knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE)
Demonstrate use of peaksat and generate figures for paper.
Data being used comes from 2 phases of the H4ac ChIPseq.
Phase 1 is the initial sequencing run that we applied peaksat to estimate required read depth.
Phase 2 is the result of combining the initial and later sequencing runs.
Load libraries and located files.
library(peaksat) library(ggplot2) library(cowplot) library(data.table) library(magrittr) library(GenomicRanges) library(knitr) options(mc.cores = 20)
#these paths are to outputs from running submit_peaksat_jobs # these scripts did the submitting # "run_peaksat.10a_H4ac_phase1_and_2.pooled.R" # "run_peaksat.10a_H4ac_phase1_and_2.R" # "run_peaksat.10a_H4ac.phase1.pooled.R" # "run_peaksat.10a_H4ac.phase1.R" #I've organized output dirs in list for ease of use later all_outputs = list( seq1_only = "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_only.matched_inputs", all_seq = "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_2_and_3.matched_inputs" )
odir = "paper_figures.07262022.input_matched" dir.create(odir, showWarnings = FALSE) res_file = function(f){ file.path(odir, f) }
Use our list of output locations we can easily load into a tidy data.table for plotting.
This is a little messier just because we have 2 output locations to better organize the data.
all_psc = lapply(all_outputs, function(out_dir){ peaksat_config(out_dir) }) #these peaksat_config objects are used to run submit_peaksat_jobs and to load data class(all_psc$seq1_only) all_pc_dt = lapply(all_psc, load_counts, min_signalValue = seq(1, 7)) pc_dt = rbindlist(all_pc_dt, idcol = "sequencing") pc_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)] pc_dt$mark = toupper(pc_dt$mark) pc_dt[, sample := paste(cell, mark, rep, sep = "\n")] # pc_dt = pc_dt[cell != "MCF10CA1a"]
Start with built-in plotting functions.
labels.1st = "1st sequencing only" labels.1st_and_2nd = "1st and 2nd sequencing combined" theme_set(cowplot::theme_cowplot() + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 7), axis.title = element_text(size = 8), title = element_text(size = 10), strip.text = element_text(size = 8))) fig1_dt = load_counts(peaksat_config("peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_only/"), min_signalValue = 1) fig1_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)] fig1_dt$mark = toupper(fig1_dt$mark) fig1_dt = fig1_dt[signal_cutoff == 1 & cell == "10A-AT1-DCIS"] fig1_dt[, is_max := peak_count == max(peak_count) , .(sample)] DT::datatable(fig1_dt[is_max == TRUE]) ggplot(fig1_dt, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = sample)) + geom_path() + facet_wrap(~mark) + labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + labs(title = "Meta-pool Saturation Curves") fwrite(fig1_dt, res_file("fig2a_meta_pool_curve.csv")) ggsave(res_file("fig2a_meta_pool_curve.pdf"), width = 4, height = 2.5)
#this look at saturation by width suffers due to weak samples included, focus on strong DCIS all_w_dt = lapply(all_psc, load_widths, min_signalValue = c(1, 5)) %>% rbindlist(idcol = "sequencing") all_w_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)] all_w_dt$mark = toupper(all_w_dt$mark) all_w_dt[, sample := paste(cell, mark, rep, sep = "\n")] all_w_dt = all_w_dt[cell != "MCF10CA1a"] min_sig_s1 = 5 # fig1_dt.s1 = all_w_dt[signal_cutoff == 5 & cell == "10A-AT1-DCIS" & sequencing == "seq1_only"] fig1_dt.s1 = all_w_dt[signal_cutoff == min_sig_s1 & cell == "MCF10DCIS" & sequencing != "seq1_only"] ggplot(fig1_dt.s1, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_width, group = sample, color = rep)) + geom_path() + facet_wrap(~mark) + labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak width (Mb)") + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + labs(title = "Peak width Saturation Curves", subtitle = paste0("MCF10A-DCIS\n", min_sig_s1)) + scale_color_manual(values = c(rep1 = "#da0000ff", rep2 = "#0000faff", `pooled` = "black")) ggsave(res_file("figS1_width_saturation_curve.pdf"), width = 4, height = 2.5)
anno_dt = fig1_dt cells_tp = setdiff(unique(pc_dt$cell), "10A-AT1-DCIS") anno_dt = lapply(cells_tp, function(x){ dt = copy(anno_dt) dt$cell = x dt }) %>% rbindlist max_dt = anno_dt[, .(max_peaks = max(peak_count)), .(mark)] max_dt min_sig_2 = 1 sel_dt = pc_dt[signal_cutoff == min_sig_2 & cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS" & sequencing == "seq1_only" & rep != "pooled"] sel_dt2 = pc_dt[signal_cutoff == min_sig_2 & cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS" & sequencing != "seq1_only" & rep != "pooled"] est_res.k5 = estimate_depth.linear(sel_dt[mark == "H4K5AC"], target_peaks = max_dt[mark == "H4K5AC"]$max_peaks, max_read_count = Inf, min_read_count = 7e6) est_res.k5$estimates est_res.k5$plots + facet_wrap(~sample, ncol = 2)# + ggsave(res_file("fig2b_h4k5ac_estimate.pdf"), width = 3, height = 6) # coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 20e6), ylim = c(0, 15e3)) est_res.k8 = estimate_depth.linear(sel_dt[mark == "H4K8AC"], target_peaks = max_dt[mark == "H4K8AC"]$max_peaks, max_read_count = Inf, min_read_count = 7e6) est_res.k8$estimates est_res.k8$plots + facet_wrap(~sample, ncol = 2) #+ # coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 20e6), ylim = c(0, 10e3)) save(pc_dt, sel_dt, est_res.k5, est_res.k8, max_dt, file = res_file("")) ggsave(res_file("fig2c_h4k8ac_estimate.pdf"), width = 3, height = 6)
