
Defines functions guess_metadata_from_filepaths mainNames fractionNames inhibitorNames conditionNames batchNames repNames cellTypeNames cellLineNames tissueNames stageNames libNames

Documented in batchNames cellLineNames cellTypeNames conditionNames fractionNames inhibitorNames libNames mainNames repNames stageNames tissueNames

#' Get library name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: RFP is main naming, but a variant is ribo-seq
#' ribo-seq will then be renamed to RFP
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
libNames <- function() {
  mainName <- c("RNA", "RFP", "QTI", "CAGE", "LSU",
                "SSU", "ATAC", "PRPF", "PAS", "PAL", "RIP","SHAPE",
                "ChIP", "CLIP", "tRNA", "miRNA", "GRO", "RiboTag", "RiboMeth")
  allNames <-
    list(c("rna-seq", "Rna-seq", "RNA-seq", "RNA-Seq", "RNASeq", "RNAseq", "RNA seq", "RNASEQ",
           "rnaseq", "Input", "input", "total RNA", "Total RNA", "total_RNA", "totalRNA","TotalRNA_", "_Total_",
           "mRNA$", " mRNA ","_mrna_", "_RNA_", "_rna_", "^rna_", "^RNA_", "^mrna_", "^RNA ", "^mRNA ", "^mRNA_",
           "\\.rna$", "\\.mrna", "_RNA$", "_rna$","PolyA", "polyA RNA"),
         c("RFP", "RPF", "ribo-seq", "ribo-Seq", "Ribo-seq", "Ribo-Seq", "Ribo_seq", "RIBO-Seq", "RIBO-seq", "RIBO-SEQ",
           "riboseq", "Riboseq", "RiboSeq", "Ribo seq", "Ribosome", "ribosome", "Profiling","profiling", "Ribo\\.prof",
           "Footprint", "ribo_profile", "footprint", "^Ribo_", "^ribo_", "^Ribo ","^ribo_", "_ribo_", "_Ribo_",
           "_ribo$", "_Ribo$", "\\.ribo", "^Rib\\.prof", "RiboProf", "Ribo-Prof", "-Ribo-", "-Ribo_", "_Ribo[0-9]$",
           "^RP ", " RP ", "_RP_", "^FP_", "^FP\\.","^fp_", "_fp_", "_FP_", "_FP$", "_FP[0-9]$",
           "RP$", "rp$", "rpfs ", "_rpf_", "_rpf$", " ribo-", "_rp_", "\\.rp\\.", "_RF", "RIBOSEQ"),
         c("CAGE", "cage", "TSS", "tss"),
         c("80S", "40s","LSU"),
         c("40S", "40s", "SSU"),
         c("PAS-Seq", "^PAS_"),
         c("RIP-Seq", "RIP-seq", "^rip_"),
         c("SHAPE", "Shape "),
         c("PAR-CLIP", "CLIP-Seq", "CLIP-seq", "iCLIP", "^CLIP-"),
         c("GRO-seq", "GROseq", "PRO-seq", "PROseq"),
  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)

#' Get stage name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: Find timepoints 2 hours, 4 hours etc.
#' Example: If using zebrafish stages as TRUE,
#' 64Cell stage is same as 2 hours post fertilization,
#' so all 2hpf will be converted to 64Cell etc.
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @param zebrafish.stages logical, FALSE. If true, convert time points to stages.
#' @references https://www.mbl.edu/zebrafish/files/2013/03/Kimmel_stagingseries1.pdf
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
stageNames <- function(zebrafish.stages = FALSE) {
  if (zebrafish.stages) {
    mainName <- c("unfertilized", "fertilized",
                  "2to4Cell", "4Cell", "8Cell", "64Cell", "256Cell", "512Cell",
                  "1KCell", "High", "Oblong", "Sphere", "Dome", "epiboly","Shield",
                  "7hpf", "8hpf", "9hpf", "Bud",
                  "Somite", "24hpf", "prim6", "prim10", "prim12",  "prim20",
                  "2dpf", "3dpf", "4dpf", "5dpf", "6dpf", "10dpf", "21dpf",
  } else {
    mainName <- c("0h", "10min",
                  "40min", "1h", "1h15min", "2h", "2h30min", "2h45min",
                  "3h", "3h20min", "3h40min", "4h", "4h20min",
                  "5h","6h", "7h","8h","9h","10h",
                  "12h", "24h", "25h", "27h", "28h",  "33h",
                  "2d", "3d", "4d", "5d", "6d", "10d", "21d",

