#' @title Simulate Microbial Absolute Abundance Data by Poisson lognormal
#' (PLN) model Based on a Real Dataset
#' @description Generate microbial absolute abundances using the Poisson
#' lognormal (PLN) model based on the mechanism described in the
#' \href{https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa260}{LDM}
#' paper (supplementary text S2).
#' @details The PLN model relates the abundance vector with a Gaussian latent
#' vector. Because of the presence of a latent layer, the PLN model displays a
#' larger variance than the Poisson model (over-dispersion). Also, the
#' covariance (correlation) between abundances has the same sign as the
#' covariance (correlation) between the corresponding latent variables.
#' This property gives enormous flexibility in modeling the variance-covariance
#' structure of microbial abundances since it is easy to specify different
#' variance-covariance matrices in the multivariate Gaussian distribution.
#' However, instead of manually specifying the variance-covariance matrix, we
#' choose to estimate the variance-covariance matrix from a real dataset,
#' which will make the simulated data more resemble real data.
#' @param abn_table the input microbial count table. It is used to obtain
#' the estimated variance-covariance matrix, can be in either \code{matrix}
#' or \code{data.frame} format.
#' @param taxa_are_rows logical. TRUE if the input dataset has rows
#' represent taxa. Default is TRUE.
#' @param prv_cut a numerical fraction between 0 and 1. Taxa with prevalences
#' less than \code{prv_cut} will be excluded in the analysis. For instance,
#' suppose there are 100 samples, if a taxon has nonzero counts presented in
#' less than 10 samples, it will not be further analyzed. Default is 0.10.
#' @param n numeric. The desired sample size for the simulated data.
#' @param lib_mean numeric. Mean of the library size. Library sizes are
#' generated from the negative binomial distribution with parameters
#' \code{lib_mean} and \code{disp}. For details, see \code{?rnbinom}.
#' @param disp numeric. The dispersion parameter for the library size.
#' For details, see \code{?rnbinom}.
#' @return a \code{matrix} of microbial absolute abundances, where taxa are in
#' rows and samples are in columns.
#' @examples
#' library(ANCOMBC)
#' data(QMP)
#' abn_data = sim_plnm(abn_table = QMP, taxa_are_rows = FALSE, prv_cut = 0.05,
#' n = 100, lib_mean = 1e8, disp = 0.5)
#' rownames(abn_data) = paste0("Taxon", seq_len(nrow(abn_data)))
#' colnames(abn_data) = paste0("Sample", seq_len(ncol(abn_data)))
#' @author Huang Lin
#' @references
#' \insertRef{hu2020testing}{ANCOMBC}
#' @rawNamespace import(stats, except = filter)
#' @importFrom Matrix nearPD
#' @export
sim_plnm = function(abn_table, taxa_are_rows = TRUE,
prv_cut = 0.1, n, lib_mean, disp) {
abn_table = as.matrix(abn_table)
if (!taxa_are_rows) {
abn_table = t(abn_table)
prevalence = apply(abn_table, 1, function(x)
sum(x != 0, na.rm = TRUE)/length(x[!is.na(x)]))
tax_keep = which(prevalence >= prv_cut)
txt = paste0("The number of taxa after filtering is: ", length(tax_keep))
if (length(tax_keep) > 0) {
abn_table = abn_table[tax_keep, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
stop("No taxa remain under the current cutoff", call. = FALSE)
rel_table = t(t(abn_table)/colSums(abn_table))
n_taxa = nrow(rel_table)
mean_rel = rowMeans(rel_table)
cov_rel = cov(t(rel_table))
overdisp = cov_rel - diag(mean_rel) + outer(mean_rel, mean_rel)
exp_cov = matrix(1, nrow = n_taxa, ncol = n_taxa) +
diag(1/mean_rel) %*% overdisp %*% diag(1/mean_rel)
ev = eigen(exp_cov)
Lambda = ev$values
if (all(Lambda <= 0)) {
top_txt = paste0("All eigenvalues are nonpositive \n",
"Please use a different dataset")
stop(top_txt, call. = FALSE)
Q = ev$vectors
pos_idx = which(Lambda > 0)
if (length(pos_idx) == 1) {
log_Lambda = log(Lambda[pos_idx])
} else {
log_Lambda = diag(log(Lambda[pos_idx]))
cov_est = Q[, pos_idx, drop = FALSE] %*% log_Lambda %*%
t(Q[, pos_idx, drop = FALSE])
if (!all(eigen(cov_est)$values > 0)) {
cov_est = as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(cov_est)$mat)
mean_est = log(mean_rel) - 0.5 * diag(cov_est)
N = rnbinom(n = n, mu = lib_mean, size = disp)
sim_data = .rplnm(mu = mean_est, sigma = sqrt(cov_est),
n = n, N = N)
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