
Defines functions svywatts.svyrep.design svywatts.survey.design svywatts

Documented in svywatts svywatts.survey.design svywatts.svyrep.design

#' Watts measure of poverty
#' Estimate the Watts measure for the cases: \code{alpha=0} headcount ratio and \code{alpha=1} poverty gap index.
#' @param formula a formula specifying the income variable
#' @param design a design object of class \code{survey.design} or class \code{svyrep.design} from the \code{survey} library.
#' @param type_thresh type of poverty threshold. If "abs" the threshold is fixed and given the value
#' of abs_thresh; if "relq" it is given by percent times the quantile; if "relm" it is percent times the mean.
#' @param abs_thresh poverty threshold value if type_thresh is "abs"
#' @param percent the multiple of the the quantile or mean used in the poverty threshold definition
#' @param quantiles the quantile used used in the poverty threshold definition
#' @param thresh return the poverty threshold value
#' @param na.rm Should cases with missing values be dropped?
#' @param deff Return the design effect (see \code{survey::svymean})
#' @param linearized Should a matrix of linearized variables be returned
#' @param influence Should a matrix of (weighted) influence functions be returned? (for compatibility with \code{\link[survey]{svyby}}). Not implemented yet for linearized designs.
#' @param return.replicates Return the replicate estimates?
#' @param ... passed to \code{svyarpr} and \code{svyarpt}
#' @details you must run the \code{convey_prep} function on your survey design object immediately after creating it with the \code{svydesign} or \code{svrepdesign} function.
#' For the \code{svywatts} and \code{svywattsdec} functions, zeroes and negative numbers in the analysis domain cause an error because of the logarithm function in the definition of this poverty measure.  However, zeroes and negative values in the full survey design that are outside of the domain of analysis are valid to calculate the poverty threshold because zeroes and negatives are not a problem for computing quantiles (used when \code{type_thresh = "relq"}) or means (used when \code{type_thresh = "relm"}) . Missing values are treated differently.  \code{NA} values anywhere in the full survey design (not only the subset, or the domain of analysis) will cause these quantiles and means to return \code{NA} results.  To ignore \code{NA} values throughout, set \code{na.rm = TRUE}.
#' @return Object of class "\code{cvystat}", which are vectors with a "\code{var}" attribute giving the variance and a "\code{statistic}" attribute giving the name of the statistic.
#' @author Guilherme Jacob, Djalma Pessoa, and Anthony Damico
#' @seealso \code{\link{svyarpt}}
#' @references Harold W. Watts (1968). An economic definition of poverty.
#' \emph{Institute For Research on Poverty Discussion Papers}, n.5.
#' University of Wisconsin. URL \url{https://www.irp.wisc.edu/publications/dps/pdfs/dp568.pdf}.
#' Buhong Zheng (2001). Statistical inference for poverty measures with relative poverty lines.
#' \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, Vol. 101, pp. 337-356.
#' Vijay Verma and Gianni Betti (2011). Taylor linearization sampling errors and design effects for poverty measures
#' and other complex statistics. \emph{Journal Of Applied Statistics}, Vol.38, No.8, pp. 1549-1576,
#' DOI \doi{10.1080/02664763.2010.515674}.
#' Anthony B. Atkinson (1987). On the measurement of poverty.
#' \emph{Econometrica}, Vol.55, No.4, (Jul., 1987), pp. 749-764,
#' DOI \doi{10.2307/1911028}.
#' Guillaume Osier (2009). Variance estimation for complex indicators
#' of poverty and inequality. \emph{Journal of the European Survey Research
#' Association}, Vol.3, No.3, pp. 167-195,
#' ISSN 1864-3361, URL \url{https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/srm/article/view/369}.
#' Jean-Claude Deville (1999). Variance estimation for complex statistics and estimators:
#' linearization and residual techniques. Survey Methodology, 25, 193-203,
#' URL \url{https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/catalogue/12-001-X19990024882}.
#' @keywords survey
#' @examples
#' library(survey)
#' library(laeken)
#' data(eusilc) ; names( eusilc ) <- tolower( names( eusilc ) )
#' # linearized design
#' des_eusilc <- svydesign( ids = ~rb030 , strata = ~db040 ,  weights = ~rb050 , data = eusilc )
#' des_eusilc <- convey_prep( des_eusilc )
#' # replicate-weighted design
#' des_eusilc_rep <- as.svrepdesign( des_eusilc , type = "bootstrap" )
#' des_eusilc_rep <- convey_prep( des_eusilc_rep )
#' # filter positive incomes
#' des_eusilc <- subset( des_eusilc , eqincome > 0 )
#' des_eusilc_rep <- subset( des_eusilc_rep , eqincome > 0 )
#' # poverty threshold fixed
#' svywatts(~eqincome, des_eusilc ,  abs_thresh=10000)
#' # poverty threshold equal to arpt
#' svywatts(~eqincome, des_eusilc , type_thresh= "relq", thresh = TRUE)
#' # poverty threshold equal to 0.6 times the mean
#' svywatts(~eqincome, des_eusilc , type_thresh= "relm" , thresh = TRUE)
#' # using svrep.design:
#' # poverty threshold fixed
#' svywatts(~eqincome, des_eusilc_rep  ,  abs_thresh=10000)
#' # poverty threshold equal to arpt
#' svywatts(~eqincome, des_eusilc_rep  , type_thresh= "relq", thresh = TRUE)
#' # poverty threshold equal to 0.6 times the mean
#' svywatts(~eqincome, des_eusilc_rep  , type_thresh= "relm" , thresh = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # database-backed design
#' library(RSQLite)
#' library(DBI)
#' dbfile <- tempfile()
#' conn <- dbConnect( RSQLite::SQLite() , dbfile )
#' dbWriteTable( conn , 'eusilc' , eusilc )
#' dbd_eusilc <-
#' 	svydesign(
#' 		ids = ~rb030 ,
#' 		strata = ~db040 ,
#' 		weights = ~rb050 ,
#' 		data="eusilc",
#' 		dbname=dbfile,
#' 		dbtype="SQLite"
#' 	)
#' dbd_eusilc <- convey_prep( dbd_eusilc )
#' # filter positive incomes
#' dbd_eusilc <- subset( dbd_eusilc , eqincome > 0 )
#' # poverty threshold fixed
#' svywatts(~eqincome, dbd_eusilc ,  abs_thresh=10000)
#' # poverty threshold equal to arpt
#' svywatts(~eqincome, dbd_eusilc , type_thresh= "relq", thresh = TRUE)
#' # poverty threshold equal to 0.6 times the mean
#' svywatts(~eqincome, dbd_eusilc , type_thresh= "relm" , thresh = TRUE)
#' dbRemoveTable( conn , 'eusilc' )
#' dbDisconnect( conn , shutdown = TRUE )
#' }
#' @export
svywatts <-
  function(formula, design,  ...) {
    if ('type_thresh' %in% names(list(...)) &&
        !(list(...)[["type_thresh"]] %in% c('relq' , 'abs' , 'relm')))
      stop('type_thresh= must be "relq" "relm" or "abs".  see ?svywatts for more detail.')