est_dt = rbind( est_res.k5$estimates, est_res.k8$estimates ) est_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "\n")] est_dt[, rep_round := paste(rep, "initial")] sel_dt[, rep_round := paste(rep, "initial")] sel_dt2[, rep_round := paste(rep, "combined")] # ggplot(sel_dt, # aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = sample, color = rep_round)) + # geom_path(data = anno_dt, color = "gray70") + # geom_path(size = 1.3) + # geom_segment(data = est_dt, aes(x = current_read_count, xend = saturation_read_count, y = current_peak_count, yend = saturation_peak_count), linetype = 3) + # geom_hline(aes(yintercept = max_peaks), data = max_dt, linetype = 2, color = "#7b7979ff") + # facet_grid(cell~mark) + # labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") + # scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + # scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + # # annotate("path", x= anno_dt$read_count, y = anno_dt$peak_count, mark = anno_dt$mark) + # labs(title = "Target Depth Estimation", caption = "TODO add observed and extraplotated legend") + # scale_color_manual(values = c(`rep1 initial` = "#da0000ff", # `rep2 initial` = "#0000faff", # `meta-pool` = "gray70")) p_estimate = ggplot(sel_dt, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = sample, color = rep_round)) + geom_path(data = anno_dt, color = "gray70") + geom_path(data = sel_dt2, size = 1, alpha = .7) + geom_path(size = 1.3) + geom_segment(data = est_dt, aes(x = current_read_count, xend = saturation_read_count, y = current_peak_count, yend = saturation_peak_count), linetype = 3) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = max_peaks), data = max_dt, linetype = 2, color = "#7b7979ff") + facet_grid(cell~mark) + labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", color = "sequencing\ntype") + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + # annotate("path", x= anno_dt$read_count, y = anno_dt$peak_count, mark = anno_dt$mark) + labs(title = "Target Depth Estimation", caption = "TODO add observed and extraplotated legend") + scale_color_manual(values = c(`rep1 initial` = "#da0000ff", `rep1 combined` = "#da8888ff", `rep2 initial` = "#0000faff", `rep2 combined` = "#8888faff", `meta-pool` = "gray70")) p_estimate + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 100e6)) ggsave(res_file("fig2bc_combo_estimate.pdf"), width = 4.5, height = 6.2) p_estimate + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(5e6, 30e6), y = c(0, 1.5e4)) ggsave(res_file("fig2bc_combo_estimate.zoom.pdf"), width = 4.5, height = 6.2)
est_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "\n")] est_dt = est_dt[order(rep)][order(cell)][order(mark)] tab_dt = est_dt[, .(sample = gsub("\n", " ", sample), current_read_count, saturation_read_count, needed_read_count = saturation_read_count - current_read_count)] fwrite(tab_dt, res_file("fig2_table.csv")) setnames(tab_dt, c("Name", "Current", "Target", "Needed")) for(cn in colnames(tab_dt)[-1]){ tab_dt[[cn]] = round(tab_dt[[cn]]/1e6) } kable(tab_dt, caption = "Target depth estimation results (millions of reads)")
est_tab_dt = melt(tab_dt) est_tab_dt[, rel_value := value / max(value), .(variable)] est_tab_dt$Name = factor(est_tab_dt$Name, levels = rev(unique(est_tab_dt$Name))) est_cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Reds")[-1:-3] ymax = 16 ggplot(est_tab_dt, aes(x = variable, y = Name, label = value, color = rel_value)) + geom_text() + scale_x_discrete(position = "top") + scale_color_gradientn(colours = c("black", "red"), breaks = c(0, .5, 1), limits = c(0, 1)) + geom_hline(yintercept = seq(0, ymax)+.5) + geom_vline(xintercept = seq(0, 4)+.5) + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank(), axis.text = element_text(size = 10), legend.position = "right", legend.justification = 0, legend.key.width = unit(.2, 'in'), plot.title.position = "plot") + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(.5, 3.5), ylim = c(.5, ymax + .5), expand = FALSE) + labs(x = "", y = "", title = "Estimated Target and Needed Read Counts", subtitle = "Millions of Reads", color = "relative value\nto column max") ggsave(res_file("fig2_table.pdf"), width = 5, height = 7)
est_dt peak_max = max_dt$max_peaks names(peak_max) = max_dt$mark first_guesses = round(est_dt$saturation_read_count/1e6, 1) names(first_guesses) = gsub("\n", " ", est_dt$sample) plot_dt = pc_dt[signal_cutoff == 1] plot_dt = plot_dt[order(sequencing == "seq1_only")] cells_toplot = c("MCF10A", "MCF10AT1", "MCF10CA1a", "MCF10DCIS") all_plots = list() for(m in c("H4K5AC", "H4K8AC")){ for(cl in cells_toplot){ # for(cl in c("MCF10A", "MCF10AT1", "MCF10DCIS")){ for(r in c("rep1", "rep2")){ name = paste(cl, m, r) guess = first_guesses[name] message(guess) p = ggplot(plot_dt[cell == cl & mark == m & rep == r], aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, color = sequencing, group = sequencing, size = sequencing)) + geom_path(show.legend = FALSE) + geom_vline(xintercept = guess*1e6) + geom_hline(yintercept = peak_max[m]) + labs(title = name) + scale_size_manual(values = c("seq1_only" = 1.5, "all_seq" = 2.5)) + scale_color_manual(values = c("seq1_only" = "black", "all_seq" = "cornflowerblue")) + labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + cowplot::theme_cowplot() + theme(title = element_text(size = 8)) all_plots[[name]] = p } } } pg_left = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = all_plots[seq(length(cells_toplot)*2)], ncol = 2) pg_right = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = all_plots[seq(length(cells_toplot)*2) + 2*length(cells_toplot)], ncol = 2) pg_top = ggplot() + theme_void() + labs(title = "Evaluation of Depth Estimate") + theme(title = element_text(hjust = .5, vjust = .5)) cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1, 14), pg_top, cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 2, pg_left, pg_right)) ggsave("fig2_depth_estimate.old.pdf", width = 9, height = 9)
The short black line is the round 1 sequencing results only. Light-blue line is round 1 and 2 combined. The black reference line indicate 20k peaks and the estimated read depth required to get to 20k peaks.
