## These macros will be added when package is loaded
## see zzz.R file for the code
#' ALTREP macro
#' @details
#' `altrepSortStatus` is a list containing all sortness status of an ALTREP object.
#' It can be used as the return value of `isSorted` function when defining
#' an ALTREP class. The sortness status can be unknown sortness,
#' known unsorted, ascending, descending, ascending with NA first,
#' descending with NA first.
#' Similarly, `altrepNAStatus` contains all possible NA status of an ALTREP object.
#' The current available status are unknow and no NA.
#' @name altrepMacro
#' @aliases altrepSortStatus altrepNAStatus altrepMacro
#' @examples
#' altrepSortStatus
#' altrepNAStatus
#' @export altrepSortStatus altrepNAStatus
## Altwrapper internal function
#' Set the data for an altWrapper object in ALTREP functions
#' Set the data for an altWrapper object inside an ALTREP function,
#' The function is only allowed to be called in an ALTREP API.
#' It is designed for caching data for an altWrapper object(eg. sum value,
#' a block of on-disk data). It CANNOT be used to change the value of the
#' altWrapper object.
#' Please refer to `?setAltMethod` to find a full list of the ALTREP APIs.
#' @param x The data of an altWrapper object
#' @examples
#' ## The data is a list
#' data <- list(data=runif(10))
#' ## Define the ALTREP functions
#' length_func <- function(x) length(x$data)
#' get_ptr_func <- function(x,writeable) x$data
#' ## Define a sum function,
#' ## after the fisrt computation,
#' ## store the result in the list.
#' ## Call `setAltSelfData` to set the data
#' sum_func <- function(x, na.rm) {
#' if(is.null(x$sum)){
#' message("computing sum")
#' x$sum <- sum(x$data)
#' setAltSelfData(x)
#' return(x$sum)
#' }else{
#' message("reading sum result")
#' return(x$sum)
#' }
#' }
#' ## Define the altWrapper class and its functions
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "double")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getLength = length_func)
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getDataptr = get_ptr_func)
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", sum = sum_func)
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = data)
#' #First sum call
#' sum(A)
#' #Second sum call
#' sum(A)
#' @return no return value
#' @export
setAltSelfData <- function(x) {
altObject <- get(".self", envir = parent.frame())
setAltWrapperData(altObject, x, duplicate = FALSE)
## Altwrapper operations
#' @details
#' `is.altWrapper` : Is an object altWrapper?
#' @rdname typeCheck
#' @examples
#' ## An altWrapper object is also an ALTREP object
#' length_func <- function(x) length(x)
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "integer")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getLength = length_func)
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = 1L:10L)
#' is.altrep(x)
#' is.altWrapper(A)
#' @return Logical value indicating whether the object is an altWrapper
#' @export
is.altWrapper <- function(x) {
if (!is.altrep(x))
#' Remove the wrapper created by R
#' This function can only be used on an altWrapper object.
#' The wrapper is an ALTREP object and created by R to automatically memorize
#' some statistics(e.g. sortness status). It can be silently added by some R functions and behaves
#' exactly the same as the object it wraps. This function can be called
#' in order to make sure the altWrapper variable `x` is not wrapped by a wrapper,
#' @param x An altWrapper object
#' @examples
#' ## Define an altWrapper class
#' lengthFunc <- function(x) length(x)
#' elementFunc <- function(x, i) x[i]
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "integer")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example",
#' getLength = lengthFunc,
#' getElement = elementFunc)
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = 1L:10L)
#' ## Wrap the variable A through an internal function
#' ## Note that this can happenes in some R functions.
#' B <- .Internal(wrap_meta(A, sorted = 0L, noNA = TRUE))
#' .Internal(inspect(B))
#' ## Although the variable B still behaves like the variable A
#' ## Calling `getAltWrapperData` will show an error because the object
#' ## is not an altWrapper
#' tryCatch(getAltWrapperData(B), error = function(e) message(e))
#' ## Call `removeCachingWrapper` to remove R's wrapper
#' C <- removeCachingWrapper(B)
#' getAltWrapperData(C)
#' @return An altWrapper object
#' @export
removeCachingWrapper <- function(x) {
repeat {
if (!is.altrep(x))
stop("The object is not an altWrapper")
if (.isAltWrapper(x))
x <- .getAltData1(x)
#' Duplicate an R object
#' Duplicate an R object, the argument shallow controls whether
#' to duplicate the container only or the entire object. It can
#' be useful in defining the duplication function of an ALTREP.
#' Please note that the function does not work with an enviroment
#' object. It will return the same enviroment object.
#' @param x The object that will be duplicated. The object should
#' not be an enviroment object.
