data(PBMC_fs, PBMC_panel, PBMC_md)
x0 <- prepData(PBMC_fs, PBMC_panel, PBMC_md)
x <- cluster(x0, seed = 3004, verbose = FALSE)
es <- assay(x, "exprs")
codes <- cluster_codes(x)
test_that("plotCounts() - prop = FALSE", {
p <- plotCounts(x0,
group_by = "sample_id",
color_by = "condition")
n <- p$data$value
names(n) <- p$data$sample_id
# output is a ggplot-object
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
# sample IDs are unique
expect_true(all(table(p$data$sample_id) == 1))
# total no. of cells & no. of cells by sample match
expect_equal(sum(n), ncol(x0))
expect_true(all(n == table(x0$sample_id)[names(n)]))
# invalid arguments fail
expect_error(plotCounts(x0, color_by = "x"))
expect_error(plotCounts(x0, anno = "x"))
test_that("plotCounts() - prop = TRUE", {
p <- plotCounts(x0,
prop = TRUE,
group_by = "condition",
color_by = "patient_id")
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
# values should be proportions
expect_true(all(p$data$value > 0))
expect_true(all(p$data$value < 1))
# should sum to one for each condition
x <- lapply(split(p$data, p$data$condition), "[[", "value")
expect_true(all(vapply(x, sum, numeric(1)) == 1))
ns <- table(x0$condition, x0$patient_id)
ps <- prop.table(ns, 1)
expect_identical(c(ps), p$data$value)
test_that("plotCounts() - color_by = NULL", {
p <- plotCounts(x0, group_by = "sample_id", color_by = NULL)
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
# there should be no additional variables
expect_equal(dim(p$data), c(nlevels(x0$sample_id), 2))
# value should be number of cells per sample
expect_identical(tabulate(x0$sample_id), p$data$value)
test_that("plotNRS()", {
# include all feaures
p <- plotNRS(x, features = NULL)
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_is(p$data$NRS, "numeric")
# should have one score per marker per sample
expect_true(nrow(p$data) == nrow(x) * nlevels(x$sample_id))
expect_true(all(table(p$data$antigen) == nlevels(x$sample_id)))
expect_true(all(table(p$data$sample_id) == nrow(x)))
# include type/state-markers only
for (marker_class in c("type", "state")) {
p <- plotNRS(x, features = marker_class)
n <- sum(rowData(x)$marker_class == marker_class)
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_is(p$data$NRS, "numeric")
expect_true(nrow(p$data) == n * nlevels(x$sample_id))
expect_true(all(table(p$data$antigen) == nlevels(x$sample_id)))
expect_true(all(table(p$data$sample_id) == n))
# invalid arguments fail
expect_error(plotNRS(x, features = "x"))
expect_error(plotNRS(x, color_by = "x"))
test_that("pbMDS() - by = 'sample_id'", {
expect_error(pbMDS(x0, color_by = "x"))
expect_is((p <- pbMDS(x0)), "ggplot")
expect_identical(nrow(p$data), nlevels(x0$sample_id))
# removal of samples
s <- sample(levels(x0$sample_id), (n <- 3))
expect_is(p <- pbMDS(filterSCE(x0, !sample_id %in% s)), "ggplot")
expect_equal(nrow(p$data) + 3, nlevels(x0$sample_id))
test_that("pbMDS() - by = 'cluster_id'", {
k <- sample(names(codes)[-seq_len(5)], 1)
nk <- length(kids <- levels(codes[[k]]))
expect_is(p <- pbMDS(x, by = "cluster_id", k = k), "ggplot")
expect_identical(nrow(p$data), nk)
expect_identical(levels(p$data$cluster_id), kids)
expect_equivalent(p$data$n_cells, c(table(cluster_ids(x, k))))
# removal of clusters
ks <- sample(kids, 3)
y <- filterSCE(x, !cluster_id %in% ks, k = k)
expect_is(p <- pbMDS(y, by = "cluster_id", k = k), "ggplot")
expect_identical(levels(p$data$cluster_id), setdiff(kids, ks))
