#' A data loading and pre-processing function
#' A data loading and pre-processing function which firstly identifies outlier cells and scarcely expressed genes.
#' @param exprs_file Input file name in txt format, with rownames of cells and colnames of genes.
#' @param log_transform Boolean, if TRUE log transform the data.
#' @param remove_outliers Boolean, if TRUE remove the outliers.
#' @param lod A value of limit of detection in the unit of TPM/CPM/RPKM. It will be used as the starting value
#' for outlier cell detection and the basis for removing scarce genes.
#' @return A list containing \code{exprs_raw}(data frame) and \code{exprs_log_trimed}(data.frame).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir <- system.file('extdata', package='uSORT')
#' file <- list.files(dir, pattern='.txt$', full=TRUE)
#' exprs <- uSORT_preProcess(exprs_file = file)
uSORT_preProcess <- function(exprs_file, log_transform = TRUE,
remove_outliers = TRUE, lod = 1) {
exp <- fluidigmSC_readLinearExp(exprs_file)
## Outlier detection
threshold <- lod
step <- 4
fine_step <- 1
num_fine_test <- 4
pct_goodsample_threshold <- 0.5
quantile_threshold <- 0.95
low_quantile_threshold <- 0.15
min_gene_number <- 20
outlier <- fluidigmSC_identifyExpOutliers(exp$log2ex_data,
exp$expression_data_raw, threshold, step = step, fine_step = fine_step,
num_fine_test = num_fine_test, pct_goodsample_threshold = pct_goodsample_threshold,
quantile_threshold = quantile_threshold, low_quantile_threshold = low_quantile_threshold,
min_gene_number = min_gene_number, lod = lod)
# cat(outlier,'\n')
cat(paste0(" ", length(outlier), " outliers were identified\n",
sep = ""))
## update exp
log2ex_data <- exp$log2ex_data
log2ex_data <- log2ex_data[, !colnames(log2ex_data) %in% outlier]
## update log2ex_avg
expr_raw <- exp$expression_data_raw
expression_data <- expr_raw[, !colnames(expr_raw) %in% outlier]
expression_data_avg <- apply(expression_data, 1, mean)
log2ex_avg_data <- as.data.frame(log2(expression_data_avg))
## remove lowly expressed genes
cutoff <- lod * 2
retained_genes <- fluidigmSC_removeGenesByLinearExpForAllType(log2ex_data,
log2ex_avg_data, threshold = cutoff)
## update exp
log2ex_data <- log2ex_data[rownames(log2ex_data) %in% retained_genes,
return(list(exprs_raw = expr_raw, exprs_log_trimed = log2ex_data))
#' A gene finding function
#' A gene finding function looking for genes in the target set x from the source set y,
#' reproduced from FluidigmSC package.
#' @param x A vector of characters representing gene names (target genes).
#' @param y A vector of characters representing gene names (source genes).
#' @param ignore_case Boolean, if TRUE ignores letter case.
#' @return A vector of characters representing gene names.
fluidigmSC_isElementIgnoreCase <- function(x, y, ignore_case = TRUE) {
x <- as.vector(x)
y <- as.vector(y)
if (ignore_case == TRUE) {
x <- tolower(x)
y <- tolower(y)
return(is.element(x, y))
#' An expression reading function
#' An expression reading function which imports expression data from .txt file, and then
#' computes log2 transformed data, reproduced from FluidigmSC package.
#' @param exp_file Input file name in txt format, with rownames of cells and colnames of genes.
#' @param lod A value of limit of detection in the unit of TPM/CPM/RPKM. It will be used as the starting value
#' for outlier cell detection and the basis for removing scarce genes.
#' @return A list containing \code{expression_data_raw}(data frame), \code{log2ex_data}(data frame),
#' and \code{log2ex_avg_data}(data frame).
fluidigmSC_readLinearExp <- function(exp_file = TRUE, lod = 1) {
expression_data <- read.table(exp_file, row.names = 1, header = TRUE,
sep = "\t")
expression_data <- as.matrix(expression_data)
gene_ids <- as.vector(rownames(expression_data))
expression_data <- apply(expression_data, 2, as.numeric)
expression_data[is.na(expression_data)] <- -1
expression_data_raw <- expression_data
expression_data[expression_data < lod] <- lod
log2ex_data <- as.data.frame(log2(expression_data))
expression_data_avg <- apply(expression_data, 1, mean)
log2ex_avg_data <- as.data.frame(log2(expression_data_avg))
rownames(expression_data_raw) <- gene_ids
rownames(log2ex_data) <- gene_ids
rownames(log2ex_avg_data) <- gene_ids
return(list(expression_data_raw = expression_data_raw, log2ex_data = log2ex_data,
log2ex_avg_data = log2ex_avg_data))
#' An outlier detection function
#' An outlier detection function identifies cells with median expression below that of the bulk,
#' reproduced from FluidigmSC package.
