#' The user friendly GUI for \code{uSORT-package}
#' This GUI provides an easy way for applying the uSORT package.
#' @author Hao Chen
#' @return the GUI for \code{uSORT-package}
#' @import tcltk
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{uSORT-package}}, \code{\link{uSORT}}
#' @references \url{http://JinmiaoChenLab.github.io/uSORT/}
#' @examples
#' interactive()
#' #if(interactive()) uSORT_GUI() # remove the hash symbol to run
uSORT_GUI <- function(){
paras <- uSORT_parameters_GUI()
if(paras$return_status == "YES"){
cat("-Parameters for uSORT: \n")
for(i in seq_len(length(paras))){
cat(paste0(" ", names(paras)[i], " = ", paras[[i]], "\n"))
## run uSORT
uSORT(exprs_file = paras$exprs_file,
log_transform = TRUE,
remove_outliers = TRUE,
preliminary_sorting_method = paras$preliminary_sorting_method,
refine_sorting_method = paras$refine_sorting_method,
project_name = paras$project_name,
result_directory = paras$result_directory,
# gene selection parameters
scattering_cutoff_prob = 0.75,
driving_force_cutoff = NULL,
qval_cutoff_featureSelection = 0.05,
# autoSPIN parameters for preliminary sorting
pre_data_type = paras$pre_data_type,
pre_SPIN_option = paras$pre_SPIN_option,
pre_SPIN_sigma_width = as.numeric(
pre_autoSPIN_alpha = as.numeric(
pre_autoSPIN_randomization = as.numeric(
# autoSPIN parameters for refine sorting
ref_data_type = paras$ref_data_type,
ref_SPIN_option = paras$ref_SPIN_option,
ref_SPIN_sigma_width = as.numeric(
ref_autoSPIN_alpha = as.numeric(
ref_autoSPIN_randomization = as.numeric(
# Wanderlust parameters for preliminary sorting
pre_wanderlust_start_cell = as.numeric(
pre_wanderlust_dfmap_components = as.numeric(
pre_wanderlust_l = as.numeric(
pre_wanderlust_num_waypoints = as.numeric(
pre_wanderlust_waypoints_seed = as.numeric(
pre_wanderlust_flock_waypoints = as.numeric(
# Wanderlust parameters for refine sorting
ref_wanderlust_start_cell = as.numeric(
ref_wanderlust_dfmap_components = as.numeric(
ref_wanderlust_l = as.numeric(paras$ref_wanderlust_l),
ref_wanderlust_num_waypoints = as.numeric(
ref_wanderlust_waypoints_seed = as.numeric(
ref_wanderlust_flock_waypoints = as.numeric(
message("uSORT analysis cancelled!")
#' The GUI for inputting paramters for uSORT
#' This is a function for generating the GUI for uSORT,
#' it's called by \code{\link{uSORT_GUI}}. For internal use only.
#' @return a list of parameters.