  allNames <-
    list(c("unfertilized", "Unfertilized", "_0h", "_00h", "0hpf", "^0h_", " 0 h ", " 0h ", "0hrs"),
         c("_fertilized", "_Fertilized"),
         c("2to4Cell", "2to4cell", "2to4_cell", "2-4cell", "2-4Cell", "2-4_cell"),
         c("4cell", "4Cell", "4_cell", "_1h", "_01h", "1hpf", "^1h_", " 1 h ", " 1h "),
         c("8cell", "8Cell", "8_cell"),
         c("64cell", "64Cell", "64-cell", "64_cell", "64_Cell", "_2h", "_02h", "2hpf", "^2h_", " 2 h ", " 2h ", "2hrs"),
         c("256cell", "256Cell", "256_cell", "256_Cell"),
         c("512cell", "512Cell", "512_cell"),
         c("1Kcell", "1KCell", "1K_cell", "_3h", "_03h", "3hpf", "^3h_", " 3 h ", " 3h ", "3hrs"),
         c("Oblong", "oblong"),
         c("Sphere", "sphere", "_4h", "_04h","4hpf", "^4h_", " 4 h ", " 4h ", "4hrs"),
         c("Dome", "dome"),
         c("epiboly", "_5h", "_05h","5hpf", "^5h_", " 5 h ", " 5h ", "5hrs"),
         c("Shield", "shield", "_6h", "_06h", "6hpf", "^6h_", " 6 h ", " 6h ", "6hrs"),
         c("_7h", "_07h", "7hpf", "^7h_", " 7 h ", " 7h ", "7hrs"),
         c("_8h", "_08h", "8hpf", "^8h_", " 8 h ", " 8h ", "8hrs"),
         c("_9h", "_09h", "9hpf", "^9h_", " 9 h ", " 9h ", "9hrs"),
         c("Bud", "bud", "_10h", "10hpf", "^10h_", " 10 h ", " 10h ", "10hrs"),
         c("Somite", "somite", "_12h", "12hpf", "^12h_", " 12 h ", " 12h ", "12hrs"),
         c("24hpf", "_24h", "1dfp", "^24h_", " 24h ", " 24 h ", " 24h ", "24hrs", "24 hour"),
         c("prim6", "prim_6", "25hpf", "_25h", "^25h_"),
         c("prim10", "prim_10", "27hpf", "_27h", "^27h_"),
         c("prim12", "prim_12", "28hpf", "_28h", "^28h_"),
         c("prim20", "prim_20", "33hpf", "_33h", "^33h_"),
         c("2dpf", "_48h", "_48hpf", "^48h_", " 48 h ", " 48h "),
         c("3dpf", " 72h ", "48 hour"),
         "4dpf", "5dpf", "6dpf", "10dpf", "21dpf", "24dpf"
  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)

