#' Splat simulation
#' Simulate count data from a fictional single-cell RNA-seq experiment using
#' the Splat method.
#' @param params SplatParams object containing parameters for the simulation.
#' See \code{\link{SplatParams}} for details.
#' @param method which simulation method to use. Options are "single" which
#' produces a single population, "groups" which produces distinct groups
#' (eg. cell types) or "paths" which selects cells from continuous
#' trajectories (eg. differentiation processes).
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#' \code{params}.
#' @details
#' Parameters can be set in a variety of ways. If no parameters are provided
#' the default parameters are used. Any parameters in \code{params} can be
#' overridden by supplying additional arguments through a call to
#' \code{\link{setParams}}. This design allows the user flexibility in
#' how they supply parameters and allows small adjustments without creating a
#' new \code{SplatParams} object. See examples for a demonstration of how this
#' can be used.
#' The simulation involves the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Set up simulation object
#' \item Simulate library sizes
#' \item Simulate gene means
#' \item Simulate groups/paths
#' \item Simulate BCV adjusted cell means
#' \item Simulate true counts
#' \item Simulate dropout
#' \item Create final dataset
#' }
#' The final output is a
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}} object that
#' contains the simulated counts but also the values for various intermediate
#' steps. These are stored in the \code{\link{colData}} (for cell specific
#' information), \code{\link{rowData}} (for gene specific information) or
#' \code{\link{assays}} (for gene by cell matrices) slots. This additional
#' information includes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{colData}}{
#' \describe{
#' \item{Cell}{Unique cell identifier.}
#' \item{Group}{The group or path the cell belongs to.}
#' \item{ExpLibSize}{The expected library size for that cell.}
#' \item{Step (paths only)}{how far along the path each cell is.}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{\code{rowData}}{
#' \describe{
#' \item{Gene}{Unique gene identifier.}
#' \item{BaseGeneMean}{The base expression level for that gene.}
#' \item{OutlierFactor}{Expression outlier factor for that gene.
#' Values of 1 indicate the gene is not an expression outlier.}
#' \item{GeneMean}{Expression level after applying outlier factors.}
#' \item{BatchFac[Batch]}{The batch effects factor for each gene for
#' a particular batch.}
#' \item{DEFac[Group]}{The differential expression factor for each
#' gene in a particular group. Values of 1 indicate the gene is not
#' differentially expressed.}
#' \item{SigmaFac[Path]}{Factor applied to genes that have
#' non-linear changes in expression along a path.}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{\code{assays}}{
#' \describe{
#' \item{BatchCellMeans}{The mean expression of genes in each cell
#' after adding batch effects.}
#' \item{BaseCellMeans}{The mean expression of genes in each cell
#' after any differential expression and adjusted for expected
#' library size.}
#' \item{BCV}{The Biological Coefficient of Variation for each gene
#' in each cell.}
#' \item{CellMeans}{The mean expression level of genes in each cell
#' adjusted for BCV.}
#' \item{TrueCounts}{The simulated counts before dropout.}
#' \item{Dropout}{Logical matrix showing which values have been
#' dropped in which cells.}
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' Values that have been added by Splatter are named using \code{UpperCamelCase}
#' in order to differentiate them from the values added by analysis packages
#' which typically use \code{underscore_naming}.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object containing the simulated counts and
#' intermediate values.
#' @references
#' Zappia L, Phipson B, Oshlack A. Splatter: simulation of single-cell RNA
#' sequencing data. Genome Biology (2017).
#' Paper: \url{10.1186/s13059-017-1305-0}
#' Code: \url{https://github.com/Oshlack/splatter}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{splatSimLibSizes}}, \code{\link{splatSimGeneMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimBatchEffects}}, \code{\link{splatSimBatchCellMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimDE}}, \code{\link{splatSimCellMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimBCVMeans}}, \code{\link{splatSimTrueCounts}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimDropout}}
#' @examples
#' # Simulation with default parameters
#' sim <- splatSimulate()
#' \dontrun{
#' # Simulation with different number of genes
#' sim <- splatSimulate(nGenes = 1000)
#' # Simulation with custom parameters
#' params <- newSplatParams(nGenes = 100, mean.rate = 0.5)
#' sim <- splatSimulate(params)
#' # Simulation with adjusted custom parameters
#' sim <- splatSimulate(params, mean.rate = 0.6, out.prob = 0.2)
#' # Simulate groups
#' sim <- splatSimulate(method = "groups")
#' # Simulate paths
#' sim <- splatSimulate(method = "paths")
#' }
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData colData<- assays
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @export
splatSimulate <- function(params = newSplatParams(),
method = c("single", "groups", "paths"),
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
checkmate::assertClass(params, "SplatParams")
method <- match.arg(method)
if (verbose) {message("Getting parameters...")}
params <- setParams(params, ...)
