knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, results='hide')
Assess in detail the differences between DF4 and WT Ikaros binding.
Incorporate ATAC-seq data to verify and IGG cut&run to weed out artifacts.
options(mc.cores = 30) library(ssvQC) library(seqsetvis) library(BiocFileCache) bfc = BiocFileCache() bfcif = ssvRecipes::bfcif out_dir = "figs_raw_pdf_fig3" dir.create(out_dir, showWarnings = FALSE) res_file = function(f){file.path(out_dir, f)}
peak_config_dt ="../ssvQC_peak_config.fig3.csv", sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) peak_config_dt[, file := sample_ID] peak_config_dt = peak_config_dt[, colnames(peak_config_dt)[order(colnames(peak_config_dt) != "file")], with = FALSE]
bam_config_dt ="../ssvQC_bam_config.fig3.csv", sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) bam_config_dt[, file := sample_ID] bam_config_dt = bam_config_dt[, colnames(bam_config_dt)[order(colnames(bam_config_dt) != "file")], with = FALSE]
#need code to parse var names bam_config_dt[, name := paste(mark, type, rep, sep = "_")] peak_config_dt[, name := paste(mark, type, rep, sep = "_")] bam_config_dt[, name_split := paste(mark, type, rep, sep = "\n")] peak_config_dt[, name_split := paste(mark, type, rep, sep = "\n")] stopifnot(!any(duplicated(bam_config_dt$name))) stopifnot(!any(duplicated(peak_config_dt$name))) bam_config_dt$name = factor(bam_config_dt$name, levels = bam_config_dt$name) bam_config_dt$name_split = factor(bam_config_dt$name_split, levels = bam_config_dt$name_split) peak_config_dt$name = factor(peak_config_dt$name, levels = peak_config_dt$name) peak_config_dt$name_split = factor(peak_config_dt$name_split, levels = peak_config_dt$name_split)
stopifnot(all(file.exists(bam_config_dt$file))) stopifnot(all(file.exists(peak_config_dt$file)))
Read depth is comparable
get_mapped_reads = function(f){ stats = Rsamtools::idxstatsBam(f) stats = subset(stats, grepl("chr[0-9XY]+$", seqnames )) sum(stats[,3]) } color_mapping = c("fresh" = "gray30","frozen" = "dodgerblue") bam_config_dt[, mapped_reads := get_mapped_reads(file), .(file)] type_var = "type" group_var = "mark" grp_bam_config_dt = split(bam_config_dt, bam_config_dt[[group_var]]) plots_mapped_reads = lapply(grp_bam_config_dt, function(.bam_config_dt){ nam = paste(unique(.bam_config_dt[[group_var]]), collapse = ", ") ggplot(.bam_config_dt, aes_string(x = "name_split", y = "mapped_reads", fill = type_var)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + scale_fill_manual(values = color_mapping) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + labs(y = "M mapped reads", fill = type_var, x= "") + theme(panel.background = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8)) + labs(title = nam) })
library(cowplot) leg = get_legend(plots_mapped_reads$H3K4me3) plots_mapped_reads.no_leg = lapply(plots_mapped_reads, function(p){p + guides(fill = "none")}) plots_mapped_reads.no_leg[-1] = lapply(plots_mapped_reads.no_leg[-1], function(p){p + labs(y = "")}) ggplot() + theme_void() + draw_grob(leg) pg_mapped_reads = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = c(plots_mapped_reads.no_leg, list(legend = leg)), rel_widths = c(1, 1, 1, .5), nrow = 1) ggsave(res_file("mapped_reads.pdf"), width = 7, height = 3) pg_mapped_reads
