#' @export
#' @import BiocParallel DESeq2 S4Vectors
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics strand
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays colData rowRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors na.omit
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust pnorm pt qf terms terms.formula
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @title extract DEWseq results
#' @description This is a modified version of the
#' \code{\link[DESeq2:results]{results}} function from DESeq2 package.
#' This function uses chromosomal positions given in the \code{rowRanges(dds)}
#' to identify overlapping windows in \code{dds} object. For each window,
#' the number of overlapping windows are counted, and the p-value is
#' adjusted for FWER using bonferroni correction.
#' For further details, please refer documentation for
#' \code{\link[DESeq2:results]{results}} function in DESeq2 package
#' @details
#' For a detailed description of the column use \code{mcols(output)$description}
#' @param object \code{DESeqDataSet}, on which the following functions has already been called:
#' \code{\link[DESeq2:nbinomWaldTest]{nbinomWaldTest}}
#' @param contrast \code{character vector}, \code{list of 2 character vectors} or \code{numeric contrast vector}
#' contrast this argument specifies what comparison to extract from the \code{object} to build a results table,
#' see \code{\link[DESeq2:results]{results}}
#' @param name \code{character}, name the name of the individual effect (coefficient) for building a results table.
#' \code{name} argument is ignored if \code{contrast} is specified
#' @param listValues \code{list}, check \code{\link[DESeq2:results]{results}} for details of this parameter
#' @param cooksCutoff \code{numeric}, theshold on Cook's distance
#' @param test \code{character}, this is automatically detected internally if not provided.
#' @param addMLE \code{logical}, if \code{betaPrior=TRUE} was used
#' @param tidy \code{logical}, whether to output the results table with rownames as a first column 'row'.
#' The table will also be coerced to \code{data.frame}
#' @param parallel \code{logical}, if FALSE, no parallelization. if TRUE, parallel
#' execution using \code{BiocParallel}, see next argument \code{BPPARAM}
#' @param BPPARAM \code{bpparamClass}, an optional parameter object passed internally
#' to \code{\link{bplapply}} when \code{parallel=TRUE}.
#' If not specified, the parameters last registered with
#' \code{\link{register}} will be used.
#' @param minmu \code{numeric}, lower bound on the estimated count (used when calculating contrasts)
#' @param start0based \code{logical}, TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE, then the start positions in \code{annotationFile} are considered to be 0-based
#' @examples
#' data("slbpDds")
#' slbpDds <- estimateSizeFactors(slbpDds)
#' slbpDds <- estimateDispersions(slbpDds)
#' slbpDds <- nbinomWaldTest(slbpDds)
#' slbpWindows <- resultsDEWSeq(slbpDds)
#' \dontrun{
#' # for a description of the columns in slbpWindows use
#' mcols(slbpWindows)$description
#' }
#' @return DESeqResults object
resultsDEWSeq <- function(object, contrast,name,
start0based=TRUE) {
if(!is(object, "DESeqDataSet")){
stop("object MUST be of class DESeqDataSet!")
stopifnot(length(listValues)==2 & is.numeric(listValues))
stopifnot(listValues[1] > 0 & listValues[2] < 0)
if (!"results" %in% mcols(mcols(object))$type) {
stop("couldn't find results. you should first run DESeq()")
if (missing(test)) {
test <- attr(object, "test")
if (test == "Wald" & attr(object, "test") == "LRT") {
# initially test was LRT, now need to add Wald statistics and p-values
object <- DESeq2:::makeWaldTest(object)
if (addMLE) {
if (!attr(object,"betaPrior")) {
stop("addMLE=TRUE is only for when a beta prior was used. Otherwise, the log2 fold changes are already MLE")
if (!missing(name) & missing(contrast)) {
stop("addMLE=TRUE should be used by providing character vector of length 3 to 'contrast' instead of using 'name'")
if (!missing(contrast)) {
if (attr(object,"modelMatrixType") == "user-supplied" & is.character(contrast)) {
stop("only list- and numeric-type contrasts are supported for user-supplied model matrices")
if (is(design(object), "formula")) {
hasIntercept <- attr(terms(design(object)),"intercept") == 1
isExpanded <- attr(object, "modelMatrixType") == "expanded"
termsOrder <- attr(terms.formula(design(object)),"order")
