#' @title A wrapper for PCAMV (MATLAB) function implementations
#' @description Implements the PPCA algorithms from See Ilin and Raiko (2010),
#' previously only available in MATLAB. One element of the outputs is a pcaRes
#' object, providing an interface between PCAMV and pcaMethods.
#' @param X \code{matrix} -- Data matrix with
#' observations in columns and variables in rows. The
#' data may contain missing values, denoted as \code{NA},
#' or \code{NaN}.
#' @param ncomp \code{numeric} -- Number of components used for
#' re-estimation. Choosing few components may decrease the
#' estimation precision. Setting to \code{NA} results in
#' \code{ncomp} = min(n, p) -1, which will be slow for large
#' data.
#' @param algorithm \code{c("ppca", "map", "vb")} -- the algorithm
#' to be used for estimation, see Details.
#' @param maxiters \code{numeric} -- Maximum number of estimation
#' steps.
#' @param bias \code{logical} -- should the mean be estimated?
#' @param rotate2pca \code{logical} -- should the solution be rotated
#' to a PCA basis? See Details.
#' @param loglike \code{logical} -- should the log-likelihood
#' of the estimated parameters be returned? See Details.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} -- verbose intermediary
#' algorithm output.
#' @details The \code{algorithm} argument provides the option of
#' performing either 'ppca' for PPCA, 'vb' for BPCA using a
#' variational approximation, or 'map' for a variational
#' approximation ignoring posterior uncertainty (for faster
#' computation). See Ilin and Raiko (2010) for the full models. Setting
#' \code{rotate2pca} will perform a post-estimation rotation of
#' the scores and loadings matrices so that they satisfy the
#' PCA conditions of orthonormality, see See Ilin and Raiko (2010) for the
#' derivations. \code{loglike} indicates whether
#' log-likelihood values for the resulting estimates should
#' be computed. This can be useful to compare different algorithms.
#' @return {A \code{list} of 6 or 8 elements, depending on the value
#' of \code{loglike}:
#' \describe{
#' \item{W}{\code{matrix} -- the estimated loadings.}
#' \item{sigmaSq}{\code{numeric} -- the estimated isotropic variance.}
#' \item{Sigma}{\code{matrix} -- the estimated covariance matrix.}
#' \item{m}{\code{numeric} -- the estimated mean vector.}
#' \item{logLikeObs}{\code{numeric} -- the log-likelihood value
#' of the observed data given the estimated parameters.}
#' \item{logLikeImp}{\code{numeric} -- the log-likelihood value
#' of the imputed data given the estimated parameters.}
#' \item{m}{\code{numeric} -- the number of iterations taken to
#' converge.}
#' \item{pcaMethodsRes}{\code{class} --
#' see \linkS4class{pcaRes}.}
#' }}
#' @export
#' @references Ilin, A. and Raiko, T., 2010.
#' \href{http://www.jmlr.org/papers/v11/ilin10a.html}{link}
#' @examples
#' # simulate a dataset from a zero mean factor model X = Wz + epsilon
#' # start off by generating a random binary connectivity matrix
#' n.factors <- 5
#' n.genes <- 200
#' # with dense connectivity
