data(sample_ff, sample_key)
n_ids <- length(ids <- rownames(sample_key))
x <- prepData(sample_ff, by_time = FALSE)
x <- assignPrelim(x, sample_key, verbose = FALSE)
test_that("plotYields()", {
expect_error(plotYields(x, which = "x"))
# summary plot
p <- plotYields(x, which = "0")
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
h <- p$layers[[1]]$data # histo data
l <- p$layers[[2]]$data # lines data
expect_true(nrow(h) == (n_cuts <- 101))
expect_true(nrow(l) == n_cuts*n_ids)
expect_true(all(table(l$bc_id) == n_cuts))
expect_true(all(table(l$cutoff) == n_ids))
expect_true(all(apply(h, 2, is.numeric)))
expect_is(l$bc_id, "factor")
expect_is(l$yield, "numeric")
expect_is(l$cutoff, "numeric")
expect_gte(min(l$yield), 0)
expect_equal(min(l$yield), min(h$count))
expect_equal(max(l$yield), max(h$count))
# single ID
p <- plotYields(x, which = "A1")
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_true(all(apply(p$data, 2, is.numeric)))
expect_gte(min(p$data$yield), 0)
expect_lte(max(p$data$yield), 100)
# multiple IDs
n <- sample(seq_len(nrow(sample_key))[-1], 1)
which <- sample(ids, n)
m <- match(ids, which, nomatch = 0)
p <- plotYields(x, which)
expect_is(p, "list")
expect_true(length(p) == n)
expect_identical(names(p), which[m])
# with separation cutoff estimates available
y <- estCutoffs(x)
which <- sample(ids, 3)
p <- plotYields(y, which)
cuts <- vapply(p[which], function(u)
as.numeric(u$layer[[4]]$data), numeric(1))
expect_identical(cuts, metadata(y)$sep_cutoffs[which])
# save output to .pdf
foo <- plotYields(x, ids[1],
out_path = (dir <- tempdir()),
out_name = (fn <- "foo"))
expect_true(paste0(fn, ".pdf") %in% list.files(dir))
test_that("plotEvents()", {
n <- 100 # number of events to plot
expect_error(plotEvents(x, which = "x"))
# single ID
p <- plotEvents(x, which = "A1", n = n)
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_true(nrow(p$data) == n * ncol(sample_key))
expect_true(all(table(p$data$variable) == n))
expect_equivalent(levels(p$data$variable), channels(x)[rowData(x)$is_bc])
# multiple IDs
n_in <- sample(seq_len(n_ids)[-1], 1)
which <- sample(ids, n_in)
m <- match(ids, which, nomatch = 0)
p <- plotEvents(x, which, n = n)
expect_is(p, "list")
expect_true(all(sapply(p, is, "ggplot")))
expect_true(length(p) == n_in)
expect_identical(names(p), which[m])
# all IDs
p <- plotEvents(x, which = "all", n = n)
expect_is(p, "list")
expect_true(all(sapply(p, is, "ggplot")))
expect_true(length(p) == n_ids)
expect_identical(names(p), ids)
# population(s) w/o events assigned
ex_id <- sample(ids, (n_ex <- 1))
in_ids <- sample(setdiff(ids, ex_id), (n_in <- 3))
y <- x; y <- y[, y$bc_id != ex_id]
expect_error(plotEvents(y, which = ex_id))
p <- plotEvents(y, which = c(in_ids, ex_id), n = n)
expect_is(p, "list")
expect_true(all(sapply(p, is, "ggplot")))
expect_true(length(p) == n_in)
m <- match(ids, in_ids, nomatch = 0)
expect_identical(names(p), in_ids[m])
# save output to .pdf
foo <- plotEvents(x, ids[1], n = n,
out_path = (dir <- tempdir()),
out_name = (fn <- "foo"))
expect_true(paste0(fn, ".pdf") %in% list.files(dir))
test_that("plotMahal()", {
x <- applyCutoffs(estCutoffs(x))
expect_error(plotMahal(x, which = "x"))
expect_error(plotMahal(x, which = sample(ids, 2)))
p <- plotMahal(x, which = "A1", n = 100)
expect_is(p, "gtable")
test_that("plotSpillmat()", {
bc_ms <- c(139, 141:156, 158:176)
x <- prepData(ss_exp)
x <- assignPrelim(x, bc_ms)
x <- applyCutoffs(estCutoffs(x))
x <- computeSpillmat(x)
sm <- metadata(x)$spillover_matrix
y <- x; metadata(y) <- list()
p <- plotSpillmat(x)
q <- plotSpillmat(y, sm)
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_identical(p$data, q$data)
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