# if no intercept was used or an expanded model matrix was used,
# and neither 'contrast' nor 'name' were specified,
# and no interactions...
# then we create the result table: last / first level for last variable
if ((test == "Wald") & (isExpanded | !hasIntercept) & missing(contrast) & missing(name) & all(termsOrder < 2)) {
designVars <- all.vars(design(object))
lastVarName <- designVars[length(designVars)]
lastVar <- colData(object)[[lastVarName]]
if (is.factor(lastVar)) {
nlvls <- nlevels(lastVar)
contrast <- c(lastVarName, levels(lastVar)[nlvls], levels(lastVar)[1])
if (missing(name)) {
name <- DESeq2:::lastCoefName(object)
} else {
if (length(name) != 1 | !is.character(name)) {
stop("the argument 'name' should be a character vector of length 1")
WaldResults <- paste0("WaldPvalue_",name) %in% names(mcols(object))
# this will be used in cleanContrast, and in the lfcThreshold chunks below
useT <- "tDegreesFreedom" %in% names(mcols(object))
# if performing a contrast call the function cleanContrast()
if (!missing(contrast)) {
resNames <- resultsNames(object)
# do some arg checking/cleaning
contrast <- DESeq2:::checkContrast(contrast, resNames)
### cleanContrast call ###
# need to go back to C++ code in order to build the beta covariance matrix
# then this is multiplied by the numeric contrast to get the Wald statistic.
# with 100s of samples, this can get slow, so offer parallelization
if (!parallel) {
res <- DESeq2:::cleanContrast(object, contrast, expanded=isExpanded, listValues=listValues,
test=test, useT=useT, minmu=minmu)
} else if (parallel) {
# parallel execution
nworkers <- DESeq2:::getNworkers(BPPARAM)
idx <- factor(sort(rep(seq_len(nworkers),length.out=nrow(object))))
res <- do.call(rbind, bplapply(levels(idx), function(l) {
DESeq2:::cleanContrast(object[idx == l,,drop=FALSE], contrast,
expanded=isExpanded, listValues=listValues,
test=test, useT=useT, minmu=minmu)
} else {
# if not performing a contrast
# pull relevant columns from mcols(object)
log2FoldChange <- DESeq2:::getCoef(object, name)
lfcSE <- DESeq2:::getCoefSE(object, name)
stat <- DESeq2:::getStat(object, test, name)
pvalue <- DESeq2:::getPvalue(object, test, name)
res <- cbind(mcols(object)["baseMean"],log2FoldChange,lfcSE,stat,pvalue)
names(res) <- c("baseMean","log2FoldChange","lfcSE","stat","pvalue")
rownames(res) <- rownames(object)
res <- res[-which(mcols(object)$allZero), ]
# add unshrunken MLE coefficients to the results table
if (addMLE) {
if (is.numeric(contrast)) stop("addMLE only implemented for: contrast=c('condition','B','A')")
if (is.list(contrast)) stop("addMLE only implemented for: contrast=c('condition','B','A')")
res <- cbind(res, DESeq2:::mleContrast(object, contrast))
res <- res[,c("baseMean","log2FoldChange","lfcMLE","lfcSE","stat","pvalue")]
# if an all zero contrast, also zero out the lfcMLE
res$lfcMLE[ which(res$log2FoldChange == 0 & res$stat == 0) ] <- 0
# get the row ranges object and keep it for later
resGrange <- rowRanges(object)[,c(1:8)]
neededCols <- c('unique_id','gene_id','gene_name','gene_type','gene_region','Nr_of_region',
missingCols <- setdiff(neededCols,names(mcols(resGrange)))
stop('rowRanges(object) is missing required columns, needed columns:
unique_id: unique id of the window
gene_id: gene id
gene_name: gene name