#' # set.seed(20)
#' conn.mat <- matrix(rbinom(n = n.genes*n.factors,
#' size = 1, prob = 0.7), c(n.genes, n.factors))
#' # now generate a loadings matrix from this connectivity
#' loading.gen <- function(x){
#' ifelse(x==0, 0, rnorm(1, 0, 1))
#' }
#' W <- apply(conn.mat, c(1, 2), loading.gen)
#' # generate factor matrix
#' n.samples <- 100
#' z <- replicate(n.samples, rnorm(n.factors, 0, 1))
#' # generate a noise matrix
#' sigma.sq <- 0.1
#' epsilon <- replicate(n.samples, rnorm(n.genes, 0, sqrt(sigma.sq)))
#' # by the ppca equations this gives us the data matrix
#' X <- W%*%z + epsilon
#' WWt <- tcrossprod(W)
#' Sigma <- WWt + diag(sigma.sq, n.genes)
#' # select 10% of entries to make missing values
#' missFrac <- 0.1
#' inds <- sample(x = 1:length(X),
#' size = ceiling(length(X)*missFrac),
#' replace = FALSE)
#' # replace them with NAs in the dataset
#' missing.dataset <- X
#' missing.dataset[inds] <- NA
#' # run ppca
#' ppf <- pca_full(missing.dataset, ncomp=5, algorithm="vb", maxiters=5,
#' bias=TRUE, rotate2pca=FALSE, loglike=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
pca_full <- function(X, ncomp=NA, algorithm = "vb", maxiters = 1000,
bias = TRUE, rotate2pca = TRUE, loglike = TRUE,
# comment this out before running
# set.seed(20)
# X <- missing.dataset
# X <- matrix(rnorm(20000), 100, 200)
# X[1, 2] <- NaN
savedX <- X
savedncomp <- ncomp
savedalgorithm <- algorithm
savedmaxiters <- maxiters
savedbias <- bias
savedrotate2pca = rotate2pca
savedloglike = loglike
savedverbose = verbose
myCondNum <- 1000
numOuterIts <- 1
# while(myCondNum >= 1000 && numOuterIts < 6)
# {
X <- savedX
ncomp <- savedncomp
algorithm <- savedalgorithm
maxiters <- savedmaxiters
bias <- savedbias
rotate2pca <- savedrotate2pca
loglike <- savedloglike
verbose <- savedverbose
opts <- list(init='random',
# bias=as.numeric(1),
# 'uniquesv'=0,
# 'autosave'=600,
# 'filename'='pca_f_autosave',
# 'minangle'=1e-8,
# 'algorithm'='vb',
# 'rmsstop'=[ 100 1e-4 1e-3 ], # [] means no rms stop criteria
# 'cfstop'=[], # [] means no cost stop criteria
# 'verbose'=1,
# 'xprobe'=[],
# 'rotate2pca'=1,
# 'display'=0
if(algorithm == "vb")
use_prior = 1
use_postvar = 1
else if(algorithm == "map")
use_prior = 1
use_postvar = 0
else if(algorithm == "ppca")
use_prior = 0
use_postvar = 0
stop("Algorithm must be one of 'vb', 'map' or 'ppca'")
p <- nrow(X)
n <- ncol(X)
if (is.na(ncomp)){
ncomp <- min(n, p)-1
# Missing values are marked as NaNs for consistency with MATLAB code,
# from which this was translated
if (any(is.na(X))){
X[which(is.na(X))] <- NaN
M <- !is.nan(X)
myMatsaved <- X
X[X==0] <- .Machine$double.eps
X[is.nan(X)] <- 0
Nobs_i <- rowSums(M)
notmiss <- which(X!=0, arr.ind = TRUE)
IX <- notmiss[,1]
JX <- notmiss[,2]
ndata <- length(IX)
# clear data
# % Compute indices Isv: Sv{Isv(j)} gives Sv for j, j=1...n2
# these arguments are used to save memory when many Sv{j} are the same
nobscomb <- n # not currently used but might be in a future release
Isv <- c()
obscombj <- c()
# end
# parameter initialisation
initialisedParms <- initParms(p, n, ncomp, verbose = verbose)
