestDistance[3]

  # generate missingness
  if (verbose){
    message('Imposing missingness')

  missingData = removeDataMM_altered(data,
                                     percentMiss = PercentMiss,
                                     percentBelowThresh_I = alpha,
                                     LowAbundThresh_II = beta,
                                     percentMisslowAbund_III = gamma)

  # generate predictors
  if (verbose){
    message('Generating features')

  full_data = suppressWarnings(generate_predictors(missingData, labels=TRUE))

  # Split into training and testing sets
  trainIndex = createDataPartition(full_data$target,
                                   list = FALSE,
                                   times = 1)
  trainingSet = full_data[trainIndex,]
  testingSet = full_data[-trainIndex,]
  # Train model
  fitControl = trainControl(
    method = "cv",
    number = 2)
  # Parallelize training
  if (n_cores > 1)
    cores = n_cores
    cl = makePSOCKcluster(cores)
  if (n_cores == -1)
    cores = detectCores()
    cl = makePSOCKcluster(cores)

  if (verbose){

  # Random forest
  rfFit = suppressMessages(
                  form = target ~ .,
                  data = trainingSet,
                  method = "rf",
                  trControl = fitControl,
                  verbose = FALSE

  if (n_cores != 1){

  # Use model to make predictions on initial data
  if (verbose){

  predictions = predict(rfFit,
                        newdata = suppressWarnings(
                          generate_predictors(data_miss, labels=FALSE))

  # Impute based on classification predictions
  if (verbose){
  Imputed_data = imputation_algorithms(data_miss,
                                       MCAR_algorithm = MCAR_algorithm,
                                       MNAR_algorithm = MNAR_algorithm,
                                       n_cores = n_cores)

    assay(fldata, assay_ix, withDimnames = FALSE) = as.matrix(Imputed_data[[1]])
    MCAR_imputations = Imputed_data[[2]]
    MNAR_imputations = Imputed_data[[3]]
    estimated_Params = list(
      Alpha = alpha,
      Beta = beta,
      Gamma = gamma

    metadata(fldata) = c(metadata(fldata),
                           Estimated_Params = estimated_Params
    names(metadata(fldata))[[length(metadata(fldata))]] =
      paste("meta_assay", assay_ix, sep = "_")

    return(list(Imputed_data = Imputed_data[["MAI"]],
                Estimated_Params = list(
                  Alpha = alpha,
                  Beta = beta,
                  Gamma = gamma

KechrisLab/MAI documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 4:09 p.m.