
Defines functions Combined_method

Documented in Combined_method

## Combined analysis method function

Combined_method <- function(RNAseqcount, label, alpha, test = c("Wald", "LRT"), 
			    fitType = c("parametric", "local", "mean"), 
			    betaPrior, full = design(object), reduced, 
    quiet = FALSE, minReplicatesForReplace = 7, modelMatrixType, 
    parallel = FALSE, BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
    ## Check the validity of the input values
	stop("The input data is not in matrix format")
    ## Filtering
    keep <- rowSums(RNAseqcount[, -1]) >= 10
    nkeep <- sum(keep)
    RNAseqcountnew <- RNAseqcount[keep, ]
    genename <- RNAseqcount[, 1]
    ## edgeR Exact Test 3.12.0
    if (missing(label)) {
    stop("label is missing, need to put a label in vector format with 1s and 0s")
    if (alpha > 1){
    stop("alpha need to be a value of <= 1")
    design <- cbind(Grp1 = 1, Grp2vs1 = label)
    edgeR.dgelist <- DGEList(counts = RNAseqcountnew[, 
        -1], group = factor(label))
    edgeR.dgelist <- calcNormFactors(edgeR.dgelist, 
        method = "TMM")
    count.norm <- round(edgeR.dgelist$counts, 0)
    ## DESeq2 1.10.1
    group.con <- data.frame(cbind(c(rep("control", 
        sum(label == 0)), rep("treatment", sum(label == 
        1))), c(rep("single-read", length(label)))))
    colnames(group.con) <- c("condition", "type")
    rownames(group.con) <- c(paste("control", 1:sum(label == 
        0)), paste("treatment", 1:sum(label == 1)))
    colnames(count.norm) <- rownames(group.con)
    DESeq2.dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count.norm, 
        colData = group.con, design = ~condition)
    DESeq2.test <- DESeq(DESeq2.dds, quiet = TRUE)
    DESeq2.pval <- results(DESeq2.test)$pvalue
    DESeq2.adjp <- p.adjust(DESeq2.pval, "BH")
    DESeq2.count <- cbind(RNAseqcountnew, results(DESeq2.test), 
    DESeq2.sig.gene <- as.numeric(rownames(RNAseqcountnew)[which(DESeq2.adjp <= 
    ## EBSeq 1.10.0
    sizes <- MedianNorm(count.norm)
    EBSeq.out <- EBTest(Data = count.norm, Conditions = factor(label), 
        sizeFactors = sizes, maxround = 5)
    EBSeq.result <- GetDEResults(EBSeq.out, FDR = alpha)
    EBSeq.status <- EBSeq.result$Status
    sum(EBSeq.status == "DE", na.rm = TRUE)
    EBSeq.adjp <- EBSeq.result$PPMat[, 1]
    EBSeq.sig.gene <- as.numeric(rownames(RNAseqcountnew)[which(EBSeq.status == 
    ## SAMSeq 2.0
    label2 <- c(rep(1, sum(label == 0)), rep(2, sum(label == 
    SAMSeq.test <- SAMseq(count.norm, label2, resp.type = "Two class unpaired", 
        geneid = rownames(count.norm), genenames = rownames(count.norm), 
        nperms = 100, nresamp = 20, fdr.output = alpha)
    SAMSeq.result <- rbind(SAMSeq.test$siggenes.table$genes.up, 
    SAMSeq.s <- strsplit(SAMSeq.result[, 1], "[^[:digit:]]")
    SAMSeq.solution <- as.numeric(unlist(SAMSeq.s))
    SAMSeq.solution <- unique(SAMSeq.solution[!is.na(SAMSeq.solution)])
    SAMSeq.sig.gene <- SAMSeq.solution
    ## NOISeq 2.14.1
    NOISeq.data <- readData(count.norm, factors = group.con)
    NOISeq.result <- noiseqbio(NOISeq.data, norm = "tmm", 
        factor = "condition", lc = 1, filter = 0)
    NOISeq.DE <- degenes(NOISeq.result, q = 1 - alpha, 
        M = NULL)
    NOISeq.s <- strsplit(rownames(NOISeq.DE), "[^[:digit:]]")
    NOISeq.solution <- as.numeric(unlist(NOISeq.s))
    NOISeq.solution <- unique(NOISeq.solution[!is.na(NOISeq.solution)])
    NOISeq.sig.gene <- NOISeq.solution
    common.sig <- Reduce(intersect, list(DESeq2.sig.gene, 
        EBSeq.sig.gene, SAMSeq.sig.gene, NOISeq.sig.gene))
    common.select <- DESeq2.count[which(common.sig %in% 
        DESeq2.sig.gene), ]
    mylist <- list(DESeq2.sig = genename[DESeq2.sig.gene], 
        EBSeq.sig = genename[EBSeq.sig.gene], SAMSeq.sig = genename[SAMSeq.sig.gene], 
        NOISeq.sig = genename[NOISeq.sig.gene], Combined.sig = genename[common.sig], 
        Combined.sig.table = common.select)
DongmeiLi2017/Combine documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:53 p.m.