H4K5ac worked really well, something is up with H4K8ac. I'll look into it.
sig_dt = pc_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep == "pooled" & cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS" & signal_cutoff > 1] ggplot(sig_dt, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, color = factor(signal_cutoff))) + geom_path() + facet_wrap(cell~mark, ncol = 2, scales = "free") + labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", color = "minimum signalValue") + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + # scale_color_brewer(palette = "Reds", direction = -1) + scale_color_manual(values = rev(seqsetvis::safeBrew(8, "reds"))[1:6]) ggsave(res_file("fig3_signal_cutoff.pdf"), width=4.7, height=6.7)
all_w_dt = lapply(all_psc, load_widths, min_signalValue = seq(1, 7)) w_dt = rbindlist(all_w_dt, idcol = "sequencing") w_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)] w_dt$mark = toupper(w_dt$mark) w_dt[, sample := paste(cell, mark, rep, sep = "\n")] # w_dt = w_dt[cell != "MCF10CA1a"] sig_dt2 = w_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep == "pooled" & cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS" & signal_cutoff > 1] ggplot(sig_dt2, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_width, color = factor(signal_cutoff))) + geom_path() + facet_wrap(cell~mark, ncol = 2, scales = "free") + labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", color = "minimum signalValue") + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + scale_color_manual(values = rev(seqsetvis::safeBrew(8, "reds"))[1:6]) ggsave(res_file("fig3_signal_cutoff.width.pdf"), width=4.7, height=6.1)
input_use_pval = FALSE input_mode = "matched" switch(input_mode, matched = { input_results = dir("peaksat_outputs.input_saturation_matched", full.names = TRUE) input_depths = sapply(strsplit(basename(input_results), "[\\._]"), function(x)x[6]) fig_height = 18 }, merged = { input_results = dir("peaksat_outputs.input_saturation_metapool", pattern = "50M_ChIP", full.names = TRUE) input_depths = sapply(strsplit(basename(input_results), "[\\._]"), function(x)x[5]) fig_height = 10 }, stop("bad input_mode")) input_depths[input_depths == "bam"] = "96M" # input_results = dir("peaksat_outputs/", # pattern = "peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_vs_MCF10A-AT1_input_merged", # full.names = TRUE) names(input_results) = input_depths input_res = lapply(input_results, function(res_dir){ message(res_dir) = peaksat_config(res_dir, stat = ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue")) load_counts(, min_signalValue = c(1, 5)) }) = rbindlist(input_res, idcol = "input_depth")[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)] input_depth_lev = unique($input_depth) o = order(as.numeric(sub("M", "", input_depth_lev))) input_depth_lev = input_depth_lev[o] # =[order(inpu)]$input_depth = factor($input_depth, levels = input_depth_lev) =[order(read_count)] #[, read_depth := frank(read_count, ties.method = )*10, .(sample, input_depth, signal_cutoff)]$read_depth = paste0(round($read_count/1e6), "M")$read_depth = factor($read_depth, levels = unique($read_depth)) #$read_depth = factor($read_depth)[, peak_str := round(peak_count/1e3, 1)] # =[cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS"]$cell %>% table
txt_size = 2.6 # color_threshold = quantile([signal_cutoff==1]$peak_count, .7) sel_cell = unique($cell)[1]$cell = factor($cell, levels = c("MCF10A", "MCF10AT1", "MCF10CA1a", "MCF10DCIS")) =[order(cell)] todo = expand.grid( rep = unique($rep), cell = unique($cell) ) sel_mark = "H4K5ac"[, facet_x := paste(mark, rep)]$facet_x = factor($facet_x, levels = unique($facet_x)) for(sig_cutoff in c(1, 5)){ for(sel_mark in c("H4K5ac", "H4K8ac")){ plots_input_saturation_sig1 = lapply(seq_len(nrow(todo)), function(i){ plot_dt =[mark == sel_mark & cell == todo$cell[i] & rep == todo$rep[i] & signal_cutoff == sig_cutoff] color_threshold = quantile(plot_dt$peak_count, .7) ggplot(plot_dt, aes(x = read_depth, y = input_depth, fill = peak_count, label = peak_str)) + scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) + scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) + # coord_fixed() + geom_raster(show.legend = FALSE) + geom_text(aes(color = peak_count > color_threshold), show.legend = FALSE, size = txt_size) + facet_grid(cell~facet_x, scales = "free") + scale_fill_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + scale_color_manual(values = c("FALSE" = "gray70", "TRUE" = "black")) + theme(legend.position = "bottom", panel.background = element_blank(), panel.grid = element_blank(), legend.text = element_text(size = 8)) + labs( # title = paste(sel_mark, todo$cell[i], todo$rep[i]), # subtitle = paste(sep = "\n", "Input depth vs ChIP depth", "signalValue > 1", ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue")), fill = "peak count (k)", x = "ChIP read depth (M)", y = "input read depth (M)") }) pg_input_saturation_sig1 = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plots_input_saturation_sig1, ncol = 2) pg_input_saturation_sig1.w_title = cowplot::plot_grid( ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1, 22), ggplot() + theme_void() + labs(title = paste(sep = "\n", "Input depth vs ChIP depth"), subtitle = paste(sep = "\n", "signalValue >", sig_cutoff, ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue"))), pg_input_saturation_sig1 ) plot(pg_input_saturation_sig1.w_title) # ggplot([signal_cutoff==1], # aes(x = read_depth, y = input_depth, # fill = peak_count, label = peak_str)) + # scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) + # scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) + # geom_raster() + # geom_text(aes(color = peak_count > color_threshold), show.legend = FALSE, size = txt_size) + # facet_grid(cell~mark) + # scale_fill_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + # scale_color_manual(values = c("FALSE" = "gray50", "TRUE" = "black")) + # theme(legend.position = "bottom", # panel.background = element_blank(), # panel.grid = element_blank(), # legend.text = element_text(size = 8)) + # labs(title = "Input depth vs ChIP depth", subtitle = "signalValue > 1", fill = "peak count (k)", # x = "ChIP read depth (%)", y = "input read depth (M)") ggsave(res_file(paste0("fig3_", sel_mark, "_inputs_signalValue_", sig_cutoff, "_", ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue"), ".heatmap.pdf")), pg_input_saturation_sig1.w_title, # width = 9, height = 18) width = 9, height = fig_height) } }
table($read_depth) dt.in_sel =[grepl("100.1", name)] dt.in_sel = dt.in_sel[order(input_depth)] dt.in_sel[, input_num := as.numeric(sub("M", "", input_depth))] dt.in_sel = dt.in_sel[input_num <= 70] # dt.in_sel[, input_num := 1e6*as.numeric(sub("M", "", input_depth))] # dt.in_sel = dt.in_sel[order(input_num)] for(sig_value in c(1, 5)){ plots = lapply(levels(dt.in_sel$cell), function(sel_cell){ ggplot(dt.in_sel[signal_cutoff==sig_value & cell == sel_cell], aes(x = input_num, y = peak_count, group = sample, color = rep)) + geom_path() + facet_grid(cell~mark, scales = "free_x") + scale_color_manual(values = c(rep1 = "#da0000ff", rep2 = "#0000faff")) + labs(x = "input read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") + # scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + # scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + # geom_vline(xintercept = 60e6, linetype = 2) + cowplot::theme_cowplot() + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) }) pg_input_lines = cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1, 15), ggplot() + theme_void() + labs(title = paste(sep = "\n", paste("signalValue >=", sig_value), paste(ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue"), "< .01"))), cowplot::plot_grid( plotlist = plots, ncol = 1 ) ) plot(pg_input_lines) ggsave(res_file(paste0("fig3_inputs_signalValue_", sig_value, "_", ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue"), ".lines.pdf")), pg_input_lines, width = 3.5, height = 8) }
Input caps out at 50M in this analysis but I think I need to go up to 70M to show saturation.
Configure ssvQC
sqc_filter_signalValue = function(sqc, min_sig = 3){ sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc) sqc@features_config@loaded_features = lapply(sqc@features_config@loaded_features, function(peak_grs){ lapply(peak_grs, function(x)subset(x, signalValue > min_sig)) }) sqc@features_config@overlap_gr = list() sqc@features_config@assessment_gr = list() sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc) sqc } sqc_filter_signalValue.1 = function(sqc, min_sig = 1){ sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc) sqc@features_config@loaded_features = lapply(sqc@features_config@loaded_features, function(peak_grs){ lapply(peak_grs, function(x)subset(x, signalValue > min_sig)) }) sqc@features_config@overlap_gr = list() sqc@features_config@assessment_gr = list() sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc) sqc } sqc_top_signalValue = function(sqc, top_n = 1e4){ sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc) sqc@features_config@loaded_features = lapply(sqc@features_config@loaded_features, function(peak_grs){ lapply(peak_grs, function(x){ x[order(x$signalValue, decreasing = TRUE)][seq(1, min(top_n, length(x)))] }) }) sqc@features_config@overlap_gr = list() sqc@features_config@assessment_gr = list() sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc) sqc } sqc_select_fun = sqc_filter_signalValue.1
suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(ssvQC) }) qc_bams = dir("/slipstream/home/conggao/ChIP_seq/MCF10_H4Kac/", pattern = "rep.+bam$", full.names = TRUE) # qc_bams = qc_bams[!grepl("input", basename(qc_bams))] # qc_bams = c(qc_bams, "/slipstream/galaxy/uploads/working/qc_framework/output_AF_MCF10_CTCF/MCF10A_input_R1/MCF10A_input_R1.bam") cells = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams), "_"), function(x)x[1]) marks = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams), "_"), function(x)x[2]) marks = toupper(marks) reps = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[3]) qc_sig = QcConfigSignal.files(qc_bams) qc_sig$meta_data$cells = cells qc_sig$meta_data$marks = marks qc_sig$meta_data$reps = reps qc_sig$meta_data$name = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "_") qc_sig$meta_data$name_split = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "\n") qc_sig$meta_data$name = sub("_R1", "", qc_sig$meta_data$name) qc_sig$meta_data$name_split = sub("\nR1", "", qc_sig$meta_data$name_split) qc_sig$color_by = "cells" qc_sig$run_by = "marks" qc_sig$to_run_reference = "INPUT" # plot(qc_sig) qc_np = "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_2_and_3.matched_inputs/results_qValue_010/" %>% dir(pattern = "rep", full.names = TRUE) %>% dir(pattern = "100.+narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE) # qc_np = qc_np[!grepl("CA1", qc_np)] cells = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[3]) marks = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[4]) marks = toupper(marks) reps = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[5]) np_meta = data.frame(file = qc_np) np_meta$cells = cells np_meta$marks = marks np_meta$reps = reps np_meta$name = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "_") np_meta$name_split = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "\n") qc_feat = QcConfigFeatures(np_meta, color_by = "cells", run_by = "marks") sqc = ssvQC(qc_feat, qc_sig) sqc = sqc_select_fun(sqc)
