#' annotate_VCF
#' Function to add strand, gene and COSMIC mutation category annotations to a VCF. This function can take a long time depending on the number of mutations and how many of the annotation options you have selected. Please be patient!
#' @param vcf Input VCF to annotate.
#' @param add_strand_and_SBS_cats Logical indicating whether or not strand, gene and SBS category annotations are to be added (defaults to TRUE).
#' @param add_DBS_cats Logical indicating whether or not DBS category annotations are to be added (defaults to TRUE).
#' @param add_ID_cats Logical indicating whether or not Indel category annotations are to be added (defaults to FALSE). Unfortunately Indel mutation categories cannot be added to the VCF in Windows, as this R function calls a python script. Please run this step in a unix environment (Mac/Linux etc.).
#' @param ref_fasta File path to FASTA file compatable with input VCF positions and chromosomes. Only required when add_ID_cats = TRUE. The latest reference genomes in FASTA format can be downloaded \href{https://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html#human}{here}
#' @param ref_genome Name of reference genome object. For hg19 data we use the BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19 object, which is loaded into the local environment by library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19). Use library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38) as appropirate.
#' @param palimpdir If you received a filepath error when adding indel categories, set this parameter as a filepath to the location of the Palimpsest package directory that you downloaded from \href{https://github.com/FunGeST/Palimpsest/archive/master.zip}{our GitHub}
#' @param GRCh37_fasta If you received a VCF/FASTA error when adding indel categories, and you are working with GRCh37 data (or your hg19 FASTA has no 'chr' prefixes) set to TRUE.
#' @return vcf
#' @export
#' @import gtools
#' @import VariantAnnotation
#' @examples
#'vcf <- annotate_VCF(vcf = vcf, ref_genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, ref_fasta = "~/Documents/Data/Genomes/hg19.fa")
annotate_VCF <- function(vcf = vcf, add_strand_and_SBS_cats = T, add_DBS_cats = T, add_ID_cats = F,
ref_fasta = NA, ref_genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, palimpdir = NA,
GRCh37_fasta = FALSE){
if(length(colnames(vcf)[colnames(vcf) %in% c("Sample","CHROM","POS","ALT","REF")]) < 5)
stop("VCF must contain columns named: 'Sample', 'CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT' for Palimpsest functions to work")
if(!all(unique(vcf$Type) %in% c("SNV","INS","DEL"))) stop("The column vcf$Type must contain single base substitutions marked 'SNV', deletions marked 'DEL' and/or insertions marked 'INS', please change accordingly")
if(ref_genome@pkgname %!in% c("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19","BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38"))
stop("either hg19 or hg38 ref_genome must be used, loaded from library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19) or library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)")
if(is.na(ref_fasta)) stop("You must specify the ref_fasta argument to add ID categories")
if(is.na(palimpdir)) warning("Consider specifying the palimpdir argument when adding ID categories")
vcf <- order_vcf(vcf)
if(ref_genome@pkgname == "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19") genome_build = "hg19"
if(ref_genome@pkgname == "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38") genome_build = "hg38"
chroms <- unique(vcf$CHROM)