#' @author Hao Chen
uSORT_parameters_GUI <- function(){
## global options
sort_options <- c("autoSPIN", "sWanderlust", "monocle",
"Wanderlust", "SPIN", "none")
data_type_options <- c("linear", "cyclical")
SPIN_option <- c("STS", "neighborhood")
## tcl varaibles
input_data_file <- tclVar("")
project_name <- tclVar("uSORT")
preliminary_sort_method <- tclVar(sort_options[1])
refine_sort_method <- tclVar(sort_options[1])
result_directory <- tclVar(getwd())
pre_data_type <- tclVar(data_type_options[1])
pre_SPIN_option <- tclVar(SPIN_option[1])
pre_SPIN_sigma_width <- tclVar(1)
pre_autoSPIN_alpha <- tclVar(0.2)
pre_autoSPIN_randomization <- tclVar(20)
# autoSPIN parameters for refine sorting
ref_data_type <- tclVar(data_type_options[1])
ref_SPIN_option <- tclVar(SPIN_option[1])
ref_SPIN_sigma_width <- tclVar(1)
ref_autoSPIN_alpha <- tclVar(0.2)
ref_autoSPIN_randomization <- tclVar(20)
# Wanderlust parameters for preliminary sorting
pre_wanderlust_start_cell <- tclVar(1)
pre_wanderlust_dfmap_components <- tclVar(4)
pre_wanderlust_l <- tclVar(15)
pre_wanderlust_num_waypoints <- tclVar(150)
pre_wanderlust_waypoints_seed <- tclVar(2711)
pre_wanderlust_flock_waypoints <- tclVar(2)
# Wanderlust parameters for refine sorting
ref_wanderlust_start_cell <- tclVar(1)
ref_wanderlust_dfmap_components <- tclVar(4)
ref_wanderlust_l <- tclVar(15)
ref_wanderlust_num_waypoints <- tclVar(150)
ref_wanderlust_waypoints_seed <- tclVar(2711)
ref_wanderlust_flock_waypoints <- tclVar(2)
# return status label
return_status <- tclVar("YES")
## widget control functions (commonds)
reset_input_data_file <- function(){
InputFile <- NULL
InputFile <- tk_choose.files(
default = paste(tclvalue(result_directory), "fso",
sep = .Platform$file.sep),
caption = "Select your data file", multi = FALSE,
filters = matrix(c("{txt files}", "{.txt}"),1, 2), index = 1)
if (!is.null(InputFile)){
tclvalue(input_data_file) <- InputFile
tclvalue(result_directory) <- dirname(InputFile)
reset_preliminary_sort_parameter <- function(){
method <- tclvalue(preliminary_sort_method)
paras <- sorting_method_parameter_GUI(method)
tclvalue(pre_data_type) <- paras$data_type
tclvalue(pre_SPIN_option) <- paras$SPIN_option
tclvalue(pre_SPIN_sigma_width) <- paras$SPIN_sigma_width
tclvalue(pre_autoSPIN_alpha) <- paras$autoSPIN_alpha
tclvalue(pre_autoSPIN_randomization) <- paras$autoSPIN_randomization
tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_start_cell) <- paras$wanderlust_start_cell
tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_dfmap_components) <- paras$wanderlust_dfmap_components
tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_l) <- paras$wanderlust_l
tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_num_waypoints) <- paras$wanderlust_num_waypoints
tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_waypoints_seed) <- paras$wanderlust_waypoints_seed
tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_flock_waypoints) <- paras$wanderlust_flock_waypoints
reset_refine_sort_parameter <- function(){
method <- tclvalue(refine_sort_method)
paras <- sorting_method_parameter_GUI(method)
tclvalue(ref_data_type) <- paras$data_type
tclvalue(ref_SPIN_option) <- paras$SPIN_option
tclvalue(ref_SPIN_sigma_width) <- paras$SPIN_sigma_width
tclvalue(ref_autoSPIN_alpha) <- paras$autoSPIN_alpha
tclvalue(ref_autoSPIN_randomization) <- paras$autoSPIN_randomization
tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_start_cell) <- paras$wanderlust_start_cell
tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_dfmap_components) <- paras$wanderlust_dfmap_components
tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_l) <- paras$wanderlust_l
tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_num_waypoints) <- paras$wanderlust_num_waypoints
tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_waypoints_seed) <- paras$wanderlust_waypoints_seed
tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_flock_waypoints) <- paras$wanderlust_flock_waypoints
reset_result_directory <- function(){
ResultDir <- NULL
ResultDir <- tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory(
title = "Choose your data dircetory ..."))
