#' @include IonDb.R
#' @importFrom methods show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "IonDb", function(object) {
con <- .dbconn(object)
if (!is.null(con)) {
if (length(.dbname(object)))
ion_nr <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("select count(distinct ion_id) ",
"from ms_ion"))
cat(" ion count:", ion_nr[1, 1], "\n")
#' @export
#' @rdname IonDb
setMethod("ionVariables", "IonDb", function(object, includeId = FALSE, ...) {
if (length(.tables(object))) {
cn <- .tables(object)$ms_ion
if (includeId)
else cn[!cn %in% "ion_id"]
} else character()
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics ions
#' @export
#' @rdname IonDb
setMethod("ions", "IonDb", function(object,
columns = ionVariables(object),
return.type = c("data.frame",
"tibble"), ...) {
return.type <- match.arg(return.type)
if (length(columns))
res <- .fetch_data(object, columns = columns, filter = filter,
start_from = "ms_ion")
else res <- data.frame()
if (return.type == "tibble")
else res
#' @importFrom DBI dbAppendTable dbGetQuery
#' @export
#' @rdname IonDb
setMethod("insertIon", "IonDb", function(object, ions, addColumns = FALSE) {
if (is.data.frame(ions))
ions$compound_id <- as.character(ions$compound_id)
.valid_ion(ions, error = TRUE)
dbcon <- .dbconn(object)
if (length(.dbname(object)) && !is.null(dbcon))
if (!is.null(dbcon) && nrow(ions)) {
if (!all(ions$compound_id %in%
dbGetQuery(dbcon, "select compound_id from ms_compound")[, 1]))
stop("All values of 'compound_id' column of 'ions' must be",
" in 'compound_id' column of the 'ms_compound' table of",
" 'object'. List all avaliable compound IDs with ",
"'compounds(object, c(\"name\", \"compound_id\")'")
if (any(colnames(ions) == "ion_id"))
warning("Column 'ion_id' will be replaced with internal ",
max_id <- 0
tmp <- dbGetQuery(dbcon, "select max(ion_id) from ms_ion")
if (!is.na(tmp[1, 1]))
max_id <- as.integer(tmp[1, 1])
ions$ion_id <- max_id + seq_len(nrow(ions))
cols <- colnames(dbGetQuery(dbcon, "select * from ms_ion limit 1"))
new_cols <- colnames(ions)[!colnames(ions) %in% cols]
if (addColumns && length(new_cols)) {
dtype <- dbDataType(dbcon, ions[, new_cols, drop = FALSE])
dtype <- paste(names(dtype), dtype)
for (dt in dtype)
dbExecute(dbcon, paste("alter table ms_ion add", dt))
cols <- colnames(dbGetQuery(dbcon, "select * from ms_ion limit 1"))
object@.properties$tables$ms_ion <- cols
dbAppendTable(dbcon, "ms_ion", ions)
} else stop("Database not initialized")
#' @importFrom DBI dbGetQuery dbExecute
#' @export
#' @rdname IonDb
setMethod("deleteIon", signature(object = "IonDb"),
function(object, ids = integer(0), ...) {
dbcon <- .dbconn(object)
if (is.null(dbcon))
stop("Database not initialized")
if (length(.dbname(object)))
# maybe this check can be removed?
if (any(!ids %in% dbGetQuery(dbcon,
paste0("select ion_id ",
"from ms_ion"))[, 1]))
warning("Some IDs in 'ids' are not valid and will be ignored")
dbExecute(dbcon, paste0("delete from ms_ion where ion_id in (",
toString(ids), ")"))
#' @rdname IonDb
#' @exportMethod IonDb
#' @importFrom RSQLite SQLITE_RWC
setMethod("IonDb", signature(x = "missing", cdb = "missing"),
function(x, cdb, flags = SQLITE_RWC, ...) {
## for character or CompDb with @dbname: only store @dbname but no connection.
#' @rdname IonDb
setMethod("IonDb", signature(x = "CompDb", cdb = "missing"),
function(x, cdb, ions = data.frame(), ...) {
con <- .dbconn(x)
IonDb(con, ions = ions, .DBNAME = .dbname(x),
flags = .dbflags(x), ...)
#' @rdname IonDb
setMethod("IonDb", signature(x = "character", cdb = "missing"),
function(x, cdb, flags = SQLITE_RW, ...) {
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), x)
IonDb(con, ..., .DBNAME = x, flags = flags)
#' @rdname IonDb
setMethod("IonDb", signature(x = "DBIConnection", cdb = "missing"),
function(x, cdb, ions = data.frame(), flags = SQLITE_RW, ...,
.DBNAME = character()) {
res <- .validCompDb(x)
if (is.character(res)) stop(res)
res <- .validIonDb(x)
if (is.character(res)) stop(res)
if (length(.DBNAME)) {
idb <- .IonDb(dbname = .DBNAME, dbflags = flags)
} else idb <- .IonDb(dbcon = x, dbflags = flags)
idb <- .initialize_compdb(idb)
if (nrow(ions))
insertIon(idb, ions)
#' @rdname IonDb
setMethod("IonDb", signature(x = "character", cdb = "CompDb"),
function(x, cdb, ions = data.frame(), flags = SQLITE_RW, ...) {
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), x)
IonDb(con, cdb = cdb, ions = ions, flags = flags,
..., .DBNAME = x)
#' @rdname IonDb
setMethod("IonDb", signature(x = "DBIConnection", cdb = "CompDb"),
function(x, cdb, ions = data.frame(), flags = SQLITE_RW, ...,
.DBNAME = character()) {
con <- .dbconn(cdb)
if (length(.dbname(cdb)) && !is.null(con))
.copy_compdb(con, x)
IonDb(x, ions = ions, flags = flags, ..., .DBNAME = .DBNAME)
setMethod("deleteCompound", "IonDb", function(object, ids = character(),
recursive = FALSE, ...) {
dbcon <- .dbconn(object)
if (is.null(dbcon)) stop("Database not initialized")
if (length(.dbname(object)))
if (!length(ids)) return(object)
id_string <- paste0("'", ids, "'", collapse = ",")
ins <- dbGetQuery(dbcon, paste0("select compound_id, ion_id from ms_ion",
" where compound_id in (", id_string, ");"))
if (nrow(ins)) {
if (recursive)
dbExecute(dbcon, paste0("delete from ms_ion where ion_id in (",
paste0("'", ins$ion_id, "'", collapse =","),
else stop("Ions for ", length(unique(ins$compound_id)), " of the ",
"specified compounds present. Use parameter 'recursive = ",
"TRUE' to delete compounds and all ions (and eventually MS2",
" spectra) associated with them from the database.")
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