#' Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis for Batch Effect Correction
#' This function removes batch variation from the input data given the batch
#' grouping information and the number of associated components with
#' PLSDA-batch. For sparse PLSDA-batch, the number of variables to keep for each
#' treatment related component is needed (\code{keepX.trt}). For weighted
#' PLSDA-batch, the \code{balance} should be set to \code{FALSE}, and it cannot
#' deal with the nested \code{batch x treatment design}.
#' @importFrom mixOmics unmap nearZeroVar
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @param X A numeric matrix as an explanatory matrix.
#' \code{NA}s are not allowed.
#' @param Y.trt A factor or a class vector for the treatment grouping
#' information (categorical outcome variable). Without the input of
#' \code{Y.trt}, treatment variation cannot be preserved before correcting for
#' batch effects.
#' @param Y.bat A factor or a class vector for the batch grouping information
#' (categorical outcome variable).
#' @param ncomp.trt Integer, the number of treatment associated dimensions to
#' include in the model.
#' @param ncomp.bat Integer, the number of batch associated dimensions to
#' include in the model.
#' @param keepX.trt A numeric vector of length \code{ncomp.trt}, the number
#' of variables to keep in \eqn{X}-loadings. By default all variables are kept
#' in the model. A valid input of \code{keepX.trt} extends \code{PLSDA-batch}
#' to a sparse version.
#' @param keepX.bat A numeric vector of length \code{ncomp.bat}, the number
#' of variables to keep in \eqn{X}-loadings. By default all variables are kept
#' in the model. We usually use the default setting.
#' @param max.iter Integer, the maximum number of iterations.
#' @param tol Numeric, convergence stopping value.
#' @param near.zero.var Logical, should be set to \code{TRUE} in particular for
#' data with many zero values. Setting this argument to \code{FALSE}
#' (when appropriate) will speed up the computations.
#' Default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param balance Logical, should be set to \code{TRUE}, if the
#' \code{batch x treatment design} is balanced (or complete). Setting this
#' argument to \code{FALSE} extends \code{PLSDA-batch} to
#' \code{weighted PLSDA-batch}. \code{wPLSDA-batch} can deal with highly
#' unbalanced designs but not the nested design. Default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return \code{PLSDA_batch} returns a list that contains
#' the following components:
#' \item{X}{The original explanatory matrix \code{X}.}
#' \item{X.nobatch}{The batch corrected matrix with the same dimension
#' as the input matrix.}
#' \item{X.notrt}{The matrix from which treatment variation is removed.}
#' \item{Y}{The original outcome variables \code{Y.trt} and \code{Y.bat}.}
#' \item{latent_var.trt}{The treatment associated latent components
#' calculated with corresponding latent dimensions.}
#' \item{latent_var.bat}{The batch associated latent components calculated
#' with corresponding latent dimensions.}
#' \item{loadings.trt}{The estimated treatment associated latent dimensions.}
#' \item{loadings.bat}{The estimated batch associated latent dimensions.}
#' \item{tol}{The tolerance used in the iterative algorithm, convergence
#' stopping value.}
#' \item{max.iter}{The maximum number of iterations.}
#' \item{iter.trt}{Number of iterations of the algorthm for each treatment
#' associated component.}
#' \item{iter.bat}{Number of iterations of the algorthm for each batch
#' associated component.}
#' \item{explained_variance.trt}{The amount of data variance explained per
#' treatment associated component.}
#' \item{explained_variance.bat}{The amount of data variance explained per
#' batch associated component.}
#' \item{weight}{The sample weights, all \eqn{1} for a balanced
#' \code{batch x treatment design}.}
#' @author Yiwen Wang, Kim-Anh Lê Cao
#' @seealso \code{\link{linear_regres}} and \code{\link{percentile_norm}} as
#' the other methods for batch effect management.
#' @references
#' \insertRef{wang2020managing}{PLSDAbatch}
#' \insertRef{wang2020multivariate}{PLSDAbatch}
#' @examples
#' ## First example
#' ## PLSDA-batch
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment) # for functions assays(),rowData()
#' data('AD_data')
#' X <- assays(AD_data$EgData)$Clr_value # centered log ratio transformed data
#' Y.trt <- rowData(AD_data$EgData)$Y.trt # treatment information
#' Y.bat <- rowData(AD_data$EgData)$Y.bat # batch information
#' names(Y.bat) <- names(Y.trt) <- rownames(AD_data$EgData)
#' ad_plsda_batch <- PLSDA_batch(X, Y.trt, Y.bat, ncomp.trt = 1, ncomp.bat = 5)
#' ad_X.corrected <- ad_plsda_batch$X.nobatch # batch corrected data
#' ## Second example
#' ## sparse PLSDA-batch
#' ad_splsda_batch <- PLSDA_batch(X, Y.trt, Y.bat, ncomp.trt = 1,
#' keepX.trt = 30, ncomp.bat = 5)
#' @export
PLSDA_batch <- function(X,
Y.trt = NULL,
ncomp.trt = 2,
ncomp.bat = 2,
keepX.trt = rep(ncol(X), ncomp.trt),
keepX.bat = rep(ncol(X), ncomp.bat),
max.iter = 500,
tol = 1e-06,
near.zero.var = TRUE,
balance = TRUE){
# balance = T: the design of batch-treatment is balanced
#-- validation of arguments --#
if(length(dim(X)) != 2){
stop("'X' must be a numeric matrix.")