if (!is.null(ResultDir))
tclvalue(result_directory) <- ResultDir
quit <- function() {
tclvalue(return_status) <- "NO"
reset <- function() {
tclvalue(input_data_file) <- ""
tclvalue(preliminary_sort_method) <- sort_options[1]
tclvalue(refine_sort_method) <- sort_options[1]
tclvalue(result_directory) <- getwd()
submit <- function() {
ErrorFlag <- FALSE
if (!file.exists(tclvalue(input_data_file))) {
ErrorFlag <- TRUE
tkmessageBox(title = "uSORT Package",
message = "Data file doesn't exit,
please provide correct data file.",
icon = "info", type = "ok")
if (!ErrorFlag) tkdestroy(tt)
## GUI parameters and widgets
box_length <- 40
cell_width <- 4
bt_width <- 8
tt <- tktoplevel(borderwidth = 20)
tkwm.title(tt, "uSORT Analysis")
input_data_file_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "Input Data File :")
input_data_file_entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable = input_data_file,
width = box_length)
input_data_file_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = " Select... ",
width = bt_width,
command = reset_input_data_file)
project_name_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "Project Name :")
project_name_entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable = project_name,
width = box_length)
preliminary_sort_method_label <- tklabel(tt,
text = "Preliminary Sorting :")
preliminary_sort_method_combo <- ttkcombobox(tt, values = sort_options,
textvariable = preliminary_sort_method,
width = box_length-2)
preliminary_sort_method_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = " Parameter ",
width = bt_width,
command = reset_preliminary_sort_parameter)
refine_sort_method_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "Refine Sorting :")
refine_sort_method_combo <- ttkcombobox(tt, values = sort_options,
textvariable = refine_sort_method,
width = box_length-2)
refine_sort_method_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = " Parameter ",
width = bt_width,
command = reset_refine_sort_parameter)
result_directory_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "Result Directory :")
result_directory_entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable = result_directory,
width = box_length)
result_directory_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = " Choose... ",
width = bt_width,
command = reset_result_directory)
quit_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Quit", command = quit)
reset_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Reset", command = reset)
submit_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Submit", command = submit)
## construct GUI
tkgrid(input_data_file_label, input_data_file_entry,
input_data_file_button, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(input_data_file_label, input_data_file_entry,
input_data_file_button, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(preliminary_sort_method_label, preliminary_sort_method_combo,
preliminary_sort_method_button, padx = cell_width)
preliminary_sort_method_button, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(refine_sort_method_label, refine_sort_method_combo,
refine_sort_method_button, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(refine_sort_method_label, refine_sort_method_combo,
refine_sort_method_button, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(result_directory_label, result_directory_entry,
result_directory_button, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(result_directory_label, result_directory_entry,
result_directory_button, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(project_name_label, project_name_entry, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(project_name_label, project_name_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(tklabel(tt, text = "\n"), padx = cell_width)
tkgrid(quit_button, reset_button, submit_button, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(quit_button, sticky = "e")
tkgrid.configure(submit_button, sticky = "w")
return(list(exprs_file = tclvalue(input_data_file),
preliminary_sorting_method = tclvalue(preliminary_sort_method),
refine_sorting_method = tclvalue(refine_sort_method),
result_directory = tclvalue(result_directory),
project_name = tclvalue(project_name),
pre_data_type = tclvalue(pre_data_type),
pre_SPIN_option = tclvalue(pre_SPIN_option),
pre_SPIN_sigma_width = tclvalue(pre_SPIN_sigma_width),
pre_autoSPIN_alpha = tclvalue(pre_autoSPIN_alpha),
pre_autoSPIN_randomization = tclvalue(pre_autoSPIN_randomization),
pre_wanderlust_start_cell = tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_start_cell),
pre_wanderlust_dfmap_components = tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_dfmap_components),
pre_wanderlust_l = tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_l),
pre_wanderlust_num_waypoints = tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_num_waypoints),
pre_wanderlust_waypoints_seed = tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_waypoints_seed),
pre_wanderlust_flock_waypoints = tclvalue(pre_wanderlust_flock_waypoints),
ref_data_type = tclvalue(ref_data_type),
ref_SPIN_option = tclvalue(ref_SPIN_option),
ref_SPIN_sigma_width = tclvalue(ref_SPIN_sigma_width),
ref_autoSPIN_alpha = tclvalue(ref_autoSPIN_alpha),
ref_autoSPIN_randomization = tclvalue(ref_autoSPIN_randomization),
ref_wanderlust_start_cell = tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_start_cell),
ref_wanderlust_dfmap_components = tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_dfmap_components),
ref_wanderlust_l = tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_l),
ref_wanderlust_num_waypoints = tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_num_waypoints),
ref_wanderlust_waypoints_seed = tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_waypoints_seed),
ref_wanderlust_flock_waypoints = tclvalue(ref_wanderlust_flock_waypoints),
return_status = tclvalue(return_status)
#' GUI for sorting method paramters
#' The parameters appeared on GUI are based on input method, this function is called by
#' \code{\link{uSORT_parameters_GUI}}. For internal use only.
