#' runFullScan
#' Runs a full miRNA scan on all protein-coding transcripts (or UTRs) of an
#' annotation.
#' @param annotation A \code{\link{ScanMiRAnno}} object
#' @param mods An optional `KdModelList` (defaults to the one in `annotation`)
#' @param annoFilter An optional `AnnotationFilter` or `AnnotationFilterList` to
#' filter the set of transcripts to be extracted
#' @param extract Which parts of the transcripts to extract. For `UTRonly`
#' (default) only the 3' UTR regions are extracted, `withORF` additionally
#' extracts the coding regions, and `exons` extracts all exons
#' @param shadow The size of the ribosomal shadow at the UTR starts
#' @param cores The number of threads to use. Alternatively accepts a
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam-class}}, as for instance produced
#' by \code{\link[BiocParallel]{MulticoreParam}}.
#' @param maxLogKd The maximum log_kd of sites to report
#' @param save.path Optional, the path to which to save the results
#' @param onlyCanonical passed to \code{\link[scanMiR]{findSeedMatches}}
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link[scanMiR]{findSeedMatches}}
#' @return A `GRanges` object
#' @export
#' @import Biostrings scanMiR
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam MulticoreParam bpnworkers
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures extractTranscriptSeqs threeUTRsByTranscript
#' exonsBy cdsBy
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges strand
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata metadata<-
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom AnnotationFilter AnnotationFilterList SeqNameFilter AnnotationFilter
#' @examples
#' anno <- ScanMiRAnno("fake")
#' m <- runFullScan( annotation=anno )
#' m
runFullScan <- function(annotation, mods=NULL, annoFilter = NULL,
extract=c("UTRonly", "withORF", "exons"),
onlyCanonical=TRUE, shadow=15, cores=1,
maxLogKd=c(-1,-1.5), save.path=NULL, ...){
stopifnot(is(annotation, "ScanMiRAnno"))
if(is.null(mods)) mods <- annotation$models
if(is(mods,"KdModel")) mods <- KdModelList(mods)
if(is.numeric(cores) && length(cores)==1){
cores <- as.integer(cores)
BP <- MulticoreParam(cores, progressbar=TRUE)
BP <- SerialParam()
}else if(is(cores,"BiocParallelParam")){
BP <- cores
warning("`cores` argument of unknown type -- will be ignored.")
BP <- SerialParam()
message("Loading annotation")
genome <- annotation$genome
ensdb <- annotation$ensdb
if(is(ensdb,"EnsDb")) seqlevelsStyle(genome) <- "Ensembl"
# restrict to canonical chromosomes
canonical_chroms <- seqlevels(genome)[!grepl('_', seqlevels(genome))]
filt <- SeqNameFilter(canonical_chroms)
if(!is(annoFilter, "AnnotationFilterList") &&
!is(annoFilter, "AnnotationFilter"))
stop("filter must be either `AnnotationFilter` or `AnnotationFilterList`")
filt <- AnnotationFilterList(filt, annoFilter)
warning("`annoFilter` is ignored when the annotation is not in ",
"`EnsDb` format", immediate.=TRUE)
if(!is(ensdb, "EnsDb")) filt <- NULL
message("Extracting transcripts")
seqs <- getTranscriptSequence(tx=NULL, annotation, annoFilter=filt,
message("Scanning with ", bpnworkers(BP), " thread(s)")
m <- findSeedMatches(seqs, mods, shadow=shadow, maxLogKd=maxLogKd,
onlyCanonical=onlyCanonical, BP=BP, verbose=FALSE, ...)
md <- metadata(annotation$ensdb)
md <- setNames(md$value,md$name)
if(!("genome_build" %in% names(md)))
md[["genome_build"]] <- md[["Genome"]]
if(!("ensembl_version" %in% names(md))) md[["ensembl_version"]] <- NA
if(is(m, "GRanges")) {
metadata(m)$genome_build <- md[["genome_build"]]
metadata(m)$ensembl_version <- md[["ensembl_version"]]
} else {
attr(m, "ensembl_version") <- md[["ensembl_version"]]
attr(m, "genome_build") <- md[["genome_build"]]
if(is.null(save.path)) return(m)
saveRDS(m, file=save.path)
message("Saved in: ", save.path)
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