params <- expandParams(params)
# Set random seed
seed <- getParam(params, "seed")
# Get the parameters we are going to use
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
batch.cells <- getParam(params, "batchCells")
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
group.prob <- getParam(params, "group.prob")
if (nGroups == 1 && method == "groups") {
warning("nGroups is 1, switching to single mode")
method <- "single"
if (verbose) {message("Creating simulation object...")}
# Set up name vectors
cell.names <- paste0("Cell", seq_len(nCells))
gene.names <- paste0("Gene", seq_len(nGenes))
batch.names <- paste0("Batch", seq_len(nBatches))
if (method == "groups") {
group.names <- paste0("Group", seq_len(nGroups))
} else if (method == "paths") {
group.names <- paste0("Path", seq_len(nGroups))
# Create SingleCellExperiment to store simulation
cells <- data.frame(Cell = cell.names)
rownames(cells) <- cell.names
features <- data.frame(Gene = gene.names)
rownames(features) <- gene.names
sim <- SingleCellExperiment(rowData = features, colData = cells,
metadata = list(Params = params))
# Make batches vector which is the index of param$batchCells repeated
# params$batchCells[index] times
batches <- lapply(seq_len(nBatches), function(i, b) {rep(i, b[i])},
b = batch.cells)
batches <- unlist(batches)
colData(sim)$Batch <- batch.names[batches]
if (method != "single") {
groups <- sample(seq_len(nGroups), nCells, prob = group.prob,
replace = TRUE)
colData(sim)$Group <- factor(group.names[groups], levels = group.names)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating library sizes...")}
sim <- splatSimLibSizes(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating gene means...")}
sim <- splatSimGeneMeans(sim, params)
if (nBatches > 1) {
if (verbose) {message("Simulating batch effects...")}
sim <- splatSimBatchEffects(sim, params)
sim <- splatSimBatchCellMeans(sim, params)
if (method == "single") {
sim <- splatSimSingleCellMeans(sim, params)
} else if (method == "groups") {
if (verbose) {message("Simulating group DE...")}
sim <- splatSimGroupDE(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating cell means...")}
sim <- splatSimGroupCellMeans(sim, params)
} else {
if (verbose) {message("Simulating path endpoints...")}
sim <- splatSimPathDE(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating path steps...")}
sim <- splatSimPathCellMeans(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating BCV...")}
sim <- splatSimBCVMeans(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating counts...")}
sim <- splatSimTrueCounts(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating dropout (if needed)...")}
sim <- splatSimDropout(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Done!")}
#' Splat simulation - modified to include a "crispr" method.
#' Simulate count data from a fictional single-cell RNA-seq experiment using
#' the Splat method.
#' @param params SplatParams object containing parameters for the simulation.
#' See \code{\link{SplatParams}} for details.
#' @param method which simulation method to use. Options are "single" which
#' produces a single population, "groups" which produces distinct groups
#' (eg. cell types) or "paths" which selects cells from continuous
#' trajectories (eg. differentiation processes). This function has been
#' modified to include a "crispr" mode which simulates cells with gene
#' knockouts, and failed mutagenesis.
#' @param crispr.success.prob probability that crispr succeeds in mutagenesis
#' for a given cell. If mutagenesis does not succeed, the altered
#' expression characteristic of the modeled knockout will not occur.
#' @param grn.deg.ls vector containing, for each knockout, the number of genes
#' whose expression is expected to be altered as a result of knocking out
#' the gene. This should contain one value fewer than the number of
#' groups supplied (there should always be a group with no knockout)
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#' \code{params}.
#' @details
#' Parameters can be set in a variety of ways. If no parameters are provided
#' the default parameters are used. Any parameters in \code{params} can be
#' overridden by supplying additional arguments through a call to
#' \code{\link{setParams}}. This design allows the user flexibility in
#' how they supply parameters and allows small adjustments without creating a
#' new \code{SplatParams} object. See examples for a demonstration of how this
#' can be used.