#' @param log2ex_data A data frame containing log2 tranformed expression values, with rownames of genes
#' and colnames of cells.
#' @param expression_data_raw A data frame containing raw expression values, with rownames of genes
#' and colnames of cells.
#' @param threshold A value in raw expression used as the starting threshold value.
#' @param step An integer number indicating the increment of threshold value at each iteration.
#' @param fine_step An integer number indicating the increment of threshold value at each iteration,
#' at the refining stage.
#' @param num_fine_test An integer number indicating the number of iteration of the refining stage.
#' @param pct_goodsample_threshold A fraction value indicating the minimum percentage of samples
#' on which the representative genes are detectable.
#' @param quantile_threshold A probability of gene detection rate above which a sample is considered
#' as good sample.
#' @param low_quantile_threshold A probability of average gene expression value below which a sample
#' is taken as an outlier.
#' @param min_gene_number An integer indicating the minimum size of representative genes.
#' @param lod A value of limit of detection in the unit of TPM/CPM/RPKM.
#' @return A vector of character stating the IDs of outlier cells.
fluidigmSC_identifyExpOutliers <- function(log2ex_data, expression_data_raw,
threshold, step, fine_step, num_fine_test, pct_goodsample_threshold = 0.5,
quantile_threshold = 0.95, low_quantile_threshold = 0.25, min_gene_number = 25,
lod) {
last_threshold <- threshold
good_sample_found = FALSE
org_log2ex_data <- log2ex_data
for (i in 0:100) {
log2ex_data <- fluidigmSC_removeGenesByLinearExpForAllType_log2(log2ex_data,
expression_data_trimmed <- expression_data_raw[rownames(expression_data_raw) %in%
rownames(log2ex_data), ]
gene_num <- length(rownames(log2ex_data))
total_samples <- as.vector(colnames(log2ex_data))
total_sample_num <- length(total_samples)
gene_detection <- fluidigmSC_analyzeGeneDetection(expression_data_trimmed,
good_samples <- rownames(gene_detection)[as.vector(gene_detection[,
2]) >= quantile_threshold]
bad_samples <- rownames(gene_detection)[as.vector(gene_detection[,
2]) < quantile_threshold]
num_good_samples <- length(good_samples)
pct_good_samples <- num_good_samples/total_sample_num
if (pct_good_samples >= pct_goodsample_threshold || gene_num <
min_gene_number || i == 100) {
good_sample_found <- pct_good_samples >= pct_goodsample_threshold
if (threshold != last_threshold)
last_threshold <- threshold - step
threshold <- threshold + step
if (good_sample_found) {
threshold <- last_threshold + fine_step
log2ex_data <- org_log2ex_data
for (i in 1:num_fine_test) {
log2ex_data <- fluidigmSC_removeGenesByLinearExpForAllType_log2(log2ex_data,
expression_data_trimmed <- expression_data_raw[rownames(expression_data_raw) %in%
rownames(log2ex_data), ]
gene_num <- length(rownames(log2ex_data))
total_samples <- as.vector(colnames(log2ex_data))
total_sample_num <- length(total_samples)
gene_detection <- fluidigmSC_analyzeGeneDetection(expression_data_trimmed,
good_samples <- rownames(gene_detection)[as.vector(gene_detection[,
2]) >= quantile_threshold]
bad_samples <- rownames(gene_detection)[as.vector(gene_detection[,
2]) < quantile_threshold]
num_good_samples <- length(good_samples)
pct_good_samples <- num_good_samples/total_sample_num
if (pct_good_samples >= pct_goodsample_threshold ||
i == 100) {
good_gene_exp <- as.matrix(log2ex_data[, is.element(colnames(log2ex_data),
median_gene_exp <- apply(log2ex_data, 2, median)
exp_quantile_cutoff <- quantile(good_gene_exp,
outliers <- colnames(log2ex_data)[median_gene_exp <=
threshold <- threshold + fine_step
} else {
cat(paste("\nCould not find more than ", min_gene_number,
" commonly expressed genes. Please manually select the outlier candidates in the boxplot.\n",
sep = ""))
exp_quantile_cutoff = 0
outliers <- character(0)
#' A gene trimming function
#' A gene trimming function removes genes whose average expression value is below the log2(threshold),
#' and also present in at least 10% of total cells; reproduced from FluidigmSC package.
