
Defines functions read_RnaSeqMetrics

Documented in read_RnaSeqMetrics

#' Read CollectRnaSeqMetrics output
#' Reads CollectRnaSeqMetric output files and creates metrics and coverage tables.
#' @param path the path name to CollectRnaSeqMetrics output files, the default
#'        corresponds to the working directory.
#' @param pattern a regular expression, default ".txt$". Only file names which
#'        match the regular expression will be loaded.
#' @return A list with coverage and stats tables
#' @author Chris Stubben
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    # read all *.txt files in out/ directory
#'    read_RnaSeqMetrics( "out")
#'    # read output files matching Control-1 in current directory
#'    read_RnaSeqMetrics( pattern="Control-1")
#' }
#' @export

read_RnaSeqMetrics<- function( path=".", pattern="\\.txt$" ){
  outfiles <- list.files(path, pattern, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
  if(length(n)==0) stop("No ", pattern, " files found in ", path, call.=FALSE)
  samples <- sample_names(outfiles)
  samples <- gsub("_metrics$", "", samples)

  out1 <- vector("list", length(outfiles))
  out2 <- vector("list", length(outfiles))

  for(i in seq_along( outfiles)){
    x <- readr::read_lines( outfiles[i] )

    n1 <- grep("^PF_BASES", x)
  # warn and skip instead?
    if( length(n1) == 0)  stop("Line starting with PF_BASES not found in ", n[i] )
    x1 <- readr::read_tsv( paste(x[n1:(n1+1)], collapse ="\n") )
    names(x1) <- tolower(names(x1))
    ## long format, convert to numeric, remove NAs and add sample name
    out1[[i]] <- tidyr::gather(x1)  %>%
                  dplyr::mutate(value = as.numeric(value)) %>%
                   dplyr::filter(!is.na(value) ) %>%
                    tibble::add_column( sample= samples[i], .before=1)

    n2 <- grep("^normalized_position", x)
    if( length(n2) == 0)  stop("Line starting with normalized_position not found in ", n[i] )
     # normalized_position All_Reads.normalized_coverage
     x2 <- readr::read_tsv( paste(x[n2:length(x)], collapse ="\n") , skip=1, col_names =  c("position", "coverage"))
     out2[[i]] <- tibble::add_column (x2, sample= samples[i], .before=1)
  message("Read ", length(outfiles), " files")
  list(metrics= dplyr::bind_rows( out1), coverage=dplyr::bind_rows( out2))
HuntsmanCancerInstitute/hciR documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 12:22 p.m.