#' Create small artificial orfs from cds
#' Usefull to see if short ORFs prediction is dependent on length.\cr
#' Split cds first in two, a start part and stop part.
#' Then say how large the two parts can be and merge them together.
#' It will sample a value in range give.\cr
#' Parts will be forced to not overlap and can not extend outside
#' original cds
#' If artificial cds length is not divisible by 2, like 3 codons,
#' the second codon will always be from the start region etc.\cr
#' Also If there are many very short original cds, the distribution
#' will be skewed towards more smaller artificial cds.
#' @param cds a GRangesList of orfs, must have width
#' \%\% 3 == 0 and length >= 6
#' @param start5 integer, default: 1 (start of orf)
#' @param end5 integer, default: 4 (max 4 codons from start codon)
#' @param start3 integer, default -4 (max 4 codons from stop codon)
#' @param end3 integer, default: 0 (end of orf)
#' @param bin.if.few logical, default TRUE, instead of per codon,
#' do per 2, 3, 4 codons if you have few samples compared to lengths wanted,
#' If you have 4 cds' and you want 7 different lengths, which is the standard,
#' it will give you possible nt length: 6-12-18-24 instead of original
#' 6-9-12-15-18-21-24.\cr
#' If you have more than 30x cds than lengths wanted this is skipped.
#' (for default arguments this is: 7*30 = 210 cds)
#' @return GRangesList of new ORFs (sorted: + strand increasing start,
#' - strand decreasing start)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' txdb <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' #cds <- loadRegion(txdb, "cds")
#' ## To get enough CDSs, just replicate them
#' # cds <- rep(cds, 100)
#' #artificial.orfs(cds)
artificial.orfs <- function(cds, start5 = 1, end5 = 4, start3 = -4, end3 = 0,
bin.if.few = TRUE) {
#start5 = 1; end5 = 4; start3 = -4; end3 = 0;bin.if.few = TRUE; groupings <- groupings
validGRL(class(cds), type = "cds")
widths <- widthPerGroup(cds)
names <- names(cds)
if (start5 > end5) stop("start5 > end5 argument")
if (start3 > end3) stop("start3 > end3 argument")
if (!all(widths %% 3 == 0)) stop("not all cds has width moduls 3 = 0")
if (!all(widths >= 6)) stop("not all cds has width >= 6")
if (length(cds) < 4) stop("No meaningful test for so few cds!")
# Make random cuts, distribute them equally
max.size <- (end5 * 3) - (start3 * 3)
combinations <- floor((max.size - 1) / 3)
if (combinations < 1) stop("No possible combination with input")
bin <- 3
if (bin.if.few & (length(cds) < (30 * combinations))) {
while (((max.size / bin) * 30 > length(cds)) & (max.size / bin > 2)) {
bin <- bin + 3
possible <- seq.int(6, max.size, by = bin)
possible <- rep(possible, length(cds) / length(possible))
miss <- length(cds) - length(possible)
if (miss > 0) possible <- c(possible, sample(possible, size = miss))
possible <- sample(possible)
rand5 <- possible / 2
dif <- rand5 %% 1
rand5 <- rand5 + (dif*3)
rand3 <- (possible / 2) - (dif*3)
if (!all(possible == (rand5 + rand3))) stop("Bug, report on ORFik issues page!")
rand3 <- widths - rand3 + 1
possible_start <- data.table(max = widths - 3, random = rand5)
possible_start[, min := pmin(max, random)]
possible_start[, pick := pmin(max, min)]
start_part <- IRanges(start5, possible_start$pick)
possible_end <- data.table(min = possible_start$pick + 1, random = rand3)
possible_end[, max := pmax(min, random)]
possible_end[, pick := pmax(max, min)]
end_part <- IRanges(possible_end$pick, widths)
start_grl <- pmapFromTranscriptF(start_part, cds, removeEmpty = TRUE)
end_grl <- pmapFromTranscriptF(end_part, cds, removeEmpty = TRUE)
merged_gr <- c(unlistGrl(start_grl), unlistGrl(end_grl))
merged_gr <- split(merged_gr, c(groupings(start_grl), groupings(end_grl)))
names(merged_gr) <- names(cds)
merged_gr <- reduce(merged_gr)
new_widths <- widthPerGroup(merged_gr, FALSE)
if (!all(new_widths > 0) | !all(new_widths %% 3 == 0) |
length(cds) != length(merged_gr) | !all(names(merged_gr) == names))
stop("Error during creation of artifical ORFs!")
message("Grouping statistics:")
dt <- data.table(widths = new_widths)
print(summary(dt[, .(group.size = .N), by = widths]))
message("If minimum group.size is < 30, it can be hard to use for statistical purpose!")
#' Overlaps GRanges object with provided annotations.
#' @param rel_orf - GRanges object of your ORF.
#' @param tran - GRanges object of annotation (transcript or cds) that
#' overlapped in some way rel_orf.
#' @param isoform_names - A vector of strings that will be used instead of
#' these defaults:
#' 'perfect_match' - start and stop matches the tran object strand wise
#' 'elong_START_match' - rel_orf is extension from the STOP side of the tran
#' 'trunc_START_match' - rel_orf is truncation from the STOP side of the tran
#' 'elong_STOP_match' - rel_orf is extension from the START side of the tran
#' 'trunc_STOP_match' - rel_orf is truncation from the START side of the tran
#' 'overlap_inside' - rel_orf is inside tran object
#' 'overlap_both' - rel_orf contains tran object inside
#' 'overlap_upstream' - rel_orf is overlaping upstream part of the tran
#' 'overlap_downstream' - rel_orf is overlaping downstream part of the tran
#' 'upstream' - rel_orf is upstream towards the tran
#' 'downstream' - rel_orf is downstream towards the tran
#' 'none' - when none of the above options is true
#' @return A string object of defined isoform towards transcript.