qc_bams.init = c( dir("bam_file_inputs/bam_files_H4_ac_old_seq", pattern = "rep.+bam$", full.names = TRUE), dir("bam_file_inputs/bam_files_H4_ac_new_seq/", pattern = "CA1a.+rep.+bam$", full.names = TRUE)) # qc_bams.init = qc_bams.init[!grepl("CA1", qc_bams.init)] # qc_bams.init = qc_bams.init[!grepl("input", basename(qc_bams.init))] # qc_bams.init = c(qc_bams.init, "/slipstream/galaxy/uploads/working/qc_framework/output_AF_MCF10_CTCF/MCF10A_input_R1/MCF10A_input_R1.bam") cells = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams.init), "_"), function(x)x[1]) marks = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams.init), "_"), function(x)x[2]) marks = toupper(marks) reps = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams.init), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[3]) qc_sig.init = QcConfigSignal.files(qc_bams.init) qc_sig.init$meta_data$cells = cells qc_sig.init$meta_data$marks = marks qc_sig.init$meta_data$reps = reps qc_sig.init$meta_data$name = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "_") qc_sig.init$meta_data$name_split = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "\n") qc_sig.init$meta_data$name = sub("_R1", "", qc_sig.init$meta_data$name) qc_sig.init$meta_data$name_split = sub("\nR1", "", qc_sig.init$meta_data$name_split) qc_sig.init$color_by = "cells" qc_sig.init$run_by = "marks" qc_sig.init$to_run_reference = "INPUT" qc_np.init = c( "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_only/results_qValue_010/" %>% dir(pattern = "rep", full.names = TRUE) %>% dir(pattern = "100.+narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE), # qc_np.init = qc_np.init[!grepl("CA1", qc_np.init)] "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_and_seq2/results_qValue_010/" %>% dir(pattern = "CA1a.+rep", full.names = TRUE) %>% dir(pattern = "100.+narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE) # qc_np.init = qc_np.init[!grepl("CA1", qc_np.init)] ) cells = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np.init)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[3]) marks = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np.init)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[4]) marks = toupper(marks) reps = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np.init)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[5]) np_meta = data.frame(file = qc_np.init) np_meta$cells = cells np_meta$marks = marks np_meta$reps = reps np_meta$name = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "_") np_meta$name_split = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "\n") qc_feat.init = QcConfigFeatures(np_meta, color_by = "cells", run_by = "marks") # plot(qc_feat) sqc.init = ssvQC(qc_feat.init, qc_sig.init) sqc.init = sqc_select_fun(sqc.init) sqc.init = ssvQC.plotFeatures(sqc.init) sqc.init$plots$features$count sqc.init$plots$features$euler sqc.init$plots$features$UpSet sqc.init$signal_config$heatmap_limit_values = c(0, 3) sqc.init = ssvQC.plotSignal(sqc.init) sqc.init = ssvQC.runAll(sqc.init)
mod_x_axis = function(x){ x + scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x){gsub("\n", " ", x)}) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6, angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = .5)) } plot_qc = function(p_sqc, m = c("H4K5AC", "H4K8AC")[1]){ f_key = paste0(m, "_features") s_key = paste0(m, "_signal") cowplot::plot_grid( rel_heights = c(.2, 1, 1, 1), ncol = 1, cowplot::plot_grid(ggplot()+theme_void() + labs(title = paste("Quality Control for", m))), cowplot::plot_grid(nrow = 1, labels = c("A", "B", "C", ""), rel_widths = c(1, 1, 1, .3), {p_sqc$plots$reads[[s_key]] + guides(fill = "none", color = "none")+ labs(title = "Mapped reads") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6))} %>% mod_x_axis, {p_sqc$plots$features$count[[f_key]] + guides(fill = "none", color = "none") + labs(title = "Peak counts") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6))} %>% mod_x_axis, {p_sqc$plots$FRIP$per_peak[[f_key]][[s_key]] + guides(fill = "none", color = "none") + labs(title = "FRIP per peak")} %>% mod_x_axis, cowplot::get_legend(p_sqc$plots$reads[[s_key]]) ), cowplot::plot_grid(labels = c("D", "E"), rel_widths = c(1.6, 1), p_sqc$plots$features$UpSet[[f_key]] + labs(title = "Peak overlaps") + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 6, hjust = 1, vjust = .5)), p_sqc$plots$features$euler[[f_key]] + guides(fill = "none", color = "none") ), cowplot::plot_grid(labels = c("F", "G"), rel_widths = c(2.2, 1), p_sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps[[f_key]][[s_key]] + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + labs(title = "RPM pileup at merged peaks"), p_sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps.lines[[f_key]][[s_key]] + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + guides(fill = "none", color = "none") + labs(title = "Average RPM per cluster") ) ) } plot_qc.k5 = function(p_sqc){ plot_qc(p_sqc, "H4K5AC") } plot_qc.k8 = function(p_sqc){ plot_qc(p_sqc, "H4K8AC") }
