
Defines functions RParser2 RLevel1_updateFunc RLevel1_checkFunc RLevel1_parserFunc RParser1 codePreprocessing

# 1.Rename the first function argument and add the looped variable in a
# code format 
# 2.special treatment for the break and next
codePreprocessing <- function(codeMetaInfo) {
    loopVar = names(codeMetaInfo$parms)[[1]]
    names(codeMetaInfo$parms)[[1]] = GPUVar$gpu_loop_data
    # insert the preserved data reading code
    readDataExp = parse(text = paste0(loopVar, "=", GPUVar$gpu_loop_data, 
        "[", GPUVar$gpu_global_id, "+1]"))
    Exp = c(readDataExp, codeMetaInfo$Exp)
    # Exp=renameControlCode(Exp)
    codeMetaInfo$Exp = Exp
# Level 1 compiler Functions: 1.simplify the R code, each line should
# only have one function call, If not, a temporary variable will be
# created to replace it. 
# 2.If the code only has a symbol and the symbol
# is not recognized, it will be removed
RParser1 <- function(codeMetaInfo) {
    codeMetaInfo1 = parserFrame(RLevel1_parserFunc, RLevel1_checkFunc, 
        RLevel1_updateFunc, codeMetaInfo)

RLevel1_parserFunc <- function(level, codeMetaInfo, curExp) {
    result = list()
    code_char = deparse(curExp)[1]
    # If the function is the opencl code, pass it
    if (substr(code_char, 1, nchar(GPUVar$openclCode)) == GPUVar$openclCode || 
        substr(code_char, 1, nchar(GPUVar$openclFuncCall)) == GPUVar$openclFuncCall) {
        result$Exp = curExp
    if (is.call(curExp)) {
        if (curExp[[1]] == "=") {
            result = simplifySingleCode(curExp)
        # General strategy for all functions call that do not appear above.
        # E.g. f(g())
        result = simplifyElementOp(curExp, useElementOp = FALSE, isTop = TRUE)
    } else {
        result$Exp = curExp
    # Default return value
    stop("You should not be here!")

RLevel1_checkFunc <- function(curExp) {

RLevel1_updateFunc <- function(type, level, codeMetaInfo, parsedExp, code, 
    i, res) {
    result = general_updateFunc(codeMetaInfo, parsedExp, code)

# 1. extract the loop variable and if condition and create a new
# variable for them
RParser2 <- function(codeMetaInfo1) {
    codeMetaInfo2 = codeMetaInfo1
    parsedExp = extract_for_if_Var(codeMetaInfo2$Exp)
    codeMetaInfo2$Exp = parsedExp
Jiefei-Wang/gpuMagic documentation built on March 27, 2022, 5:23 a.m.