#' Score impact of each sample on correlation sturucture
#' Score impact of each sample on correlation sturucture. Compute correlation using all samples (i.e. C), then compute correlation omitting sample i (i.e. Ci). The score the sample i is based on the difference between C and Ci.
#' @param Y data matrix with samples on rows and variables on columns
#' @param method specify which correlation method: "pearson", "kendall" or "spearman"
#' @return score for each sample measure impact on correlation structure
#' @examples
#' # load iris data
#' data(iris)
#' # Evalaute score on each sample
#' delaneau.score( iris[,1:4] )
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @export
#' @seealso delaneau.test
delaneau.score = function( Y, method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman") ){
method = match.arg( method )
# correlation for all samples
C_all = cor(Y, method=method)
# mean correlation
mu_c = mean(C_all[lower.tri(C_all)])
# Compute leave-one-out correlations and statistics
sampleScore = vapply( seq_len(nrow(Y)), function( i ){
C_i = cor( Y[-i,], method=method)
mean(C_i[lower.tri(C_i)]) - mu_c
}, numeric(1))
if( !is.null(rownames(Y)) ){
names(sampleScore) = rownames(Y)
#' Test association between correlation sturucture and variable
#' Score impact of each sample on correlation sturucture and then peform test of association with variable using Kruskal-Wallis test
#' @param Y data matrix with samples on rows and variables on columns
#' @param variable variable with number of entries must equal nrow(Y). Can be discrete or continuous.
#' @param method specify which correlation method: "pearson", "kendall" or "spearman"
#' @return list of p-value, estimate and method used
#' @details The statistical test used depends on the variable specified.
#' if variable is factor with multiple levels, use Kruskal-Wallis test
#' if variable is factor with 2 levels, use Wilcoxon test
#' if variable is continuous, use Wilcoxon test
#' @examples
#' # load iris data
#' data(iris)
#' # variable is factor with multiple levels
#' # use kruskal.test
#' delaneau.test( iris[,1:4], iris[,5] )
#' # variable is factor with 2 levels
#' # use wilcox.test
#' delaneau.test( iris[1:100,1:4], iris[1:100,5] )
#' # variable is continuous
#' # use cor.test with spearman
#' delaneau.test( iris[,1:4], iris[,1] )
#' @importFrom stats cor.test
#' @export
#' @seealso delaneau.score sle.test
delaneau.test = function( Y, variable, method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman") ){
# compute sample level scores
score = delaneau.score( Y, method )
# Test of association between score and variable
if( is.factor(variable) ){
variable = droplevels(variable)
if( nlevels(variable) == 2 ){
x = score[variable==levels(variable)[1]]
y = score[variable==levels(variable)[2]]
fit = wilcox.test( x, y )
result = list(p.value = fit$p.value, estimate = median(y) - median(x), method="wilcox.test")
fit = kruskal.test( score, variable )
result = list(p.value = fit$p.value, estimate = fit$statistic, method="kruskal.test")
fit = suppressWarnings(cor.test( score, variable, method="spearman") )
result = list(p.value = fit$p.value, estimate = fit$estimate, method="cor.test")
#' Score impact of each sample on sparse leading eigen-value
#' Score impact of each sample on sparse leading eigen-value. Compute correlation using all samples (i.e. C), then compute correlation omitting sample i (i.e. Ci). The score the sample i is based on sparse leading eigen-value of the diffrence between C and Ci.
#' @param Y data matrix with samples on rows and variables on columns
#' @param method specify which correlation method: "pearson", "kendall" or "spearman"
#' @param rho a positive constant such that cor(Y) + diag(rep(rho,p)) is positive definite.
#' @param sumabs regularization paramter. Value of 1 gives no regularization, sumabs*sqrt(p) is the upperbound of the L_1 norm of v,controling the sparsity of solution. Must be between 1/sqrt(p) and 1.
#' @return score for each sample measure impact on correlation structure
#' @examples
#' # load iris data
#' data(iris)
#' # Evalaute score on each sample
#' sle.score( iris[,1:4] )
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @export
#' @seealso sle.test
sle.score = function( Y, method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"), rho=.05, sumabs=1 ){
method = match.arg( method )
# correlation for all samples
C_all = cor(Y, method=method)
# Compute leave-one-out correlations and statistics
sampleScore = vapply( seq_len(nrow(Y)), function( i ){
# correlation dropping sample i
C_i = cor( Y[-i,], method=method)
# Difference matrix
D.mat = C_all - C_i
# if more thatn 2 features
if( nrow(D.mat) > 2){
# Evaluate sLED statistic
res = sLED:::sLEDTestStat( D.mat, rho=rho, sumabs.seq = sumabs)
# Evaluate statistic without sparsity
p = nrow(D.mat)
d.pos = eigen(D.mat + rho*diag(p))$values[1]
d.neg = eigen(-1*D.mat + rho*diag(p))$values[1]
res = list(stats = ifelse( d.pos > d.neg, d.pos - rho, -1*(d.neg - rho)))
# return test stat
}, numeric(1))
if( !is.null(rownames(Y)) ){
names(sampleScore) = rownames(Y)
#' Test association between sparse leading eigen-value and variable
#' Score impact of each sample on sparse leading eigen-value and then peform test of association with variable using non-parametric test
#' @param Y data matrix with samples on rows and variables on columns
#' @param variable variable with number of entries must equal nrow(Y). Can be discrete or continuous.
#' @param method specify which correlation method: "pearson", "kendall" or "spearman"
#' @param rho a positive constant such that cor(Y) + diag(rep(rho,p)) is positive definite.
#' @param sumabs regularization paramter. Value of 1 gives no regularization, sumabs*sqrt(p) is the upperbound of the L_1 norm of v,controling the sparsity of solution. Must be between 1/sqrt(p) and 1.
#' @return list of p-value, estimate and method used
#' @details The statistical test used depends on the variable specified.
#' if variable is factor with multiple levels, use Kruskal-Wallis test
#' if variable is factor with 2 levels, use Wilcoxon test
#' if variable is continuous, use Wilcoxon test
#' @examples
#' # load iris data
#' data(iris)
#' # variable is factor with multiple levels
#' # use kruskal.test
#' sle.test( iris[,1:4], iris[,5] )
#' # variable is factor with 2 levels
#' # use wilcox.test
#' sle.test( iris[1:100,1:4], iris[1:100,5] )
#' # variable is continuous
#' # use cor.test with spearman
#' sle.test( iris[,1:4], iris[,1] )
#' @importFrom stats cor.test
#' @export
#' @seealso sle.score delaneau.test
sle.test = function( Y, variable, method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"), rho=0, sumabs=1 ){
# compute sample level scores
score = sle.score( Y, method )
# Test of association between score and variable
if( is.factor(variable) ){
variable = droplevels(variable)
if( nlevels(variable) == 2 ){
x = score[variable==levels(variable)[1]]
y = score[variable==levels(variable)[2]]
fit = wilcox.test( x, y )
result = list(p.value = fit$p.value, estimate = median(y) - median(x), method="wilcox.test")
fit = kruskal.test( score, variable )
result = list(p.value = fit$p.value, estimate = fit$statistic, method="kruskal.test")
fit = suppressWarnings(cor.test( score, variable, method="spearman") )
result = list(p.value = fit$p.value, estimate = fit$estimate, method="cor.test")
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