gene_type: gene type annotation
gene_region: gene region
Nr_of_region: number of the current region
Total_nr_of_region: total number of regions
window_number: window number
Missing columns:
',paste(missingCols,collapse=", "),'')
# positional unique id, it is used to
# pick out unique chromosomal positions
resGrange$pos_id <- paste(as.vector(seqnames(resGrange)),start(resGrange),end(resGrange),
# prune res object for all regions/windows with stat>=0
if(test == "Wald"){
res <- res[res$stat>=0,]
}else if(test == "LRT"){
res <- res[res$log2FoldChange>=0,]
stop("Unknown value for variable: test, must be one of Wald or LRT")
stop("Cannot find any windows/regions with log2FoldChange>=0")
# for Wald test, recalculate p-values, in this case, only right sided test is enough
# use the default chisq. pvalue for LRT tests
# keep degrees of freedom for the regions/windows with stat>=0
df <- mcols(object)$tDegreesFreedom
names(df) <- rownames(object)
df <- df[rownames(res)]
res$pvalue <- pt(res$stat,df=df,lower.tail = FALSE)
}else if (test == "Wald"){
res$pvalue <- pnorm(res$stat,lower.tail = FALSE)
# calculate Cook's cutoff
m <- nrow(attr(object,"dispModelMatrix"))
p <- ncol(attr(object,"dispModelMatrix"))
defaultCutoff <- qf(.99, p, m - p)
if (missing(cooksCutoff)) {
cooksCutoff <- defaultCutoff
if (is.logical(cooksCutoff) & cooksCutoff) {
cooksCutoff <- defaultCutoff
# apply cutoff based on maximum Cook's distance
performCooksCutoff <- (is.numeric(cooksCutoff) | cooksCutoff)
if (performCooksCutoff) {
cooksOutlier <- mcols(object)$maxCooks > cooksCutoff
### BEGIN heuristic to avoid filtering genes with low count outliers
# as according to Cook's cutoff. only for two group designs.
# dont filter if three or more counts are larger
if (any(cooksOutlier,na.rm=TRUE) & is(design(object), "formula")) {
designVars <- all.vars(design(object))
if (length(designVars) == 1) {
var <- colData(object)[[designVars]]
if (is(var, "factor") && nlevels(var) == 2) {
dontFilter <- logical(sum(cooksOutlier,na.rm=TRUE))
for (i in seq_along(dontFilter)) {
# index along rows of object
ii <- which(cooksOutlier)[i]
# count for the outlier with max cooks
outCount <- counts(object)[ii,which.max(assays(object)[["cooks"]][ii,])]
# if three or more counts larger than the outlier
if (sum(counts(object)[ii,] > outCount) >= 3) {
# don't filter out the p-value for that gene
dontFilter[i] <- TRUE
# reset the outlier status for these genes
cooksOutlier[which(cooksOutlier)][dontFilter] <- FALSE
} ### END heuristic ###
res <- res[ setdiff(rownames(res),rownames(object)[which(cooksOutlier)]), ]
# calculate the number of windows that overlaps with each other by atleast 2 bp,
# this way, any intron/exon junctions will not be counted, but all ovelapping windows will be counted
idMap <- mcols(resGrange)$pos_id
names(idMap) <- names(resGrange)
uniqGrange <- unique(resGrange)
resOvs <- findOverlaps(uniqGrange,minoverlap=1,drop.redundant=FALSE,drop.self=FALSE,ignore.strand=FALSE)
nOvWindows <- as.data.frame(table(queryHits(resOvs)))[,2]
stop("Error in counting number of unique positions")
names(nOvWindows) <- as.character(mcols(uniqGrange)$pos_id)
nOverlapCount <- nOvWindows[idMap]
names(nOverlapCount) <- names(idMap)
stop("Error in calculating total number of window overlaps!")
