arrangeCelFilesByChipType: Moves CEL files to subdirectories with names corresponding to...

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arrangeCelFilesByChipTypeR Documentation

Moves CEL files to subdirectories with names corresponding to the chip types


Moves CEL files to subdirectories with names corresponding to the chip types according to the CEL file headers. For instance, a HG_U95Av2 CEL file with pathname "data/foo.CEL" will be moved to subdirectory celFiles/HG_U95Av2/.


arrangeCelFilesByChipType(pathnames=list.files(pattern = "[.](cel|CEL)$"),
  path="celFiles/", aliases=NULL, ...)



A character vector of CEL pathnames to be moved.


A character string specifying the root output directory, which in turn will contain chip-type subdirectories. All directories will be created, if missing.


A named character string with chip type aliases. For instance, aliases=c("Focus"="HG-Focus") will treat a CEL file with chiptype label 'Focus' (early-access name) as if it was 'HG-Focus' (official name).


Not used.


Returns (invisibly) a named character vector of the new pathnames with the chip types as the names. Files that could not be moved or where not valid CEL files are set to missing values.


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

The chip type is inferred from the CEL file header, cf. readCelHeader().

HenrikBengtsson/affxparser documentation built on Jan. 7, 2025, 11:46 a.m.