X <- as.matrix(X)
stop("'X' must be a numeric matrix.")
n <- nrow(X)
stop("'Y.bat' should be a factor or a class vector.")
Y.bat <- as.factor(Y.bat)
Y.bat.mat <- unmap(as.numeric(Y.bat))
Y.bat.mat <- as.matrix(Y.bat.mat)
q.bat <- ncol(Y.bat.mat)
if(n != nrow(Y.bat.mat)){
stop("unequal number of rows in 'X' and 'Y.bat'.")
if(is.null(ncomp.bat) || !is.numeric(ncomp.bat) || ncomp.bat <= 0){
stop("invalid number of variates, 'ncomp.bat'.")
ncomp.bat <- round(ncomp.bat)
if(near.zero.var == TRUE){
nzv <- nearZeroVar(X)
if(length(nzv$Position > 0)){
warning("Zero- or near-zero variance predictors.\nReset predictors
matrix to not near-zero variance predictors.\nSee $nzv
for problematic predictors.")
X <- X[, -nzv$Position, drop = FALSE]
if(ncol(X) == 0){
stop("No more predictors")
p <- ncol(X)
if(ncomp.bat > p){
warning("Reset maximum number of variates 'ncomp.bat' to ncol(X) = ",
p, ".")
ncomp.bat <- p
if(length(keepX.bat) != ncomp.bat){
stop("length of 'keepX.bat' must be equal to ", ncomp.bat, ".")
if(any(keepX.bat > p)){
stop("each component of 'keepX' must be lower than or equal to ",
p, ".")
#-- initialisation of matrices --#
rownames(X) <- rownames(Y.bat.mat) <-
names(Y.bat) <- paste('S', seq_len(n))
rownames(X) <- rownames(Y.bat.mat) <- names(Y.bat)
rownames(Y.bat.mat) <- rownames(X)
colnames(X) <- paste0('X', seq_len(p))
colnames(Y.bat.mat) <- levels(Y.bat)
weight <- rep(1,nrow(X))
# Testing the input Y
stop("'Y.trt' should be a factor or a class vector.")
Y.trt <- as.factor(Y.trt)
Y.trt.mat <- unmap(as.numeric(Y.trt))
Y.trt.mat <- as.matrix(Y.trt.mat)
q.trt <- ncol(Y.trt.mat)
if(n != nrow(Y.trt.mat)){
stop("unequal number of rows in 'X' and 'Y.trt'.")
if(is.null(ncomp.trt) || !is.numeric(ncomp.trt) || ncomp.trt <= 0){
stop("invalid number of variates, 'ncomp.trt'.")
ncomp.trt <- round(ncomp.trt)
if(ncomp.trt > p){
warning("Reset maximum number of variates 'ncomp.trt' to ncol(X) = ",
p, ".")
ncomp.trt <- p
if(length(keepX.trt) != ncomp.trt){
stop("length of 'keepX.trt' must be equal to ", ncomp.trt, ".")
if(any(keepX.trt > p)){
stop("each component of 'keepX' must be lower than or equal to ",
p, ".")
