## AltWrapper global variables
## This is the place to store all altWrapper definitions
altrepRegistryEnvironment <- new.env()
## The argument numbers of each function
## It is used to check if the function definition is correct
altrepClassFunctionArgNum <- c(
inspect = 1,
getLength = 1,
getDataptr = 2,
getDataptrOrNull = 1,
getSubset = 2,
getElement = 2,
getRegion = 4,
duplicate = 2,
coerce = 2,
serialize = 1,
unserialize = 2,
isSorted = 1,
noNA = 1,
sum = 2,
min = 2,
max = 2
altrepClassFunctionList <- names(altrepClassFunctionArgNum)
altWrapperClassDefaultSettings <- list(
autoExportClassDef = TRUE,
autoDuplicate = TRUE,
autoSerialize = TRUE
##Mian function
#' Make an altWrapper object
#' This function make an altWrapper object from an altWrapper class
#' specified by the class name. The altWrapper class can
#' be set via `setAltClass` and `setAltMethod` functions.
#' @param className Character, the name of an altWrapper class
#' @param x The data of the returned altWrapper object
#' @param attributes Named list, attributes that will be attached to the object. The
#' attribute `class` will be ignored
#' @param S3Class Logical or character vector, whether the return value is of an
#' altWrapper S3 class. If the argument is a character vector, it will overwrite the
#' default settings and resulting in an S3 object with the class type specified in the
#' character vector.
#' @param S4Class Logical or character, whether the return value is of
#' an AltWrapper S4 class. If the argument is a character, it must be a class name and
#' the return value is an S4 object specified by the class name.
#' An error will be returned if both `S3Class` and `S4Class` are defined.
#' @examples
#' ## Define the ALTREP functions
#' length_func <- function(x) length(x)
#' get_ptr_func <- function(x,writeable) x
#' ## Define the altWrapper class and its functions
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "integer")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getLength = length_func)
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getDataptr = get_ptr_func)
#' ## Create an altWrapper object by providing the class name and data.
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = 1L:10L)
#' A
#' @return An ALTREP vector
#' @export
newAltrep <- function(className,
attributes = list(),
S3Class = FALSE,
S4Class = FALSE) {
if (!isAltClassDefined(className)) {
stop("The class '", className, "' is not found.")
attributes <- list()
if (!is.list(attributes)){
stop("The attributes must be a list")
attributes$class <- NULL
classType <- getAltClassType(className)
altBaseClassName <- getAltBaseClassName(classType)
attributes$class <- getAltS3ClassVector(classType)
attributes$class <- S3Class
S3Class <- TRUE
RS4ClassName <- NULL
RS4ClassName <- altBaseClassName
RS4ClassName = S4Class
S4Class = TRUE
if (S3Class && S4Class) {
stop("The altWrapper object cannot be both S3 and S4 class type")
state = list(
packageName = "AltWrapper",
className = as.symbol(className),
classType = classType
## This unfortunate code is for reducing the reference count
## for S3 or atomic object.
## For S4 object the reference number is always 7
## Hopefully it can be solved in future
if (S4Class) {
altWrapperObject <- C_create_altrep(className,
new(RS4ClassName, altWrapperObject)
} else{
## Set altWrapper class
#' Define an altWrapper class
#' Define an altWrapper class by specifying its name and data type
#' @param className Character, the name of the class
#' @param classType Character, the type of the altWrapper
#' @inherit newAltrep examples
#' @return No return value
#' @export
setAltClass <-
classType = c("raw", "logical", "integer", "double")) {
className <- as.character(className)
classType <- as.character(match.arg(classType))
if (isAltClassDefined(className) &&
getAltWrapperOptions("redefineWarning")) {
warning("The class '",
"' has been defined and will be replaced.")
classSpace <- list()
classSpace[["classType"]] <- classType
classSpace[["functionSpace"]] <- vector("list", length(altrepClassFunctionList))
names(classSpace[["functionSpace"]]) <- altrepClassFunctionList
classSpace[["classSettings"]] <- altWrapperClassDefaultSettings
setClassSpace(className, classSpace)
#' Define altWrapper methods
#' Define altWrapper methods which are
#' wrappers of ALTREP APIs.
#' @inheritParams setAltClass
#' @param inspect Function, see detail
#' @param getLength Function, see detail
#' @param getDataptr Function, see detail
#' @param getDataptrOrNull Function, see detail
#' @param getElement Function, see detail
#' @param getSubset Function, see detail
#' @param getRegion Function, see detail
#' @param duplicate Function, see detail
#' @param coerce Function, see detail
#' @param serialize Function, see detail
#' @param unserialize Function, see detail
#' @param isSorted Function, see detail
#' @param noNA Function, see detail
#' @param sum Function, see detail
#' @param min Function, see detail
#' @param max Function, see detail
#' @inherit newAltrep examples
#' @details
#' This function defines the behavior of an altWrapper class.
