#' Get parameters
#' Get multiple parameter values from a Params object.
#' @param params Params object to get values from.
#' @param names vector of names of the parameters to get.
#' @return List with the values of the selected parameters.
#' @examples
#' params <- newSimpleParams()
#' getParams(params, c("nGenes", "nCells", "mean.rate"))
#' @export
getParams <- function(params, names) {
checkmate::assertClass(params, classes = "Params")
checkmate::assertCharacter(names, min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
sapply(names, getParam, object = params, simplify = FALSE)
#' Set parameters UNCHECKED
#' Set multiple parameters in a Params object.
#' @param params Params object to set parameters in.
#' @param update list of parameters to set where \code{names(update)} are the
#' names of the parameters to set and the items in the list are values.
#' @param ... additional parameters to set. These are combined with any
#' parameters specified in \code{update}.
#' @details
#' Each parameter is set by a call to \code{\link{setParam}}. If the same
#' parameter is specified multiple times it will be set multiple times.
#' Parameters can be specified using a list via \code{update} (useful when
#' collecting parameter values in some way) or individually (useful when setting
#' them manually), see examples. THE FINAL OBJECT IS NOT CHECKED FOR VALIDITY!
#' @return Params object with updated values.
setParamsUnchecked <- function(params, update = NULL, ...) {
checkmate::assertClass(params, classes = "Params")
checkmate::assertList(update, null.ok = TRUE)
update <- c(update, list(...))
if (length(update) > 0) {
for (name in names(update)) {
value <- update[[name]]
params <- setParamUnchecked(params, name, value)
#' Show pretty print
#' Function used for pretty printing params object.
#' @param params object to show.
#' @param pp list specifying how the object should be displayed.
#' @return Print params object to console
showPP <- function(params, pp) {
checkmate::assertClass(params, classes = "Params")
checkmate::assertList(pp, types = "character", min.len = 1)
default <- new(class(params))
for (category in names(pp)) {
parameters <- pp[[category]]
values <- getParams(params, parameters)
is.df <- sapply(values, is.data.frame)
default.values <- getParams(default, parameters)
not.default <- sapply(seq_along(values), function(i) {
!identical(values[i], default.values[i])
cat(crayon::bold(category), "\n")
if (sum(!is.df) > 0) {
showValues(values[!is.df], not.default[!is.df])
if (sum(is.df) > 0) {
showDFs(values[is.df], not.default[is.df])
#' Show vales
#' Function used for pretty printing scale or vector parameters.
#' @param values list of values to show.
#' @param not.default logical vector giving which have changed from the default.
#' @importFrom utils head
showValues <- function(values, not.default) {
checkmate::check_list(values, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
checkmate::check_logical(not.default, any.missing = FALSE,
len = length(values))
short.values <- sapply(values, function(x) {
if (length(x) > 4) {
paste0(paste(head(x, n = 4), collapse = ", "), ",...")
} else {
paste(x, collapse = ", ")
names(short.values)[not.default] <- toupper(names(values[not.default]))
max.len <- max(nchar(short.values), nchar(names(short.values)))
screen.width <- options("width")$width
items.per.line <- floor(screen.width / (max.len + 2))
short.names <- names(short.values)
short.values <- crayon::col_align(short.values, max.len, "right")
short.names <- crayon::col_align(short.names, max.len, "right")
not.est <- !grepl("\\(", short.names)
short.names[not.est] <- crayon::blue(short.names[not.est])
short.names[not.default] <- crayon::bold(short.names[not.default])
short.values[not.default] <- crayon::green(short.values[not.default])
short.values[not.default] <- crayon::bold(short.values[not.default])
names(short.values) <- short.names
values.list <- split(short.values,
ceiling(seq_along(short.values) / items.per.line))
for (line in values.list) {
cat(paste(names(line), collapse = " "), "\n")
cat(paste(unname(line), collapse = " "), "\n")
#' Show data.frame
#' Function used for pretty printing data.frame parameters.
#' @param dfs list of data.frames to show.
#' @param not.default logical vector giving which have changed from the default.
#' @importFrom utils head
showDFs <- function(dfs, not.default) {
checkmate::check_list(dfs, types = "data.frame", any.missing = FALSE,
min.len = 1)
checkmate::check_logical(not.default, any.missing = FALSE,
len = length(dfs))
names(dfs)[not.default] <- toupper(names(dfs)[not.default])
not.est <- !grepl("\\(", names(dfs))
names(dfs)[not.est] <- crayon::blue(names(dfs)[not.est])
names(dfs)[not.default] <- crayon::bold(names(dfs)[not.default])
for (i in seq_along(dfs)) {
df <- dfs[[i]]
name <- names(dfs)[i]
msg <- paste0("data.frame (", nrow(df), " x ", ncol(df),
") with columns: ", paste(colnames(df), collapse = ", "))
if (not.default[i]) {
msg <- crayon::bold(crayon::green(msg))
cat(paste0("\n", name, "\n"))
cat(msg, "\n")
print(head(df, n = 4))
cat("# ... with", nrow(df) - 4, "more rows\n")
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