#' Calculate the total number of junction reads overlapping with the introns of
#' each promoter for the input junction file
#' @param promoterCoordinates A GRanges object containing promoter coordinates
#' and reduced exon coordinates by gene
#' @param intronRanges A Granges object containing the annotated unique intron
#' ranges. These ranges will be used for counting the reads
#' @param file character path for the input junction bed or bam file
#' @param fileType character type of the junction bed file. Either 'tophat',
#' 'star' or 'bam'
#' @param genome character genome version
#' @return The total number of junction reads overlapping with each promoter for
#' the input annotated intron ranges
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments readTopHatJunctions readSTARJunctions
#' readGAlignments summarizeJunctions
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle keepStandardChromosomes
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps 'strand<-'
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits
calculateJunctionReadCounts <- function(promoterCoordinates, intronRanges,
file = '', fileType = '', genome = '') {
if(fileType == 'tophat') {
message(paste0('Processing: ', file))
junctionTable <- GenomicAlignments::readTopHatJunctions(file)
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(junctionTable) <- 'UCSC'
message('File loaded into memory')
} else if(fileType == 'star') {
message(paste0('Processing: ', file))
junctionTable <- GenomicAlignments::readSTARJunctions(file)
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(junctionTable) <- 'UCSC'
junctionTable$score <- junctionTable$um_reads
message('File loaded into memory')
} else if (fileType == 'bam') {
message(paste0('Processing: ', file))
rawBam <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(file)
bam <- GenomeInfoDb::keepStandardChromosomes(rawBam,
pruning.mode = 'coarse')
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(bam) <- 'UCSC'
junctions <- GenomicAlignments::summarizeJunctions(bam, genome = genome)
junctionTable <- GenomeInfoDb::keepStandardChromosomes(junctions,
pruning.mode = 'coarse')
strand(junctionTable) <- junctionTable$intron_strand
junctionTable <- junctionTable[,c('score')]
message('Junctions extracted from BAM file')
message('Calculating junction counts')
intronRanges.overlap <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(intronRanges,
type = 'equal')
intronRanges$junctionCounts <- rep(0, length(intronRanges))
intronRanges$junctionCounts[queryHits(intronRanges.overlap)] <-
intronIdByPromoter <- as.vector(promoterCoordinates$intronId)
intronId.unlist <- unlist(intronIdByPromoter)
levels.tmp <- unique(promoterCoordinates$promoterId)
levels.tmp <- levels.tmp[order(levels.tmp)]
promoterId.unlist <- factor(rep(promoterCoordinates$promoterId,
vapply(intronIdByPromoter, FUN = length,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))), levels = levels.tmp)
junctionCounts <- tapply(intronRanges$junctionCounts[intronId.unlist],
promoterId.unlist, sum)
names(junctionCounts) <- promoterCoordinates$promoterId
#' Calculate the promoter read counts using junction read counts approach for
#' all the input junction files
#' @param promoterAnnotation A PromoterAnnotation object containing the
#' reduced exon ranges, annotated intron ranges, promoter coordinates and the
#' promoter id mapping
#' @param files A character vector. The list of junction or BAM files
#' for which the junction read counts will be calculated
#' @param fileLabels A character vector. The labels of junction or BAM
#' files for which the junction read counts will be calculated. These labels
#' will be used as column names for the output data.frame object
#' @param fileType A character. Type of the junction bed or bam file, either
#' 'tophat', 'star' or 'bam
#' @param genome A character. Genome version used. Must be specified if input is
#' a BAM file. Defaults to NULL
#' @param numberOfCores A numeric value. The number of cores to be used for
#' counting junction reads. Defaults to 1 (no parallelization). This parameter
#' will be used as an argument to BiocParallel::bplapply
#' @return A data.frame object. The number of junction reads per promoter (rows)
#' for each sample (cols)
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpparam bplapply
calculatePromoterReadCounts <- function(promoterAnnotation, files = NULL,
fileLabels = NULL, fileType = NULL ,
genome = NULL, numberOfCores = 1) {
promoterCoordinates <- promoterCoordinates(promoterAnnotation)
intronRanges <- intronRanges(promoterAnnotation)
if (numberOfCores > 1 &
requireNamespace('BiocParallel', quietly = TRUE) == TRUE) {
bpParameters <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
bpParameters$workers <- numberOfCores
promoterReadCounts <- BiocParallel::bplapply(files,
promoterCoordinates = promoterCoordinates,
intronRanges = intronRanges,
fileType = fileType, genome = genome,
BPPARAM = bpParameters)
} else {
if (requireNamespace('BiocParallel', quietly = TRUE) == FALSE) {
message('Warning: "BiocParallel" package is not available!
Using sequential version instead...')
promoterReadCounts <- lapply(files, calculateJunctionReadCounts,
promoterCoordinates = promoterCoordinates,
intronRanges = intronRanges,
fileType = fileType, genome = genome)
if (length(files) == 1) {
promoterReadCounts <- data.frame(counts = promoterReadCounts)
} else {
promoterReadCounts <- as.data.frame(promoterReadCounts)
rownames(promoterReadCounts) <- promoterCoordinates$promoterId
colnames(promoterReadCounts) <- fileLabels
#' Normalize promoter read counts using DESeq2
#' @param promoterReadCounts A data.frame object. The number of junction reads
#' per promoter (rows) for each sample (cols)
#' @return A data.frame object. The normalized number of junction reads per
#' promoter (rows) for each sample (cols) using DESeq2 counts function.
#' Requires 'DESeq2' package to be installed
#' @importFrom DESeq2 DESeqDataSetFromMatrix estimateSizeFactors counts
normalizePromoterReadCounts <- function(promoterReadCounts) {
if (ncol(promoterReadCounts) == 1) {
activePromoters <- which(!is.na(promoterReadCounts[, 1]))
colData <- data.frame(sampleLabels = colnames(promoterReadCounts))
rownames(colData) <- colnames(promoterReadCounts)
message('Calculating normalized read counts...')
if (requireNamespace('DESeq2', quietly = TRUE) == FALSE) {
stop('DESeq2 is not installed!
For normalization DESeq2 is needed, please install it.')
dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData =
promoterReadCounts[activePromoters, ],
colData = colData, design = ~ 1)
dds <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(dds)
promoterReadCounts[activePromoters, ] <- DESeq2::counts(dds,
normalized = TRUE)
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