#' The altWrapper methods are fundamentally wrappers of ALTREP APIs.
#' Any call to the ALTREP APIs will be converted
#' to a call of the corresponding altWrapper methods.
#' Belows are the definitions of the altWrapper methods.
#' `x` is the data of the altWrapper object.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' **Function** \tab **Arguments** \tab **Return value** \cr
#' `inspect` \tab `x` \tab `A logical value`\cr
#' `getLength` \tab `x` \tab `An integer/numeric value`\cr
#' `getDataptr` \tab `x`, `writeable` \tab `Vector/External pointer`\cr
#' `getDataptrOrNull` \tab `x` \tab `Vector/External pointer/NULL`\cr
#' `getElement` \tab `x`, `i` \tab `An entry of the ALTREP vector`\cr
#' `getSubset` \tab `x`, `i` \tab `A subset of the ALTREP vector`\cr
#' `getRegion` \tab `x`, `start`, `length`, `output` \tab `Length of the true reads`\cr
#' `duplicate` \tab `x`, `deep` \tab `The duplicated object`\cr
#' `coerce` \tab `x`, `type` \tab `The coerced object`\cr
#' `serialize` \tab `x` \tab `Any R object`\cr
#' `unserialize` \tab `R_class`, `state` \tab `Any R object`\cr
#' `isSorted` \tab `x` \tab `An integer value`\cr
#' `noNA` \tab `x` \tab `An integer value`\cr
#' `sum` \tab `x`, `na.rm` \tab `An integer/numeric value`\cr
#' `min` \tab `x`, `na.rm` \tab `An integer/numeric value`\cr
#' `max` \tab `x`, `na.rm` \tab `An integer/numeric value`\cr
#' }
#' `inspect` function determines the output of a `.Internal(inspect(...))` call.
#' Return value = `FALSE` means using the default method to inspect the object.
#' `getLength` function returns the length of the ALTREP object
#' `getDataptr` function returns the data pointer of the ALTREP object.
#' The argument `writeable` means whether R will write data to the pointer.
#' Unlike `getDataptrOrNull` function. This function must return a pointer.
#' It is suggested to throw an error if the ALTREP object does not have a
#' data pointer. Please note that before R 3.7, `getDataptr` is the only way
#' to print out an ALTREP object without using `S3` or `S4` method dispatching
#' when the data pointer of the object is not available.
#' `getDataptrOrNull` function is similar to `getDataptr` function, but it can
#' return `NULL` if the data pointer is not available.
#' `getElement` function returns the value of the ALTREP vector at a given position.
#' The argument `i` is a 1-based index of the vector.
#' `getSubset` function returns a subset of the ALTREP vector.
#' The argument `i` is a 1-based subset.
#' `getRegion` function reads a continuous region of the ALTREP vector.
#' The argument `start` is the 1-based starting position of the reads.
#' `length` determines the length of the reads.
#' Unlike most R functions, the result of the reads should be returned via
#' the argument `output` instead of using `return` function. Users must use
#' `[<-` operator to change the value of the `output` argument. The return value
#' of `getRegion` function is the true number of reads in the `output` argument.
#' In most case the return value is the same as `length`, it will be different only when
#' `start + length - 1` exceeds the length of the ALTREP vector.
#' `duplicate` function duplicates the ALTREP vector. The argument `deep` determines
#' whether it is a deep copy or not. A default duplicate method will be used if the
#' return value is NULL.
#' `coerce` function coerces the ALTREP vector to the other data type. The
#' integer argument `type` is the index of the target type. Please refer to
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-ints.html#SEXPTYPEs}{SEXPTYPEs}
#' to see the meaning of the index.
#' `serialize` function serialize the ALTREP object. The return value is called `state`
#' and will be used in `unserialize` function.
#' `unserialize` function unserialize the ALTREP object. The argument `state` is
#' the return value of `serialize` function. The argument `R_class` is for compatibility
#' only.
#' `isSorted` whether the ALTREP vector is sorted in the ascending or descending order.
#' The vector status can be unknown sortness, known unsorted, ascending, descending,
#' ascending with NA first, descending with NA first. You can find the corresponding
#' return values by accessing the list variable `altrepSortStatus`.
#' `noNA` check whether the ALTREP vector contains any NA value.
#' The return value must be an element of the list `altrepNAStatus`.
#' `sum`, `min` and `max` have the same meaning as R's corresponding functions. These
#' functions are only available for `integer` and `double` ALTREP class type.
#' @return No return value
#' @export
setAltMethod <- function(className,
max) {
call <- match.call()
args <- names(call)[seq_len(length(call) - 2) + 2]
if (!isAltClassDefined(className)) {
stop("The class '", className, "' is not found.")
for (i in args) {
func <- get(as.character(i))
.setAltMethod(className, i, func)
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