#' @param method method name.
#' @return a list of parameters.
#' @author Hao Chen
sorting_method_parameter_GUI <- function(
method = c("autoSPIN", "sWanderlust",
"monocle", "Wanderlust",
"SPIN", "none")){
method <- match.arg(method)
data_type_options <- c("linear", "cyclical")
SPIN_options <- c("STS", "neighborhood")
data_type <- tclVar(data_type_options[1])
SPIN_option <- tclVar(SPIN_options[1])
SPIN_sigma_width <- tclVar(1)
autoSPIN_alpha <- tclVar(0.2)
autoSPIN_randomization <- tclVar(20)
wanderlust_start_cell <- tclVar(1)
wanderlust_dfmap_components <- tclVar(4)
wanderlust_l <- tclVar(15)
wanderlust_num_waypoints <- tclVar(150)
wanderlust_waypoints_seed <- tclVar(2711)
wanderlust_flock_waypoints <- tclVar(2)
## GUI parameters and widgets
box_length <- 40
cell_width <- 4
bt_width <- 8
autoSPIN = {
reset <- function() {
tclvalue(data_type) <- data_type_options[1]
tclvalue(SPIN_option) <- SPIN_options[1]
tclvalue(SPIN_sigma_width) <- 1
tclvalue(autoSPIN_alpha) <- 0.2
tclvalue(autoSPIN_randomization) <- 10
ok <- function() {
tt <- tktoplevel(borderwidth = 20)
tkwm.title(tt, "uSORT: parameters for autoSPIN")
data_type_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "data type :")
data_type_rbuts <- tkframe(tt)
text = data_type_options[1],
variable = data_type,
value = data_type_options[1]),
side = "left")
text = data_type_options[2],
variable = data_type,
value = data_type_options[2]),
side = "left")
method_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "sorting method :")
method_rbuts <- tkframe(tt)
tkpack(tkradiobutton(method_rbuts, text = SPIN_options[1],
variable = SPIN_option,
value = SPIN_options[1]),
side = "left")
tkpack(tkradiobutton(method_rbuts, text = SPIN_options[2],
variable = SPIN_option,
value = SPIN_options[2]),
side = "left")
alpha_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "alpha :")
alpha_entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable = autoSPIN_alpha,
width = box_length)
sigma_width_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "sigma width :")
sigma_width_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = SPIN_sigma_width,
width = box_length)
no_randomization_label <- tklabel(tt,
text = "no. randomization :")
no_randomization_entry <- tkentry(tt,
width = box_length)
reset_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Reset", command = reset)
ok_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "OK", command = ok)
tkgrid(data_type_label, data_type_rbuts, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(data_type_label, sticky = "e")
tkgrid.configure(data_type_rbuts, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(method_label, method_rbuts, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(method_label, sticky = "e")
tkgrid.configure(method_rbuts, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(alpha_label, alpha_entry, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(alpha_label, alpha_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(sigma_width_label, sigma_width_entry,
padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(sigma_width_label, sigma_width_entry,
sticky = "e")
tkgrid(no_randomization_label, no_randomization_entry,
padx = cell_width)
no_randomization_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(reset_button, ok_button, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(reset_button, sticky = "e")
sWanderlust = {
reset <- function() {
tclvalue(data_type) <- data_type_options[1]
tclvalue(SPIN_option) <- SPIN_options[1]
tclvalue(SPIN_sigma_width) <- 1
tclvalue(autoSPIN_alpha) <- 0.2
tclvalue(wanderlust_dfmap_components) <- 4
tclvalue(wanderlust_l) <- 15
tclvalue(wanderlust_num_waypoints) <- 150
tclvalue(wanderlust_waypoints_seed) <- 2711
tclvalue(wanderlust_flock_waypoints) <- 2
ok <- function() {
tt <- tktoplevel(borderwidth = 20)
tkwm.title(tt, "uSORT: parameters for sWanderlust")
data_type_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "data type :")
data_type_rbuts <- tkframe(tt)
text = data_type_options[1],
variable = data_type,
value = data_type_options[1]),
side = "left")
text = data_type_options[2],
variable = data_type,
value = data_type_options[2]),
side = "left")