#' @keywords internal
defineIsoform <- function(
rel_orf, tran, isoform_names = c(
"perfect_match", "elong_START_match", "trunc_START_match",
"elong_STOP_match", "trunc_STOP_match", "overlap_inside",
"overlap_both", "overlap_upstream", "overlap_downstream",
"upstream", "downstram", "none")) {
stran <- as.vector(strand(rel_orf))[1]
if (stran == "+") {
orf_start <- start(rel_orf)[1]
orf_end <- end(rel_orf)[length(rel_orf)]
tran_start <- start(tran)[1]
tran_end <- end(tran)[length(tran)]
if (orf_start == tran_start & orf_end == tran_end) {
if (orf_start == tran_start & orf_end > tran_end) {
if (orf_start == tran_start & orf_end < tran_end) {
if (orf_start < tran_start & orf_end == tran_end) {
if (orf_start > tran_start & orf_end == tran_end) {
if (orf_start > tran_start & orf_end < tran_end) {
if (orf_start < tran_start & orf_end > tran_end) {
if (orf_start < tran_start & orf_end < tran_end) {
if (orf_start > tran_start & orf_end > tran_end) {
if (orf_start < tran_start & orf_end < tran_start) {
if (orf_start > tran_end & orf_end > tran_end) {
} else {
orf_start <- end(rel_orf)[length(rel_orf)]
orf_end <- start(rel_orf)[1]
tran_start <- end(tran)[length(tran)]
tran_end <- start(tran)[1]
if (orf_start == tran_start & orf_end == tran_end) {
if (orf_start == tran_start & orf_end < tran_end) {
if (orf_start == tran_start & orf_end > tran_end) {
if (orf_start > tran_start & orf_end == tran_end) {
if (orf_start < tran_start & orf_end == tran_end) {
if (orf_start < tran_start & orf_end > tran_end) {
if (orf_start > tran_start & orf_end < tran_end) {
if (orf_start > tran_start & orf_end > tran_end) {
if (orf_start < tran_start & orf_end < tran_end) {
if (orf_start > tran_start & orf_end > tran_start) {
if (orf_start < tran_end & orf_end < tran_end) {
#' Overlaps GRanges object with provided annotations.
#' It will return same list of GRanges, but with metdata columns:
#' trainscript_id - id of transcripts that overlap with each ORF
#' gene_id - id of gene that this transcript belongs to
#' isoform - for coding protein alignment in relation to cds on coresponding
#' transcript,
#' for non-coding transcripts alignment in relation to the transcript.
#' @param ORFs - GRanges or GRangesList object of your ORFs.
#' @param con - Path to gtf file with annotations.
#' @return A GRanges object of your ORFs with metadata columns 'gene',
#' 'transcript', isoform' and 'biotype'.
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits
#' @keywords internal
assignAnnotations <- function(ORFs, con) {
message("Loading annotations from gtf file")
txdb <- loadTxdb(con)
gtf_annot <- rtracklayer::import(con, format = "gtf")
gtf_annot <- gtf_annot[gtf_annot$type == "transcript"]
transcript_df <- data.frame(gtf_annot$transcript_id, gtf_annot$gene_id,
names(transcript_df) <- c("transcript_id", "gene_id", "transcript_biotype")
# remove non unique transcript/biotype combinations
transcript_df <- transcript_df[!duplicated(transcript_df[
c("transcript_id", "transcript_biotype")]), ]
# find out overlaping transcripts
transcripts <- loadRegion(txdb)
transcripts_hits <- findOverlaps(ORFs, transcripts, type = "any")
t_names <- names(transcripts)
t_names <- t_names[subjectHits(transcripts_hits)]
# ORFs that have no overlap with transcripts
notranscript <- which(!(seq_along(ORFs) %in%
# which transcript corespond to our table of annotations
tran_matches <- match(t_names, transcript_df$transcript_id)
newORFs <- ORFs[queryHits(transcripts_hits)]
newORFs$transcript_id <- t_names
newORFs$gene_id <- transcript_df$gene_id[tran_matches]
newORFs$transcript_biotype <-
notranscriptORFs <- ORFs[notranscript]
notranscriptORFs$transcript_id <- "none"
notranscriptORFs$gene_id <- "none"
notranscriptORFs$transcript_biotype <- "none"
notranscriptORFs$isoform <- "none"
newIsoforms_p <- c()
newIsoforms_o <- c()
cds <- loadRegion(txdb, "cds")
p_coding <- newORFs[newORFs$transcript_biotype == "protein_coding"]
other_coding <- newORFs[newORFs$transcript_biotype != "protein_coding"]
message("Preparing annotations for ORFs overlapping coding regions...")
for (i in seq_along(p_coding)) {
newIsoforms_p[i] <- defineIsoform(p_coding[i],
message("Preparing annotations for ORFs overlapping non-coding regions...")
for (i in seq_along(other_coding)) {
newIsoforms_o[i] <- defineIsoform(
other_coding[i], transcripts[[other_coding[i]$transcript_id]])
p_coding$isoform <- newIsoforms_p
other_coding$isoform <- newIsoforms_o
finallyORFs <- c(p_coding, other_coding, notranscriptORFs)
message("Sorting results...")
finallyORFs <- sort(finallyORFs)
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