A <- initialisedParms$A
S <- initialisedParms$S
Mu <- initialisedParms$Mu
V <- initialisedParms$V
Av <- initialisedParms$Av
Sv <- initialisedParms$Sv
Muv <- initialisedParms$Muv
# write.table( A, file = "A.csv", row.names = F, col.names = F, sep = ",")
# write.table( S, file = "S.csv", row.names = F, col.names = F, sep = ",")
# write.table( Mu, file = "Mu.csv", row.names = F, col.names = F, sep = ",")
# write.table( V, file = "V.csv", row.names = F, col.names = F, sep = ",")
# write.table( Av, file = "Av.csv", row.names = F, col.names = F, sep = ",")
# write.table( Sv, file = "Sv.csv", row.names = F, col.names = F, sep = ",")
# write.table( Muv, file = "Muv.csv", row.names = F, col.names = F, sep = ",")
Va <- 1000*rep(1,ncomp)
Vmu <- 1000
if (!use_prior)
Va <- Va *Inf
Vmu <- Vmu *Inf
# the use_postvar options from the matlab code are
# executed in the pca_updates.cpp file linea 64-68
if (!bias){
# Muv is cleared in pca_updates.cpp line 72
# Muv = c()
Vmu = 0
if (is.null(Mu)){
if (bias){
Mu <- rowSums(X) / Nobs_i
Mu = rep(0, p)
# data centering
X <- subtractMu(Mu, X, M, p, n, bias, verbose = verbose)
# compute initial rms
computedRMS <- compute_rms(X, A, S, M, ndata, verbose = verbose)
errMx <- computedRMS$errMx
rms <- computedRMS$rms
# initial hyperprior parameter values
hpVa <- 0.001
hpVb <- 0.001
hpV <- 0.001
if (is.null(Isv)){Isv <- rep(0, 2)}
IX <- IX -1 # C++ indexing
JX <- JX -1 # C++ indexing
verbose <- 1 # C++ true
} else {
verbose <- 0 # C++ false
bias <- 1 # C++ true
} else {
bias <- 0 # C++ false
rotate2pca <- 1 # C++ true
} else {
rotate2pca <- 0 # C++ false
# print('A init is \n')
# print(A)
# print('S init is \n')
# print(S)
# print('Mu init is \n')
# print(Mu)
# print('V init is \n')
# print(V)
# print('Av init is \n')
# print(Av)
# print('Sv init is \n')
# print(Sv)
# print('Muv init is \n')
# print(Muv)
# print('errMx init is \n')
# print(errMx)
# print('rms init is \n')
# print(rms)
ppcaOutput <- pca_updates(X=X, V=V, A=A, Va=Va, Av = Av, S = S, Sv = Sv,
Mu = Mu, Muv = Muv, Vmu = Vmu,
hpVa = hpVa, hpVb = hpVb, hpV = hpV, ndata = ndata, Nobs_i = Nobs_i,
Isv = Isv, M = M, IX = IX, JX = JX, rms = rms, errMx = errMx,
bias = bias, rotate2pca = rotate2pca, niter_broadprior = opts$niter_broadprior,
use_prior = use_prior, use_postvar = use_postvar,
maxiters = maxiters, verbose = verbose)
# manage output
nPcs <- ncomp
if(ppcaOutput$numIter == maxiters)
print('Maximum number of iterations reached')
bias <- as.logical(bias)
# R2 computation
R2cum <- rep(NA, nPcs)
TSS <- sum(myMatsaved^2, na.rm = TRUE)
for (i in 1:ncomp) {
difference <- t(X) - (ppcaOutput$scores[, 1:i, drop = FALSE] %*% t(ppcaOutput$W[, 1:i, drop = FALSE]))
R2cum[i] <- 1 - (sum(difference^2, na.rm = TRUE)/TSS)
pcaMethodsRes <- new("pcaRes")
pcaMethodsRes@scores <- ppcaOutput$scores
pcaMethodsRes@loadings <- ppcaOutput$W
pcaMethodsRes@R2cum <- R2cum
pcaMethodsRes@method <- algorithm
pcaMethodsRes@missing <- is.na(myMatsaved)
pcaMethodsRes@nPcs <- ncomp # do we need to edit this?