method_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "sorting method :")
method_rbuts <- tkframe(tt)
text = SPIN_options[1],
variable = SPIN_option,
value = SPIN_options[1]),
side = "left")
text = SPIN_options[2],
variable = SPIN_option,
value = SPIN_options[2]),
side = "left")
alpha_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "alpha :")
alpha_entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable = autoSPIN_alpha,
width = box_length)
sigma_width_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "sigma width :")
sigma_width_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = SPIN_sigma_width,
width = box_length)
dfmap_components_label <- tklabel(tt,
text = "diffusionmap components :")
dfmap_components_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = wanderlust_dfmap_components,
width = box_length)
l_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "no. nearest neighbors :")
l_entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable = wanderlust_l,
width = box_length)
num_waypoints_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "no. waypoints :")
num_waypoints_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = wanderlust_num_waypoints,
width = box_length)
waypoints_seed_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "waypoints seed :")
waypoints_seed_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = wanderlust_waypoints_seed,
width = box_length)
flock_waypoints_label <- tklabel(tt,
text = "flock waypoints :")
flock_waypoints_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = wanderlust_flock_waypoints,
width = box_length)
reset_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Reset",
command = reset)
ok_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "OK",
command = ok)
tkgrid(data_type_label, data_type_rbuts, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(data_type_label, sticky = "e")
tkgrid.configure(data_type_rbuts, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(method_label, method_rbuts, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(method_label, sticky = "e")
tkgrid.configure(method_rbuts, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(alpha_label, alpha_entry, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(alpha_label, alpha_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(sigma_width_label, sigma_width_entry,
padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(sigma_width_label, sigma_width_entry,
sticky = "e")
tkgrid(dfmap_components_label, dfmap_components_entry,
padx = cell_width)
dfmap_components_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(l_label, l_entry, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(l_label, l_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(num_waypoints_label, num_waypoints_entry,
padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(num_waypoints_label, num_waypoints_entry,
sticky = "e")
tkgrid(waypoints_seed_label, waypoints_seed_entry,
padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(waypoints_seed_label, waypoints_seed_entry,
sticky = "e")
tkgrid(flock_waypoints_label, flock_waypoints_entry,
padx = cell_width)
flock_waypoints_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(reset_button, ok_button, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(reset_button, sticky = "e")
monocle = {
Wanderlust = {
reset <- function() {
tclvalue(data_type) <- data_type_options[1]
tclvalue(wanderlust_start_cell) <- ""
tclvalue(wanderlust_dfmap_components) <- 4
tclvalue(wanderlust_l) <- 15
tclvalue(wanderlust_num_waypoints) <- 150
tclvalue(wanderlust_waypoints_seed) <- 2711
tclvalue(wanderlust_flock_waypoints) <- 2
ok <- function() {
tt <- tktoplevel(borderwidth = 20)
tkwm.title(tt, "uSORT: parameters for sWanderlust")
data_type_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "data type :")
data_type_rbuts <- tkframe(tt)
text = data_type_options[1],
variable = data_type,
value = data_type_options[1]),
side = "left")
text = data_type_options[2],
variable = data_type,
value = data_type_options[2]),
side = "left")
start_cell_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "start cell :")
start_cell_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = wanderlust_start_cell,
width = box_length)