    if (length(attr(terms.formula(formula) , "term.labels")) > 1)
        "convey package functions currently only support one variable in the `formula=` argument"

    UseMethod("svywatts", design)


#' @rdname svywatts
#' @export
svywatts.survey.design <-
           type_thresh = "abs",
           abs_thresh = NULL,
           percent = .60,
           quantiles = .50,
           thresh = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE,
           deff = FALSE ,
           linearized = FALSE ,
           influence = FALSE ,
           ...) {
    # check for convey_prep
    if (is.null(attr(design, "full_design")))
        "you must run the ?convey_prep function on your linearized survey design object immediately after creating it with the svydesign() function."

    # check for threshold type
    if (type_thresh == "abs" &
      stop("abs_thresh= must be specified when type_thresh='abs'")

    # if the class of the full_design attribute is just a TRUE, then the design is
    # already the full design.  otherwise, pull the full_design from that attribute.
    if ("logical" %in% class(attr(design, "full_design")))
      full_design <-
      full_design <- attr(design, "full_design")

    # h function
    h <-
      function(y , thresh)
        ifelse(y <= thresh , log(thresh / y) , 0)

    # ht function
    ht <-
      function(y , thresh)
        ifelse(y <= thresh , 1 / thresh , 0)

    ### threshold calculation

    # collect income from full sample
    incvec <-
      model.frame(formula, full_design$variables, na.action = na.pass)[[1]]

    # treat missing values
    if (na.rm) {
      nas <- is.na(incvec)
      full_design$prob <- ifelse(nas , Inf , full_design$prob)