pcaMethodsRes@nObs <- ncol(myMatsaved)
pcaMethodsRes@nVar <- nrow(myMatsaved)
pcaMethodsRes@sDev <- apply(pcaMethodsRes@scores, 2, sd)
pcaMethodsRes@center <- as.numeric(ppcaOutput$m)
pcaMethodsRes@centered <- bias
pcaMethodsRes@scale <- rep(1, nrow(myMatsaved))
pcaMethodsRes@scaled <- "none"
pcaMethodsRes@R2 <- pcaMethodsRes@R2cum[1]
if (length(pcaMethodsRes@R2cum) > 1) {
pcaMethodsRes@R2 <- c(pcaMethodsRes@R2,
completeObs <- myMatsaved
recData <- tcrossprod(pcaMethodsRes@scores[, 1:nPcs, drop = FALSE],
pcaMethodsRes@loadings[, 1:nPcs, drop = FALSE])
# recData <- sweep(recData, 2, sc, "*")
recData <- sweep(recData, 2, ppcaOutput$m, "+")
completeObs[is.na(myMatsaved)] <- recData[is.na(myMatsaved)]
pcaMethodsRes@completeObs <- completeObs
# create hinton diagram
main="Hinton diagram of loadings",
# back to R boolean
verbose <- TRUE # C++ true
} else {
verbose <- FALSE # C++ false
if (loglike){
# compute log-likelihood scores
loglikeobs <- compute_loglikeobs(myMatsaved, ppcaOutput$C, ppcaOutput$m,
loglikeimp <- compute_loglikeimp(myMatsaved, ppcaOutput$W, t(ppcaOutput$scores),
ppcaOutput$C, ppcaOutput$m, verbose)
# Return standard ppcaNet output:
output <- list()
output[["W"]] <- ppcaOutput$W
output[["sigmaSq"]] <- ppcaOutput$ss
output[["Sigma"]] <- ppcaOutput$C
output[["m"]] <- ppcaOutput$m
if (loglike){
output[["logLikeObs"]] <- loglikeobs
output[["logLikeImp"]] <- loglikeimp
output[["numIter"]] <- ppcaOutput$numIter
output[["pcaMethodsRes"]] <- pcaMethodsRes
myCondNum <- kappa(ppcaOutput$C, exact = TRUE)
numOuterIts <- numOuterIts + 1
# }
# if (numOuterIts==6){
# warning("PPCA did not find a good solution after 5 runs.")
# }
#' @title Initialise model parameters for \code{\link{pca_updates}}
#' @description Internal function within \code{\link{pca_full}} that initialises
#' most model parameters. WARNING: does not initialise all parameters by itself
#' correctly (since this depends on context) and so care should be taken when
#' using as a standalone function.
#' @details Random initialisations are set for the loadings and scores matrices.
#' The mean vector is initialised to \code{c()} and set outside this function.
#' Diagonal matrices are set for the elements of \code{Av} and \code{Sv}. \code{V}
#' is initialised to 1 and \code{Muv} is initialised to a vector of 1s.
#' @param p \code{numeric} -- the number of variables
#' @param n \code{numeric} -- the number of observations
#' @param ncomp \code{numeric} -- the number of components/latent variables
#' @param verbose \code{logical} -- whether extra output should be displayed
#' @return {A \code{list} of length 7:
#' \describe{
#' \item{A}{\code{matrix} -- initialised loadings matrix with observed variables
#' in rows and latent variables in columns.}
#' \item{S}{\code{matrix} -- initialised factor scores matrix with latent variables
#' in rows and observations in columns.}
#' \item{Mu}{\code{numeric} -- initialised mean vector.}
#' \item{V}{\code{numeric} -- scalar value corresponding to the initialised
#' variance of the error parameter.}
#' \item{Av}{\code{array} -- initialised covariance matrices of the rows of A.}
#' \item{Sv}{\code{array} -- initialised covariance matrices of the rows of S.}
#' \item{Muv}{\code{numeric} -- the initialisation of the prior variance of Mu.}
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' init.model <- initParms(p=10, n=10, ncomp=2, verbose = TRUE)
#' init.model$A
#' init.model$Av
initParms <- function(p, n, ncomp, verbose=TRUE)
if(verbose) {
cat("Initialising parameters... \n")
randNumMatrix <- matrix(rnorm(p*ncomp), nrow = p, ncol = ncomp)
qrDecomp <- qr(randNumMatrix)
# if ncomp > p then need to take R instead of Q
if (ncomp < p) {
A <- qr.Q(qrDecomp)
} else {
A <- qr.R(qrDecomp)
# A <- matrix(1, nrow = p, ncol = ncomp)
Av <- lapply(1:p, function(x){diag(ncomp)})
Av <- simplify2array(Av)
# Mu = m
Mu <- c()
Muv <- rep(1, p)
# V = vy
V <- 1
# S = X
S <- matrix(rnorm(ncomp*n), nrow = ncomp, ncol = n)
# S <- matrix(1, nrow = ncomp, ncol = n)
Sv <- lapply(1:n, function(x){diag(ncomp)})
Sv <- simplify2array(Sv)
return(list(A = A, S = S, Mu = Mu, V = V, Av = Av, Sv = Sv, Muv = Muv))
#' @title Subtract the row means from a matrix of data with missing values
#' @description internal function within \code{\link{pca_full}} to subtract the row means
#' from a matrix of data using only the observed values. Offers little utility
#' standalone.
