
Defines functions percentile_norm percentileofscore linear_regres

Documented in linear_regres percentile_norm percentileofscore

#' Linear Regression
#' This function fits linear regression (linear model or linear mixed model) on
#' each microbial variable and includes treatment and batch effects as
#' covariates. It generates p-values, adjusted p-values for
#' multiple comparisons, and evaluation metrics of model quality.
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @importFrom performance rmse r2
#' @importFrom stats lm p.adjust
#' @param data A data frame that contains the response variables for
#' the linear regression. Samples as rows and variables as columns.
#' @param trt A factor or a class vector for the treatment grouping information
#' (categorical outcome variable).
#' @param batch.fix A factor or a class vector for the batch
#' grouping information (categorical outcome variable), treated
#' as a fixed effect in the model.
#' @param batch.fix2 A factor or a class vector for a second batch
#' grouping information (categorical outcome variable), treated as a
#' fixed effect in the model.
#' @param batch.random A factor or a class vector for the batch
#' grouping information (categorical outcome variable), treated as
#' a random effect in the model.
#' @param type The type of model to be used for fitting, either 'linear model'
#' or 'linear mixed model'.
#' @param p.adjust.method The method to be used for p-value adjustment, either
#' "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr" or "none".
#' @return \code{linear_regres} returns a list that contains
#' the following components:
#' \item{type}{The type of model used for fitting.}
#' \item{model}{Each object fitted.}
#' \item{raw.p}{The p-values for each response variable.}
#' \item{adj.p}{The adjusted p-values for each response variable.}
#' \item{p.adjust.method}{The method used for p-value adjustment.}
#' \item{R2}{The proportion of variation in the response variable that is
#' explained by the predictor variables. A higher R2 indicates a better model.
#' Results for 'linear model' only.}
#' \item{adj.R2}{Adjusted R2 for many predictor variables in the model.
#' Results for 'linear model' only.}
#' \item{cond.R2}{The proportion of variation in the response variable that is
#' explained by the "complete" model with all covariates. Results for
#' 'linear mixed model' only. Similar to \code{R2} in linear model.}
#' \item{marg.R2}{The proportion of variation in the response variable that is
#' explained by the fixed effects part only. Results for 'linear mixed
#' model' only.}
#' \item{RMSE}{The average error performed by the model in predicting the
#' outcome for an observation. A lower RMSE indicates a better model.}
#' \item{RSE}{also known as the model \eqn{sigma}, is a variant of the RMSE
#' adjusted for the number of predictors in the model. A lower RSE indicates
#' a better model.}
#' \item{AIC}{A penalisation value for including additional predictor variables
#' to a model. A lower AIC indicates a better model.}
#' \item{BIC}{is a variant of AIC with a stronger penalty for including
#' additional variables to the model.}
#' @note \code{R2, adj.R2, cond.R2, marg.R2, RMSE, RSE, AIC, BIC} all include
#' the results of two models: (i) the full input model; (ii) a model without
#' batch effects. It can help to decide whether it is better to include
#' batch effects.
#' @author Yiwen Wang, Kim-Anh Lê Cao
#' @seealso \code{\link{percentile_norm}} and \code{\link{PLSDA_batch}} as
#' the other methods for batch effect management.
#' @references
#' \insertRef{daniel2020performance}{PLSDAbatch}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment) # for functions assays(),rowData()
#' data('AD_data')
#' # centered log ratio transformed data
#' ad.clr <- assays(AD_data$EgData)$Clr_value
#' ad.batch <- rowData(AD_data$EgData)$Y.bat # batch information
#' ad.trt <- rowData(AD_data$EgData)$Y.trt # treatment information
#' names(ad.batch) <- names(ad.trt) <- rownames(AD_data$EgData)
#' ad.lm <- linear_regres(data = ad.clr, trt = ad.trt,
#'                        batch.fix = ad.batch,
#'                        type = 'linear model')
#' ad.p.adj <- ad.lm$adj.p
#' head(ad.lm$AIC)
linear_regres <- function(data,
                        batch.fix = NULL,
                        batch.fix2 = NULL,
                        batch.random = NULL,
                        type = 'linear model',
                        p.adjust.method = 'fdr'){

    data <- as.data.frame(data)

    if(type == 'linear model'){
        if (is.null(batch.fix)){
            stop("'batch.fix' should be provided.")