#' @param shallow Logical, shallow duplicate or not
#' @return An object of the same type as the input
#' @examples
#' a <- 10
#' b <- duplicateObject(a)
#' .Internal(inspect(a))
#' .Internal(inspect(b))
#' @export
duplicateObject<-function(x, shallow = FALSE){
C_duplicate(x, shallow)
## Altwrapper settings
#' AltWrapper APIs
#' @param className Character, the name of an altWrapper class
#' @param methodName Character, the name of a function
#' @param x An altWrapper object
#' @examples
#' ## Define the ALTREP functions
#' length_func <- function(x) length(x)
#' get_ptr_func <- function(x,writeable) x
#' ## Define the altWrapper class and its functions
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "integer")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getLength = length_func)
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getDataptr = get_ptr_func)
#' ## Create an altWrapper object by providing the class name and data.
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = 1L:10L)
#' A
#' ## Check the existance of an altWrapper class
#' isAltClassDefined(className = "example")
#' ## Check the existance of a function of an altWrapper class
#' isAltMethodDefined(className = "example", methodName = "getLength")
#' ## Get a function from an altWrapper class
#' getAltMethod(className = "example", methodName = "getLength")
#' ## Get the class name by an altWrapper object
#' getAltClassName(A)
#' ## Get the class type either by a class name or by an altWrapper object
#' getAltClassType(className = "example")
#' getAltClassType(x = A)
#' ## Get the data of an altWrapper object
#' getAltWrapperData(x = A)
#' ## Set the data of an altWrapper object
#' setAltWrapperData(x = A, value = 11L:20L)
#' ## Show the status of an altWrapper class
#' ## The class can be found either by its name or an altWrapper object
#' showAltClass(className = "example")
#' showAltClass(x = A)
#' @details
#' `isAltClassDefined` : Whether an altWrapper class exist or not
#' @return
#' `isAltClassDefined` : Logical
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @export
isAltClassDefined <- function(className) {
className <- as.character(className)
#! is.null(getClassSpace(className))
exists(className, envir = altrepRegistryEnvironment, inherits = FALSE)
#' @details
#' `isAltMethodDefined` : Whether an altWrapper method for
#' an altWrapper class exist or not. This function will return `FALSE`
#' if it cannot find the altWrapper class.
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `isAltMethodDefined` : Logical
#' @export
isAltMethodDefined <- function(className, methodName) {
className <- as.character(className)
methodName <- as.character(methodName)
if (!isAltClassDefined(className))
classFunctionSpace <- getClassFunctionSpace(className)
! is.null(classFunctionSpace[[methodName]])
#' @details
#' `getAltClassName` : Get the altWrapper class name by
#' an altWrapper object
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `getAltClassName` : A character name
#' @export
getAltClassName <- function(x) {
if (!is.altrep(x))
stop("The data is not an ALTREP object.")
#x <- removeCachingWrapper(x)
data2 <- .getAltData2(x)
className <- as.character(data2[["className"]])
#' @details
#' `getAltClassType` : Get the altWrapper class type by
#' a class name or an altWrapper object
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `getAltClassType` : A character indicating data type
#' @export
getAltClassType <- function(className = NULL, x = NULL) {
className <- getClassName(className = className, x = x)
classSpace <- getClassSpace(className)
#' @details
#' `getAltMethod` : Get the altWrapper method by
#' a method name. Either `className` or `x` must be specified to
#' find the altWrapper class.
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `getAltMethod` : An R function or NULL value if the function is not found
#' @export
getAltMethod <- function(className = NULL,
x = NULL) {
if (length(methodName) > 1) {
return(lapply(methodName, function(method)
className = className,
methodName = method,
x = x
className = className,
methodName = methodName,
x = x,
showInternal = FALSE
#' @details
#' `getAltWrapperData` : Get the data for an altWrapper object
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `getAltWrapperData` : An R object
#' @export
getAltWrapperData <- function(x) {
if (!is.altWrapper(x))
stop("The object is not altWrapper")
#' @param value The data of an altWrapper object
#' @param duplicate Whther duplicating the object(For the function `setAltWrapperData`)
#' @details
#' `setAltWrapperData` : Set the data of an altWrapper object, if
#' `duplicate` is TRUE, the function returns a duplication of the object.
#' Set `duplicate = FALSE` only when the new `value` does not change
#' the altWrapper object(e.g. caching on-dist data).