ctrl_bam_config_dt = grp_bam_config_dt$IgG todo = c("Ikaros", "H3K4me3") profile_plots = list() type_colors = c("fresh" = "gray30","frozen" = "dodgerblue") for(m in todo){ message(m) main_title = paste("Overlap of", m, "peaks") olap_title = paste(m, "peaks by frequency") i_peak_config_dt = peak_config_dt[mark == m] i_bam_config_dt = bam_config_dt[mark == m] name_cols = type_colors[i_peak_config_dt[[type_var]]] names(name_cols) = i_peak_config_dt$name_split peak_grs_all = easyLoad_narrowPeak(i_peak_config_dt$file, file_names = i_peak_config_dt$name_split) peak_grs_all = lapply(peak_grs_all, function(x)x[order(x$pValue, decreasing = TRUE)]) peak_grs_all = lapply(peak_grs_all, function(x){x[nchar(as.character(seqnames(x))) <= 5]}) p_all_upset = ssvFeatureUpset(peak_grs_all) + labs(title = olap_title) sp_peak_grs = split(peak_grs_all, i_peak_config_dt$type) peak_grs = lapply(sp_peak_grs, function(x){ if(length(x) > 1){ ssvConsensusIntervalSets(x, min_number = 2) }else{ x[[1]] } }) olaps_gr = ssvOverlapIntervalSets(peak_grs) p_freq_upset = ssvFeatureUpset(olaps_gr) + labs(title = olap_title) cons2_gr = ssvConsensusIntervalSets(peak_grs, min_number = 2, min_fraction = 0) p_cons2_upset = ssvFeatureUpset(cons2_gr) + labs(title = paste(m, "consensus in any 2")) set.seed(0) view_size = 3e3 qgr = sample(resize(olaps_gr, view_size, fix = "center"), min(length(olaps_gr), 2e3)) options(mc.cores = 30) q_bam_config_dt = rbind(i_bam_config_dt, ctrl_bam_config_dt) prof_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(q_bam_config_dt, qgr, view_size, "signal")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(q_bam_config_dt, qgr, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) }) prof_dt[, y_norm := y / mapped_reads * 1e6] prof_dt.igg = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(ctrl_bam_config_dt, qgr, view_size, "igg")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(ctrl_bam_config_dt, qgr, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) }) clust_dt = ssvSignalClustering(prof_dt, fill_ = "y_norm", max_rows = 5e3) p_heat.raw = ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(clust_dt, facet_ = "name_split", fill_ = "y", max_rows = Inf, fill_limits = c(0, 80), FUN_format_heatmap = function(p){ p + labs(title = m, fill = "read pileup", x = "bp") + scale_fill_viridis_c() }) p_heat.norm = ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(clust_dt, facet_ = "name_split", fill_ = "y_norm", max_rows = Inf, fill_limits = c(0, 5), FUN_format_heatmap = function(p){ p + labs(title = m, fill = "RPM", x = "bp") + scale_fill_viridis_c() }) clust_dt.agg = clust_dt[, .(y = mean(y), y_norm = mean(y_norm)), .(cluster_id, name_split, x, type)] p_line_norm = ggplot(clust_dt.agg, aes(x = x, y = y_norm, color = type)) + geom_path() + scale_color_manual(values = type_colors) + facet_grid(cluster_id~name_split, scales = "free_y") + labs(y = "RPM", x= "bp") group_prof_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(q_bam_config_dt, qgr, view_size, "signal_overlaps")), function(){ make_feature_overlap_signal_profiles(q_bam_config_dt, qgr, view_size = view_size) }) group_prof_dt[, y_norm := y / mapped_reads * 1e6] p_heat.overlap_raw = plot_feature_overlap_signal_profiles(group_prof_dt, fill_limits = c(0, 80)) p_heat.overlap_norm = plot_feature_overlap_signal_profiles(group_prof_dt, fill_limits = c(0, 5), signal_var = "y_norm") assign_dt = unique(clust_dt[, .(id, cluster_id)]) profile_plots[[m]] = list(raw = p_heat.raw, norm = p_heat.norm, norm.line = p_line_norm, overlap = p_heat.overlap_raw, overlap_norm = p_heat.overlap_norm, peak_grs_all = peak_grs_all, peak_grs_assessed = peak_grs, plot_all_overlaps = p_all_upset, plot_assesment_overlaps = p_freq_upset, assign_dt = assign_dt, clust_dt = clust_dt, query_gr = qgr) }
profile_plots$Ikaros$raw ggsave(res_file("Ikaros_heatmap.raw.pdf"), width = 3.1, height = 5.85) profile_plots$Ikaros$norm ggsave(res_file("Ikaros_heatmap.norm.pdf"), width = 3.1, height = 5.85)