#' The simulation involves the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Set up simulation object
#' \item Simulate library sizes
#' \item Simulate gene means
#' \item Simulate groups/paths/crispr groups
#' \item Simulate BCV adjusted cell means
#' \item Simulate true counts
#' \item Simulate dropout
#' \item Create final dataset
#' }
#' Values that have been added by Splatter are named using \code{UpperCamelCase}
#' in order to differentiate them from the values added by analysis packages
#' which typically use \code{underscore_naming}.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object containing the simulated counts and
#' intermediate values.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{splatSimLibSizes}}, \code{\link{splatSimGeneMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimBatchEffects}}, \code{\link{splatSimBatchCellMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimDE}}, \code{\link{splatSimCellMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimBCVMeans}}, \code{\link{splatSimTrueCounts}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimDropout}}
#' @examples
#' # Simulation of crispr genetic screen for genes whose KO is expected to alter the expression of 1000 and 1200 genes respectively
#' sim <- splatSimulateMod(group.prob = c(0.34, 0.33, 0.33), method="crispr", crispr.success.prob = .8, grn.deg.ls = c(1000, 1200))
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData colData<- assays
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @export
splatSimulateMod <- function(params = newSplatParams(),
method = c("single", "groups", "paths", "crispr"),
crispr.success.prob = 0.85,
grn.deg.ls = NULL,
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
checkmate::assertClass(params, "SplatParams")
method <- match.arg(method)
if (verbose) {message("Getting parameters...")}
params <- setParams(params, ...)
params <- expandParams(params)
# Set random seed
seed <- getParam(params, "seed")
# Get the parameters we are going to use
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
batch.cells <- getParam(params, "batchCells")
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
group.prob <- getParam(params, "group.prob")
if (nGroups == 1 && method == "groups") {
warning("nGroups is 1, switching to single mode")
method <- "single"
if (verbose) {message("Creating simulation object...")}
# Set up name vectors
cell.names <- paste0("Cell", seq_len(nCells))
gene.names <- paste0("Gene", seq_len(nGenes))
batch.names <- paste0("Batch", seq_len(nBatches))
if (method == "groups") {
group.names <- paste0("Group", seq_len(nGroups))
} else if (method == "paths") {
group.names <- paste0("Path", seq_len(nGroups))
} else if (method == "crispr") {
group.names <- paste0("CrisprGroup", seq_len(nGroups))
} #modified
# Create SingleCellExperiment to store simulation
cells <- data.frame(Cell = cell.names)
rownames(cells) <- cell.names
features <- data.frame(Gene = gene.names)
rownames(features) <- gene.names
sim <- SingleCellExperiment(rowData = features, colData = cells,
metadata = list(Params = params))
# Make batches vector which is the index of param$batchCells repeated
# params$batchCells[index] times
batches <- lapply(seq_len(nBatches), function(i, b) {rep(i, b[i])},
b = batch.cells)
batches <- unlist(batches)
colData(sim)$Batch <- batch.names[batches]
if (method != "single") {
groups <- sample(seq_len(nGroups), nCells, prob = group.prob,
replace = TRUE)
colData(sim)$Group <- factor(group.names[groups], levels = group.names)
} #stays the same
if (verbose) {message("Simulating library sizes...")}
sim <- splatSimLibSizes(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating gene means...")}
sim <- splatSimGeneMeans(sim, params)
if (nBatches > 1) {
if (verbose) {message("Simulating batch effects...")}
sim <- splatSimBatchEffects(sim, params)
sim <- splatSimBatchCellMeans(sim, params)
if (method == "single") {
sim <- splatSimSingleCellMeans(sim, params)
} else if (method == "groups") {
if (verbose) {message("Simulating group DE...")}
sim <- splatSimGroupDE(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating cell means...")}
sim <- splatSimGroupCellMeans(sim, params)
} else if (method == "crispr") {
if (verbose) {message("Simulating crispr group DE...")}
if (grnIsValid(grn.deg.ls, params) == FALSE){
grn.deg.ls <- NULL
} else {
#0 is prepended, signifies to the following function that the first group has no knockout.
grn.deg.ls <- c(0, grn.deg.ls)
sim <- splatSimCrisprGroupDE(sim, params, grn.deg.ls)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating cell means...")}
sim <- splatSimCrisprGroupCellMeans(sim, params, crispr.success.prob)
} else {
if (verbose) {message("Simulating path endpoints...")}
sim <- splatSimPathDE(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating path steps...")}
sim <- splatSimPathCellMeans(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating BCV...")}
sim <- splatSimBCVMeans(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating counts...")}
sim <- splatSimTrueCounts(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Simulating dropout (if needed)...")}
sim <- splatSimDropout(sim, params)
if (verbose) {message("Done!")}
grnIsValid <- function(grn.deg.ls, params) {
#the number of supplied of grn degrees should be 1 less than the number of groups, since there should always be a group with no knockout
#this helper method checks this simple condition.