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `setAltWrapperData` : The altWrapper object
#' @export
setAltWrapperData <- function(x, value , duplicate = TRUE) {
if (!is.altWrapper(x))
stop("The object is not altWrapper")
if (duplicate) {
xAttr <- attributes(x)
xS3Class <- ifelse(!isS4(x)&&!is.null(xAttr$class),
xAttr$class, FALSE)
xS4Class <- ifelse(isS4(x),class(x), FALSE)
className = getClassName(x = x),
x = value,
attributes = xAttr,
S3Class = xS3Class,
S4Class = xS4Class
} else{
.setAltData1(x, value)
#' @details
#' `deleteAltClass` : Delete an AltWrapper class
#' @param warning Logical, whether to give an warning if the class is not found.
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `deleteAltClass` : No return value
#' @export
deleteAltClass <- function(className, warning = TRUE) {
className <- as.character(className)
if (isAltClassDefined(className)) {
rm(list = className, envir = altrepRegistryEnvironment)
} else{
if (warning) {
warning("The class '", className, "' is not found")
#' @details
#' `showAltClass` : Show the status of an altWrapper class
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `showAltClass` : No return value
#' @export
showAltClass <- function(className = NULL, x = NULL) {
className <- getClassName(className = className, x = x)
classType <- getAltClassType(className, x)
title <- c("Class name", "Class type")
content <- c(className, classType)
classFunctionSpace <- getClassFunctionSpace(className)
statusChar <- c("defined", "undefined")
for (i in altrepClassFunctionList) {
if (is.na(i))
isExist <- statusChar[is.null(classFunctionSpace[[i]]) + 1]
title <- c(title, paste0(" ", as.character(i)))
content <- c(content, isExist)
title <- format(paste0(title, " : "))
output <- paste0(title, content, "\n")
cat(output, sep = "")
#' Get/Set altClass settings
#' The function get or set altClass settings. The setting include
#' `autoExportClassDef`, `autoDuplicate` and `autoSerialize`.
#' @inheritParams getAltClassType
#' @param settingName A character vector. The name of the setting you want to query
#' @param ... Named arguments. It is used to change the setting.
#' @details
#' `autoExportClassDef` determines whether the definition of a class will be exported to
#' other processes along with the exported variable(Default `TRUE`). If the setting
#' is FALSE, users are responsible to export the class definition to the other processes before
#' exporting an altWrapper variable in order to make sure the exported variable works properly.
#' `autoDuplicate` determines whether an altWrapper class can use a default duplication method
#' (Default `TRUE`).
#' The default duplication method will copy the underlying data that an altWrapper variable
#' is using to duplicate the altWrapper variable and resulting a new altWrapper object.
#' The default duplication is useful when
#' the data is not a reference of the other data sources. In case that the underlying data
#' is a reference(eg. file handle), the default duplication will fail to duplicate the
#' variable since only the handle will be duplicated. Users should define the
#' duplication function to overwrite the default behavior. An error will be thrown out
#' If `autoDuplicate` is FALSE and no duplication method is provided.
#' `autoSerialize` determines whether an altWrapper class can use a default serialize method
#' (Default `TRUE`). The default serialize method will serialize the underlying data of an
#' altWrapper object and send it to the other processes. If the altWrapper object relys on the
#' other data that is only available in the current processes, users should provide their customized
#' serialize function to overwrite the default serialize function. An error will be thrown out
#' If `autoSerialize` is FALSE and no serialize method is provided.
#' @examples
#' ## Define the ALTREP functions
#' length_func <- function(x) length(x)
#' get_ptr_func <- function(x,writeable) x
#' ## Define the altWrapper class and its functions
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "integer")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getLength = length_func)
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getDataptr = get_ptr_func)
#' ## Create an altWrapper object by providing the class name and data.
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = 1L:10L)
#' A
#' ##Get altWrapper class settings by class name
#' getAltClassSetting(className = "example")
#' ##Get altWrapper class settings by altWrapper object
#' getAltClassSetting(x = A)
#' @rdname altWrapper-setting
#' @return The settings of an altWrapper class
#' @export
getAltClassSetting <- function(className = NULL,
settingName = NULL,
x = NULL) {
className <- getClassName(className = className, x = x)
if (is.null(settingName)) {
settingName <- names(altWrapperClassDefaultSettings)
result <- .getAltClassSetting(className = className, settingName)
if (length(result) == 1)
result <- unlist(result)
#' @rdname altWrapper-setting
#' @export
setAltClassSetting <- function(className = NULL,
x = NULL) {
className <- getClassName(className = className, x = x)
args <- c(...)
argNames <- names(args)
missingInd <- which(!argNames %in% names(altWrapperClassDefaultSettings))
if (length(missingInd) > 0) {
warning("Unsupported settings: ",
paste0(argNames[missingInd], collapse = ", "))
for (i in argNames) {
.setAltClassSetting(className, i, args[[i]])
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