colnames(Y.trt.mat) <- levels(Y.trt)
rownames(Y.trt.mat) <- names(Y.trt) <- rownames(X)
if(balance == FALSE){
# weight
group <- data.frame(trt = Y.trt, bat = Y.bat)
weight.num <- table(Y.trt, Y.bat)
for(i in seq_len(nlevels(Y.trt))){
for(j in seq_len(nlevels(Y.bat))){
weight[group$trt == levels(Y.trt)[i] &
group$bat == levels(Y.bat)[j]] <- weight.num[i,j]
weight <- 1/ weight
weight <- weight/min(weight) # make the min(weight) to be 1
weight <- sqrt(weight)
X.wt <- weight*X
X.scale <- scale(X.wt, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
X.mean <- attributes(X.scale)$`scaled:center`
X.sd <- attributes(X.scale)$`scaled:scale`
Y.bat.wt <- weight*Y.bat.mat
Y.bat.scale <- scale(Y.bat.wt, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
Y.trt.wt <- weight*Y.trt.mat
Y.trt.scale <- scale(Y.trt.wt, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
X.scale <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
X.mean <- attributes(X.scale)$`scaled:center`
X.sd <- attributes(X.scale)$`scaled:scale`
Y.bat.scale <- scale(Y.bat.mat, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
Y.trt.scale <- scale(Y.trt.mat, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
#-- stage 1: fit the treatment effect first --#
plsda_trt <- PLSDA(X = X.scale, Y = Y.trt.scale, ncomp = ncomp.trt,
keepX = keepX.trt, tol = tol, max.iter = max.iter)
X.notrt <- plsda_trt$defl_data$X
X.scale <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
X.mean <- attributes(X.scale)$`scaled:center`
X.sd <- attributes(X.scale)$`scaled:scale`
Y.bat.scale <- scale(Y.bat.mat, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
plsda_trt <- NULL
X.notrt <- X.scale
#-- stage 2: fit the batch effect then --#
plsda_bat <- PLSDA(X = X.notrt, Y = Y.bat.scale, ncomp = ncomp.bat,
keepX = keepX.bat, tol = tol, max.iter = max.iter)
bat_loadings <- plsda_bat$loadings$a
#-- stage 3: deflation of batch from the original matrix --#
X.temp <- X.scale
for(h in seq_len(ncomp.bat)){
a.bat <- bat_loadings[,h]
t.bat <- X.temp %*% a.bat
X.temp <- deflate_mtx(X.temp, t.bat)
X.nobat <- X.temp
X.nobat.final <- t(t(X.nobat)*X.sd + X.mean)
X.nobat.final <- X.nobat.final/weight
X.notrt.final <- t(t(X.notrt)*X.sd + X.mean)
X.notrt.final <- X.notrt.final/weight
X.notrt.final <- NULL
cl <- match.call()
cl[[1]] <- as.name('PLSDA_batch')
result <- list(call = cl,
X = X,
X.nobatch = X.nobat.final,
X.notrt = X.notrt.final,
Y = list(trt = Y.trt, bat= Y.bat),
latent_var.trt = plsda_trt$latent_comp,
latent_var.bat = plsda_bat$latent_comp,
loadings.trt = plsda_trt$loadings,
loadings.bat = plsda_bat$loadings,
tol = tol,
max.iter = max.iter,
iter.trt = plsda_trt$iters,
iter.bat = plsda_bat$iters,
explained_variance.trt = plsda_trt$exp_var,
explained_variance.bat = plsda_bat$exp_var,
weight = weight)
if(near.zero.var == TRUE){
result$nzv <- nzv
#' Matrix Deflation
#' This function removes the variance of given component \code{t} from the
#' input matrix \code{X}. \deqn{\hat{X} = X - t (t^{\top}t)^{-1}t^{\top}X}
#' It is a built-in function of \code{PLSDA_batch}.
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @param X A numeric matrix to be deflated. It assumes that samples are
#' on the row, while variables are on the column. \code{NA}s are not allowed.
#' @param t A component to be deflated out from the matrix.
#' @return A deflated matrix with the same dimension as the input matrix.
#' @author Yiwen Wang, Kim-Anh Lê Cao
#' @references
#' \insertRef{barker2003partial}{PLSDAbatch}
#' @keywords Internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # A built-in function of PLSDA_batch, not separately used.
#' # Not run
#' data('AD_data')
#' library(mixOmics)
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment)
#' X <- assays(AD_data$EgData)$Clr_value
#' ad_pca <- pca(X, ncomp = 3)
#' # the matrix without the information of PC1:
#' ad.def.mtx <- deflate_mtx(X, ad_pca$variates$X[ ,1])
deflate_mtx <- function(X, t){
X.res <- X - t %*% (solve(crossprod(t))) %*% (t(t) %*% X)
#' Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis
#' This function estimates latent dimensions from the explanatory matrix
#' \code{X}. The latent dimensions are maximally associated with the outcome
#' matrix \code{Y}. It is a built-in function of \code{PLSDA_batch}.
#' @importFrom mixOmics explained_variance
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @param X A numeric matrix that is centered and scaled as an explanatory
#' matrix. \code{NA}s are not allowed.
#' @param Y A dummy matrix that is centered and scaled as an outcome matrix.
#' @param ncomp Integer, the number of dimensions to include in the model.
#' @param keepX A numeric vector of length \code{ncomp}, the number of variables
#' to keep in \eqn{X}-loadings. By default all variables are kept in the model.
#' A valid input of \code{keepX} extends \code{PLSDA} to a sparse version.
#' @param tol Numeric, convergence stopping value.
#' @param max.iter Integer, the maximum number of iterations.