if (is.null(grn.deg.ls)){
#if no such list is supplied, default parameters are used
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
if (nGroups == length(grn.deg.ls) + 1){
} else {
message("Supplied GRN degree list was invalid. Proceeding with default expression perturbations instead.")
splatSimCrisprGroupDE <- function(sim, params, grn.deg.ls) {
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
de.prob <- getParam(params, "de.prob")
de.downProb <- getParam(params, "de.downProb")
de.facLoc <- getParam(params, "de.facLoc")
de.facScale <- getParam(params, "de.facScale")
means.gene <- rowData(sim)$GeneMean
if (is.null(grn.deg.ls)) {
#if no grn degrees are supplied, expression factors will be generated from a default distribution
grn.deg.ls <- rep(-1, nGroups)
for (idx in seq_len(nGroups)) {
de.facs <- getCrisprLNormFactors(nGenes, de.prob[idx], de.downProb[idx],
de.facLoc[idx], de.facScale[idx], grn.deg.ls[idx])
group.means.gene <- means.gene * de.facs
rowData(sim)[[paste0("DEFacCrisprGroup", idx)]] <- de.facs
splatSimCrisprGroupCellMeans <- function(sim, params, crispr.success.prob){
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
groups <- colData(sim)$Group
group.names <- levels(groups)
exp.lib.sizes <- colData(sim)$ExpLibSize
batch.means.cell <- assays(sim)$BatchCellMeans
group.facs.gene <- rowData(sim)[, paste0("DEFac", group.names)] #nGenes x nGroups
#for each cell roll bernoulli to see whether crispr was successful
crispr.success <- as.logical(rbinom(nCells, 1, crispr.success.prob))
filtered.groups <- ifelse(crispr.success, as.character(groups), group.names[1]) #if crispr was success, your factors are defined according to your group. Else, your factors are defined according to group 1.
cell.facs.gene <- as.matrix(group.facs.gene[, paste0("DEFac", filtered.groups)]) #nGenes x nCells
cell.means.gene <- batch.means.cell * cell.facs.gene
cell.props.gene <- t(t(cell.means.gene) / colSums(cell.means.gene))
base.means.cell <- t(t(cell.props.gene) * exp.lib.sizes)
colnames(base.means.cell) <- cell.names
rownames(base.means.cell) <- gene.names
assays(sim)$BaseCellMeans <- base.means.cell
getCrisprLNormFactors <- function(n.facs, sel.prob, neg.prob, fac.loc, fac.scale, grn.degree=-1) {
#if a grn.degree is supplied, the number of genes whose expression is altered is a function of that degree
if (grn.degree!=-1){
x <- c(rep(1, grn.degree), rep(0, n.facs-grn.degree))
is.selected <- as.logical(sample(x))
} else {
is.selected <- as.logical(rbinom(n.facs, 1, sel.prob))
n.selected <- sum(is.selected)
dir.selected <- (-1) ^ rbinom(n.selected, 1, neg.prob)
facs.selected <- rlnorm(n.selected, fac.loc, fac.scale)
# Reverse directions for factors that are less than one
dir.selected[facs.selected < 1] <- -1 * dir.selected[facs.selected < 1]
factors <- rep(1, n.facs)
factors[is.selected] <- facs.selected ^ dir.selected
#' @rdname splatSimulate
#' @export
splatSimulateSingle <- function(params = newSplatParams(),
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
sim <- splatSimulate(params = params, method = "single",
verbose = verbose, ...)
#' @rdname splatSimulate
#' @export
splatSimulateGroups <- function(params = newSplatParams(),
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
sim <- splatSimulate(params = params, method = "groups",
verbose = verbose, ...)
#' @rdname splatSimulate
#' @export
splatSimulatePaths <- function(params = newSplatParams(), verbose = TRUE, ...) {
sim <- splatSimulate(params = params, method = "paths",
verbose = verbose, ...)