expect_equivalent(p$data$n_cells, c(table(cluster_ids(y, k))))
test_that("pbMDS() - by = 'both'", {
k <- sample(names(codes)[-seq_len(5)], 1)
nk <- length(kids <- levels(codes[[k]]))
ns <- length(sids <- levels(x$sample_id))
ks <- sample(kids, 3); ss <- sample(sids, 3)
.check_nc <- function() {
nc <- table(cluster_ids(y, k), y$sample_id)
nc <- nc[as.matrix(p$data[c("cluster_id", "sample_id")])]
expect_identical(p$data$n_cells, nc)
y <- filterSCE(x, k = k, !(cluster_id %in% ks & sample_id %in% ss))
expect_is(p <- pbMDS(y, by = "both", k = k), "ggplot")
expect_identical(nrow(p$data), nk*ns)
expect_true(all(table(p$data$sample_id) == nk))
expect_true(all(table(p$data$cluster_id) == ns))
# removal of clusters
y <- filterSCE(x, k = k, !cluster_id %in% ks)
expect_is(p <- pbMDS(y, by = "both", k = k), "ggplot")
expect_identical(levels(p$data$cluster_id), setdiff(kids, ks))
nc <- table(cluster_ids(y, k), y$sample_id)
nc <- nc[as.matrix(p$data[c("cluster_id", "sample_id")])]
expect_identical(p$data$n_cells, nc)
# removal of samples
y <- filterSCE(x, k = k, !sample_id %in% ss)
expect_is(p <- pbMDS(y, by = "both", k = k), "ggplot")
expect_identical(levels(p$data$sample_id), setdiff(sids, ss))
test_that("pbMDS() - single factor in colData", {
colData(x) <- colData(x)[, seq(2)]
p <- pbMDS(x, by = "sample_id")
p <- tryCatch(print(p), error = function(e) e)
expect_false(inherits(p, "error"))
.printable <- \(p) !inherits(tryCatch(p, error=\(e) e), "error")
test_that("clrDR()", {
k <- sample(names(codes)[-seq_len(11)], 1)
nk <- nlevels(kids <- cluster_ids(x, k))
ns <- nlevels(sids <- x$sample_id)
# by = 'sample_id'
p <- clrDR(x, by = "sample_id", k = k)
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_identical(nrow(p$data), nlevels(x$sample_id))
expect_identical(p$data$n_cells, tabulate(x$sample_id))
# PC loading arrows
ls <- p$layers; y <- ls[[length(ls)]]
expect_identical(nrow(y$data), nlevels(kids))
expect_equivalent(levels(y$data$cluster_id), levels(kids))
# removal of samples
ss <- sample(levels(sids), n <- 3)
y <- filterSCE(x, k = k, !sample_id %in% ss)
p <- clrDR(y, by = "sample_id", k = k)
expect_identical(nrow(p$data), as.integer(ns-n))
expect_identical(p$data$n_cells, tabulate(y$sample_id))
expect_identical(levels(p$data$sample_id), setdiff(levels(sids), ss))
# by = 'cluster_id'
p <- clrDR(x, by = "cluster_id", k = k)
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_identical(nrow(p$data), nk)
expect_identical(p$data$n_cells, tabulate(kids))
expect_identical(levels(p$data$cluster_id), levels(kids))
# PC loading arrows
ls <- p$layers; y <- ls[[length(ls)]]
expect_identical(nrow(y$data), ns)
expect_equivalent(levels(y$data$sample_id), levels(sids))
# removal of clusters
ks <- sample(levels(kids), n <- 3)
y <- filterSCE(x, k = k, !cluster_id %in% ks)
p <- clrDR(y, by = "cluster_id", k = k)
expect_identical(nrow(p$data), as.integer(nk-n))
expect_identical(p$data$n_cells, tabulate(cluster_ids(y, k)))
expect_identical(levels(p$data$cluster_id), setdiff(levels(kids), ks))
test_that("plotExprs()", {
expect_error(plotExprs(x, color_by = "x"))
i <- sample(rownames(x), (n <- 5))
p <- plotExprs(x,
features = i,
color_by = "condition")
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_equal(nrow(p$data), n*ncol(x))
expect_equivalent(levels(p$data$antigen), i)
c(t(assay(x, "exprs")[i, ])))
test_that("plotPbExprs()", {