#' @param Mu \code{numeric} -- the sample mean of the observed variables.
#' @param X \code{matrix} -- the data matrix with variables in rows and
#' observations in columns.
#' @param M \code{matrix} -- logical matrix whose values indicate whether
#' the corresponding entry in \code{X} is observed.
#' @param p \code{numeric} -- the number of variables.
#' @param n \code{numeric} -- the number of observations.
#' @param update_bias \code{logical} -- whether the mean should be subtracted.
#' or not.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} -- whether extra output should be displayed.
#' @return \code{X} \code{matrix} -- centered data matrix.
#' @examples
#' p <- 20
#' n <- 7
#' set.seed(10045)
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), p, n)
#' miss.inds <- sample(1:(p*n), (p*n)/4)
#' X[miss.inds] <- NA
#' M <- !is.na(X)
#' Nobs_i <- rowSums(M)
#' Mu <- rowSums(X, na.rm = TRUE) / Nobs_i
#' update_bias <- TRUE
#' Xcent <- subtractMu(Mu=Mu, X=X, M=M, p=p, n=n, update_bias=update_bias, verbose=TRUE)
#' X-Xcent
#' Mu # all observed values in each column equal to Mu
subtractMu <- function(Mu, X, M, p, n, update_bias, verbose=TRUE)
if(verbose) {
cat("Centering data... \n")
if (update_bias){
X <- X - matrix(Mu,p,n)*M;
#' @title Compute the root mean-squared error of a PCA projection
#' @description Root mean-squared error is the square root of the element-wise error's mean.
#' This is a useful quantity to display during parameter estimation in \code{\link{pca_updates}}
#' since it is a measure of how well the PCA projection is fitting the data.
#' @param X \code{matrix} -- the data matrix with variables in rows and
#' observations in columns.
#' @param A \code{matrix} -- initialised loadings matrix with observed variables
#' in rows and latent variables in columns.
#' @param S \code{matrix} -- initialised factor scores matrix with latent variables
#' in rows and observations in columns.
#' @param M \code{matrix} -- logical matrix whose values indicate whether
#' the corresponding entry in \code{X} is observed.
#' @param ndata \code{numerical} -- the total number of observed values.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} -- whether extra output should be displayed.
#' @return {A \code{list} of length 2:
#' \describe{
#' \item{errMx}{\code{matrix} -- matrix of element-wise differences (errors)
#' between the observed data and the PCA projection.}
#' \item{rms}{\code{numerical} -- root mean-squared error of the PCA
#' projection.}
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' p <- 20
#' n <- 7
#' set.seed(10045)
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), p, n)
#' miss.inds <- sample(1:(p*n), (p*n)/4)
#' X[miss.inds] <- NA
#' M <- !is.na(X)
#' Nobs_i <- rowSums(M)
#' Mu <- rowSums(X, na.rm = TRUE) / Nobs_i
#' update_bias <- TRUE
#' Xcent <- subtractMu(Mu=Mu, X=X, M=M, p=p, n=n, update_bias=update_bias, verbose=TRUE)
#' init.model <- initParms(p=p, n=n, ncomp=2, verbose = TRUE)
#' compute_rms(X=X, A=init.model$A, S=init.model$S, M=M, ndata=sum(Nobs_i), verbose=TRUE)
compute_rms <- function(X, A, S, M, ndata, verbose=TRUE)
if(verbose) {
cat("Computing rms... \n")
errMx <- (X - A%*%S)*M
rms <- sqrt(sum(errMx^2, na.rm = TRUE)/ndata)
list(errMx = errMx, rms = rms)
#' @title Compute the log-likelihood of the observed data given PCA parameter estimates
#' @description The log-likelihood of the data for probabilistic PCA is known to be
#' multivariate Gaussian. Using this, one can check the log-likelihood value of the
#' observed data values given the parameter estimates from the PCA model. This can
#' be useful to compare different models.