profile_plots$Ikaros$overlap$heatmap tmp_cols = c(type_colors, type_colors[2], type_colors) names(tmp_cols) = c("Ikaros_fresh_rep1", "Ikaros_frozen_rep1", "Ikaros_frozen_rep2", "IgG_fresh_rep1", "IgG_frozen_rep1") lp = profile_plots$Ikaros$overlap$lineplot + scale_color_manual(values = tmp_cols) + theme(panel.background = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom") pg_overlap_signal_ikaros = cowplot::plot_grid(profile_plots$Ikaros$overlap$heatmap + theme(legend.position = "bottom"), lp) pg_overlap_signal_ikaros ggsave(res_file("Ikaros_heatmap.overlaps.pdf"), pg_overlap_signal_ikaros, width = 6.5, height = 4.8)
profile_plots$H3K4me3$raw ggsave(res_file("H3K4me3_heatmap.raw.pdf"), width = 7, height = 5.85) profile_plots$H3K4me3$norm ggsave(res_file("H3K4me3_heatmap.norm.pdf"), width = 7, height = 5.85)
profile_plots$H3K4me3$overlap$heatmap tmp_cols = type_colors[bam_config_dt[mark %in% c("H3K4me3", "IgG")]$type] # tmp_cols = c(rep(type_colors[1], 4), rep(type_colors[2], 2)) names(tmp_cols) = bam_config_dt[mark %in% c("H3K4me3", "IgG")]$name lp = profile_plots$H3K4me3$overlap$lineplot + scale_color_manual(values = tmp_cols) + theme(panel.background = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom") pg_overlap_signal_ikaros = cowplot::plot_grid(profile_plots$H3K4me3$overlap$heatmap + theme(legend.position = "bottom"), lp) pg_overlap_signal_ikaros ggsave(res_file("H3K4me3_heatmap.overlaps.pdf"), pg_overlap_signal_ikaros, width = 12, height = 4.8)
ik_cols = rev(c("dodgerblue", "dodgerblue3", "gray30")) names(profile_plots$Ikaros$peak_grs_all) = gsub("\n", "_", names(profile_plots$Ikaros$peak_grs_all)) names(profile_plots$H3K4me3$peak_grs_all) = gsub("\n", "_", names(profile_plots$H3K4me3$peak_grs_all)) nam = "Ikaros" peak_grs = profile_plots$Ikaros$peak_grs_all ik_compare = plot_feature_comparison(peak_grs, peak_colors = ik_cols)$all ik_compare = lapply(ik_compare, function(x){ x + labs(title = "", subtitle = "") }) ik_compare$count ik_compare$venn pg_ik = cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(.3, 9), ggplot() + theme_void() + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1)) + draw_text(nam, x = 0.03, hjust = 0), cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1.4, 1), cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = ik_compare[1:3], nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(1, 1, 1.3)), cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = ik_compare[4:5], nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(1, 1)) ) ) ggsave(res_file("Ikaros_peak_comparison.pdf"), pg_ik, width = 7.6, height = 7) pg_ik
k4_cols = rev(c("dodgerblue", "dodgerblue3", "gray30")) # k4_cols = type_colors nam = "H3K4me3" peak_grs = profile_plots[[nam]]$peak_grs_all k4_compare = plot_feature_comparison(peak_grs, peak_colors = k4_cols)$all k4_compare = lapply(k4_compare, function(x){ x + labs(title = "", subtitle = "") }) k4_compare$count k4_compare$venn pg_k4 = cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(.3, 9), ggplot() + theme_void() + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1)) + draw_text(nam, x = 0.03, hjust = 0), cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1.4, 1), cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = c(k4_compare[1:2], list(ggplot() + theme_void())), nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(1, 1, .7)), cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = k4_compare[c(3,5)], nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(1, 1.3)) ) ) ggsave(res_file("H3K4me3_peak_comparison.pdf"), pg_k4, width = 9.6, height = 9) pg_k4
k4_compare$upset + labs(title = nam) ggsave(res_file("H3K4me3_upset_plot.pdf"), width = 7, height = 7)