if (1 %in% chroms == TRUE) vcf$CHROM <- paste0("chr", vcf$CHROM)
remove_chrs <- c("chrM", "chrMT")
vcf <- vcf[which(vcf$CHROM %!in% remove_chrs), ]
if(add_strand_and_SBS_cats == T){
print("Adding gene, strand and SBS category annotations...", quote = F)
vcf$strand.mut <- "+"
vcf$strand.gene <- NA
vcf$gene_name <- NA
if(genome_build == "hg19") ensgene <- ensgene_hg19
if(genome_build == "hg38") ensgene <- ensgene_hg38
ensgene_split <- split(ensgene,ensgene$Chromosome.Name)
vcf_split <- split(vcf,vcf$CHROM)
chr_listy <- gtools::mixedsort(intersect(names(ensgene_split),names(vcf_split)))
total <- length(chr_listy)
for(chr in chr_listy){
ind <- unlist(sapply(vcf_split[[chr]]$POS,function(pos){
tmp <- which(ensgene_split[[chr]]$Gene.Start..bp. <= pos & ensgene_split[[chr]]$Gene.End..bp. >= pos)
if(length(tmp)==1) tmp else{NA}
if (all(is.na(ind))) {
vcf_split[[chr]]$gene_name <- NA
} else {
vcf_split[[chr]]$gene_name <- ensgene_split[[chr]][ind,"Associated.Gene.Name"]
vcf <- unsplit(vcf_split,vcf$CHROM)
vcf$strand.gene <- c("-", NA, "+")[ensgene[match(vcf$gene_name, ensgene$Associated.Gene.Name), "Strand"] + 2]
requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE)
nostrand <- which(is.na(vcf$strand.gene) | vcf$strand.gene == "*")
vcf$strand.gene[nostrand] <- "+"
vr <- VRanges(seqnames = vcf$CHROM, ranges = IRanges(start = vcf$POS, end = vcf$POS), ref = vcf$REF,
alt = vcf$ALT, sampleNames = vcf$Sample)
vr@strand <- Rle(strand(vcf$strand.mut))
delet_this <- nrow(filter(vcf, Type == "DEL"))
vr3 <- palimpsest_addMutationContextToVR(vr = vr, ref = ref_genome, k = 3, num_of_DELs = delet_this)
vr5 <- palimpsest_addMutationContextToVR(vr =vr, ref = ref_genome, k = 5, num_of_DELs = delet_this)
vcf$strand.mut <- as.character(vr3@strand)
vcf$strand.ts <- NA
vcf$strand.ts[which(vcf$strand.gene == "+" & vcf$strand.mut == "-")] <- "ts"
vcf$strand.ts[which(vcf$strand.gene == "+" & vcf$strand.mut == "+")] <- "nt"
vcf$strand.ts[which(vcf$strand.gene == "-" & vcf$strand.mut == "+")] <- "ts"
vcf$strand.ts[which(vcf$strand.gene == "-" & vcf$strand.mut == "-")] <- "nt"
vcf$strand.gene[nostrand] <- NA
vcf$strand.ts[nostrand] <- NA
vcf$substype <- as.character(vr3$alteration)
vcf$context3 <- as.character(vr3$context)
vcf$context3[vcf$Type != "SNV"] <- NA
vcf$SBS_cat3 <- paste(vcf$substype, vcf$context3, sep = "_")
vcf$SBS_cat3[which(vcf$SBS_cat3 == "NA_NA")] <- NA
vcf$SBS_cat3[vcf$Type != "SNV"] <- NA
vcf$context5 <- as.character(vr5$context)
vcf$context5[vcf$Type != "SNV"] <- NA
vcf$SBS_cat5 <- paste(vcf$substype, vcf$context5, sep = "_")
vcf$SBS_cat5[which(vcf$SBS_cat5 == "NA_NA")] <- NA
vcf$SBS_cat5[vcf$Type != "SNV"] <- NA
vcf <- dplyr::select(vcf,-c(substype,context3,context5))
if(add_DBS_cats == TRUE){
vcf <- add_DBS_cats_ToVCF(vcf = vcf, DBS_mutations_only = F)
if(add_ID_cats == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type != "windows"){
vcf <- add_ID_cats_ToVCF(vcf = vcf, ref_fasta = ref_fasta,palimpdir_man = palimpdir, genome = genome_build, GRCh37 = GRCh37_fasta)
warning("Indel category extraction with PCAWG7-data-preparation-version-1.5 python script complete (if there are error messages above it has not been successful)")
if(add_ID_cats == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type == "windows") warning("Unfortunately Indel mutation categories cannot be added to the VCF in Windows, as this R function calls a python script.
Please run this step in a unix environment (Mac/Linux etc.). All other Palimpsest functions work on windows.")
#' palimpsest_addMutationContextToVR
#' Function used within annotate_VCF to add mutation context to SBS mutations.