plot_qc.k5(sqc.init) ggsave(res_file("fig_qc_k5_initial.pdf"), width = 14, height = 14) plot_qc.k8(sqc.init) ggsave(res_file("fig_qc_k8_initial.pdf"), width = 14, height = 14)
Run ssvQC
# sqc$features_config$consensus_fraction = 1 options(mc.cores = 20) sqc$signal_config$heatmap_limit_values = c(0, 3) sqc = ssvQC.runAll(sqc)
cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, sqc$plots$reads$H4K5AC_signal, sqc$plots$reads$H4K8AC_signal )
We have tons of MCF10A reads, this was mostly intentional. The MCF10A had higher target read counts based on the peak saturation curves from round 1.
Let's look at heatmaps next.
There are some artifact clusters I want to remove first.
sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps.lines$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal # sqc = ssvQC.removeClusters(sqc, cluster_numbers = 2, "H4K5AC_features", "H4K5AC_signal") sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps.lines$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal # sqc = ssvQC.removeClusters(sqc, cluster_numbers = c(2, 6), "H4K8AC_features", "H4K8AC_signal") #repeat clustering after artifacts removed. #this isn't fully supported yet, so we have to hack the ssvQC object # sqc@signal_data = list() # sqc = ssvQC.prepSignal(sqc) # sqc = ssvQC.plotSignal(sqc) # sqc = ssvQC.removeClusters(sqc, cluster_numbers = 2, "H4K5AC_features", "H4K5AC_signal") # sqc = ssvQC.removeClusters(sqc, cluster_numbers = c(2), "H4K8AC_features", "H4K8AC_signal") # sqc@signal_data = list() # sqc = ssvQC.prepSignal(sqc) # sqc = ssvQC.plotSignal(sqc)
The cleaned up heatmaps:
cowplot::plot_grid(rel_widths = c(2, 1), sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom"), sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps.lines$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom") ) cowplot::plot_grid(rel_widths = c(2, 1), sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom"), sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps.lines$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom") )
Global average:
cowplot::plot_grid( sqc$plots$signal$lines$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom"), sqc$plots$signal$lines$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom") )
And finally FRIP.
leg = get_legend(sqc$plots$FRIP$per_peak$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom")) sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal[, name_split := gsub("\n", " ", name_split)] sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal[, name_split := gsub("\n", " ", name_split)] sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal$name_split = factor(sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal$name_split, levels = gsub("_", " ", levels(sqc$signal_config$meta_data$name))) sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal$name_split = factor(sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal$name_split, levels = gsub("_", " ", levels(sqc$signal_config$meta_data$name))) sqc = ssvQC.plotFRIP(sqc) p_frip_box = cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(8, 1), cowplot::plot_grid(nrow = 1, sqc$plots$FRIP$per_peak$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + labs(title = "H4K5ac", subtitle = "FRIP at 1000 randomly selected consensus peaks") + guides(color = "none"), sqc$plots$FRIP$per_peak$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal + labs(title = "H4K8ac", subtitle = "FRIP at 1000 randomly selected consensus peaks") + guides(color = "none") ), leg ) p_frip_box sqc$plots$FRIP$total$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal sqc$plots$FRIP$total$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal
plot_qc.k5(sqc) ggsave(res_file("fig_qc_k5_combined.pdf"), width = 14, height = 14) plot_qc.k8(sqc) ggsave(res_file("fig_qc_k8_combined.pdf"), width = 14, height = 14)
qc_dt = pc_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep != "pooled" & signal_cutoff == 1] qc_dt$cell %>% table cols = unlist(sqc$signal_config$color_mapping) p_qc_1 = ggplot(qc_dt, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, color = cell, group = sample, linetype = rep)) + geom_path() + facet_wrap(~mark) + scale_color_manual(values = cols)+ labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + labs(title = "Signal cutoff 1") + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 50e6)) p_qc_1 qc_dt5 = pc_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep != "pooled" & signal_cutoff == 5] p_qc_2 = ggplot(qc_dt5, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, color = cell, group = sample, linetype = rep)) + geom_path() + facet_wrap(~mark) + scale_color_manual(values = cols)+ labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", linetype = "replicate") + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + labs(title = "Signal cutoff 5") + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 50e6)) p_qc_2
Pretty cool how the QC lines up with the peak saturation. The global profiles and FRIP show lower enrichment in MCF10A and higher in DCIS (with 1 really good AT1 rep) and that bears through in the peak saturation in 2 ways. 1) a lower read count is required to reach saturation and 2) a higher number of reads pass a more stringent signalValue cutoff of 5.