#' Simulate library sizes
#' Simulate expected library sizes. Typically a log-normal distribution is used
#' but there is also the option to use a normal distribution. In this case any
#' negative values are set to half the minimum non-zero value.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add library size to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated library sizes.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData colData<-
#' @importFrom stats rlnorm rnorm
splatSimLibSizes <- function(sim, params) {
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
lib.loc <- getParam(params, "lib.loc")
lib.scale <- getParam(params, "lib.scale")
lib.norm <- getParam(params, "lib.norm")
if (lib.norm) {
exp.lib.sizes <- rnorm(nCells, lib.loc, lib.scale)
min.lib <- min(exp.lib.sizes[exp.lib.sizes > 0])
exp.lib.sizes[exp.lib.sizes < 0] <- min.lib / 2
} else {
exp.lib.sizes <- rlnorm(nCells, lib.loc, lib.scale)
colData(sim)$ExpLibSize <- exp.lib.sizes
#' Simulate gene means
#' Simulate gene means from a gamma distribution. Also simulates outlier
#' expression factors. Genes with an outlier factor not equal to 1 are replaced
#' with the median mean expression multiplied by the outlier factor.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add gene means to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated gene means.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
#' @importFrom stats rgamma median
splatSimGeneMeans <- function(sim, params) {
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
mean.shape <- getParam(params, "mean.shape")
mean.rate <- getParam(params, "mean.rate")
out.prob <- getParam(params, "out.prob")
out.facLoc <- getParam(params, "out.facLoc")
out.facScale <- getParam(params, "out.facScale")
# Simulate base gene means
base.means.gene <- rgamma(nGenes, shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)
# Add expression outliers
outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(nGenes, out.prob, 0, out.facLoc,
median.means.gene <- median(base.means.gene)
outlier.means <- median.means.gene * outlier.facs
is.outlier <- outlier.facs != 1
means.gene <- base.means.gene
means.gene[is.outlier] <- outlier.means[is.outlier]
rowData(sim)$BaseGeneMean <- base.means.gene
rowData(sim)$OutlierFactor <- outlier.facs
rowData(sim)$GeneMean <- means.gene
#' Simulate batch effects
#' Simulate batch effects. Batch effect factors for each batch are produced
#' using \code{\link{getLNormFactors}} and these are added along with updated
#' means for each batch.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add batch effects to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated batch effects.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
splatSimBatchEffects <- function(sim, params) {
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
batch.facLoc <- getParam(params, "batch.facLoc")
batch.facScale <- getParam(params, "batch.facScale")
means.gene <- rowData(sim)$GeneMean
for (idx in seq_len(nBatches)) {
batch.facs <- getLNormFactors(nGenes, 1, 0.5, batch.facLoc[idx],
batch.means.gene <- means.gene * batch.facs
rowData(sim)[[paste0("BatchFacBatch", idx)]] <- batch.facs
#' Simulate batch means
#' Simulate a mean for each gene in each cell incorporating batch effect
#' factors.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add batch means to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated batch means.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<- colData
splatSimBatchCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
gene.means <- rowData(sim)$GeneMean
if (nBatches > 1) {
batches <- colData(sim)$Batch
batch.names <- unique(batches)
batch.facs.gene <- rowData(sim)[, paste0("BatchFac", batch.names)]
batch.facs.cell <- as.matrix(batch.facs.gene[,
} else {
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
batch.facs.cell <- matrix(1, ncol = nCells, nrow = nGenes)
batch.means.cell <- batch.facs.cell * gene.means
colnames(batch.means.cell) <- cell.names
rownames(batch.means.cell) <- gene.names
assays(sim)$BatchCellMeans <- batch.means.cell
#' Simulate group differential expression
#' Simulate differential expression. Differential expression factors for each
#' group are produced using \code{\link{getLNormFactors}} and these are added
#' along with updated means for each group. For paths care is taken to make sure
#' they are simulated in the correct order.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add differential expression to.
#' @param params splatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated differential expression.
#' @name splatSimDE
#' @rdname splatSimDE
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
splatSimGroupDE <- function(sim, params) {
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
de.prob <- getParam(params, "de.prob")
de.downProb <- getParam(params, "de.downProb")
de.facLoc <- getParam(params, "de.facLoc")
de.facScale <- getParam(params, "de.facScale")
means.gene <- rowData(sim)$GeneMean
for (idx in seq_len(nGroups)) {
de.facs <- getLNormFactors(nGenes, de.prob[idx], de.downProb[idx],
de.facLoc[idx], de.facScale[idx])
group.means.gene <- means.gene * de.facs
rowData(sim)[[paste0("DEFacGroup", idx)]] <- de.facs
#' @rdname splatSimDE
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
splatSimPathDE <- function(sim, params) {
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
de.prob <- getParam(params, "de.prob")
de.downProb <- getParam(params, "de.downProb")
de.facLoc <- getParam(params, "de.facLoc")
de.facScale <- getParam(params, "de.facScale")
path.from <- getParam(params, "path.from")
path.order <- getPathOrder(path.from)
for (path in path.order) {
from <- path.from[path]
if (from == 0) {
means.gene <- rowData(sim)$GeneMean
} else {
means.gene <- rowData(sim)[[paste0("GeneMeanPath", from)]]
de.facs <- getLNormFactors(nGenes, de.prob[path], de.downProb[path],
de.facLoc[path], de.facScale[path])
path.means.gene <- means.gene * de.facs
rowData(sim)[[paste0("DEFacPath", path)]] <- de.facs
#' Simulate cell means
#' Simulate a gene by cell matrix giving the mean expression for each gene in
#' each cell. Cells start with the mean expression for the group they belong to
#' (when simulating groups) or cells are assigned the mean expression from a
#' random position on the appropriate path (when simulating paths). The selected
#' means are adjusted for each cell's expected library size.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add cell means to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with added cell means.