#' Get tissue name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: testis is main naming, but a variant is testicles.
#' testicles will then be renamed to testis.
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
tissueNames <- function() {
  mainName <- c("adipose", "amygdala","brain", "bladder", "blood", "bone","breast",
    "colon", "cortex", "eye", "frontal_lobe", "heart", "intestin",
    "kidney", "liver", "lung", "melanocyte", "mesenchymal", "muscle",
    "myeloid","ovary", "pancrease","prostate",
    "rectum", "retina","testis","urunary", "vagina", "skin", "tongue", "throat",
    "root", "leaf", "stem", "spleen", "mycelia", "seedling", "spinal cord",
    "embryo", "flower", "shoot", "cervix", "whole organism", "oocyte", "pancreas",
    "pollen", "cotyledon")
  allNames <-
    list(c("adipose", "Adipose", "Adipocyte", "adipocyte"),
         c("amygdala", "Amygdala"),
         c("brain", "Brain", "hippocamp", "Hippocamp", "hippocampus", "Cerebellum", "cerebellum", "cereb", "Hypothalamus", "hypothalamus"),
         c("bladder", "Bladder"),
         c("blood", "Blood"),
         c("bone", "Bone", "osteosarcoma", "osteogenic"),
         c("breast", "Breast"),
         c("colon", "Colon"),
         c("cortex", "Cortex"),
         c("eye", "Eye"),
         c("frontal_lobe", "frontal lobe", "Frontal_lobe"),
         c("heart", "Heart", "ventricle", "Ventricle"),
         c("intestin", "Intestin"),
         c("kidney", "Kidney", "Renal", "renal"),
         c("liver", "Liver"),
         c("lung", "Lung"),
         c("Melanocyte", "melanocyte"),
         c("mesenchym", "Mesenchym"),
         c("muscle", "Muscle", "myotubes", "Myotubes"),
         c("myeloid", "Myeloid"),
         c("ovary", "Ovary", "ovaries", "Ovaries"),
         c("prostate", "Prostate"),
         c("rectum", "Rectum", "anus", "Anus"),
         c("Retina", "retina"),
         c("testis", "Testis", "testicles", "Testicles"),
         c("urunary", "Urunary"),
         c("vagina", "Vagina"),
         c("skin", "Skin", "Dermal", "dermal"),
         c("tongue", "Tongue"),
         c("throat", "Throat"),
         c("Root", "root"),
         c("leaf", "Leaf", "Leaves", "leaves"),
         c("Stem", "stem"),
         c("Spleen", "spleen"),
         c("mycelia", "mycelium", "Mycelia", "Mycelium"),
         c("seedling", "Seedling"),
         c("spinal cord", "Spinal Cord", "Spinal cord"),
         c("embryo", "Embryo"),
         c("flower", "Flower"),
         c("Shoot", "shoot"),
         c("Cervix", "cervix"),
         c("whole organism", "Whole Organism", "Whole organism", "whole animal", "Whole Animal", "Whole animal", "whole worm", "Whole Worm", "Whole worm", "Whole body", "whole body", "Whole Body"),
         c("oocyte", "Oocyte"),
         c("pancreas", "Pancreas", "pancrease"),
         c("Pollen", "pollen"),
         c("Cotyledon", "cotyledon")

  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)
#' Get cell-line name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: THP1 is main naming, but a variant is THP-1
#' THP-1 will then be renamed to THP1 (variables in R,
#' can not have - in them)
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @param convertToTissue logical, FALSE. If TRUE, return tissue type. NONE is
#' returned for general non-differentiated cell lines like 3T3.
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
cellLineNames <- function(convertToTissue = FALSE) {
  if (convertToTissue) {
    mainName <- c("ovary", "lung", "lung","breast", "kidney", "ovary",
                  "liver", "NONE", "colon", "breast", "blood", "liver",
                  "NONE", "bone", "breast", "breast", "breast", "blood",
                  "throat", "pancreas", "blood", "skin", "breast",
                  "prostate", "NONE", "lung", "embryo", "bone", "embryo",
                  "embryo", "kidney", "NONE", "blood", "embryo", "blood",
                  "breast", "kidney", "embryo", "breast", "skin", "adipose",
                  "colon", "blood", "embryo", "embryo", "brain", "ovary",
                  "brain", "brain", "brain", "bone", "brain", "NONE",
  } else {
    mainName <- c("A2780", "A549", "Calu3","CN34", "HEK293", "HeLa",
                  "HepG2", "Hesc", "HCT116", "Hmel", "HSB2", "Huh7",
                  "iPSC", "K562", "MCF7","MCF10A", "MDA", "MV4-11",
                  "NPC", "PANC1","THP1", "TSC2", "T47D",
                  "PC3", "3T3", "H1299", "E14", "U2OS", "H1", "H9",
                  "MARC-145", "17-Cl1", "RAW264.7", "mESC", "19PP",
                  "SUM159", "Vero", "CGR8", "4T1", "BJ", "L929",
                  "LoVo", "P493", "S2", "KH2", "LN308", "CHO",
                  "LN229", "A172", "U343", "MM1S", "Neuro2a", "L929", "RPE1")

