#' Visualize a set of gene expression matrix
#' Heatmap plot a set of gene expression matrix of the same
#' set of gene and cells with proper annotations
#' @param datalist a list of gene expression matrixes of size p by n,
#' (where rows are of the same set of genes and columns are
#' of the same set of cells).
#' @param dirname a string of directory names to save the plots,
#' default as NULL, that is not saving but directly showing the plots.
#' @param genes a vector contains names of the genes to be plotted.
#' @param cellinfo a dataframe contains a column named 'newcelltype'
#' of length n, where each entries corresponds to
#' the cell group identity that a cell belongs to.
#' This information will be used for annotating the final heatmap.
#' Default is NULL, that is no cell annotation.
#' @param geneinfo a dataframe contains a column named
#' 'newcelltype' of length p, where each entries corresponds to
#' the cell group identity that a gene marks.
#' This information will be used for annotating the final heatmap.
#' Default is NULL, that is no gene annotation.
#' @param rowv a vector contains the ordering of the genes
#' for all data matrix in the final heatmap.
#' Default is FALSE, that the ordering resulted from
#' the clustering (\code{hclust}) result of the first
#' data matrix in datalist.
#' @param colv a vector contains the ordering of the cells
#' for all data matrix in the final heatmap.
#' Default is FALSE, that the ordering resulted
#' from the clustering (\code{hclust}) result of
#' the first data matrix in datalist.
#' @param maxdata the maximun cutoff of the correlation,
#' default is NULL, that is no cutoff.
#' @param mindata the minmum cutoff of the correlation, default is 0.
#' @param color what set of color panel to use, default is "YlGnBu:100".
#' @param extrainfo a string of extra information to
#' saved in the final plot filename, default as "".
#' @param ncol the number of columns in the combined plots, default as 3.
#' @param size the size of the cellwidth and cellheight in heatmap, default as 3.
#' @param width the width of the final pdf plot, default as 8.
#' @param height the height of the final pdf plot, default as 8.
#' @param log whether take the log transform of the data
#' @param norm whether take the counts per million normalization of the data
#' @return heatmap plots showing immediately or pdf
#' files saved to desinated directory.
#' @importFrom NMF aheatmap
#' @import viridis
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @examples
#' data = matrix(rnorm(100),20,5)
#' # heatdata(list(data))
#' @rdname escoheatdata
#' @export
heatdata<-function(datalist, dirname = NULL, genes = NULL, cellinfo = NULL,
rowv = FALSE, colv = FALSE, geneinfo = NULL,
log = TRUE, norm = TRUE,
maxdata = NULL, mindata = 0, ncol = 3, size = 3, width = 8, height = 8,
color = "YlGnBu:100", extrainfo = ""){
typecell = NA
typegene = NA
cellcolors = NA
genecolors = NA
for(i in 1:length(datalist)){
data = datalist[[i]]
datalist[[i]] = 10^6*t(t(data)/colSums(data))
norm = "norm"
else norm = ""
if(is.null(genes))genes = as.character(rownames(datalist[[1]]))
genegroups = c()
cellgroups = c()
if(!is.null(cellinfo))cellgroups= levels(cellinfo$newcelltype)
if(!is.null(geneinfo))genegroups= levels(geneinfo$newcelltype)
colors = brewer.pal(n = length(unique(c(genegroups, cellgroups))), name = "Set1")
typecell = data.frame("Cell Group" = cellinfo$newcelltype)
cellcolors = colors[1:length(levels(cellinfo$newcelltype))]
colors = colors[-(1:length(levels(cellinfo$newcelltype)))]
typegene = data.frame("Gene Type" = geneinfo$newcelltype)
genecolors = rep("", length(levels(geneinfo$newcelltype)))
genecolors[match(levels(cellinfo$newcelltype), levels(geneinfo$newcelltype))] = cellcolors
genecolors[which(genecolors=="")] = colors[1:length(genecolors[which(genecolors=="")])]
colr = list("Cell.Group" = cellcolors, "Gene.Type" = genecolors)
a = aheatmap(log2(datalist[[1]][genes,]+1), Rowv = rowv,
Colv = colv, color = color,
breaks = seq(0, maxfunc(maxdata, log2(datalist[[1]][genes,]+1)),
length.out = 101),
annRow = typegene, annCol = typecell, annColors = colr,
width = width, height = height,
filename = paste0(dirname, norm, "data",
names(datalist)[1],extrainfo, ".png"))
rowv = a$rowInd
colv = a$colInd
datalist = datalist[-1]
for(i in 1:(length(datalist))){
aheatmap(log2(datalist[[i]][genes,] + 1),
Rowv = rowv, Colv = colv, revC = FALSE, color = color,
breaks = seq(mindata, maxfunc(maxdata,log2(datalist[[i]][genes,]+1)),
length.out = 101),
annRow = typegene, annCol = typecell,
annColors = colr, width = width, height = height,
filename = paste0(dirname, norm,
"data", names(datalist)[i],extrainfo,".png"))
par(mfrow=c(ceiling(length(datalist)/ncol), ncol))
legend = FALSE
if(length(datalist)==1)legend = TRUE
a = aheatmap(log2(datalist[[1]][genes,]+1),
Rowv = rowv, Colv = colv, color = color,
breaks = seq(0, maxfunc(maxdata, log2(datalist[[1]][genes,]+1)),
length.out = 101),
annRow = typegene, annCol = typecell,
annColors = colr, legend = legend, annLegend = legend,
cellwidth = size, cellheight = size, main = names(datalist)[1])
rowv = a$rowInd
colv = a$colInd
if(is.null(maxdata))maxdata = max(log2(datalist[[1]][genes,]+1))
datalist = datalist[-1]
for(i in 1:(length(datalist))){
legend = FALSE
if(i==length(datalist))legend = TRUE
aheatmap(log2(datalist[[i]][genes,] + 1),
Rowv = rowv, Colv = colv, revC = FALSE, color = color,
breaks = seq(mindata, maxfunc(maxdata,log2(datalist[[i]][genes,]+1)),
length.out = 101),
annRow = typegene, annCol = typecell,
annColors = colr, legend = legend, annLegend = legend,
cellwidth = size, cellheight = size, main = names(datalist)[i])
#' Visualize a set of gene correlation matrix
#' Heatmap plot a set of gene correlation matrix of
#' the same set of genes with proper annotations
#' @param gcnlist a list of gene correlation matrixes of
#' size p by p, where the rows and columns are of the same set of genes.