dfmap_components_label <- tklabel(tt,
text = "diffusionmap components :")
dfmap_components_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = wanderlust_dfmap_components,
width = box_length)
l_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "no. nearest neighbors :")
l_entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable = wanderlust_l,
width = box_length)
num_waypoints_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "no. waypoints :")
num_waypoints_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = wanderlust_num_waypoints,
width = box_length)
waypoints_seed_label <- tklabel(tt,
text = "waypoints seed :")
waypoints_seed_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = wanderlust_waypoints_seed,
width = box_length)
flock_waypoints_label <- tklabel(tt,
text = "flock waypoints :")
flock_waypoints_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = wanderlust_flock_waypoints,
width = box_length)
reset_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Reset",
command = reset)
ok_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "OK",
command = ok)
tkgrid(data_type_label, data_type_rbuts,
padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(data_type_label, sticky = "e")
tkgrid.configure(data_type_rbuts, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(start_cell_label, start_cell_entry, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(start_cell_label, start_cell_entry,
sticky = "e")
tkgrid(dfmap_components_label, dfmap_components_entry,
padx = cell_width)
dfmap_components_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(l_label, l_entry, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(l_label, l_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(num_waypoints_label, num_waypoints_entry,
padx = cell_width)
num_waypoints_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(waypoints_seed_label, waypoints_seed_entry,
padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(waypoints_seed_label, waypoints_seed_entry,
sticky = "e")
tkgrid(flock_waypoints_label, flock_waypoints_entry,
padx = cell_width)
flock_waypoints_entry, sticky = "e")
tkgrid(reset_button, ok_button, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(reset_button, sticky = "e")
SPIN = {
reset <- function() {
tclvalue(SPIN_option) <- SPIN_options[1]
tclvalue(SPIN_sigma_width) <- 1
ok <- function() {
tt <- tktoplevel(borderwidth = 20)
tkwm.title(tt, "uSORT: parameters for SPIN")
method_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "sorting method :")
method_rbuts <- tkframe(tt)
tkpack(tkradiobutton(method_rbuts, text = SPIN_options[1],
variable = SPIN_option,
value = SPIN_options[1]),
side = "left")
tkpack(tkradiobutton(method_rbuts, text = SPIN_options[2],
variable = SPIN_option,
value = SPIN_options[2]),
side = "left")
sigma_width_label <- tklabel(tt, text = "sigma width :")
sigma_width_entry <- tkentry(tt,
textvariable = SPIN_sigma_width,
width = box_length)
reset_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Reset", command = reset)
ok_button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "OK", command = ok)
tkgrid(method_label, method_rbuts, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(method_label, sticky = "e")
tkgrid.configure(method_rbuts, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(sigma_width_label, sigma_width_entry,
padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(sigma_width_label, sigma_width_entry,
sticky = "e")
tkgrid(reset_button, ok_button, padx = cell_width)
tkgrid.configure(reset_button, sticky = "e")
none = {
paras <- list(data_type = tclvalue(data_type),
SPIN_option = tclvalue(SPIN_option),
SPIN_sigma_width = tclvalue(SPIN_sigma_width),
autoSPIN_alpha = tclvalue(autoSPIN_alpha),
autoSPIN_randomization = tclvalue(autoSPIN_randomization),
wanderlust_start_cell = tclvalue(wanderlust_start_cell),
wanderlust_dfmap_components = tclvalue(wanderlust_dfmap_components),
wanderlust_l = tclvalue(wanderlust_l),
wanderlust_num_waypoints = tclvalue(wanderlust_num_waypoints),
wanderlust_waypoints_seed = tclvalue(wanderlust_waypoints_seed),
wanderlust_flock_waypoints = tclvalue(wanderlust_flock_waypoints))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.