#' @return vcf
#' @import gtools
#' @import Biostrings
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @examples
#' vr3 <- palimpsest_addMutationContextToVR(vr = vr, ref_genome = ref_genome, k = 3, num_of_DELs = delet_this)
palimpsest_addMutationContextToVR <- function (vr =NULL, ref_genome = NULL, k = 3, check.strand = FALSE,
num_of_DELs = NULL)
requireNamespace("Biostrings", quietly = TRUE)
requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quietly = TRUE)
if (any(width(vr)) != 1)
stop("SNVs must have width of 1.")
if (k%%2 != 1)
stop("'k' must be odd.")
mid = (k + 1)/2
gr = granges(vr)
strand.mut = strand(gr)
if (any(strand.mut == "*"))
stop("The strand must be explicit in order for the correct strand to be read.")
ranges = GenomicRanges::resize(gr, k, fix = "center")
context = Biostrings::getSeq(ref_genome, ranges)
ref_base = DNAStringSet(VariantAnnotation::ref(vr))
alt_base = DNAStringSet(VariantAnnotation::alt(vr))
ref0 = subseq(context, mid, mid)
idx_invalid = (ref0 != ref_base)
wronguns <- sum(idx_invalid) - num_of_DELs
if (wronguns > 0)
warning(sprintf("References do not match in %d cases",
if (check.strand) {
idx_minus = (strand.mut == "-")
context[idx_minus] = Biostrings::reverseComplement(context[idx_minus])
ref_base[idx_complement] = Biostrings::reverseComplement(ref_base[idx_complement])
alt_base[idx_complement] = Biostrings::reverseComplement(alt_base[idx_complement])
strand.mut[idx_minus] = "+"
idx_complement = as.character(ref_base) %in% c("A",
context[idx_complement] = Biostrings::reverseComplement(context[idx_complement])
ref_base[idx_complement] = Biostrings::reverseComplement(ref_base[idx_complement])
alt_base[idx_complement] = Biostrings::reverseComplement(alt_base[idx_complement])
strand.mut[idx_complement] = "-"
alteration = as.character(xscat(ref_base, alt_base))
alteration[idx_invalid] <- NA
context = as.character(context)
context[idx_invalid] <- NA
vr$alteration = alteration
vr$context = context
vr@strand = Rle(strand.mut)
#' extract_dbs_from_vcf
#' returns lines of a VCF corresponding to DBS mutations. The VCF must be ordered by sample, CHROM and position for this function to work (can be performed by the "order_vcf()" function.
#' @param vcf The input VCF from which DBS mutations are to be extracted
#' @keywords Signatures
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vcf_dbs <- extract_dbs_from_vcf(vcf = vcf)
extract_dbs_from_vcf <- function(vcf=NULL){
vcf <- vcf[vcf$Type == "SNV",]
res = as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = ncol(vcf)))
colnames(res) = colnames(vcf)
for(i in 1:nrow(vcf)){
current_pos = vcf$POS[i]
current_chr = vcf$CHROM[i]
pos = vcf$POS[i]
chr = vcf$CHROM[i]
Type = vcf$Type[i]
if(pos == current_pos+1 & chr ==current_chr & Type == "SNV"){
res = rbind(res, vcf[(i-1):i,])
current_pos = pos
current_chr = chr
#' order_vcf
#' Orders a VCF by Sample name, then genomic position within each sample and project (if project argument given).
#' @param vcf The VCF to be ordered.
#' @param Project_col Name of the Project column in the VCF (if any) (e.g. may contain "ICGC"). If a value is given, the samples are sorted by project first, then sample etc..
#' @keywords Signatures
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vcf <- order_vcf(vcf, Project_col = "Project")
order_vcf <- function(vcf, Project_col = NA){
namecols <- colnames(vcf)
vcf <- arrange(vcf,vcf$Sample)
input_split <- split(vcf, vcf$Sample)
nsamp <- length(input_split)
for(i in 1:length(input_split)){
tmp <- as.data.frame(input_split[i])
colnames(tmp) <- namecols
tmp <- arrange(tmp,tmp$POS)
tmp <- arrange(tmp,tmp$CHROM)
if(i == 1){
res <- tmp
res <- rbind(res,tmp)
res <- arrange(res,res[,Project_col])
res <- as.data.frame(res)
#' add_DBS_cats_ToVCF
#' Adds DBS mutation categories to a VCF containing SNVs. N.B. The VCF must be ordered by sample, CHROM and position for this function to work.
#' @param input Input VCF to which DBS mutation categories are to be added.
#' @param DBS_mutations_only Logical, TRUE if all lines in input VCF correspond to double base substitutions, FALSE if it contains other SNVs and/or Indels.
