#' Class \linkS4class{ASICSResults}
#' Objects of class \linkS4class{ASICSResults} contains results of ASICS
#' quantification method for a set of spectra. This object is an extension of
#' the class \linkS4class{Spectra}, with additional slots for quantification
#' results, reconstructed spectra and deformed library.
#' @name ASICSResults-class
#' @exportClass ASICSResults
#' @slot sample.name Character vector of sample names.
#' @slot ppm.grid Numeric vector of a unique grid (definition domain) for all
#' spectra (in ppm).
#' @slot spectra Numeric matrix of original spectra. Columns contain the spectra
#' and are in the same order than \code{sample.name}. Rows correspond to points
#' of \code{ppm.grid}.
#' @slot reconstructed.spectra Numeric matrix of reconstructed spectra (in
#' columns) with estimated concentrations. Columns are in the same order than
#' \code{sample.name} and rows correspond to points of \code{ppm.grid}.
#' @slot quantification Data-frame with identified metabolites and their
#' relative concentrations.
#' @slot deformed.library A data frame containing the deformed library of each
#' sample.
#' @section Methods:
#' Multiple methods can be applied to \linkS4class{Spectra} objects.
#' \itemize{
#' \item As usual for S4 object, show and summary methods are available, see
#' \link[=summary-methods]{Object summary}
#' \item All slots have an accessor \code{get_slot name}, see
#' \link[=accessors-methods]{Accessors}
#' \item Two objects can be combined or a subset can be extracted, see
#' \link[=combineAndSubset-methods]{Combine and subset methods}
#' \item All spectra contained in an object can be represented in a plot,
#' see \link[=visualisation-methods-spectra]{Visualisation methods}
#' }
#' @include Spectra-class.R
#' @seealso \linkS4class{Spectra}
Class = "ASICSResults",
slots = list(
reconstructed.spectra = "generalMatrix",
quantification = "data.frame",
deformed.library = "data.frame"
contains = "Spectra"
#### Accessors
function(object) standardGeneric("getReconstructedSpectra")
function(object) standardGeneric("getQuantification")
function(object) standardGeneric("getDeformedLibrary")
#' @export
#' @aliases getReconstructedSpectra
#' @rdname accessors-methods
setMethod("getReconstructedSpectra", "ASICSResults",
function(object) return(object@reconstructed.spectra)
#' @export
#' @aliases getQuantification
#' @rdname accessors-methods
setMethod("getQuantification", "ASICSResults",
function(object) return(object@quantification)
#' @export
#' @aliases getDeformedLibrary
#' @rdname accessors-methods
setMethod("getDeformedLibrary", "ASICSResults",
function(object) return(object@deformed.library)
#### Basic methods
#' @rdname summary-methods
#' @aliases show.ASICSResults
#' @export
f = "show",
signature = "ASICSResults",
definition = function(object){
cat("An object of class", class(object), "\n")
cat("It contains", length(object@sample.name), "spectra of",
length(object@ppm.grid), "points. \n\n")
cat("ASICS results: \n", nrow(object@quantification),
"metabolites are identified for this set of spectra. \n")
cat("Most concentrated metabolites are:",
paste(utils::head(rownames(object@quantification)), collapse = ", "), "\n")
#' @rdname summary-methods
#' @export
#' @aliases dim.Spectra
setMethod(f = "dim", signature(x = "ASICSResults"),
function(x) return(c(nrow(x@quantification), length(x@sample.name)))
#' @rdname combineAndSubset-methods
#' @aliases [.ASICSResults
#' @export
f = "[",
signature(x = "ASICSResults", i = "ANY"),
function (x, i){
quantification <- as.data.frame(x@quantification[, i])
colnames(quantification) <- x@sample.name[i]
rownames(quantification) <- rownames(x@quantification)
sample.name = x@sample.name[i],
ppm.grid = x@ppm.grid,
spectra = Matrix(x@spectra[, i]),
reconstructed.spectra = Matrix(x@reconstructed.spectra[, i]),
quantification = quantification,
deformed.library = x@deformed.library[x@deformed.library$sample
%in% x@sample.name[i], ]))
#' @rdname combineAndSubset-methods
#' @aliases c.ASICSResults
#' @importFrom plyr join_all
#' @export
signature(x = "ASICSResults"),
function(x, ...){
elements <- list(x, ...)
# first grid for all objects
if(length(elements) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(elements)){
if(!any(elements[[1]]@ppm.grid == elements[[i]]@ppm.grid)){
elements[[i]]@spectra <- apply(elements[[i]]@spectra, 2, .changeGrid,
# merge quantification
extract_quantif_list <- lapply(elements, getQuantification)
extract_quantif_list <- lapply(extract_quantif_list,
function(x) cbind(id = rownames(x), x))
all_quantification <- join_all(extract_quantif_list,
by = "id", type = "full")
rownames(all_quantification) <- all_quantification$id
all_quantification$id <- NULL
all_quantification[is.na(all_quantification)] <- 0
sample.name = do.call("c", lapply(elements, getSampleName)),
ppm.grid = x@ppm.grid,
spectra = do.call("cbind", lapply(elements, getSpectra)),
reconstructed.spectra =
do.call("cbind", lapply(elements, getReconstructedSpectra)),
quantification = all_quantification,
deformed.library =
do.call("rbind", lapply(elements, getDeformedLibrary))))
#' @aliases plot.ASICSResults
#' @param idx Index of the spectrum to plot. Default to 1.
#' @param pure.library Pure library used for the quantification. Default to
#' \code{NULL} (in which case, the library included in the package is used).
#' @param add.metab Name of one metabolite to add to the plot. Default to
#' \code{NULL} (in which case, no pure spectrum added to the plot).
#' @export
#' @rdname visualisation-methods-spectra
f = "plot",
signature = "ASICSResults",
definition = function(x, y, idx = 1, xlim = c(0.5, 10), ylim = NULL,
pure.library = NULL, add.metab = NULL, ...) {
return(.plotSpectrum(x, idx = idx, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
pure.library = pure.library, add.metab = add.metab))
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