k4_frip_dt = make_frip_dt(rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$H3K4me3, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$H3K4me3$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center"), name_lev = levels(bam_config_dt$name)) k4_frip_dt[, treatment := tstrsplit(name, split = "_", keep = 2)] # k4_frip_dt[grepl("IgG", name), treatment := "IgG"] treat_cols = c("fresh" = "gray30", frozen = "dodgerblue", IgG = "firebrick4") k4_plots_frip.raw = plot_frip_dt(k4_frip_dt, name_lev = levels(droplevels(bam_config_dt[mark %in% c("H3K4me3", "IgG")]$name))) k4_plots_frip = lapply(k4_plots_frip.raw[c(2,4:6)], function(p){ p + scale_fill_manual(values = treat_cols) + scale_color_manual(values = treat_cols) + theme(panel.background = element_blank()) }) pg_k4_frip = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = k4_plots_frip) pg_k4_frip ggsave(res_file("H3K4me3_FRIP.pdf"), pg_k4_frip, width = 7, height = 7)
ik_frip_dt = make_frip_dt(rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$Ikaros, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$Ikaros$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center"), name_lev = levels(bam_config_dt$name)) ik_frip_dt[, treatment := tstrsplit(name, split = "_", keep = 2)] # ik_frip_dt[grepl("IgG", name), treatment := "IgG"] treat_cols = c("fresh" = "gray30", frozen = "dodgerblue", IgG = "firebrick4") ik_plots_frip.raw = plot_frip_dt(ik_frip_dt, name_lev = levels(droplevels(bam_config_dt[mark %in% c("Ikaros", "IgG")]$name))) ik_plots_frip = lapply(ik_plots_frip.raw[c(2,4:6)], function(p){ p + scale_fill_manual(values = treat_cols) + scale_color_manual(values = treat_cols) + theme(panel.background = element_blank()) }) pg_ik_frip = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = ik_plots_frip) pg_ik_frip ggsave(res_file("Ikaros_FRIP.pdf"), pg_ik_frip, width = 7, height = 7)
ik_frag_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list("Ikaros_fragsize", rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$Ikaros, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$Ikaros$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center"), return_fragSizes = TRUE, return_data.table = TRUE, n_region_splits = 50)), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$Ikaros, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$Ikaros$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center"), return_fragSizes = TRUE, return_data.table = TRUE, n_region_splits = 50) }) k4_frag_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list("k4_fragsize", rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$H3K4me3, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$H3K4me3$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center"), return_fragSizes = TRUE, return_data.table = TRUE, n_region_splits = 50)), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$H3K4me3, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$H3K4me3$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center"), return_fragSizes = TRUE, return_data.table = TRUE, n_region_splits = 50) }) ik_frag_dt$name_split = factor(ik_frag_dt$name_split, levels = ) theme_set(theme(panel.background = element_blank(), legend.background = element_blank(), = element_blank(), legend.key = element_blank())) ggplot(ik_frag_dt, aes(x = name_split, y = fragment_size, color = type)) + geom_boxplot() + scale_color_manual(values = type_colors) + labs(x = "", y = "Fragment Size", title = "Ikaros") ggsave(res_file("Ikaros_fragment_size.pdf"), width = 4, height = 4) ggplot(k4_frag_dt, aes(x = name_split, y = fragment_size, color = type)) + geom_boxplot() + scale_color_manual(values = type_colors) + labs(x = "", y = "Fragment Size", title = "H3K4me3") ggsave(res_file("H3K4me3_fragment_size.pdf"), width = 4, height = 4)