#' @name splatSimCellMeans
#' @rdname splatSimCellMeans
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData assays assays<-
splatSimSingleCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
exp.lib.sizes <- colData(sim)$ExpLibSize
batch.means.cell <- assays(sim)$BatchCellMeans
cell.means.gene <- batch.means.cell
cell.props.gene <- t(t(cell.means.gene) / colSums(cell.means.gene))
base.means.cell <- t(t(cell.props.gene) * exp.lib.sizes)
colnames(base.means.cell) <- cell.names
rownames(base.means.cell) <- gene.names
assays(sim)$BaseCellMeans <- base.means.cell
#' @rdname splatSimCellMeans
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData assays assays<-
splatSimGroupCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
groups <- colData(sim)$Group
group.names <- levels(groups)
exp.lib.sizes <- colData(sim)$ExpLibSize
batch.means.cell <- assays(sim)$BatchCellMeans
group.facs.gene <- rowData(sim)[, paste0("DEFac", group.names)]
cell.facs.gene <- as.matrix(group.facs.gene[, paste0("DEFac", groups)])
cell.means.gene <- batch.means.cell * cell.facs.gene
cell.props.gene <- t(t(cell.means.gene) / colSums(cell.means.gene))
base.means.cell <- t(t(cell.props.gene) * exp.lib.sizes)
colnames(base.means.cell) <- cell.names
rownames(base.means.cell) <- gene.names
assays(sim)$BaseCellMeans <- base.means.cell
#' @rdname splatSimCellMeans
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData colData<- assays assays<-
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
splatSimPathCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
path.from <- getParam(params, "path.from")
path.nSteps <- getParam(params, "path.nSteps")
path.skew <- getParam(params, "path.skew")
path.nonlinearProb <- getParam(params, "path.nonlinearProb")
path.sigmaFac <- getParam(params, "path.sigmaFac")
groups <- colData(sim)$Group
exp.lib.sizes <- colData(sim)$ExpLibSize
batch.means.cell <- assays(sim)$BatchCellMeans
group.sizes <- table(groups)
# Generate non-linear path factors
for (idx in seq_along(path.from)) {
# Select genes to follow a non-linear path
is.nonlinear <- as.logical(rbinom(nGenes, 1, path.nonlinearProb))
sigma.facs <- rep(0, nGenes)
sigma.facs[is.nonlinear] <- path.sigmaFac
rowData(sim)[[paste0("SigmaFacPath", idx)]] <- sigma.facs
# Generate non-linear path factors
for (idx in seq_along(path.from)) {
# Select genes to follow a non-linear path
is.nonlinear <- as.logical(rbinom(nGenes, 1, path.nonlinearProb))
sigma.facs <- rep(0, nGenes)
