#' Concatenate GDC files into a single matrix and prepar the data
#' \code{concatenate_mutation} is a function designed to concatenate GDC files into
#' a single matrix, where the columns stand for patients code and rows stand for
#' data names.
#' @param name A character string indicating the desired values to be used in
#' next analysis. For instance, "HIF3A" in the legacy gene expression matrix,
#' "mir-1307" in the miRNA quantification matrix, or "HER2" in the protein
#' quantification matrix.
#' @param data_base
#' @param work_dir
#' @param tumor
#' @param workflow_type A character string specifying the workflow type for
#' mutation data in "gdc". Where: \itemize{\item{"varscan" -}{
#' VarScan2 Variant Aggregation and Masking} \item{"mutect" -}{
#' MuTect2 Variant Aggregation and Masking}\item{"muse" -}{ MuSE
#' Variant Aggregation and Masking}\item{"somaticsniper" -}{
#' SomaticSniper Variant Aggregation and Masking}\item{"all" means to}{
#' concatenate all workflows into a single matrix.}}
#' @param tumor_data Logical value where \code{TRUE} specifies the desire to
#' work
#' with tumor tissue files only. When set to FALSE, it creates two matrices,
#' one containing tumor data and other containing data from not-tumor tissue.
#' The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param platform
#' @param env A character string containing the environment name that should be
#' used. If none has been set yet, the function will create one in global
#' environment following the standard criteria:
#' \itemize{\item{'<tumor>_<data_base>_mutation_tumor_data'}{ or}
#' \item{'<tumor>_<data_base>_mutation_both_data'}{ (for tumor and not tumor
#' data
#' in separated matrices).}}
#' @param save_data Logical value where \code{TRUE} indicates that the
#' concatenate and filtered matrix should be saved in local storage. The
#' default is FALSE.
#' @inheritParams download_gdc
#' @return A matrix with data names in row and patients code in column.
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom R.utils gunzip
#' @examples
#' library(DOAGDC)
#' # Concatenating gene expression data into a single matrix
#' # data already downloaded using the 'download_gdc' function
#' concatenate_mutation(
#' name = "HIF3A",
#' workflow_type = "varscan",
#' platform = "Illumina GA",
#' data_base = "legacy",
#' tumor = "CHOL",
#' work_dir = "~/Desktop"
#' )
concatenate_mutation <- function(name, data_base,
work_dir, tumor,
tumor_data = TRUE,
platform = "",
save_data = FALSE) {
# TODO: create matrix for mutation data from normal tissue
# create env if not created yet
if (missing(env) && tumor_data) {
assign(paste(toupper(tumor), toupper(data_base),
sep = "_"
new.env(parent = emptyenv()),
envir = .GlobalEnv
ev <- paste(toupper(tumor), toupper(data_base),
sep = "_"
} else if (missing(env) && !tumor_data) {
assign(paste(toupper(tumor), toupper(data_base),
sep = "_"
new.env(parent = emptyenv()),
envir = .GlobalEnv
ev <- paste(toupper(tumor), toupper(data_base),
sep = "_"
} else {
ev <- deparse(substitute(env))
attr(ev, "name") <- paste0(
"Environment created! Use this name in 'env' argument"
path = file.path(work_dir, "DOAGDC", toupper(tumor), "Analyses"),
showWarnings = FALSE
if (tolower(data_base) == "legacy") {
# selecting platform file
dir <- file.path(
work_dir, "DOAGDC", toupper(tumor),
manifest <- data.table::fread(file.path(dir, "manifest.sdrf"),
select = c("file_name", "platform")
test <- tolower(platform)
tmp <- manifest[[1]][tolower(manifest$platform) == test]
maf_files <- as.character(tmp)
# checking for unmatched data
if (length(maf_files) > 0) {
message("Loading mutation file...")
} else {
"There is no data from ",
" in your local storage!"
message("\nIt will be open ", length(maf_files), " file(s)...\n")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(maf_files), style = 3)
count <- 0
for (file in maf_files) {
count <- count + 1
assign(file, read.delim(
file = file.path(dir, file),
comment.char = "#", sep = "\t",
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
envir = get(ev)
"\nThe file is load as '", file, "' in ",
ev, " Environment."
if (save_data) {
x = get(file, envir = get(ev)),
file = file.path(dir, paste0(file, ".tsv")),
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t"
setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)
} else if (tolower(data_base) == "gdc") {
dir <- file.path(
work_dir, "DOAGDC", toupper(tumor),
manifest <- data.table::fread(file.path(dir, "manifest.sdrf"),
select = c(11, 12)
manifest$submitter_id <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(
x = manifest$submitter_id,
split = "-",
perl = TRUE
), "[[", 3))
if (tolower(workflow_type) %in% "all") {
to_gunzip <- dir(path = dir, pattern = "maf.gz$")
} else {
test <- tolower(workflow_type)
tmp <- manifest[[1]][manifest$submitter_id == test]
to_gunzip <- as.character(tmp)
tryCatch(R.utils::gunzip(file.path(dir, to_gunzip),
remove = FALSE
error = function(e) {
import_maf <- gsub(".gz", "", to_gunzip)
# openning files
message("\nLoading mutation file...\n")
maf <- read.delim(
file = paste(dir, import_maf, sep = "/"),
comment.char = "#", sep = "\t",
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) # , quote = FALSE)
assign(import_maf, maf, envir = get(ev))
"\nThe file is open as '", import_maf, "' in ",
ev, " environment."
if (save_data) {
x = get(import_maf, envir = get(ev)),
file = file.path(dir, paste0(import_maf, ".tsv")),
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t"
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