# renameADT generic ----
#'Replace ADT names in an object containing ADT expression
#'Given an object containing antibody derived tag (ADT) expression measurements,
#'such as a [SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment()] or
#'[MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment()] and a vector of new names,
#'replace the names of the ADTs and store the original names as metadata.
#' Used for e.g. standardising protein names across studies. See
#' `getCommonName()` for generating standardised names by matching to the
#' citeseq data set. Names have to be provided because we recommend manually
#' checking standard names.
#'@param obj An object containing ADT expression measurements
#'@param names A character vector of new names, equal to the number of ADTs
#'in obj
#'@param ... Not currently used
#'@returns An object of the same class as obj, with ADT measurements renamed
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@importFrom methods setGeneric
#'@rdname renameADT-methods
setGeneric("renameADT", signature=c("obj", "names"),
function(obj, names, ...) {
# renameADT for signature SingleCellExperiment ------
#'@param assay Name of the assay to be renamed (Default: "counts")
#'@importFrom methods setMethod signature
#'@rdname renameADT-methods
setMethod("renameADT", as(structure(.Data = c("SingleCellExperiment",
names = c("obj", "names"),
package = c("SingleCellExperiment", "")),
function(obj, names, assay = "ADT", ...) {
# to do - add old names to row data
# names = named vector of new names, names are current names
# For a SingleCellExperiment, the ADT may either be the main assay
# or an altExp.
# sce may have rowPairs, but doesn't appear to inc names
# check rownames of rowdata
main_assay_name <- names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(obj))
is_alt <- assay %in% SingleCellExperiment::altExpNames(obj)
if (is_alt){
# Swap ADT assay to be the main assay
obj <- SingleCellExperiment::swapAltExp(obj, assay,
saved = main_assay_name)
# Make sure new names vector has names
if (is.null(names(names))){
names(names) <- rownames(obj)
if (! all(names(names) %in% rownames(obj))){
stop("If names is a named vector, all names ",
"must be rownames of required assay in obj")
# Update names - use coalesce in case there are missing values
old_nms <- rownames(obj)
new_nms <- dplyr::coalesce(names[rownames(obj)], old_nms)
rownames(obj) <- new_nms
# Put old names into row data
SummarizedExperiment::rowData(obj) <-
S4Vectors::DataFrame(Original_Names = old_nms))
if (is_alt){
# Swap ADT back to being an altExp
obj <- SingleCellExperiment::swapAltExp(obj, main_assay_name,
saved = assay)
# renameADT for signature MultiAssayExperiment ------
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57380044/
# how-to-document-s4-methods-that-rely-on-classes-from-external-packages
#'@rdname renameADT-methods
setMethod("renameADT", as(structure(.Data = c("MultiAssayExperiment",
names = c("obj", "names"),
package = c("MultiAssayExperiment", "")),
function(obj, names, assay = "counts", ...) {
nms <- rownames(SingleCellExperiment::experiments(obj)[[assay]])
#nms <- .getRownames(obj, assay)
# # renameADT for signature Seurat ------
# #'@importFrom methods slotNames slot
# setMethod("renameADT", signature(obj = "Seurat",
# assay = "character"),
# function(obj, assay) {
# stopifnot(requireNamespace("Seurat"),
# requireNamespace("SeuratObject"))
# if (! assay %in% Assays(obj)){
# stop(sprintf("Assay %s not found.\n Available assays: %s\n",
# assay, toString(SeuratObject::Assays(obj))))
# }
# # To do: add Seurat, SeuratObject to suggests
# # Names might also have to be changed in "reductions"?
# # (not in Triana_2022, maybe in others)
# # Can rownames be updated just with rownames?
# # Or convert to SingleCellExperiment and back?
# # Find slots in the Assay object that have to be changed
# sr_assay <- obj@assays[[assay]]
# assay_slots <- slotNames(sr_assay)
# assay_has_rn <- vapply(assay_slots, function(nm){
# ! is.null(rownames(slot(sr_assay, nm)))
# }, logical(1))
# # https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/issues/1049
# # https://github.com/mojaveazure/seurat-object/issues/3
# #obj@assays$RNA@counts@Dimnames[[1]] <- mgi$genes
# #obj@assays$RNA@data@Dimnames[[1]] <- mgi$genes
# #obj@assays$RNA@meta.features <- mgi
# # modify counts, data and scale.data slots for every assay
# # you have in your Seurat object. In addition, you will also
# # need to modify the meta.data slots for both the object and
# # each assay object contained within the Seurat object.
# # Finally, you'll need to rerun any dimensional reduction
# # and graph-building (eg. FindNeighbors)
# # RenameGenesSeurat <- function(obj = ls.Seurat[[i]],
# newnames = HGNC.updated[[i]]$Suggested.Symbol) {
# #Replace gene names in different slots of a Seurat object.
# #Run this before integration. Run this before integration.
# #It only changes obj@assays$RNA@counts, @data and @scale.data.
# #print("Run this before integration. It only changes
# #obj@assays$RNA@counts, @data and @scale.data.")
# #RNA <- obj@assays$RNA
# #if (nrow(RNA) == length(newnames)) {
# # if (length(RNA@counts)) RNA@counts@Dimnames[[1]] <- newnames
# # if (length(RNA@data)) RNA@data@Dimnames[[1]] <- newnames
# # if (length(RNA@scale.data)) RNA@scale.data@Dimnames[[1]]
# # <- newnames
# #} else {"Unequal gene sets: nrow(RNA) != nrow(newnames)"}
# #obj@assays$RNA <- RNA
# #return(obj)
# #}
# })
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