sigma.facs[is.nonlinear] <- path.sigmaFac
rowData(sim)[[paste0("SigmaFacPath", idx)]] <- sigma.facs
# Generate paths. Each path is a matrix with path.nSteps columns and
# nGenes rows where the expression from each genes changes along the path.
path.steps <- lapply(seq_along(path.from), function(idx) {
from <- path.from[idx]
# Find the factors at the starting position
if (from == 0) {
facs.start <- rep(1, nGenes)
} else {
facs.start <- rowData(sim)[[paste0("DEFacPath", from)]]
# Find the factors at the end position
facs.end <- rowData(sim)[[paste0("DEFacPath", idx)]]
# Get the non-linear factors
sigma.facs <- rowData(sim)[[paste0("SigmaFacPath", idx)]]
# Build Brownian bridges from start to end
steps <- buildBridges(facs.start, facs.end, n = path.nSteps[idx],
sigma.fac = sigma.facs)
# Randomly assign a position in the appropriate path to each cell
path.probs <- lapply(seq_len(nGroups), function(idx) {
probs <- seq(path.skew[idx], 1 - path.skew[idx],
length = path.nSteps[idx])
probs <- probs / sum(probs)
steps <- sapply(factor(groups), function(path) {
step <- sample(seq_len(path.nSteps[path]), 1, prob = path.probs[[path]])
# Collect the underlying expression levels for each cell
cell.facs.gene <- lapply(seq_len(nCells), function(idx) {
path <- factor(groups)[idx]
step <- steps[idx]
cell.means <- path.steps[[path]][, step]
cell.facs.gene <- do.call(cbind, cell.facs.gene)
# Adjust expression based on library size
cell.means.gene <- batch.means.cell * cell.facs.gene
cell.props.gene <- t(t(cell.means.gene) / colSums(cell.means.gene))
base.means.cell <- t(t(cell.props.gene) * exp.lib.sizes)
colnames(base.means.cell) <- cell.names
rownames(base.means.cell) <- gene.names
colData(sim)$Step <- steps
assays(sim)$BaseCellMeans <- base.means.cell
#' Simulate BCV means
#' Simulate means for each gene in each cell that are adjusted to follow a
#' mean-variance trend using Biological Coefficient of Variation taken from
#' and inverse gamma distribution.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add BCV means to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated BCV means.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData assays assays<-
#' @importFrom stats rchisq rgamma
splatSimBCVMeans <- function(sim, params) {
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
bcv.common <- getParam(params, "bcv.common")
bcv.df <- getParam(params, "bcv.df")
base.means.cell <- assays(sim)$BaseCellMeans
if (is.finite(bcv.df)) {
bcv <- (bcv.common + (1 / sqrt(base.means.cell))) *
sqrt(bcv.df / rchisq(nGenes, df = bcv.df))
} else {
warning("'bcv.df' is infinite. This parameter will be ignored.")
bcv <- (bcv.common + (1 / sqrt(base.means.cell)))
means.cell <- matrix(rgamma(
as.numeric(nGenes) * as.numeric(nCells),
shape = 1 / (bcv ^ 2), scale = base.means.cell * (bcv ^ 2)),
nrow = nGenes, ncol = nCells)
colnames(means.cell) <- cell.names
rownames(means.cell) <- gene.names
assays(sim)$BCV <- bcv
assays(sim)$CellMeans <- means.cell
#' Simulate true counts
#' Simulate a true counts matrix. Counts are simulated from a poisson
#' distribution where Each gene in each cell has it's own mean based on the
#' group (or path position), expected library size and BCV.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add true counts to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated true counts.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData assays assays<-
#' @importFrom stats rpois
splatSimTrueCounts <- function(sim, params) {
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
cell.means <- assays(sim)$CellMeans
true.counts <- matrix(rpois(
as.numeric(nGenes) * as.numeric(nCells),
lambda = cell.means),
nrow = nGenes, ncol = nCells)
colnames(true.counts) <- cell.names
rownames(true.counts) <- gene.names
assays(sim)$TrueCounts <- true.counts
#' Simulate dropout
#' A logistic function is used to form a relationship between the expression
#' level of a gene and the probability of dropout, giving a probability for each
#' gene in each cell. These probabilities are used in a Bernoulli distribution
#' to decide which counts should be dropped.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add dropout to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated dropout and observed counts.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData assays assays<-
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
splatSimDropout <- function(sim, params) {
dropout.type <- getParam(params, "dropout.type")
true.counts <- assays(sim)$TrueCounts
dropout.mid <- getParam(params, "dropout.mid")
dropout.shape <- getParam(params, "dropout.shape")
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
