
Defines functions motifSummarization

Documented in motifSummarization

#' Map Peaks to DNA motifs in scATAC-seq Data
#' Provides functionality to summarize scATAC-seq data by motifs from peak
#' summary. Uses motifmatchr to prepare data for CoGAPS run using motif
#' summarization
#' @param motifList PWMatrixList object of motifs (from the TFBS tools package)
#' @param scATACData matrix of scATACseq data, peaks (rows) by cells (columns)
#' @param granges GenomicRanges object corresponding to all peaks used to summarize scATACData
#' @param genome The UCSC Genome to use for input to motifmatchr (e.g "hg19")
#' @param cellNames List of cellnames corresponding to the cells in scATACData
#' @param pCutoff p-value cutoff for motifmatchr, 5e-09 by default to identify only matches with high confidence
#' @return matrix for input to CoGAPS with summary to motifs; motifs by cells
#' @examples \donttest{
#' motifSummTest = motifSummarization(motifList = motifs, scATACData = scatac,
#'  granges = peakGranges, genome = "hg19", cellNames = cells, pCutoff = 5e-09)
#' }
#' @export 

motifSummarization <- function(motifList, scATACData, granges, genome,
                              cellNames, pCutoff = 5e-09) {
  #call motifmatchr to find DNA motifs in peak regions
  matchedmotifs <- motifmatchr::matchMotifs(motifList, granges, 
                                           genome = genome, out = "scores",
                                           p.cutoff = pCutoff)
  region_motif_matches <- motifmatchr::motifMatches(matchedmotifs)
  #finding motifs that are never matched
  unmatched<-apply(region_motif_matches, 2, function(x) {sum(x)==0})
  unmatchedMotifs <- which(unmatched == TRUE)
  #finding indices of motifmatches in the data
  mminds <- apply(region_motif_matches, 2, function(x)
    motifmatches <- which(x ==TRUE)
  #preallocate the matrix
  motif_scATACData_matrix <- matrix(nrow = length(mminds),
                                   ncol = ncol(scATACData))
  #aggregate motif matches in individual cells to produce motif x cells matrix
  for(i in seq_along(mminds)) {
    for(j in seq(ncol(scATACData))){
      chrRegions <- scATACData[mminds[[i]][[1]], j]
      readsum <- sum(chrRegions)
      motif_scATACData_matrix[i, j] <- readsum
  #name rows and columns
  colnames(motif_scATACData_matrix) <- cellNames
  rownames(motif_scATACData_matrix) <- TFBSTools::ID(motifList)
  #remove motifs that are never matched
  if(length(unmatchedMotifs) < 0) {
    motif_scATACData_matrix <- motif_scATACData_matrix[-unmatchedMotifs,]
FertigLab/ATACCoGAPS documentation built on Oct. 24, 2024, 9:31 a.m.