ik_scc_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$Ikaros, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$Ikaros$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center"), "scc_ik")), function(){ make_scc_dt(rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$Ikaros, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$Ikaros$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center")) }) k4_scc_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$H3K4me3, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$H3K4me3$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center"), "scc_k4")), function(){ make_scc_dt(rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$H3K4me3, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$H3K4me3$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center")) })
theme_set(theme(panel.background = element_blank())) ik_scc_plots = plot_scc_dt(ik_scc_dt) cowplot::plot_grid( ik_scc_plots$scc_curves, ik_scc_plots$scc_dots ) ggsave(res_file("Ikaros_SCC.pdf"), width = 11, height = 5) k4_scc_plots = plot_scc_dt(k4_scc_dt) cowplot::plot_grid( k4_scc_plots$scc_curves, k4_scc_plots$scc_dots ) ggsave(res_file("H3K4me3_SCC.pdf"), width = 11, height = 5)
ik_scc_cluster_plots = plot_signals(profile_plots$Ikaros$clust_dt, query_gr = profile_plots$Ikaros$query_gr, scc_dt = ik_scc_dt, frip_dt = ik_frip_dt) k4_scc_cluster_plots = plot_signals(profile_plots$H3K4me3$clust_dt, query_gr = profile_plots$H3K4me3$query_gr, scc_dt = k4_scc_dt, frip_dt = k4_frip_dt) ik_scc_cluster_plots$scc_curves_per_cluster + theme(panel.background = element_blank()) ggsave("Ikaros_SCC_per_cluster.pdf", width = 7, height = 8)
k4_scc_cluster_plots$scc_curves_per_cluster + theme(panel.background = element_blank()) ggsave("H3K4me3_SCC_per_cluster.pdf", width = 8, height = 8)
k4_scc_cluster_plots$frip_bars_per_cluster + scale_fill_manual(values = type_colors) ggsave("H3K4me3_FRIP_per_cluster.pdf", width = 7, height = 8)
ik_scc_cluster_plots$frip_bars_per_cluster + scale_fill_manual(values = type_colors) ggsave("Ikaros_FRIP_per_cluster.pdf", width = 7, height = 8)
make_frip_dt(rbind(grp_bam_config_dt$Ikaros, grp_bam_config_dt$IgG), resize(profile_plots$Ikaros$query_gr, 6e2, fix = "center"), name_lev = levels(bam_config_dt$name)) ik_frip_dt[, .(FRIP = sum(frip)), .(name)] peak_grs_all = easyLoad_narrowPeak(peak_config_dt$file, file_names = peak_config_dt$name_split) frip_dt_all = rbindlist(lapply(names(peak_grs_all), function(nam){ gr = peak_grs_all[[nam]] b_cfg = bam_config_dt[name_split == nam | mark == "IgG"] frip_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(b_cfg, resize(gr, 6e2, fix = "center"))), function(){ make_frip_dt(b_cfg, resize(gr, 6e2, fix = "center")) }) frip_dt = frip_dt[, .(FRIP = sum(frip)), .(name)] frip_dt = merge(frip_dt, b_cfg, by = "name") frip_dt[, is_target := name_split == nam] frip_dt = frip_dt[, .(FRIP = mean(FRIP)), .(is_target)] frip_dt = dcast(frip_dt, .~is_target, value.var = "FRIP") frip_dt$name_split = nam setnames(frip_dt, c("FALSE", "TRUE"), c("FRIP_IgG_average", "FRIP")) frip_dt })) peak_cnts = sapply(peak_grs_all, length) peak_cnts[bam_config_dt$name_split] bam_config_dt$peak_count = peak_cnts[bam_config_dt$name_split] bam_config_dt = merge(bam_config_dt, frip_dt_all, by = "name_split", all.x = TRUE) fwrite(bam_config_dt[, .(file, genotype, type, mark, rep, name, mapped_reads, peak_count, FRIP_IgG_average, FRIP)], file = res_file("stats_report.csv"))
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