#' Read biomart annotations
#' Read Ensembl annotations using \code{biomaRt} library
#' @param dataset The first letter of genus and full species name like btaurus,
#' ecaballus, sscrofa from \code{listEnsembl}. A few common names are accepted
#' for human, mouse, rat, fruitfly, yeast and zebrafish.
#' @param attributes vector of column names to pass to \code{getBM}, default
#' ensembl_gene_id, external_gene_name, gene_biotype, chromosome_name,
#' start_position, end_position, strand, description and transcript_count
#' @param version Ensembl version for previous releases, check biomaRt::listEnsemblArchives() to see if versions < 90 are available
#' @param patch Keep features on patches starting with CHR_, default FALSE
#' @param list return a list of either datasets, attributes or filters only.
#' @param \dots additional options like filters and values passed to \code{getBM} or
#' \code{listAttributes}
#' @note Many attributes like entrezgene have a 0 to many relationship with
#' ensembl_gene_id causing duplicate ensembl ids to be added.
#' @return A tibble
#' @author Chris Stubben
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x1 <- read_biomart( list= "datasets")
#' x1
#' # Download latest version
#' mmu <- read_biomart("mouse")
#' # Download mouse genes and human homologs
#' x1 <- read_biomart("mouse", list= "attributes")
#' dplyr::count(x1, page)
#' filter(x1, grepl("hsapiens_homolog", name))
#' mmu_homologs <- read_biomart("mouse", attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id",
#' "hsapiens_homolog_ensembl_gene", "hsapiens_homolog_associated_gene_name",
#' "hsapiens_homolog_perc_id"))
#' # Human genes with SignalP
#' x2 <- read_biomart("human", list= "filters")
#' filter(x2, grepl("signal", name))
#' hsa_signalp <- read_biomart("human", attributes = c("ensembl_transcript_id",
#' "ensembl_gene_id", "external_gene_name", "signalp_start", "signalp_end"),
#' filter="with_signalp", values=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
read_biomart <- function(dataset="human", attributes, version=NULL, patch=FALSE, list=NULL, ...){
common <- c(human = "hsapiens",
mouse = "mmusculus",
rat = "rnorvegicus",
zebrafish = "drerio",
elephant = "lafricana",
fly = "dmelanogaster",
fruitfly = "dmelanogaster",
pig = "sscrofa",
sheep = "oaries",
rabbit = "ocuniculus",
roundworm = "celegans",
vervet = "csabaeus",
worm = "celegans",
yeast = "scerevisiae")
if( tolower(dataset) %in% names(common)) dataset <- common[[tolower(dataset)]]
if( !grepl("gene_ensembl$", dataset) ) dataset <- paste0(dataset, "_gene_ensembl")
release <- version
if (is.null(version)) {
x <- biomaRt::listEnsembl()
release <- x$version[x$biomart == "ensembl"]
release <- gsub("Ensembl Genes ", "", release)
message("Using Ensembl release ", release)
if(tolower(list) == "datasets"){
ensembl <- biomaRt::useEnsembl(biomart="ensembl", version=version)
bm <- biomaRt::listDatasets(ensembl)
## remove AsIs class
for(i in 1:3) class(bm[,i]) <- "character"
message("Downloaded ", nrow(bm), " datasets")
ensembl <- biomaRt::useEnsembl(biomart="ensembl", dataset=dataset, version=version)
if(tolower(list) == "filters"){
bm <- biomaRt::listFilters(ensembl, ...)
message("Downloaded ", nrow(bm), " filters")
bm <- biomaRt::listAttributes(ensembl, ...)
message("Downloaded ", nrow(bm), " attributes")
ensembl <- biomaRt::useEnsembl(biomart="ensembl", dataset=dataset, version=version)
# default search
bm <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id','external_gene_name', 'gene_biotype',
'chromosome_name', 'start_position', 'end_position','strand', 'description',
'transcript_count'), mart = ensembl, ...)
# replace long names like ensembl_gene_id
names(bm)[1:6] <- c("id", "gene_name", "biotype", "chromosome", "start", "end")
n <- length(unique(bm$id))
# drop source from description [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:102478]
bm$description <- gsub(" \\[.*\\]$", "" , bm$description)
# white space in version 92
bm$description <- trimws(bm$description)
bm <- dplyr::arrange(bm, id)
n1 <- nrow(bm)
bm <- dplyr::filter(bm, substr(chromosome,1,4) != "CHR_")
if(n1 != nrow(bm)) message("Removed ", n1 - nrow(bm), " features on patch CHR_*")
bm <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes= attributes, mart = ensembl, ...)
if("chromosome_name" %in% colnames(bm)){
n1 <- nrow(bm)
bm <- dplyr::filter(bm, substr(chromosome_name,1,4) != "CHR_")
if(n1 != nrow(bm)) message("Removed ", n1 - nrow(bm), " features on patch CHR_*")
message("Downloaded ", nrow(bm), " features")
# will also drop the grouped_df class
bm <- tibble::as_tibble(bm)
attr(bm, "downloaded") <- Sys.Date()
attr(bm, "version") <- release
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