nOverlapCount <- nOverlapCount[rownames(res)]
# adjusted p-values for overlapping windows using Bonferroni correction
res$pSlidingWindows <- pmin(res$pvalue*nOverlapCount,1)
# if original baseMean was positive, but now zero due to replaced counts, fill in results
if ( sum(mcols(object)$replace, na.rm=TRUE) > 0) {
nowZeroIds <- intersect(rownames(res),rownames(object)[which(mcols(object)$replace & mcols(object)$baseMean == 0)])
res[nowZeroIds,"log2FoldChange"] <- 0
if (addMLE) { res[nowZeroIds,"lfcMLE"] <- 0 }
res[nowZeroIds,"lfcSE"] <- 0
res[nowZeroIds,"stat"] <- 0
res[nowZeroIds,"pvalue"] <- 1
res[nowZeroIds,"pSlidingWindows"] <- 1
# correct the window p-values for FDR on the genome level
res$pSlidingWindows.adj <- p.adjust(res[,'pSlidingWindows'], method = 'BH')
# add prior information
deseq2.version <- packageVersion("DESeq2")
if (!attr(object,"betaPrior")) {
priorInfo <- list(type="none", package="DESeq2", version=deseq2.version)
} else {
betaPriorVar <- attr(object, "betaPriorVar")
priorInfo <- list(type="normal", package="DESeq2", version=deseq2.version,
# make results object
deseqRes <- DESeqResults(cbind(res,as.data.frame(resGrange[rownames(res),])),priorInfo=priorInfo)
colnames(deseqRes) <- c('baseMean', 'log2FoldChange', 'lfcSE','stat', 'pvalue', 'pSlidingWindows','pSlidingWindows.adj', 'chromosome', 'begin','end',
'width', 'strand','unique_id', 'gene_id', 'gene_name','gene_type', 'gene_region', 'Nr_of_region','Total_nr_of_region',
# 'seqnames' from Granges is always a factor!
deseqRes$chromosome <- as.character(deseqRes$chromosome)
deseqRes$strand <- as.character(deseqRes$strand)
deseqRes$begin <- pmax(deseqRes$begin-1,0)
deseqRes <- deseqRes[,c('chromosome', 'begin','end','width', 'strand','unique_id', 'gene_id', 'gene_name','gene_type', 'gene_region', 'Nr_of_region',
'Total_nr_of_region', 'window_number','baseMean', 'log2FoldChange', 'lfcSE','stat', 'pvalue', 'pSlidingWindows','pSlidingWindows.adj')]
resType <- c('character','integer','integer','integer','character','character','character','character','character','character','integer',
resDes <- c("chromosome","chromosomal start position","chromosomal stop position","length in base pairs", "strand","unique id for the window (row names)",
"gene id", "gene name", "gene type (protein_coding, miRNA, pseudogene,...)","gene region (intron, exon/CDS, 5'UTR,...)",
"nth 'gene_region' out of 'Total_nr_of_region'", "Total number of gene_region in this gene", "this is the nth sliding window of this gene",
mcols(res,use.names = TRUE)["baseMean","description"], mcols(res,use.names = TRUE)["log2FoldChange","description"],
mcols(res,use.names = TRUE)["lfcSE","description"], mcols(res,use.names = TRUE)["stat","description"],
mcols(res,use.names = TRUE)["pvalue","description"], "FWER corrected p-value for sliding windows",
"FDR corrected 'pSlidingWindows'")
mcols(deseqRes) <- DataFrame(type=resType,description=resDes)
# may this helps to improve the memory usage
rownames(deseqRes) <- deseqRes$unique_id
if (tidy) {
rownames(deseqRes) <- NULL
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