        model <- list()
        p <- c()
        R2 <- adj.R2 <- RMSE <- RSE <- AIC <- BIC <-
            data.frame(trt.only = NA, trt.batch = NA)
        for(i in seq_len(ncol(data))){
            res.lm0 <- lm(data[,i] ~ trt)

                res.lm <- lm(data[,i] ~ trt + batch.fix + batch.fix2)
                res.lm <- lm(data[,i] ~ trt + batch.fix)

            summary.res0 <- summary(res.lm0)
            summary.res <- summary(res.lm)

            model[[i]] <- res.lm
            p[i] <- summary.res$coefficients[2,4]

            R2[i, ] <- c(summary.res0$r.squared, summary.res$r.squared)
            adj.R2[i, ] <- c(summary.res0$adj.r.squared,
            RMSE[i, ] <- c(rmse(res.lm0), rmse(res.lm))
            RSE[i, ] <- c(summary.res0$sigma, summary.res$sigma)
            AIC[i, ] <- c(AIC(res.lm0), AIC(res.lm))
            BIC[i, ] <- c(BIC(res.lm0), BIC(res.lm))
        p.adj <- p.adjust(p, method = p.adjust.method)
        cond.R2 <- marg.R2 <- NA
        rownames(R2) <- rownames(adj.R2) <- colnames(data)

    if(type == 'linear mixed model'){
        if (is.null(batch.random)){
            stop("'batch.random' should be provided.")

        model <- list()
        p <- c()
        cond.R2 <- marg.R2 <- RMSE <- RSE <- AIC <- BIC <-
            data.frame(trt.only = NA, trt.batch = NA)
        for(i in seq_len(ncol(data))){
            res.lm0 <- lm(data[,i] ~ trt)

                    res.lmm <- lmer(data[,i] ~ trt + batch.fix + batch.fix2 +
                    res.lmm <- lmer(data[,i] ~ trt + batch.fix +
                res.lmm <- lmer(data[,i] ~ trt + (1|batch.random))

            summary.res0 <- summary(res.lm0)
            summary.res <- summary(res.lmm)

            model[[i]] <- res.lmm
            p[i] <- summary.res$coefficients[2,5]

            cond.R2[i, ] <- c(summary.res0$r.squared,
            marg.R2[i, ] <- c(summary.res0$r.squared,
            RMSE[i, ] <- c(rmse(res.lm0), rmse(res.lmm))
            RSE[i, ] <- c(summary.res0$sigma, summary.res$sigma)
            AIC[i, ] <- c(AIC(res.lm0), AIC(res.lmm))
            BIC[i, ] <- c(BIC(res.lm0), BIC(res.lmm))
        p.adj <- p.adjust(p, method = p.adjust.method)
        R2 <- adj.R2 <- NA
        rownames(cond.R2) <- rownames(marg.R2) <- colnames(data)
    names(model) <- names(p) <- names(p.adj) <- rownames(RMSE) <-
    rownames(RSE) <- rownames(AIC) <- rownames(BIC) <- colnames(data)

    result <- list(type = type,
                model = model,
                raw.p = p,
                adj.p = p.adj,
                p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method,
                R2 = R2,
                adj.R2 = adj.R2,
                cond.R2 = cond.R2,
                marg.R2 = marg.R2,
                RMSE = RMSE,
                RSE = RSE,
                AIC = AIC,
                BIC = BIC)