#' @param dat \code{matrix} -- the data matrix with variables in rows and
#' observations in columns.
#' @param covmat \code{matrix} -- the estimated covariance matrix.
#' @param meanvec \code{numeric} -- the estimated mean vector.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} -- whether extra output should be displayed.
#' @return the log-likelihood value
#' @examples
#' p <- 20
#' n <- 7
#' set.seed(10045)
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), p, n)
#' miss.inds <- sample(1:(p*n), (p*n)/4)
#' X[miss.inds] <- NA
#' M <- !is.na(X)
#' Nobs_i <- rowSums(M)
#' Mu <- rowSums(X, na.rm = TRUE) / Nobs_i
#' Mu2 <- rep(0, p)
#' covmat <- diag(p)
#' # using sample mean
#' compute_loglikeobs(dat=X, covmat=covmat, meanvec=Mu, verbose=TRUE)
#' # using zero mean
#' compute_loglikeobs(dat=X, covmat=covmat, meanvec=Mu2, verbose=TRUE)
compute_loglikeobs <- function(dat, covmat, meanvec, verbose=TRUE)
if (verbose){
cat("Computing log-likelihood of observed data... \n")
# convert any NAs to NaNs for convenience
tmp <- dat
if (any(is.na(dat))){
tmp[which(is.na(dat))] <- NaN
# check if there are missing values
# check which samples contain missing values
missing.cols <- which(is.nan(tmp), arr.ind = TRUE)[,2]
# if there are multiple samples with missing values
# then we can 'apply' over them
loglikemiss <- apply(tmp[,missing.cols], 2, function(xcol.elems){
missing.inds <- which(is.nan(xcol.elems));
x.obs.tmp <- xcol.elems[-missing.inds];
mu.obs.tmp <- meanvec[-missing.inds];
cov.obs.tmp <- covmat[-missing.inds, -missing.inds];
dens <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = x.obs.tmp, mean = mu.obs.tmp,
sigma = cov.obs.tmp, log = TRUE);
} else {
# if there is only one sample with missing values
# then we have no need for an 'apply'
xcol.elems <- tmp[,missing.cols]
missing.inds <- which(is.nan(xcol.elems));
x.obs.tmp <- xcol.elems[-missing.inds];
mu.obs.tmp <- meanvec[-missing.inds];
cov.obs.tmp <- covmat[-missing.inds, -missing.inds];
dens <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = x.obs.tmp, mean = mu.obs.tmp,
sigma = cov.obs.tmp, log = TRUE);
loglikemiss <- dens
# loglikelihood for samples with no missing values
if ((length(missing.cols)+1)<ncol(tmp)) {
# multiple samples with no missing values
loglikenotmiss <- apply(tmp[,-missing.cols], 2, function(xcol.full){
dens2 <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = xcol.full, mean = meanvec,
sigma = covmat, log = TRUE);
} else if (length(missing.cols)==(ncol(tmp)-1)){
# a single sample with no missing values
loglikenotmiss <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = tmp[,-missing.cols],
mean = meanvec,
sigma = covmat,
log = TRUE);
} else {
# all samples have missing values
loglikenotmiss <- c()
loglike <- c(loglikemiss, loglikenotmiss)
} else {
# no missing values
loglike <- apply(tmp, 2, function(xcol.elems){
dens <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = xcol.elems, mean = meanvec,
sigma = covmat, log = TRUE);
#' @title Compute the log-likelihood of the observed data given PCA parameter estimates
#' @description The log-likelihood of the data for probabilistic PCA is known to be
#' multivariate Gaussian. Using this, one can check the log-likelihood value of the
#' observed data values given the parameter estimates from the PCA model. This can
#' be useful to compare different models.
#' @param dat \code{matrix} -- the data matrix with variables in rows and
#' observations in columns.
#' @param A \code{matrix} -- estimated loadings matrix with observed variables
#' in rows and latent variables in columns.