cell.means <- assays(sim)$CellMeans
experiment = {
if ((length(dropout.mid) != 1) || length(dropout.shape) != 1) {
stop("dropout.type is set to 'experiment' but dropout.mid ",
"and dropout.shape aren't length 1")
dropout.mid <- rep(dropout.mid, nCells)
dropout.shape <- rep(dropout.shape, nCells)
batch = {
if ((length(dropout.mid) != nBatches) ||
length(dropout.shape) != nBatches) {
stop("dropout.type is set to 'batch' but dropout.mid ",
"and dropout.shape aren't length equal to nBatches ",
"(", nBatches, ")")
batches <- as.numeric(factor(colData(sim)$Batch))
dropout.mid <- dropout.mid[batches]
dropout.shape <- dropout.shape[batches]
group = {
if ((length(dropout.mid) != nGroups) ||
length(dropout.shape) != nGroups) {
stop("dropout.type is set to 'group' but dropout.mid ",
"and dropout.shape aren't length equal to nGroups ",
"(", nGroups, ")")
if ("Group" %in% colnames(colData(sim))) {
groups <- as.numeric(colData(sim)$Group)
} else {
stop("dropout.type is set to 'group' but groups have not ",
"been simulated")
dropout.mid <- dropout.mid[groups]
dropout.shape <- dropout.shape[groups]
cell = {
if ((length(dropout.mid) != nCells) ||
length(dropout.shape) != nCells) {
stop("dropout.type is set to 'cell' but dropout.mid ",
"and dropout.shape aren't length equal to nCells ",
"(", nCells, ")")
if (dropout.type != "none") {
# Generate probabilities based on expression
drop.prob <- sapply(seq_len(nCells), function(idx) {
eta <- log(cell.means[, idx])
return(logistic(eta, x0 = dropout.mid[idx], k = dropout.shape[idx]))
# Decide which counts to keep
keep <- matrix(rbinom(nCells * nGenes, 1, 1 - drop.prob),
nrow = nGenes, ncol = nCells)
counts <- true.counts * keep
colnames(drop.prob) <- cell.names
rownames(drop.prob) <- gene.names
colnames(keep) <- cell.names
rownames(keep) <- gene.names
assays(sim)$DropProb <- drop.prob
assays(sim)$Dropout <- !keep
} else {
counts <- true.counts
BiocGenerics::counts(sim) <- counts
#' Get log-normal factors
#' Randomly generate multiplication factors from a log-normal distribution.
#' @param n.facs Number of factors to generate.
#' @param sel.prob Probability that a factor will be selected to be different
#' from 1.
#' @param neg.prob Probability that a selected factor is less than one.
#' @param fac.loc Location parameter for the log-normal distribution.
#' @param fac.scale Scale factor for the log-normal distribution.
#' @return Vector containing generated factors.
#' @importFrom stats rbinom rlnorm
getLNormFactors <- function(n.facs, sel.prob, neg.prob, fac.loc, fac.scale) {
is.selected <- as.logical(rbinom(n.facs, 1, sel.prob))
n.selected <- sum(is.selected)
dir.selected <- (-1) ^ rbinom(n.selected, 1, neg.prob)
facs.selected <- rlnorm(n.selected, fac.loc, fac.scale)
# Reverse directions for factors that are less than one
dir.selected[facs.selected < 1] <- -1 * dir.selected[facs.selected < 1]
factors <- rep(1, n.facs)
factors[is.selected] <- facs.selected ^ dir.selected
#' Get path order
#' Identify the correct order to process paths so that preceding paths have
#' already been simulated.
#' @param path.from vector giving the path endpoints that each path originates
#' from.
#' @return Vector giving the order to process paths in.
getPathOrder <- function(path.from) {
# Transform the vector into a list of (from, to) pairs
path.pairs <- list()
for (idx in seq_along(path.from)) {
path.pairs[[idx]] <- c(path.from[idx], idx)
# Determine the processing order
# If a path is in the "done" vector any path originating here can be
# completed
done <- 0
while (length(path.pairs) > 0) {
path.pair <- path.pairs[[1]]
path.pairs <- path.pairs[-1]
from <- path.pair[1]
to <- path.pair[2]
if (from %in% done) {
done <- c(done, to)
} else {
path.pairs <- c(path.pairs, list(path.pair))
# Remove the origin from the vector
done <- done[-1]
#' Brownian bridge
#' Calculate a smoothed Brownian bridge between two points. A Brownian bridge is
#' a random walk with fixed end points.
#' @param x starting value.
#' @param y end value.
#' @param N number of steps in random walk.
#' @param n number of points in smoothed bridge.
#' @param sigma.fac multiplier specifying how extreme each step can be.
#' @return Vector of length n following a path from x to y.
#' @importFrom stats runif rnorm
bridge <- function (x = 0, y = 0, N = 5, n = 100, sigma.fac = 0.8) {
dt <- 1 / (N - 1)
t <- seq(0, 1, length = N)
sigma2 <- runif(1, 0, sigma.fac * mean(c(x, y)))
X <- c(0, cumsum(rnorm(N - 1, sd = sigma2) * sqrt(dt)))
BB <- x + X - t * (X[N] - y + x)
BB <- akima::aspline(BB, n = n)$y
BB[BB < 0] <- 1e-6
buildBridges <- Vectorize(bridge, vectorize.args = c("x", "y", "sigma.fac"))
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