dir.create(res_file("QC_complete")) write_ssvQC.correlation(sqc, out_dir = res_file("QC_complete")) write_ssvQC.summary(sqc, out_dir = res_file("QC_complete")) dir.create(res_file("QC_initial")) write_ssvQC.correlation(sqc.init, out_dir = res_file("QC_initial")) write_ssvQC.summary(sqc.init, out_dir = res_file("QC_initial"))
psc_cnr = peaksat_config("peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_cnr2/") sel_value = 5 cnr_dt = load_counts(psc_cnr, min_signalValue = c(1, sel_value)) bam_files = dir("bam_file_inputs/bam_files_cnr_PR_paper2/", pattern = "bam$", full.names = TRUE) chip_bams = bam_files[!grepl("IgG", bam_files)] old2new = basename(chip_bams) old2new = sub(".bam$", "", old2new) names(old2new) = sub(".bam$", "", basename(normalizePath(chip_bams))) cnr_dt$sample = old2new[cnr_dt$sample] cnr_dt$sample %>% table cnr_dt[, c("kit", "material", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "_")] cnr_cols = c(fresh = "gray50", frozen = "dodgerblue", combo = "black") rep2line = c(pooled = 1, rep1 = 3, rep2 = 5) cnr_dt[, linetype := rep2line[rep]] ggplot(cnr_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value], aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = sample, color = material)) + geom_path(data = cnr_dt[(material == "combo" | material == "fresh" | rep == "pooled") & signal_cutoff == sel_value], size = 1.1) + # geom_path(data = cnr_dt[material != "combo" & signal_cutoff == sel_value], aes(linetype = linetype), size = 1.3) + facet_wrap(~mark) + scale_linetype_identity() + scale_color_manual(values = cnr_cols) + labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) + labs(title = "Cut&Run", subtitle = paste("signalValue >", sel_value)) ggsave(res_file("fig4_cnr.pdf"), width = 4, height = 2.3)
atac_stat = "qValue" psc_atac = peaksat_config("peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_atac", stat = atac_stat, is_PE = TRUE) sel_value = 3
my_atac_figs_reps = function(sel_value){ atac_dt = load_counts(psc_atac, min_signalValue = sel_value) atac_dt[, c("cell", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "_", keep = 1:2)] atac_dt[, read_countM := read_count / 1e6] ### reps p_dt.atac = atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value] p_dt.atac = p_dt.atac[!grepl("pooled", rep)] p_dt.atac[, is_pooled := ifelse(rep == "pooled", "pooled", "replicate")] p_atac = ggplot(p_dt.atac, aes(x = read_countM, y = peak_count, group = sample)) ann_dt = split(p_dt.atac, p_dt.atac$sample) for(a_dt in ann_dt){ p_atac = p_atac + annotate("path", x= a_dt$read_countM, y = a_dt$peak_count, color = "gray") } p_atac = p_atac + geom_path(aes(color = is_pooled), size = 1.3, show.legend = FALSE) + facet_wrap(~cell+rep) + scale_color_manual(values = c("replicate"= "black", "pooled" = "darkorange")) + labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", linetype = "replicate", color = "", title = "ATAC-seq", subtitle = ifelse(sel_value > 1, paste("signalValue >", sel_value), "no signalValue cutoff")) + # scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) plot(p_atac) # p_atac + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 200), ylim = c(0, 150e3)) ggsave(res_file(paste0("fig4_atac.reps.signalValue_", sel_value, ".", atac_stat, ".pdf")), width = 7, height = 7) } my_atac_figs_pooled = function(sel_value){ atac_dt = load_counts(psc_atac, min_signalValue = sel_value) atac_dt[, c("cell", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "_", keep = 1:2)] atac_dt[, read_countM := read_count / 1e6] ### pooled p_dt.atac = atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value] p_dt.atac = p_dt.atac[grepl("pooled.200M", rep)] p_dt.atac[, is_pooled := ifelse(grepl("pooled", rep), "pooled", "replicate")] p_atac = ggplot(p_dt.atac, aes(x = read_countM, y = peak_count, group = sample)) if(FALSE){ ann_dt = split(atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value & !grepl("pooled", rep)], atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value & !grepl("pooled", rep)]$sample) for(a_dt in ann_dt){ p_atac = p_atac + annotate("path", x= a_dt$read_countM, y = a_dt$peak_count, color = "gray") } }else{ ann_dt = atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value & !grepl("pooled", rep)] p_atac = p_atac + geom_path(data = ann_dt, color = "gray") + facet_wrap(~cell) } grps = unique(p_dt.atac$cell) grps = c(grps, "replicate") cols = c(seqsetvis::safeBrew(4, "Dark2"), "gray") names(cols) = grps p_atac = p_atac + geom_path(aes(color = cell), size = 1.3, show.legend = TRUE) + # facet_wrap(~cell+rep) + # scale_color_brewer(values = c("replicates" = "gray", "")) + scale_color_manual(values = cols) + labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", linetype = "replicate", color = "", title = "ATAC-seq", subtitle = ifelse(sel_value > 1, paste("signalValue >", sel_value), "no signalValue cutoff")) + # scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) plot(p_atac) # p_atac + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 200), ylim = c(0, 150e3)) # ggsave(res_file("fig4_atac.pdf"), width = 4, height = 3.3) ggsave(res_file(paste0("fig4_atac.pooled.signalValue_", sel_value, ".", atac_stat, ".pdf")), width = 4.2, height = 3) }
my_atac_figs_reps(1) my_atac_figs_reps(3)
my_atac_figs_pooled(1) my_atac_figs_pooled(3)
SPP is a bunch of nonsense. Very slow nonsense.