#' @keywords Signatures
#' @import spgs
#' @examples
#' vcf <- add_DBS_cats_ToVCF(input = vcf, DBS_mutations_only = FALSE)
add_DBS_cats_ToVCF <- function(vcf = NULL, DBS_mutations_only = NA){
requireNamespace("spgs", quietly = TRUE)
DBS_contexts <- c("AC>CA", "AC>CG", "AC>CT", "AC>GA", "AC>GG", "AC>GT", "AC>TA", "AC>TG", "AC>TT", "AT>CA", "AT>CC", "AT>CG", "AT>GA", "AT>GC", "AT>TA", "CC>AA", "CC>AG",
"CC>AT", "CC>GA" ,"CC>GG" ,"CC>GT", "CC>TA", "CC>TG", "CC>TT", "CG>AA", "CG>AC", "CG>AT", "CG>GA" ,"CG>GC" ,"CG>TA", "CT>AA", "CT>AC", "CT>AG", "CT>GA",
"CT>GC" ,"CT>GG" ,"CT>TA" ,"CT>TC", "CT>TG", "GC>AA", "GC>AG", "GC>AT" ,"GC>CA" ,"GC>CG" ,"GC>TA" ,"TA>AC", "TA>AG", "TA>AT", "TA>CC", "TA>CG", "TA>GC",
"TC>AA", "TC>AG", "TC>AT", "TC>CA", "TC>CG", "TC>CT", "TC>GA", "TC>GG", "TC>GT", "TG>AA", "TG>AC", "TG>AT", "TG>CA", "TG>CC", "TG>CT", "TG>GA", "TG>GC",
"TG>GT", "TT>AA", "TT>AC", "TT>AG", "TT>CA", "TT>CC", "TT>CG", "TT>GA", "TT>GC", "TT>GG")
vcf$unique <- c(1:nrow(vcf))
add_cats = vcf %>%
mutate("Ref_a" = NA,"Alt_a" = NA)
print ("Adding DBS categories..",quote = F)
if(DBS_mutations_only == FALSE){
add_cats <- extract_dbs_from_vcf(vcf=add_cats)
if(nrow(filter(add_cats, is.na(Sample))) != nrow(add_cats)){
for (i in 1:(nrow(add_cats)-1)){
if(add_cats$POS[i] == add_cats$POS[i+1] - 1 & add_cats$CHROM[i] == add_cats$CHROM[i+1]
& add_cats$Type[i] == "SNV"){
add_cats$Ref_a[i] <- paste0(add_cats$REF[i], add_cats$REF[i+1])
add_cats$Alt_a[i] <- paste0(add_cats$ALT[i], add_cats$ALT[i+1])
} else {
add_cats$Ref_a[i] <- NA; add_cats$Alt_a[i] <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(add_cats)){
if(i %% 2 == 0){
add_cats$Ref_a[i] <- add_cats$Ref_a[i-1]
add_cats$Alt_a[i] <- add_cats$Alt_a[i-1]
add_cats = add_cats %>%
mutate(Ref_b = reverseComplement(Ref_a,case = "as is"),
Alt_b = reverseComplement(Alt_a,case = "as is"),
Category_a = paste0(Ref_a, ">", Alt_a),
Category_b = paste0(Ref_b, ">", Alt_b),
DBS_cat = case_when(Category_a %in% DBS_contexts ~ Category_a,
Category_b %in% DBS_contexts ~ Category_b,
T ~ NA_character_))
add_cats <- add_cats[,colnames(add_cats) %!in% c("Category_a","Category_b","Ref_a","Ref_b","Alt_a","Alt_b")]
if(length(add_cats$DBS_cat[is.na(add_cats$DBS_cat)])>0) stop("Error in add_DBS_cats_ToVCF")
if(DBS_mutations_only == FALSE){
output <- vcf
output$DBS_cat <- add_cats$DBS_cat[match(output$unique,add_cats$unique)]
if(DBS_mutations_only == TRUE) output <- add_cats
output = vcf %>%
mutate(DBS_cat = NA)
output <- output[,colnames(output)!="unique"]
if(nrow(filter(output, is.na(DBS_cat))) == nrow(output)) warning("No DBS mutations were detected in the input VCF.")
#' add_ID_cats_ToVCF
#' Adds Indel mutation categories to a VCF.
#' @param vcf VCF to which Indel mutation categories are to be added.