  allNames <-
         c("Calu 3", "Calu3"),
         c("HEK293", "Hek293", "293T", "HEK_", "T-REx", "^HEK$", "HEK 293", "HEK-293", "human embryonic kidney"),
         c("HeLa", "HELA", "Hela", "hela"),
         c("hesc", "Hesc"),
         c("HCT116", "HCT-116"),
         c("iPSC", "ipsc"),
         c("MCF7", "MCF-7"),
         c("MCF10-A", "MCF10A"),
         c("npc", "NPC"),
         c("THP-1", "THP1"),
         c("PC3", "PC-3"),
         c("H1299", "h1299", "CRL-5803"),
         c("E14", "E14Tg2a"),
         c("U2-OS", "U2 OS", "U2", "U2OS", "u2os"),
         c("H1$", "H1 ES"),
         c("MARC-145", "MARC 145", "MARC_145"),
         c("17-Cl1", "17 Cl1", "17_Cl1"),
         c("RAW264.7", "RAW264"),
         c("mESC J1", "mESC"),
         c("19PP", "19 PP"),
         c("SUM159PT", "SUM159"),
         c("Vero", "vero", "VERO"),
         c("4T1", "4t1"),
         c("BJ", "bj", "Bj"),
         c("L929", "L 929", "NCTC Clone 929"),
         c("LoVo", "CL-229", "lovo", "LOVO", "Lo Vo"),
         c("P493", "P-493"),
         c("Schneider2", "S2"),
         c("LN308", "LN-308"),
         c("CHO", "CHO-K1"),
         c("LN-229", "LN-229"),
         c("A-172", "A172"),
         c("U343", "U-343"),
         c("MM1.S", "Mm1.S", "Mm1.s"),
         c("Neuro-2a", "Neuro2a", "neuro-2a", "neuro2a"),
  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)

#' Get cell type name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: 1 is main naming, but a variant is rep1
#' rep1 will then be renamed to 1
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
cellTypeNames <- function() {
  mainName <- c("ESC", )
  allNames <-
    list(c("ESC", "esc", "embryonic stem cell")
  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)

#' Get replicate name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: 1 is main naming, but a variant is rep1
#' rep1 will then be renamed to 1
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
repNames <- function() {
  mainName <- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6")
  allNames <-
    list(c("rep1", " rep 1 ", "Rep1", "rep-1","rep\\.1","replicate1", "run1", "run_1_", "_r1_", "WT1", " 1$", "_01$", " A$"),
         c("rep2", " rep 2 ", "Rep2", "rep-2","rep\\.2","replicate2", "run2", "run_2_", "_r2_", "WT2", " 2$", "_02$", " B$"),
         c("rep3", " rep 3 ", "Rep3", "rep-3","rep\\.3","replicate3", "run3", "run_3_", "_r3_", "WT3", " 3$", "_03$", " C$"),
         c("rep4", " rep 4 ", "Rep4", "rep-4","rep\\.4","replicate4", "run4", "run_4_", "_r4_", "WT4", " 4$", "_04$", " D$"),
         c("rep5", " rep 5 ", "Rep5", "rep-5","rep\\.5","replicate5", "run5", "run_5_", "_r5_", "WT5", " 5$", "_05$", " E$"),
         c("rep6", " rep 6 ", "Rep6", "rep-6","rep\\.6","replicate6", "run6", "run_6_", "_r6_", "WT6", " 6$", "_06$", " F$")
  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)

#' Get batch name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: Biological samples (batches) batch will become b1
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
batchNames <- function() {
  mainName <- c("b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "b6")
  allNames <-
    list(c("batch1", "batch 1 ", "batch 1)", "set1"),
         c("batch2", "batch 2 ", "batch 2)", "set2"),
         c("batch3", "batch 3 ", "batch 3)", "set3"),
         c("batch4", "batch 4 ", "batch 4)", "set4"),
         c("batch5", "batch 5 ", "batch 5)", "set5"),
         c("batch6", "batch 6 ", "batch 6)", "set6")
  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)

