#' Write DESeq results
#' Write DESeq result files, raw counts, rlog values, normalized counts to an Excel file.
#' @param result_all a list from \code{results_all}
#' @param dds a DESeqDataset object with count tables
#' @param rld a DESeqTransform obect with rlog values
#' @param biomart annotations from \code{read_biomart}
#' @param sets table with set intersections, optional
#' @param fpkm matrix of fpkm values, optional
#' @param text_files write results to separate txt files, mainly for IPA input
#' @param cutoff if text_files is TRUE, only write genes below this p-value cutoff
#' @param file file name
#' @param overwrite overwrite existing Excel file. Default is FALSE.
#' @param \dots additional options passed to \code{annotate_results}
#' @return A tibble
#' @author Chris Stubben
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' write_deseq(res, dds, rld, human98)
#' }
#' @export
write_deseq <- function(result_all, dds, rld, biomart, sets, fpkm,
text_files = FALSE, cutoff, file = "DESeq.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE, ...){
## if results are a tibble (since simplify=TRUE by default)
if(!class(result_all)[1] == "list"){
n <- attr(result_all, "contrast")
result_all <- list(result_all)
names(result_all) <- n
res <- result_all
names(res) <- gsub( "/", "", names(res))
for (i in 1:length(res)){
vs <- gsub( "\\.* ", "_", names(res[i]))
vs <- gsub("_+_", "_", vs, fixed=TRUE)
vs <- paste0(vs, ".txt")
message( "Saving ", vs)
if(!missing(cutoff)) res[[i]] <- dplyr::filter(res[[i]], padj < cutoff)
readr::write_tsv(res[[i]], vs)
if( !class(dds)[1] == "DESeqDataSet") stop("dds should be a DESeqDataSet object")
if( !class(rld)[1] == "DESeqTransform") stop("rld should be a DESeqTransform object")
## 1. summary - will print contrast name (which may change if longer than 32 characters)
sum1 <- suppressMessages( dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(result_all, summary_deseq), .id= "contrast"))
# write.xlsx does not like tibbles, so use as.data.frame
sum1 <- as.data.frame( sum1)
# write.xlsx requires a named list for writing mulitple worksheets
sum1 <- list("summary" = sum1)
res1 <- lapply(result_all, as.data.frame )
## write.xlsx replaces space with .
names(res1) <- gsub( "\\.? ", "_", names(res1))
## forward slash will cause Excel errors
names(res1) <- gsub( "/", "", names(res1))
# also not allowed \ * [ ] : ?
# Worksheet names cannot exceed 31 characters.
if(any(nchar(names(res1)) > 31)){
message("Note: some contrast names are longer than the 31 characters and will be truncated")
z <- substr(names(res1), 1, 31)
if(any(duplicated(z))) stop("Warning: names(result_all) is not unique after truncating. Please shorten the contrast names for Excel")
names(res1) <- z
for(i in names(res1)) message(i)
# sample data in colData ... drop replaceable
samp1 <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(dds))
# TCGAbiolinks has list columns!
samp1 <- samp1[, colnames(samp1) != "treatments"]
n <- which(sapply(samp1, class) == "AsIs")
for (i in n) samp1[[i]] <- unlist(samp1[[i]])
samp1$replaceable <- NULL
Counts <- list(
"raw_counts" = DESeq2::counts(dds),
"log2_norm" = SummarizedExperiment::assay(DESeq2::normTransform(dds)),
"rlog" = SummarizedExperiment::assay(rld))
if(class(fpkm)[1] == "list"){
Counts <- c( Counts, fpkm)
Counts <- c( Counts, list("fpkm"= fpkm))
Meta <- list( "samples" = samp1)
Meta <- c(Meta, list( "ensembl"= as.data.frame(biomart)))
# add gene names to count tables?
Counts <- lapply(Counts, function(y) dplyr::right_join(biomart[,1:3],
tibble::rownames_to_column( as.data.frame(y), "id"), by="id"))
DESeq_tables <- c( sum1, res1, Counts, Meta)
if(class(sets)[1]!="list") sets <- list(Sets=sets)
DESeq_tables <- c( sum1, res1, sets, Counts, Meta)
message("Saving ", length(DESeq_tables), " worksheets to ", file)
# DESeq_tables
openxlsx::write.xlsx(DESeq_tables, file = file, rowNames = sapply(DESeq_tables, is.matrix), overwrite = overwrite )
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