#' @param ref_fasta Path to fasta file for reference genome of choice (e.g. hg19 genome).
#' @param palimpdir_man Path to palimpsest directory entered manually. Must contain the "exec" folder.
#' @param genome Taken from annotate_VCF function.
#' @param GRCh37 Logical indicating whether reference fasta file is GRCh37 (i.e. no 'chr' prefixes).
#' @keywords Signatures
#' @examples
#' vcf <- add_ID_cats_ToVCF(vcf = vcf,ref_fasta = ref_fasta)
add_ID_cats_ToVCF <- function(vcf = NULL, ref_fasta = NULL, palimpdir_man = NA, genome = NA, GRCh37 = FALSE){
if((Sys.which("python2.7")=="")==TRUE) stop("python 2.7 must be installed on this device and accessible to R to allow indel categories to be added. (see README for more information)")
if(nrow(filter(vcf, Type %in% c("INS","DEL"))) == 0) warning("No insertions or deletions were detected in the input VCF.")
palimpdir = palimpdir_man
for(i in length(.libPaths)){
if("Palimpsest" %in% c(list.files(.libPaths()[i]))){
palimpdir = file.path(.libPaths()[i],"/Palimpsest/")
if(!is.na(palimpdir)) if("exec" %!in% list.files(palimpdir)) palimpdir = NA
print("ERROR: The Palimpsest package directory could not be located in the following default R library/libraries:", quote = F)
print(paste("The filepath you entered:",palimpdir_man,"does not contain the 'exec' folder with th python script."), quote = F)
print(" ", quote = F)
print("example filepath you should input: '/Users/joe_bloggs/Library/R/3.6/library/Palimpsest/'", quote = F)
stop("This function needs the location of the up-to-date Palimpsest directory to launch the indel category extraction in python. Please find and enter the file path manually using the palimpdir parameter")
tmpdir <- file.path(palimpdir,"Temporary/"); if(!file.exists(tmpdir)) dir.create(tmpdir)
heure <- Sys.time(); heure <- gsub(" ","_",heure); heure <- gsub("-","",heure); heure <- gsub(":",".",heure)
nums <- c(1:nrow(vcf))
vcf = vcf %>%
mutate(Unique = paste0(Sample,"_",nums))
genome_python = NA
if(genome == "hg19" & GRCh37 == FALSE) genome_python = "hg19"
if(genome == "hg19" & GRCh37 == TRUE) genome_python = "GRCh37"
if(genome == "hg38") genome_python = "GRCh38"
if(is.na(genome_python)) stop("indel genome issue")
python_vcf = vcf %>%
filter(Type != "SNV") %>%
mutate(Start = POS, End = POS, CHROM = sub("chr", "", CHROM), col0="x", col3 = "y",
Genome = genome_python,col11 = "1",col12 = "2") %>%
order_vcf() %>%
if("-" %!in% vcf$REF[vcf$Type == "INS"]){
python_vcf[python_vcf$Type=="INS",] = python_vcf[python_vcf$Type=="INS",] %>%
mutate(REF = "-", ALT = substr(ALT,2,nchar(ALT)))
python_vcf[python_vcf$Type=="INS",] = python_vcf[python_vcf$Type=="INS",] %>% mutate(End = End + 1)
if("-" %!in% vcf$ALT[vcf$Type == "DEL"]){
python_vcf[python_vcf$Type=="DEL",] = python_vcf[python_vcf$Type=="DEL",] %>%
mutate(REF = substr(REF,2,nchar(REF)), ALT = "-", End = End + 1, Start = Start + 1)
vcf_output = file.path(tmpdir,"python_vcf_indel.simple")
write.table(format(python_vcf,scientific=FALSE),file=vcf_output, col.names = F,row.names=F,sep="\t",quote=F)
### RUN PCAWG7-data-preparation-version-1.5 IN PYTHON ###
print("Runnng **updated** PCAWG7-data-preparation-version-1.5 in python to extract Indel categories..",quote = F)
tool <- file.path(palimpdir,"exec/make_spectra_indels.py")
cachedir <- paste0(tmpdir,"cache_",heure,"/");if(!file.exists(cachedir)) dir.create(cachedir)
argus <- paste("--cachedir",cachedir,"--genome --fasta",ref_fasta,"--output",paste0(tmpdir,"indel_output"),vcf_output)
# system2("python",c(tool,argus))
# load output and add categories to vcf
cachename <- list.files(paste0(cachedir,"annotated/"))
indel_cache <- read.delim(file = paste0(cachedir,"annotated/",cachename), sep = "\t", header = F) %>%
vcf$ID_cat <- as.character(indel_cache$V7[match(vcf$Unique,indel_cache$V1)])
output <- indel_category_correct(input = vcf) %>%
unlink(tmpdir,recursive = T,force = T) ## delete the temporary folder and files
#' indel_category_correct
#' Corrects Indel category output from PCAWG7-data-preparation-version-1.5 in the add_ID_cats_ToVCF function. Palimpsest uses the COSMIC indel categories (taken from the Sanger Institute's SigProfiler tool), whereas the PCAWG7-data-preparation-version-1.5 (from the Broad institute) uses slightly different categories.