#' @param S \code{matrix} -- estimated factor scores matrix with latent variables
#' in rows and observations in columns.
#' @param covmat \code{matrix} -- the estimated covariance matrix.
#' @param meanvec \code{numeric} -- the estimated mean vector.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} -- whether extra output should be displayed.
#' @return the log-likelihood value
#' @examples
#' p <- 20
#' n <- 20
#' set.seed(10045)
#' verbose <- 1
#' bias <- 1
#' rotate2pca <- 1
#' ncomp <- 2
#' maxiters <- 1000
#' opts <- list(init='random',
#' maxiters=as.numeric(1000),
#' niter_broadprior=as.numeric(100),
#' earlystop=as.numeric(0)
#' )
#' use_prior = 1
#' use_postvar = 1
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), p, n)
#' miss.inds <- sample(1:(p*n), round(p*n/10))
#' X[miss.inds] <- NaN
#' Xsaved <- X
#' M <- !is.nan(X)
#' X[X==0] <- .Machine$double.eps
#' X[is.nan(X)] <- 0
#' notmiss <- which(X!=0, arr.ind = TRUE)
#' IX <- notmiss[,1]
#' JX <- notmiss[,2]
#' Nobs_i = rowSums(M)
#' ndata <- length(IX)
#' # C++ indexing
#' IX <- IX -1
#' JX <- JX -1
#' initialisedParms <- initParms(p, n, ncomp, verbose = verbose)
#' A <- initialisedParms$A
#' S <- initialisedParms$S
#' Mu <- initialisedParms$Mu
#' V <- initialisedParms$V
#' Av <- initialisedParms$Av
#' Sv <- initialisedParms$Sv
#' Muv <- initialisedParms$Muv
#' Va <- 1000*rep(1,ncomp)
#' Vmu <- 1000
#' Mu <- rowSums(X) / Nobs_i
#' computedRMS <- compute_rms(X, A, S, M, ndata, verbose = verbose)
#' errMx <- computedRMS$errMx
#' rms <- computedRMS$rms
#' hpVa <- 0.001
#' hpVb <- 0.001
#' hpV <- 0.001
#' Isv <- rep(0, 2)
#' # data centering
#' X <- subtractMu(Mu, X, M, p, n, bias, verbose = verbose)
#' ppcaOutput <- pca_updates(X=X, V=V, A=A, Va=Va, Av = Av, S = S, Sv = Sv,
#' Mu = Mu, Muv = Muv, Vmu = Vmu,
#' hpVa = hpVa, hpVb = hpVb, hpV = hpV, ndata = ndata, Nobs_i = Nobs_i,
#' Isv = Isv, M = M, IX = IX, JX = JX, rms = rms, errMx = errMx,
#' bias = bias, rotate2pca = rotate2pca, niter_broadprior = opts$niter_broadprior,
#' use_prior = use_prior, use_postvar = use_postvar,
#' maxiters = maxiters, verbose = verbose)
#' # initialised model log-likelihood
#' compute_loglikeimp(dat=Xsaved, A=A, S=S, covmat=tcrossprod(A)+diag(p),
#' meanvec=Mu, verbose=TRUE)
#' # estimated model log-likelihood
#' compute_loglikeimp(dat=Xsaved, A=ppcaOutput$W, S=t(ppcaOutput$scores), covmat=ppcaOutput$C,
#' meanvec=ppcaOutput$m, verbose=TRUE)
compute_loglikeimp <- function(dat, A, S, covmat, meanvec, verbose=TRUE)
if (verbose) {
cat("Computing log-likelihood of data with imputed missing values... \n")
# convert any NAs to NaNs for convenience
tmp <- dat
if (any(is.na(dat))){
tmp[which(is.na(dat))] <- NaN
if (!any(is.nan(tmp))){
return("There were no missing values to impute")
proj <- A%*%S
tmp[which(is.nan(tmp))] <- proj[which(is.nan(tmp))]
loglike <- apply(tmp, 2, function(xcol.elems){
x.imp.tmp <- xcol.elems;
dens <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = x.imp.tmp, mean = meanvec,
sigma = covmat, log = TRUE);
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