#' Get condition name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: WT is main naming, but a variant is control
#' control will then be renamed to WT
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
conditionNames <- function() {
  mainName <- c("WT", "MZ", "4Ei",
                "Mutant", "cas9", "NMDA", "DHPG", "KD",
                "KO", "DKO", "OE", "high", "low")
  allNames <-
    list(c("WT", "wt", "wild_type", "Wild_type", "wild-type", "Wild-Type",
           "Wild type", "wild type", "untreated", "control", "Control",
           "CTRL", "Ctrl", "Basal", "_mock_", " mock ", "+/+"),
         c("MZ", "dicer"),
         c("4Ei", "4ei"),
         c("mutant", "Mutant"),
         c("Cas9", "cas9"),
         c("knockdown", "Knockdown", "KnockDown","_kd_", " KD ", "-KD ", "_KD_"),
         c("knockout", "Knockout", "knock-out"," KO ", " KO$", "-KO ", "_KO_", "-KO-", "_ko_", "+/-"),
         c("double knockout", " DKO ", "_DKO_", "dKO","-/-"),
         c("Overexpression", "overexpression","_OE_", "_oe_", "_OE$", "_oe$"),
         c("high", "\\+"),
  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)

#' Get translocation inhibitor name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: cycloheximide, lactimidomycin, harringtonine
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
inhibitorNames <- function() {
  mainName <- c("chloram","chx", "harr", "frozen", "lactim", "puro",
                "anisomycin", "amikacin", "tunicamycin")
  allNames <-
    list(c("chloramphenicol", "Chloramphenicol"),
         c("cycloheximide", "Cycloheximide", "cyclohexamide","chx", "CHX", "CYH"),
         c("harringtonin", "Harringtonin", "_har_", "^harr$","_harr_", "_harr$", "_Harr$", "HRT", "^hrt "),
         c("frozen", "freeze", "freezing", "noCHX", "nochx", "no drug"),
         c("lactimidomycin", "Lactimidomycin", "ltm", "_LTM$"),
         c("Puromycin","puromycin", "_puro_"),
         c("Anisomycin", "anisomycin"),
         c("Amikacin", "Amikcain"),
         c("tunicamycin", "Tunicamycin")
  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)

#' Get cell fraction name variants
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: cytosolic, mitochondrial, specific gene knock down
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
fractionNames <- function() {
  mainName <- c("cyto", "ER", "mito", "nuc","dmso", "Tg",
                "auxin", "silvestrol", "fasting", "DTT")
  allNames <-
    list(c("cyto", "Cyto"),
         c("_nuc_", "nuclear"),
         c("DMSO", "dmso"),
         c("Thapsigargin", "thapsigargin", " Tg "),
  dt <- data.table(mainName, allNames)

#' Get main name from variant name
#' Used to standardize nomeclature for experiments.\cr
#' Example: RFP is main naming, but a variant is ribo-seq
#' ribo-seq will then be renamed to RFP
#' @param names a character vector of names that must exist in dt$allNames
#' @param dt a data.table with 2 columns (mainName, allNames)
#' @family experiment_naming
#' @return a data.table with 2 columns, the main name, and all name variants
#' of the main name in second column as a list.
#' @keywords internal
mainNames <- function(names, dt) {
  g <- groupings(dt$allNames)
  dt.long <- data.table(mainName = c(dt$mainName[g], c("", "")),
                        allNames = c(unlist(dt$allNames), c("", NA)))
  return(dt.long[chmatch(names, dt.long$allNames),]$mainName)

#' Guess information from file name
#' Used by ORFik experiment created data.frame object
#' If any type is specified, guessing is ignored
#' @noRd
guess_metadata_from_filepaths <- function(df, files, libtype, stage, rep,
                                          condition, fraction,
                                          lib_metadata_columns) {
  df[4,] <- lib_metadata_columns
  # Set library type (RNA-seq etc)
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 1] <- findFromPath(files, libNames(), libtype)
  # set stage (sphere, shield etc) (input cell line or tissue here if wanted)
  stages <- rbind(stageNames(), tissueNames(), cellLineNames())
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 2] <- findFromPath(files, stages, stage)
  # set rep (1, 2, 3 etc)
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 3] <- findFromPath(files, repNames(), rep)
  # Set condition (WT, control, mutant etc)
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 4] <- findFromPath(files, conditionNames(), condition)
  # Set fraction (cytosolic, dmso, mutant etc)
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 5] <- findFromPath(files, fractionNames(), fraction)
JokingHero/ORFik documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 12:36 p.m.