#' NetGPA
#' The workflow to score a group of query genes
#' @param seedListName A list which contains the seed gene set.
#' @param queryName A vector of gene names.
#' @param dbMatrix Network database in a matrix format.
#' @param Pfcutoff Percentage of top genes considered, should be less than 0.1.
#' @param progressBar Whether to show process status, logical.
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @author Jiantao Shi
#' @references
#' Jiantao Shi NetGPA, a package for network-based gene prioritization analysis.
#' @return
#' A list of two tables
#' @examples
#' # load package and data
#' library("NetGPA")
#' data("Example_NetGPA")
#' # load data base
#' data(text_2006_12_NetGPA)
#' # Compare FGF pathway and a random gene set
#' exampleSeedFGFR <- Example_NetGPA$Cancer_GeneSet[["SIGNALING_BY_FGFR"]]
#' pGenes <- intersect(exampleSeedFGFR, colnames(text_2006_12_NetGPA))
#' rGenes <- sample(colnames(text_2006_12_NetGPA), length(pGenes))
#' res <- NetGPA(as.list(pGenes), pGenes, text_2006_12_NetGPA, progressBar = FALSE)
#' pTable <- res$queryTable
#' pTable$group <- "Pathway"
#' res <- NetGPA(as.list(rGenes), rGenes, text_2006_12_NetGPA, progressBar = FALSE)
#' rTable <- res$queryTable
#' rTable$group <- "Random"
#' mT <- rbind(pTable, rTable)
#' boxplot(-log10(queryP)~group, data = mT, ylab = "-log10(p-value)")
#' @export
NetGPA <- function(seedListName, queryName, dbMatrix, Pfcutoff = 0.1, progressBar = TRUE){
PG <- colnames(dbMatrix)
Nref <- length(PG)
# check and substract network database
Pcut <- nrow(dbMatrix)/Nref
if(Pfcutoff > Pcut)
stop("The maximum Pfcutoff allowed is", Pcut, "\n")
Norder <- 1:Nref
names(Norder) <- PG
Ncut <- as.integer(Nref*Pfcutoff)
dbMatrix <- dbMatrix[1:Ncut, , drop = FALSE]
# index seed
seedList <- indexSeedList(seedListName, dbMatrix)
if(length(seedList) < 10)
stop("Number of regions are too small, try a larger set of seed genes.\n")
# check query genes
queryVector <- intersect(queryName, PG)
cat(length(queryVector), "genes found in database.\n")
if(length(queryVector) == 0)
stop("None of the query of genes are present in database.\n")
# update queryVector to include seed genes
queryVector <- c(queryVector, unlist(seedListName))
queryVector <- intersect(queryVector, PG)
Ng <- length(queryVector)
# assess each gene
pv <- rep(NA, Ng)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = Ng, style = 3)
for(i in 1:Ng){
g <- queryVector[i]
queryIndex <- Norder[g]
topIndex <- dbMatrix[, g]
gw <- geneWeight(queryIndex, Nref, topIndex, seedList, Pfcutoff)
pv[i] <- geneScoring(gw[1], gw[2], Pfcutoff)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
# summary results
names(pv) <- queryVector
rList <- summaryResults(seedListName, queryName, pv)
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