#' @param input VCF of indel mutations
#' @keywords Signatures
#' @examples
#' vcf_ID <- indel_category_correct(input = vcf)
indel_category_correct <- function(input = NULL){
true_types = c("DEL_C_1_0","DEL_C_1_1","DEL_C_1_2","DEL_C_1_3","DEL_C_1_4","DEL_C_1_5+", "DEL_T_1_0","DEL_T_1_1","DEL_T_1_2",
"DEL_T_1_3","DEL_T_1_4","DEL_T_1_5+", "INS_C_1_0","INS_C_1_1","INS_C_1_2","INS_C_1_3","INS_C_1_4","INS_C_1_5+",
"INS_T_1_0","INS_T_1_1","INS_T_1_2","INS_T_1_3" ,"INS_T_1_4","INS_T_1_5+","DEL_repeats_2_0","DEL_repeats_2_1",
"INS_repeats_2_0","INS_repeats_2_1","INS_repeats_2_2","INS_repeats_2_3","INS_repeats_2_4","INS_repeats_2_5+" ,
"INS_repeats_3_0","INS_repeats_3_1","INS_repeats_3_2","INS_repeats_3_3","INS_repeats_3_4","INS_repeats_3_5+" ,
for( i in 1:nrow(input)){
if( grepl("DEL,C,1,",input$ID_cat[i]) && substr(input$ID_cat[i], 9,9) %in% (1:5) ){
numero <- as.numeric(substr(input$ID_cat[i], 9,9))
input$ID_cat[i] <- paste0("DEL,C,1,",(numero-1))
if( input$ID_cat[i] == "DEL,C,1,6+"){
input$ID_cat[i] <- paste("DEL,C,1,5+")
if( grepl("DEL,T,1,",input$ID_cat[i]) && substr(input$ID_cat[i], 9,9) %in% (1:5) ){
numero <- as.numeric(substr(input$ID_cat[i], 9,9))
input$ID_cat[i] <- paste0("DEL,T,1,",(numero-1))
if( input$ID_cat[i] == "DEL,T,1,6+"){
input$ID_cat[i] <- paste("DEL,T,1,5+")
if( grepl("DEL,repeats,",input$ID_cat[i]) && substr(input$ID_cat[i], 15,15) %in% (1:5) ){
numero <- as.numeric(substr(input$ID_cat[i], 15,15))
input$ID_cat[i] <- paste0(substr(input$ID_cat[i],1,14),(numero-1))
if( grepl("DEL,repeats,",input$ID_cat[i]) && substr(input$ID_cat[i], 15,15) == 6 ){
input$ID_cat[i] <- paste0(substr(input$ID_cat[i],1,14),"5+")
if( grepl("DEL,repeats,",input$ID_cat[i]) && substr(input$ID_cat[i], 16,16) %in% (1:5) ){
numero <- as.numeric(substr(input$ID_cat[i], 16,16))
input$ID_cat[i] <- paste0(substr(input$ID_cat[i],1,15),(numero-1))
if( input$ID_cat[i] == "DEL,repeats,5+,6+"){
input$ID_cat[i] <- paste("DEL,repeats,5+,5+")
if(length(setdiff(input$ID_cat[!is.na(input$ID_cat)],gsub("_",",",true_types)))>0) stop("Error in correcting indel categories from PCAWG7-data-preparation-version-1.5 output")
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