
Defines functions fgsea_all

Documented in fgsea_all

#' Run fgsea on all DESeq2 result tables
#' A wrapper for fgsea to convert ouput into tibbles
#' @param res A list of DESeq results
#' @param gsets Gene sets
#' @param FDR FDR cutoff, default 0.1
#' @param nperm Number of permutations, default 10000
#' @param \dots Additional options passed to \code{fgsea}
#' @return A list of tibbles
#' @author Chris Stubben
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(hciRdata)
#' fc <- write_gsea_rnk(res, write=FALSE)
#' x <- fgsea_all(fc, gsets=msig_pathways$KEGG)
#' }
#' @export

fgsea_all <- function(res, gsets, FDR = 0.1, nperm=10000, ...){
   ##  if results are a tibble (since simplify=TRUE by default)
   if( class(res)[1] != "list"){
         n <- attr(res, "contrast")
         if(is.null(n)) stop("Missing contrast name")
         res <- list(res)
         names(res) <- n
   fc <- suppressMessages( write_gsea_rnk(res, write=FALSE))
   n <- length(fc)
   fgsea_res <- vector("list", n)
   vs <- names(fc)
   names(fgsea_res) <-  vs
   ## padded for message
   vs1 <- sprintf(paste0("%-", max(nchar(vs))+2, "s"), paste0(vs, ":") )
   # message( "Using FDR < ", FDR)
   for(i in 1:n){
      ## suppress warnings... There are ties in the preranked stats (0.82% of the list).
      f1 <- suppressWarnings( fgsea::fgsea(pathways = gsets,
                        stats = fc[[i]],
                        nperm=nperm, ...))
      f1 <- tibble::as_tibble(f1)
      f1 <- dplyr::filter(f1, padj < FDR)
      if(nrow(f1) == 0){
          message( i, ". ", vs1[[i]], " No enriched sets found")
		 f1$leadingN <- lengths(f1$leadingEdge)
         f1$enriched <- "negative"
         f1$enriched[f1$ES>0] <- "positive"
          f1 <- dplyr::arrange(f1, enriched, padj, dplyr::desc( abs(NES) ))
         # f1 <- dplyr::arrange(f1, desc(enriched),  dplyr::desc( abs(NES) ), padj )
      message( i, ". ", vs1[[i]], " ", nrow(f1), " enriched sets (",
         sum(f1$enriched=="positive"), " positive, ", sum(f1$enriched=="negative"), " negative)")
      fgsea_res[[i]] <-  f1
   fgsea_res <- fgsea_res[sapply(fgsea_res, nrow) > 0]
   if(length( fgsea_res) == 1 ) fgsea_res <- fgsea_res[[1]]
HuntsmanCancerInstitute/hciR documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 7:39 p.m.