    # collect full sample weights
    wf <- 1 / full_design$prob

    # branch on threshold type and its linearized function
    if (type_thresh == 'relq') {
      ARPT <-
          formula = formula,
          percent = percent ,
          quantiles = quantiles,
          na.rm = na.rm,
      th <- coef(ARPT)[[1]]
      arptlin <- rep(0 , length(wf))
      arptlin[wf > 0] <- attr(ARPT , "lin")

    } else if (type_thresh == 'relm') {
      Yf <- sum( ifelse( wf != 0 ,  wf * incvec , 0 ) )
      Nf <- sum( wf )
      muf <- Yf / Nf
      th <- percent * muf
      arptlin <- percent * ( incvec - muf ) / Nf
      arptlin <- ifelse( wf != 0 ,  arptlin ,  0 )
      names( arptlin ) <- rownames(full_design$variables)

    } else if (type_thresh == 'abs') {
      th <- abs_thresh
      arptlin <- rep(0 , length(wf))
    names( arptlin ) <- rownames( full_design$variables )

    ### domain poverty measure estimate

    # collect income from domain sample
    incvar <-
      model.frame(formula, design$variables, na.action = na.pass)[[1]]

    # treat missing values
    if (na.rm) {
      nas <- is.na(incvar)
      design$prob <- ifelse(nas , Inf , design$prob)

    # collect full sample weights
    w <- 1 / design$prob

    # check for strictly positive incomes
    if (any(incvar[w > 0] <= 0, na.rm = TRUE))
        "The Watts measure is defined for strictly positive variables only.\nNegative and zero values not allowed."

    # domain population size
    Nd <- sum(w)

    # compute value
    estimate <-
      sum( ifelse( w != 0 , w * h(incvar , th) , 0)) / Nd

    ### linearization

    # add linearized threshold
    ID <-
      1 * (rownames(full_design$variables) %in% rownames(design$variables)[is.finite(design$prob)])
    wattslin1 <- ID * (h(incvec , th) - estimate) / Nd
    wattslin1 <- ifelse(wf != 0 , wattslin1 , 0 )
    wattslin1[incvec <= 0 & wf != 0] <- 0
    Fprime <-
        formula ,
        design = design ,
        th ,
        h = NULL ,
        FUN = "F",
        na.rm = na.rm
    ahat <- sum( ifelse( w != 0 , w * ht( incvar , th ) , 0 ) ) / Nd
    ahF <- ahat + h( th , th ) * Fprime
    if (type_thresh %in% c("relq" , "relm"))
      wattslin2 <- ahF * arptlin
      wattslin2 <- 0
    wattslin <- wattslin1 + wattslin2
    names(wattslin) <- rownames(full_design$variables)

    # compute variance
    variance <-
        wattslin / full_design$prob,
        postStrata = full_design$postStrata
    variance[which(is.nan(variance))] <- NA
    colnames(variance) <-
      rownames(variance) <-
      strsplit(as.character(formula)[[2]] , ' \\+ ')[[1]]

    # compute deff
    if (is.character(deff) || deff) {
      nobs <- sum(weights(full_design) != 0)
      npop <- sum(weights(full_design))
      if (deff == "replace")
        vsrs <-
        survey::svyvar(wattslin , full_design, na.rm = na.rm) * npop ^ 2 / nobs
        vsrs <-
        survey::svyvar(wattslin , full_design , na.rm = na.rm) * npop ^ 2 * (npop - nobs) /
        (npop * nobs)
      deff.estimate <- variance / vsrs

    # coerce to matrix
    wattslin <-
      matrix(wattslin ,
             nrow = length(wattslin) ,
             dimnames = list(names(wattslin) , strsplit(as.character(formula)[[2]] , ' \\+ ')[[1]]))

    # setup result object
    rval <- estimate
    colnames(variance) <-
      rownames(variance) <-
      names(rval) <-
      strsplit(as.character(formula)[[2]] , ' \\+ ')[[1]]
    class(rval) <- c("cvystat" , "svystat")
    attr(rval, "var") <- variance
    attr(rval, "statistic") <- "watts"
    if (thresh)
      attr(rval, "thresh") <- th
    if (linearized)
      attr(rval, "linearized") <- wattslin
    # if (influence)
    #   attr(rval , "influence")  <-
    #   sweep(wattslin , 1 , full_design$prob[is.finite(full_design$prob)] , "/")
    # if (linearized |
    #     influence)
    #   attr(rval , "index") <- as.numeric(rownames(wattslin))
    if (is.character(deff) ||
      attr(rval , "deff") <- deff.estimate


#' @rdname svywatts
#' @export
svywatts.svyrep.design <-
           type_thresh = "abs",
           abs_thresh = NULL,
           percent = .60,
           quantiles = .50,
           thresh = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE,
           deff = FALSE ,
           linearized = FALSE ,
           return.replicates = FALSE ,
           ...) {
    # checked for convey_prep
    if (is.null(attr(design, "full_design")))
        "you must run the ?convey_prep function on your replicate-weighted survey design object immediately after creating it with the svrepdesign() function."