#' @param log2ex_data A data frame containing log2 tranformed expression values, with rownames of genes
#' and colnames of cells.
#' @param log2ex_avg_data A data frame containing log2 tranformed average expression values for individual
#' gene.
#' @param threshold A limit of detection in the unit of TPM/CPM/RPMK.
#' @return A vector of character containing gene names of those passed the filtering.
fluidigmSC_removeGenesByLinearExpForAllType <- function(log2ex_data,
log2ex_avg_data, threshold) {
pct_detection <- 0.1
removed_genes <- rownames(log2ex_avg_data)[log2ex_avg_data <=
gene_names <- rownames(log2ex_data)
sample_names <- colnames(log2ex_data)
detected_genes <- c()
if (length(sample_names) > 1) {
log2ex_data_numeric <- apply(log2ex_data, 1, as.numeric)
log2ex_data_numeric <- log2ex_data_numeric >= log2(threshold)
log2ex_data_numeric <- apply(log2ex_data_numeric, 2, sum)
} else {
log2ex_data_numeric <- log2ex_data
log2ex_data_numeric <- log2ex_data_numeric >= log2(threshold)
gene_detection <- log2ex_data_numeric/length(sample_names)
detected_genes <- gene_names[gene_detection >= pct_detection]
undetected_genes_by_percent <- gene_names[!is.element(gene_names,
removed_genes <- c(removed_genes, undetected_genes_by_percent)
detected_genes <- gene_names[!fluidigmSC_isElementIgnoreCase(gene_names,
#' A gene trimming function
#' A gene trimming function removes genes whose average expression value is below the log2(threshold);
#' reproduced from FluidigmSC package.
#' @param log2ex_data A data frame containing log2 tranformed expression values, with rownames of genes
#' and colnames of cells.
#' @param threshold A limit of detection in the unit of TPM/CPM/RPMK.
#' @return A vector of character containing gene names of those passed the filtering.
fluidigmSC_removeGenesByLinearExpForAllType_log2 <- function(log2ex_data,
threshold) {
gene_list <- data.frame(GeneID = rownames(log2ex_data))
log2ex_max_avg_data <- apply(log2ex_data, 1, mean)
log2ex_max_avg_data <- as.data.frame(log2ex_max_avg_data)
removed_genes <- rownames(log2ex_max_avg_data)[log2ex_max_avg_data <=
gene_list <- gene_list[!fluidigmSC_isElementIgnoreCase(gene_list[,
1], removed_genes), , drop = FALSE]
log2ex_data <- log2ex_data[rownames(log2ex_data) %in% gene_list[,
1], ]
#' A gene detection function
#' A gene detection function computes the fraction of genes detected in each cell,
#' reproduced from FluidigmSC package.
#' @param expression_data A data frame containing raw expression values, with rownames of genes
#' and colnames of cells.
#' @param threshold A limit of detection in the unit of TPM/CPM/RPMK.
#' @return A data frame containing a column of number of genes detected, and a column of the
#' corresponding percentage of gene detection, rownames of cells.
fluidigmSC_analyzeGeneDetection <- function(expression_data, threshold = 1) {
samples <- as.vector(colnames(expression_data))
genes <- as.vector(rownames(expression_data))
expression_data <- as.matrix(expression_data)
expression_data <- apply(expression_data, 2, as.numeric)
cutoff <- c()
cutoff <- expression_data >= threshold
gene_num <- apply(cutoff, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
total_genes <- length(genes)
pct_gene_detection <- gene_num/total_genes
all <- cbind(gene_num, pct_gene_detection, samples)
all <- all[order(as.numeric(all[, 1])), ]
gene_num <- as.numeric(all[, 1])
samples <- all[, 3]
gene_detection <- as.data.frame(all[, 1:2])
rownames(gene_detection) <- rownames(all)
colnames(gene_detection) <- c("number_of_genes", "pct_of_genes")
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