# facet by antigen
f <- sample(rownames(x), (n <- 6))
p <- plotPbExprs(x, k, f, facet = "antigen")
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_true(nrow(p$data) == n*nlevels(x$sample_id))
expect_equivalent(levels(p$data$antigen), f)
ms <- data.frame(t(es), colData(x), check.names = FALSE) %>%
group_by(sample_id) %>%
summarize_at(f, median) %>%
select(all_of(f)) %>% as.matrix
expect_identical(p$data$value, c(t(ms)))
# facet by cluster ID
k <- sample(names(codes), 1)
kids <- cluster_ids(x, k)
p <- plotPbExprs(x, k, "state", facet = "cluster_id")
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
length(state_markers(x))*sum(table(x$sample_id, kids) != 0))
expect_equivalent(levels(p$data$antigen), state_markers(x))
test_that("plotClusterExprs()", {
expect_error(plotClusterExprs(x, k = "x"))
kids <- cluster_ids(x, k <- sample(names(codes), 1))
p <- plotClusterExprs(x, k, features = NULL)
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_true(all(table(p$data$avg) == prod(dim(x))))
expect_identical(nrow(p$data)/2, prod(dim(x)))
expect_identical(c(t(es)), p$data$expression[p$data$avg == "no"])
test_that("plotAbundances()", {
expect_error(plotAbundances(x0, k = "x"))
expect_error(plotAbundances(x0, by = "x"))
expect_error(plotAbundances(x, group_by = "x"))
expect_error(plotAbundances(x, shape_by = "x"))
kids <- cluster_ids(x, k <- sample(names(codes), 1))
for (by in c("sample_id", "cluster_id")) {
p <- plotAbundances(x, k, by)
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_equal(nrow(p$data), nlevels(x$sample_id) * nlevels(kids))
expect_true(all(table(p$data$sample_id) == nlevels(kids)))
expect_true(all(table(p$data$cluster_id) == nlevels(x$sample_id)))
expect_equal(p$data$Freq/100, c(prop.table(table(kids, x$sample_id), 2)))
test_that("plotAbundances() - filtering", {
# exclude random subset of clusters
k <- sample(names(codes)[-seq_len(4)], 1)
kids <- levels(cluster_ids(x, k))
ns <- sample(length(kids)-1, 3)
for (ks in lapply(ns, sample, x = kids)) {
y <- filterSCE(x, !cluster_id %in% ks, k = k)
p <- plotAbundances(y, k, by = "sample_id")
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_true(setequal(p$data$cluster_id, setdiff(kids, ks)))
# exclude random subset of samples
sids <- levels(x$sample_id)
ns <- sample(length(sids)-1, 3)
for (ss in lapply(ns, sample, x = sids)) {
y <- filterSCE(x, !sample_id %in% ss, k = k)
p <- plotAbundances(y, k, by = "sample_id")
expect_is(p, "ggplot")
expect_true(setequal(levels(p$data$sample_id), setdiff(sids, ss)))
test_that("plotCodes()", {
kids <- cluster_ids(x, k <- sample(names(codes), 1))
expect_is(p <- plotCodes(x, k), "ggplot")
test_that("plotDR()", {
dr <- reducedDim(x <- runDR(x, "UMAP", cells = (n <- 10)))
expect_error(plotDR(x, dr = "x"))
expect_error(plotDR(x, color_by = "x"))
# colored by condition
expect_is(p <- plotDR(x), "ggplot")
expect_true(!any($data[c("x", "y")])))
expect_true(nrow(p$data) == n*nlevels(x$sample_id))
expect_true(all(table(p$data$sample_id) == n))
# colored by marker expression
i <- sample(rownames(x), 1)
p <- plotDR(x, color_by = i, scale = FALSE)
expect_true(all(i == p$data$variable))
expect_identical(p$data$value, es[i, ![, 1])])
# colored by cluster ID
k <- sample(names(codes), 1)
p <- plotDR(x, color_by = k)
expect_true(k %in% names(p$data))
expect_identical(p$data[[k]], cluster_ids(x, k)[![, 1])])
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