    # check for threshold type
    if (type_thresh == "abs" &
      stop("abs_thresh= must be specified when type_thresh='abs'")

    # if the class of the full_design attribute is just a TRUE, then the design is
    # already the full design.  otherwise, pull the full_design from that attribute.
    if ("logical" %in% class(attr(design, "full_design")))
      full_design <-
      full_design <- attr(design, "full_design")

    # h function
    h <-
      function(y , thresh)
        ifelse(y <= thresh , log(thresh / y) , 0)

    # ht function
    ht <-
      function(y , thresh)
        ifelse(y <= thresh , 1 / thresh , 0)

    # svyrep design ComputeWatts function
    ComputeWatts <-
      function(y, w, thresh) {
        y <- y[w > 0]
        w <- w[w > 0]
        N <- sum(w)
        sum(w * h(y , thresh)) / N

    # collect domain data
    df <- model.frame(design)
    incvar <-
      model.frame(formula, design$variables, na.action = na.pass)[[1]]

    # treat missing values
    if (na.rm) {
      nas <- is.na(incvar)
      design <- design[!nas,]
      df <- model.frame(design)
      incvar <- incvar[!nas]

    # collect domain sampling weights
    ws <- weights(design, "sampling")
    names(ws) <- rownames(design$variables)

    # collect data from full sample
    df_full <- model.frame(full_design)
    incvec <-
      model.frame(formula, full_design$variables, na.action = na.pass)[[1]]

    # treat missing values
    if (na.rm) {
      nas <- is.na(incvec)
      full_design <- full_design[!nas,]
      df_full <- model.frame(full_design)
      incvec <- incvec[!nas]

    # collect weights from full sample
    wsf <- weights(full_design, "sampling")
    names(incvec) <- names(wsf) <- row.names(df_full)
    ind <- row.names(df)

    # poverty threshold
    if (type_thresh == 'relq')
      th <- percent * computeQuantiles(incvec, wsf, p = quantiles)
    if (type_thresh == 'relm')
      th <- percent * sum(incvec * wsf) / sum(wsf)
    if (type_thresh == 'abs')
      th <- abs_thresh

    # check for strictly positive incomes
    if (any(incvar[ws > 0] <= 0, na.rm = TRUE))
        "The Watts measure is defined for strictly positive variables only.\nNegative and zero values not allowed."

    # compute point estimate
    rval <- ComputeWatts(incvar, ws, th)

    # collect full sample analysis weights
    wwf <- weights(full_design, "analysis")

    # calculate replicates
    qq <- apply(wwf, 2, function(wi) {
      names(wi) <- row.names(df_full)

      if (type_thresh == 'relq')
        thr <-
          percent * computeQuantiles(incvec , wi , p = quantiles)
      if (type_thresh == 'relm')
        thr <- percent * sum(incvec * wi) / sum(wi)
      if (type_thresh == 'abs')
        thr <- abs_thresh
      wsi <- ifelse(names(wi) %in% names(ws) , wi , 0)

      ComputeWatts(incvec , wsi , thr)


    # treat missing
    if (anyNA(qq)) {
      variance <-  as.matrix(NA)
      names(rval) <-
        names(variance) <-
        rownames(variance) <-
        strsplit(as.character(formula)[[2]] , ' \\+ ')[[1]]
      class(rval) <- c("cvystat" , "svrepstat")
      attr(rval , "var") <- variance
      attr(rval, "statistic") <- "watts"
      if (thresh)
        attr(rval, "thresh") <- th

    # calculate variance
    variance <-
                     full_design$scale ,
                     mse = full_design$mse,
                     coef = rval)

