
Defines functions getJxCounts

Documented in getJxCounts

#' Obtain Exonic Feature Counts
#' This function returns the coverage of the junction portion of the sufficient
#' features identified based on sequencing read length.
#' @param input Either a SRA project name (part of recount2) OR
#' the path to the rail output file containing junction information of the form 'cross_sample_results/junctions.tsv.gz'.
#' @param pheno The phenotype matrix created by processPheno().
#' @return A matrix containing the junction counts for the samples in pheno.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
#' @keywords getJxCounts
getJxCounts = function(input, pheno){
      message(Sys.time(), " # Getting junction counts")
      data(gff_jx, package="recountNNLSdata")
      url_table <- recount::recount_url

      ## If input is a SRA project name compiled in recount2
      if(input %in% unique(url_table$project)){
            ## Download the junction file if it exists
            if(input %in% url_table$project){
                  url_table = url_table[url_table$project==input,]
                        # if(local==F){
                              rse_jx_file = recount::download_study(input, type = 'rse-jx', download = FALSE)
                        # }else{
                              # load(url_table$path[url_table$file_name=='rse_jx.Rdata'])
                        # }
                        ## Look for junctions matching reference junctions
                        ol = findOverlaps(gff_jx, SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(rse_jx), type="equal")
                        rse_jx = rse_jx[subjectHits(ol),]

                        ## Extract counts of reference junctions and annotate with feature name
                        counts_jx = SummarizedExperiment::assays(rse_jx[, match(pheno$run, colnames(rse_jx))])$counts
                              rownames(counts_jx) = paste0("i", queryHits(ol))
            ## Input is the path to the junction coverage file from rail
            ## Read junction table and parse information
            tab = read.table(input, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
            info = stringr::str_split_fixed(tab[,1], ";", n=4)
            gr = GRanges(info[,1], IRanges(as.numeric(info[,3]), as.numeric(info[,4])))

            ## Look for junctions matching reference junctions
            ol = findOverlaps(gff_jx, gr, type="equal")

            ## Extract counts of reference junctions and annotate with feature name
            counts_jx = tab[subjectHits(ol),-1,drop=FALSE]
                  rownames(counts_jx) = paste0("i", queryHits(ol))
JMF47/recountNNLS documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:42 p.m.