#' @param dirname a string of directory names to save the plots,
#' default as NULL, that is not saving but directly showing the plots.
#' @param geneinfo a dataframe contains a column named
#' 'newcelltype' of length p, where each entries corresponds to
#' the cell group identity that a gene marks.
#' This information will be used for annotating the final heatmap.
#' Default is NULL, that is no annotation.
#' @param ord a vector contains the ordering of the genes
#' for all correlation matrix in the final heatmap.
#' Default is NULL, that the ordering resulted from
#' the clustering (\code{hclust}) result of the first
#' gene correlation matrix in gcnlist.
#' @param maxgcn the maximun cutoff of the correlation, default is 1.
#' @param mingcn the minmum cutoff of the correlation, default is -1.
#' @param abs whether take the absulute value of the correlation matrix or not.
#' @param color what set of color panel to use, default is "-RdBu:100".
#' @param extrainfo a string of extra information to
#' saved in the final plot filename, default as "".
#' @param ncol the number of columns in the combined plots, default as 4.
#' @param size the size of the cellwidth and cellheight in heatmap, default as 2.
#' @return heatmap plots showing immediately or pdf
#' files saved to desinated directory.
#' @importFrom NMF aheatmap
#' @importFrom stats as.dist hclust
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @import viridis
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data1 = matrix(rnorm(100),20,5)
#' data2 = matrix(rnorm(100),20,5)
#' gcnlist = lapply(list(data1,data2),function(data)gcn(data))
#' # heatgcn(gcnlist)
#' @rdname escoheatgcn
heatgcn<-function(gcnlist, dirname = NULL, geneinfo = NULL,
ord = NULL,
maxgcn = 1, mingcn = -1, abs = FALSE,
color="-RdBu:100", extrainfo = NULL, ncol = 4, size = 2){
if(sum(mean(sapply(gcnlist, nrow))!=sapply(gcnlist, nrow))>0){
for(i in 2:length(gcnlist)){
gcnold = gcnlist[[i]]
gcnlist[[i]] = matrix(0, nrow(gcnlist[[1]]), ncol(gcnlist[[1]]))
dimnames(gcnlist[[i]]) = dimnames(gcnlist[[1]])
rows = rownames(gcnold)[which(rownames(gcnold)%in%rownames(gcnlist[[1]]))]
gcnlist[[i]][rows, rows] = gcnold[rows, rows]
d = as.dist((1-gcnlist[[1]])/2)
h = hclust(d)
ord = h$order
type = data.frame("Gene Type" = geneinfo$newcelltype[ord])
genecolors = brewer.pal(n = length(levels(as.factor(geneinfo$newcelltype))), name = "Set1")
colr = list("Gene.Type" = genecolors)
type = NA
colr = NA
type = data.frame("Gene Type" = geneinfo$newcelltype[ord])
genecolors = brewer.pal(n = length(levels(as.factor(geneinfo$newcelltype))),
name = "Set1")
colr = list("Gene.Type" = genecolors)
if(abs&!is.null(mingcn))mingcn = 0
for(i in 1:length(gcnlist)){
gcn = gcnlist[[i]]
aheatmap(gcn[ord, ord], Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, color = color,
breaks = seq(mingcn, maxgcn,length.out = 101),
annCol = type, annColors = colr,
cellwidth = size, cellheight = size,
filename = paste0(dirname, "gcn_",
names(gcnlist)[i], extrainfo, ".pdf") )
par(mfrow = c(ceiling(length(gcnlist)/ncol), ncol))
for(i in 1:length(gcnlist)){
gcn = gcnlist[[i]]
legend = FALSE
if(i==length(gcnlist))legend = TRUE
aheatmap(gcn[ord, ord], Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, color = color,
breaks = seq(mingcn, maxgcn, length.out = 101),
annCol = type, cellwidth = size, cellheight = size,
legend = legend, annLegend = legend, annColors = colr,
main = paste0(names(gcnlist)[i], " ", extrainfo))
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