    # compute deff
    if (is.character(deff) || deff || linearized) {
      # compute threshold linearized function on full sample
      # branch on threshold type and its linearized function
      if (type_thresh == 'relq') {
        q_alpha <- computeQuantiles(incvec , wsf , quantiles)
        htot <- h_fun(incvec, wsf)
        Nf <- sum(wsf)
        u <- (q_alpha - incvec) / htot
        vectf <- exp(-(u ^ 2) / 2) / sqrt(2 * pi)
        Fprime <- sum(vectf * wsf) / (Nf * htot)
        Nd <- sum(ws)
        ID <-
          1 * (rownames(full_design$variables) %in% rownames(design$variables)[ws > 0])
        arptlin <-
          -(percent / (Nf * Fprime)) * (ifelse(incvec <= q_alpha , 1 , 0) - quantiles)
        arptlin <- arptlin[wsf > 0]
      if (type_thresh == 'relm') {
        Yf <- sum(wsf * incvec)
        Nf <- sum(wsf)
        muf <- Yf / Nf
        arptlin <- percent * (incvec - muf) / Nf
        arptlin <- arptlin[wsf > 0]
      if (type_thresh == 'abs') {
        arptlin <- rep(0 , sum(wsf > 0))
      names(arptlin) <- rownames(full_design$variables)[wsf > 0]

      # compute poverty measure linearized function
      # under fixed poverty threshold
      Nd <- sum(ws)
      ID <-
        1 * (rownames(full_design$variables) %in% rownames(design$variables)[ws > 0])
      wattslin1 <- ID * (h(incvec , th) - rval) / Nd
      wattslin1 <- wattslin1[wsf > 0]
      wattslin1[incvec[wsf > 0] <= 0] <- 0

      # combine both linearization
      htot <- h_fun(incvar, ws)
      u <- (th - incvar) / htot
      vectf <- exp(-(u ^ 2) / 2) / sqrt(2 * pi)
      Fprime <- sum(vectf * ws) / (Nd * htot)

      ahat <- sum(ws * ht(incvar , th)) / Nd
      ahF <- ahat + h(th , th) * Fprime
      if (type_thresh %in% c("relq" , "relm"))
        wattslin2 <- ahF * arptlin
        wattslin2 <- 0
      wattslin <- wattslin1 + wattslin2

      # compute deff
      nobs <- length(full_design$pweights)
      npop <- sum(full_design$pweights)
      vsrs <-
            wattslin ,
            na.rm = na.rm,
            return.replicates = FALSE,
            estimate.only = TRUE
        ) * npop ^ 2 / nobs
      if (deff != "replace")
        vsrs <- vsrs * (npop - nobs) / npop
      deff.estimate <- variance / vsrs

      # add indices
      names(wattslin) <-
        rownames(full_design$variables)[wsf > 0]

      # coerce to matrix
      wattslin <-
        matrix(wattslin ,
               nrow = length(wattslin) ,
               dimnames = list(names(wattslin) , strsplit(as.character(formula)[[2]] , ' \\+ ')[[1]]))


    # setup result object
    names(variance) <-
      names(rval) <-
      strsplit(as.character(formula)[[2]] , ' \\+ ')[[1]]
    class(rval) <- c("cvystat" , "svrepstat")
    attr(rval, "var") <- variance
    attr(rval, "statistic") <- "watts"
    if (thresh)
      attr(rval, "thresh") <- th
    if (is.character(deff) ||
      attr(rval , "deff") <- deff.estimate
    if (linearized)
      attr(rval , "linearized") <- wattslin
    # if (linearized)
    #   attr(rval , "index") <- as.numeric(rownames(wattslin))

    # keep replicates
    if (return.replicates) {
      attr(qq , "scale") <- full_design$scale
      attr(qq , "rscales") <- full_design$rscales
      attr(qq , "mse") <- full_design$mse
      rval <- list(mean = rval , replicates = qq)
      class(rval) <- c("cvystat" , "svrepstat")

    # add design effect estimate
    if (is.character(deff) ||
      attr(rval , "deff") <- deff.estimate

    # return object


#' @rdname svywatts
#' @export
svywatts.DBIsvydesign <-
  function (formula, design, ...) {
    if (!("logical" %in% class(attr(design, "full_design")))) {
      full_design <- attr(design , "full_design")

      full_design$variables <-
          attr(design , "full_design")$db$connection,
          attr(design , "full_design")$db$tablename,
          updates = attr(design , "full_design")$updates,
          subset = attr(design , "full_design")$subset

      attr(design , "full_design") <- full_design



    design$variables <-
        updates = design$updates,
        subset = design$subset

    NextMethod("svywatts", design)
DjalmaPessoa/convey documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 10:30 p.m.