#' @return \code{PLSDA} returns a list that contains the following components:
#' \item{original_data}{The original explanatory matrix \code{X} and outcome
#' matrix \code{Y}.}
#' \item{defl_data}{The centered and scaled deflated matrices (\eqn{\hat{X}}
#' and \eqn{\hat{Y}}) after removing the variance of latent components
#' calculated with estimated latent dimensions.}
#' \item{latent_comp}{The latent components calculated with estimated
#' latent dimensions.}
#' \item{loadings}{The estimated latent dimensions.}
#' \item{iters}{Number of iterations of the algorthm for each component.}
#' \item{exp_var}{The amount of data variance explained per component (note
#' that contrary to \code{PCA}, this amount may not decrease as the aim of the
#' method is not to maximise the variance, but the covariance between
#' \code{X} and the dummy matrix \code{Y}).}
#' @author Yiwen Wang, Kim-Anh Lê Cao
#' @references
#' \insertRef{barker2003partial}{PLSDAbatch}
#' @keywords Internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # A built-in function of PLSDA_batch, not separately used.
#' # Not run
#' data('AD_data')
#' library(mixOmics)
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment)
#' X <- assays(AD_data$EgData)$Clr_value
#' Y.trt <- rowData(AD_data$EgData)$Y.trt
#' names(Y.trt) <- rownames(AD_data$EgData)
#' X.scale <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
#' # convert Y.trt to be a dummy matrix
#' Y.trt.mat <- unmap(as.numeric(Y.trt))
#' Y.trt.scale <- scale(Y.trt.mat, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
#' ad_plsda.trt <- PLSDA(X.scale, Y.trt.scale, ncomp = 1)
#' # the latent components associated with Y.trt:
#' X.compnt <- ad_plsda.trt$latent_comp$t
PLSDA <- function(X, Y, ncomp, keepX = rep(ncol(X), ncomp), tol = 1e-06,
max.iter = 500){
# Y is dummy matrix
# input X, Y are scaled
# don't consider NA value
mat.t <- matrix(nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncomp)
mat.u <- matrix(nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncomp)
mat.a <- matrix(nrow = ncol(X), ncol = ncomp)
mat.b <- matrix(nrow = ncol(Y), ncol = ncomp)
c.iter <- NULL
X.temp <- X
Y.temp <- Y
for(h in seq_len(ncomp)){
nx <- ncol(X) - keepX[h]
#-- Initialisation --#
M <- crossprod(X.temp, Y.temp)
svd.M <- svd(M, nu = 1, nv = 1)
a.old <- svd.M$u
b.old <- svd.M$v
t <- X.temp %*% a.old
u <- Y.temp %*% b.old
iter <- 1
#-- Iteration --#
a.new <- t(X.temp) %*% u
if(nx != 0){
abs_a <- abs(a.new)
if(any(rank(abs_a, ties.method = "max") <= nx)){
a.new <- ifelse(rank(abs_a, ties.method = "max") <= nx, 0,
sign(a.new) * (abs_a - max(abs_a[rank(abs_a,
ties.method = "max") <= nx])))
a.new <- a.new / drop(sqrt(crossprod(a.new)))
t <- X.temp %*% a.new
b.new <- t(Y.temp) %*% t
b.new <- b.new / drop(sqrt(crossprod(b.new)))
u <- Y.temp %*% b.new
if(crossprod(a.new - a.old) < tol){break}
if(iter == max.iter){
warning("Maximum number of iterations reached for the component ",
h, ".", call. = FALSE)
a.old <- a.new
b.old <- b.new
iter <- iter + 1
#-- deflation --#
X.temp <- deflate_mtx(X.temp, t)
Y.temp <- deflate_mtx(Y.temp, u)
mat.t[,h] <- t
mat.u[,h] <- u
mat.a[,h] <- a.new
mat.b[,h] <- b.new
c.iter[h] <- iter
rownames(mat.t) <- rownames(mat.u) <- rownames(X)
rownames(mat.a) <- colnames(X)
rownames(mat.b) <- colnames(Y)
colnames(mat.t) <- colnames(mat.u) <- colnames(mat.a) <- colnames(mat.b) <-
names(c.iter) <- paste('comp', seq_len(ncomp))
exp.var.X <- explained_variance(X, mat.t, ncomp = ncomp)
exp.var.Y <- explained_variance(Y, mat.u, ncomp = ncomp)
result <- list(original_data = list(X = X, Y = Y),
defl_data = list(X = X.temp, Y = Y.temp),
latent_comp = list(t = mat.t, u = mat.u),
loadings = list(a = mat.a, b = mat.b),
iters = c.iter,
exp_var = list(X = exp.var.X, Y = exp.var.Y))
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