MSER interpolation (peak saturation) only completes successfully for 3 of our strongest samples.
mser_files = dir("spp_output/vs_MCF10A_input_R1", full.names = TRUE) %>% dir(pattern = "mser.Rds", full.names = TRUE) interp_files = dir("spp_output/vs_MCF10A_input_R1", full.names = TRUE) %>% dir(pattern = "mser.interplotated.Rds", full.names = TRUE) spp_files = dir("spp_output/vs_MCF10A_input_R1", full.names = TRUE) %>% dir(pattern = "binding.positions.Rds", full.names = TRUE) file.size(mser_files) file.size(interp_files) file.size(spp_files) lapply(mser_files, readRDS) if(FALSE){#only do once, output is slightly messed up for certain values and needs repair spp_np_files = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(spp_files, function(f){ bp = readRDS(f) spp::write.narrowpeak.binding(bp, paste0(sub(".Rds", "", f), ".narrowPeak")) paste0(sub(".Rds", "", f), ".narrowPeak") }) } spp_np_files = dir("spp_output/vs_MCF10A_input_R1", full.names = TRUE) %>% dir(pattern = "binding.positions.narrowPeak", full.names = TRUE) any(sapply(spp_np_files, class) == "try-error") spp_np_grs = seqsetvis::easyLoad_narrowPeak(unlist(spp_np_files), file_names = basename(dirname(unlist(spp_np_files)))) is_error = sapply(spp_np_grs, class) == "try-error" spp_np_files[is_error] #fix these k = file.size(interp_files) > 200 file.size(interp_files[k]) interp_files[k] interp_res = lapply(interp_files[k], readRDS) names(interp_res) = basename(dirname(interp_files[k])) spp_saturation = lapply(seq_along(interp_res), function(i){ nam = names(interp_res)[i] msers = interp_res[[i]] paste(nam, "predicted sequencing depth =", round(unlist(lapply(msers,function(x) x$prediction))/1e6,5)," million tags") }) spp_saturation writeLines(unlist(spp_saturation), res_file("spp_saturation_results.txt"))
seqsetvis::ssvFeatureUpset(spp_np_grs) k = lengths(spp_np_grs) > 0 spp_np_grs.sig = lapply(spp_np_grs[k], function(x)subset(x, signalValue > 10)) seqsetvis::ssvFeatureUpset(spp_np_grs.sig) ggsave(res_file("spp_upset.pdf"), width = 12, height = 10)
# spp_np_grs np_np_grs = unlist(sqc$features_config$loaded_features) names(np_np_grs) names(spp_np_grs) names(np_np_grs) = sub(".+features.", "", names(np_np_grs)) names(np_np_grs) = gsub("\n", "_", names(np_np_grs)) common = intersect(names(np_np_grs), names(spp_np_grs)) names(common) = common paired_grs = lapply(common, function(nam){ list(macs2 = np_np_grs[[nam]], SPP = spp_np_grs[[nam]]) }) library(seqsetvis) make_olap = function(a_gr, b_gr){ table(ssvFactorizeMembTable(ssvOverlapIntervalSets(list(A = a_gr, B = b_gr)))$group) } all_olap_grs = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(paired_grs, function(x){ make_olap(x$macs2, x$SPP) }) olap_dt = rbindlist(lapply(all_olap_grs, function(x){ dt = data.table(x) setnames(dt, c("group", "count")) dt }), idcol = "name") olap_dt = olap_dt[group != "none"] olap_dt[, center_width := count[group == "A & B"] , .(name)] olap_dt[, xmin := -center_width / 2] olap_dt[, xmax := center_width / 2] olap_dt[group == "A", xmax := xmin] olap_dt[group == "A", xmin := xmin - count] olap_dt[group == "B", xmin := xmax] olap_dt[group == "B", xmax := xmax + count] olap_dt[, total := sum(count), .(name)] olap_dt[, count_fraction := count / total] name_lev = olap_dt[group == "A"][order(count_fraction)]$name olap_dt$name = factor(olap_dt$name, levels = name_lev) olap_dt[, ymax := as.numeric(name) + .45] olap_dt[, ymin := as.numeric(name) - .45] AB2name = c(A = "macs2", "A & B" = "macs2 & SPP", B = "SPP") olap_dt$group_name = AB2name[olap_dt$group] ggplot(olap_dt, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = group_name)) + geom_rect() + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq_along(name_lev), labels = name_lev) + labs(title = "Peak overlaps between macs2 and SPP", fill = "overlap", x = "peaks") ggsave(res_file("spp_overlap_to_macs2.pdf"), width = 7, height = 4)
pc_dt$signal_cutoff %>% table ggplot(pc_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep %in% c("rep1", "rep2")], aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = signal_cutoff)) + geom_path() + facet_grid(cell~mark+rep) # ssvFeatureUpset(sqc$features_config$overlapped_features$H4K5AC_features, keep.order = TRUE, sets = colnames(mcols(sqc$features_config$overlapped_features$H4K5AC_features))) ssvFeatureUpset(sqc$features_config$overlapped_features$H4K5AC_features, keep.order = TRUE) sqc.init$plots$features$count sqc$plots$features$count
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