#' Percentile score
#' This function converts the relative abundance of microbial variables
#' (i.e. bacterial taxa) in case (i.e. disease) samples to percentiles of
#' the equivalent variables in control (i.e. healthy) samples.
#' It is a built-in function of \code{percentile_norm}.
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @param df A data frame that contains the microbial variables and required to
#' be converted into percentile scores. Samples as rows and variables
#' as columns.
#' @param control.index A numeric vector that contains the indexes
#' of control samples.
#' @return A data frame of percentile scores for each microbial variable
#' and each sample.
#' @keywords Internal
#' @references
#' \insertRef{gibbons2018correcting}{PLSDAbatch}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # A built-in function of percentile_norm, not separately used.
#' # Not run
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment)
#' data('AD_data')
#' ad.clr <- assays(AD_data$EgData)$Clr_value
#' ad.batch <- rowData(AD_data$EgData)$Y.bat
#' ad.trt <- rowData(AD_data$EgData)$Y.trt
#' names(ad.batch) <- names(ad.trt) <- rownames(AD_data$EgData)
#' trt.first.b <- ad.trt[ad.batch == '09/04/2015']
#' ad.first.b.pn <- percentileofscore(ad.clr[ad.batch == '09/04/2015', ],
#'                                    which(trt.first.b == '0-0.5'))
percentileofscore <- function(df, control.index){
    df.percentile <- data.frame()
    for(i in seq_len(ncol(df))){
        control <- sort(df[control.index, i])
        for(j in seq_len(nrow(df))){
            percentile.strick <- sum(control < df[j, i])/length(control)
            percentile.weak <- (length(control) -
            sum(control > df[j, i]))/length(control)
            percentile <- (percentile.strick + percentile.weak)/2
            df.percentile[j, i] <- percentile
    rownames(df.percentile) <- rownames(df)
    colnames(df.percentile) <- colnames(df)

#' Percentile Normalisation
#' This function corrects for batch effects in case-control microbiome studies.
#' Briefly, the relative abundance of microbial variables (i.e. bacterial taxa)
#' in case (i.e. disease) samples are converted to percentiles of the equivalent
#' variables in control (i.e. healthy) samples within a batch prior to pooling
#' data across batches. Pooled batches must have similar case and control
#' cohort definitions.
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @param data A data frame that contains the microbial variables and required
#' to be corrected for batch effects. Samples as rows and variables as columns.
#' @param batch A factor or a class vector for the batch grouping information
#' (categorical outcome variable).
#' @param trt A factor or a class vector for the treatment grouping information
#' (categorical outcome variable).
#' @param ctrl.grp Character, the name of control samples (i.e. healthy).
#' @return A data frame that corrected for batch effects.
#' @author Yiwen Wang, Kim-Anh Lê Cao
#' @seealso \code{\link{linear_regres}} and \code{\link{PLSDA_batch}} as
#' the other methods for batch effect management.
#' @references
#' \insertRef{gibbons2018correcting}{PLSDAbatch}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment) # for functions assays(),rowData()
#' data('AD_data')
#' # centered log ratio transformed data
#' ad.clr <- assays(AD_data$EgData)$Clr_value
#' ad.batch <- rowData(AD_data$EgData)$Y.bat # batch information
#' ad.trt <- rowData(AD_data$EgData)$Y.trt # treatment information
#' names(ad.batch) <- names(ad.trt) <- rownames(AD_data$EgData)
#' ad.PN <- percentile_norm(data = ad.clr, batch = ad.batch,
#'                          trt = ad.trt, ctrl.grp = '0-0.5')
percentile_norm <- function(data = data, batch = batch, trt = trt, ctrl.grp){
    batch <- as.factor(batch)
    trt <- as.factor(trt)

    trt.list <- list()
    data.pn.df <- data.frame()
    for(i in seq_len(nlevels(batch))){
        trt.each.b <- trt[batch == levels(batch)[i]]
        trt.list[[i]] <- trt.each.b
        data.each.b.pn <- percentileofscore(data[batch == levels(batch)[i],],
        which(trt.each.b == ctrl.grp))
        data.pn.df <- rbind(data.pn.df,data.each.b.pn)
    names(trt.list) <- levels(batch)
    data.pn.df.reorder <- data.pn.df[rownames(data), ]
EvaYiwenWang/PLSDAbatch documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 8:54 p.m.