test_that("word frequencies are computed correctly for edge cases", {
#Null identifiers
nullgsc = emptygsc = GSEABase::GeneSetCollection(GSEABase::GeneSet(setName = 'A'))
#empty collections
nullgsc = GSEABase::GeneSetCollection(list(), geneIdType = GSEABase::SymbolIdentifier())
#non-empty gscs but empty gene sets
emptygsc = GSEABase::GeneSetCollection(GSEABase::GeneSet(setName = 'A', geneIdType = GSEABase::SymbolIdentifier()))
emptygsc = GSEABase::GeneSetCollection(GSEABase::GeneSet(setName = 'a', geneIdType = GSEABase::SymbolIdentifier()),
GSEABase::GeneSet(c('ESR1', 'ESR2'), setName = 'b', geneIdType = GSEABase::SymbolIdentifier()))
test_that("word frequencies (TF) are computed correctly", {
#non-empty collections
estgsc = hgsc[grep("ESTROGEN", hgsc)]
freq = computeMsigWordFreq(estgsc, measure = 'tf')
expect_length(freq, 2)
expect_equal(sapply(freq, nrow), c('Name' = 4, 'Short' = 5))
expect_equal(sapply(freq, class), c('Name' = 'data.frame', 'Short' = 'data.frame'))
expect_equal(freq$Name[freq$Name$word %in% c('early', 'late'), 2], log(c(1, 1) + 1))
expect_equal(freq$Short[freq$Short$word %in% c('early', 'late'), 2], log(c(1, 1) + 1))
expect_equal(freq$Name[freq$Name$word %in% c('estrogen'), 2], log(2 + 1))
expect_equal(freq$Short[freq$Short$word %in% c('estrogen'), 2], log(2 + 1))
expect_false('HALLMARK' %in% freq$Name$word)
expect_false('to' %in% freq$Short$word)
test_that("word frequencies (TFIDF) are computed correctly", {
#non-empty collections
estgsc = hgsc[grep("ESTROGEN", hgsc)]
idf = msigdb::getMsigdbIDF("hs", "7.2")
freq = computeMsigWordFreq(estgsc, measure = 'tfidf', idf = idf)
expect_length(freq, 2)
expect_equal(sapply(freq, nrow), c('Name' = 4, 'Short' = 5))
expect_equal(sapply(freq, class), c('Name' = 'data.frame', 'Short' = 'data.frame'))
expect_equal(freq$Name[freq$Name$word %in% c("late"), 2], as.numeric(log(idf$Name["late"]) * log(1 + 1)), tolerance = 1e-5)
expect_equal(freq$Short[freq$Short$word %in% c("early"), 2], as.numeric(log(idf$Short["early"]) * log(1 + 1)), tolerance = 1e-5)
expect_equal(freq$Name[freq$Name$word %in% c("estrogen"), 2], as.numeric(log(idf$Name["estrogen"]) * log(2 + 1)), tolerance = 1e-5)
expect_equal(freq$Short[freq$Short$word %in% c("estrogen"), 2], as.numeric(log(idf$Short["estrogen"]) * log(2 + 1)), tolerance = 1e-5)
expect_false('HALLMARK' %in% freq$Name$word)
expect_false('to' %in% freq$Short$word)
test_that("exclusion list works", {
expect_true("remove" %in% getMsigExclusionList("remove"))
test_that("weights work", {
#non-empty collections
estgsc = hgsc[grep('ESTROGEN', hgsc)]
w = c(2, 1)
expect_error(computeMsigWordFreq(estgsc, w, measure = 'tf'))
names(w) = names(estgsc)
freq = computeMsigWordFreq(estgsc, w, measure = 'tf')
expect_equal(freq$Name[freq$Name$word %in% c('early', 'late'), 2], as.numeric(log(c(1, 1) * w + 1)))
expect_equal(freq$Short[freq$Short$word %in% c('early', 'late'), 2], as.numeric(log(c(1, 1) * w + 1)))
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