#' @importFrom igraph E V E<- V<-
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot guides guide_legend aes rel element_text
#' element_rect element_blank
#' @import methods
#' Compute and plot word frequencies for multiple MSigDB collections
#' Given a gene set collection, this function computes the word frequency of
#' gene set names from the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) collection
#' (split by _). Word frequencies are also computed using short descriptions
#' attached with each gene set object.
#' @param groups a named list, of character vectors or numeric indices
#' specifying node groupings. Each element of the list represent a group and
#' contains a character vector with node names.
#' @param type a character, specifying the source of text mining. Either gene
#' set names (`Name`) or descriptions (`Short`) can be used.
#' @inheritParams computeMsigWordFreq
#' @return a ggplot object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("hgsc")
#' groups <- list('g1' = names(hgsc)[1:25], 'g2' = names(hgsc)[26:50])
#' plotMsigWordcloud(hgsc, groups, rmwords = getMsigExclusionList())
plotMsigWordcloud <-
weight = NULL,
measure = c('tfidf', 'tf'),
version = msigdb::getMsigdbVersions(),
org = c('auto', 'hs', 'mm'),
rmwords = getMsigExclusionList(),
type = c('Name', 'Short'),
idf = NULL) {
#check params
if (!is.null(groups)) checkGroups(groups, names(msigGsc))
measure = match.arg(measure)
version = match.arg(version)
org = match.arg(org)
type = match.arg(type)
#add gene set counts for each group
names(groups) = sapply(names(groups), function(x) {
paste0(x, ' (n = ', length(groups[[x]]), ')')
#create list of genesets
msigGsc_list = lapply(groups, function(x) msigGsc[x])
#compute word frequencies
worddf = plyr::ldply(msigGsc_list, function(x) {
df = computeMsigWordFreq(x, weight, measure, version, org, rmwords, idf)[[type]]
df$freq = df$freq / max(df$freq)
df = df[seq_len(min(30, nrow(df))), ]
df$angle = sample(c(0, 90), nrow(df), replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.65, 0.35))
}, .id = 'NodeGroup')
p1 = ggplot(worddf, aes(label = word, size = freq, color = freq, angle = angle)) +
ggwordcloud::geom_text_wordcloud(rm_outside = TRUE, shape = 'circle', eccentricity = 0.65) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ NodeGroup, scales = 'free') +
scico::scale_colour_scico(palette = 'acton', direction = -1) +
ggplot2::scale_size_area(max_size = 6 / log10(1 + length(msigGsc_list))) +
#' Plot a gene set overlap network
#' Plots a network of gene set overlap with overlap computed using the
#' [computeMsigOverlap()] and a graph created using [computeMsigNetwork()].
#' @param ig an igraph object, containing a network of gene set overlaps
#' computed using [computeMsigNetwork()].
#' @param markGroups a named list, of character vectors. Each element of the
#' list represent a group and contains a character vector with node names. Up
#' to 12 groups can be visualised in the plot.
#' @param genesetStat a named numeric, statistic to project onto the nodes.
#' These could be p-values, log fold-changes or gene set score from a
#' singscore-based analysis.
#' @param nodeSF a numeric, indicating the scaling factor to apply to node
#' sizes.
#' @param edgeSF a numeric, indicating the scaling factor to apply to edge
#' widths.
#' @param lytFunc a character, specifying the layout to use (see
#' `ggraph::create_layout()`).
#' @param lytParams a named list, containing additional parameters needed for
#' the layout (see `ggraph::create_layout()`).
#' @param rmUnmarkedGroups a logical, indicating whether unmarked groups should
#' be removed from the network (TRUE) or retained (FALSE - default).
#' @param maxGrp a numeric, specifying the maximum number of groups to plot.
#' @return a ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hgsc)
#' ovlap <- computeMsigOverlap(hgsc, thresh = 0.15)
#' ig <- computeMsigNetwork(ovlap, hgsc)
#' groups <- list(
#' )
#' plotMsigNetwork(ig, markGroups = groups)
plotMsigNetwork <-
markGroups = NULL,
genesetStat = NULL,
nodeSF = 1,
edgeSF = 1,
lytFunc = 'graphopt',
lytParams = list(),
rmUnmarkedGroups = FALSE,
maxGrp = 12) {
#check params
checkNumericRange(nodeSF, 'nodeSF', 0)
checkNumericRange(edgeSF, 'edgeSF', 0)
checkNumericRange(maxGrp, 'maxGrp', 0)
if (!is.null(genesetStat)) checkGenesetStat(genesetStat)
if (!is.null(markGroups)) checkGroups(markGroups, V(ig)$name)
if (length(markGroups) > maxGrp) {
warning(sprintf("Only the first %s components will be plot", maxGrp))
markGroups = markGroups[seq_len(maxGrp)]
#remove unconnected nodes
ig = igraph::induced_subgraph(ig, V(ig)[igraph::degree(ig) > 0])
#remove unmarked groups
if (!is.null(markGroups) & rmUnmarkedGroups) {
markednodes = unlist(markGroups)
ig = igraph::induced_subgraph(ig, markednodes)
#add custom annotation is no category annotated
if (!all(c('Category') %in% igraph::list.vertex.attributes(ig))) {
V(ig)$Category = rep('custom', length(V(ig)))
#node colour map
colmap_nodes = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, 'Set3')
names(colmap_nodes) = c('archived', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'c7', 'h', 'custom')
#plot base graph
lytParams = c(list(graph = igraph::as.directed(ig), layout = lytFunc), lytParams)
p1 = do.call(ggraph::ggraph, lytParams) +
edge_width = 0.2 * edgeSF,
alpha = 1 / log10(length(igraph::E(ig))),
colour = '#66666666'
) +
ggraph::geom_node_point(aes(size = Size), colour = '#FFFFFF')
if (is.null(genesetStat)) {
p1 = p1 +
aes(fill = Category, size = Size),
alpha = 0.75,
shape = 21,
stroke = 0.2 * nodeSF
) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colmap_nodes) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 4, override.aes = list(size = 5)))
} else {
#add stats
p1$data$genesetStat = genesetStat[p1$data$name]
p1 = p1 +
aes(fill = genesetStat, size = Size),
alpha = 0.75,
shape = 21,
stroke = 0.2 * nodeSF
if (!all(genesetStat >= 0)) {
lims = c(-1, 1) * stats::quantile(abs(genesetStat), 0.99)
palname = 'cork'
dir = 1
} else {
lims = stats::quantile(abs(genesetStat), c(0.01, 0.99))
palname = 'tokyo'
dir = -1
p1 = p1 +
palette = palname,
na.value = '#AAAAAA',
limits = lims,
oob = scales::squish,
direction = dir
#general theme settings
p1 = p1 +
guides(size = guide_legend(ncol = 2)) +
ggplot2::scale_size_continuous(range = c(0.1, 6) * nodeSF) +
ggplot2::theme_void() +
legend.position = 'bottom',
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = rel(1.5))
#mark groups
if (!is.null(markGroups)) {
#add gene set counts for each group
names(markGroups) = sapply(names(markGroups), function(x) {
paste0(x, ' (n = ', length(markGroups[[x]]), ')')
#complex hull for groups
hulldf = plyr::ldply(markGroups, function(x) {
df = p1$data[p1$data$name %in% x, ]
df = df[grDevices::chull(df$x, df$y), ]
}, .id = 'NodeGroup')
p1 = p1 +
aes(x, y, colour = NodeGroup),
fill = NA,
radius = ggplot2::unit(0.01, 'npc'),
expand = ggplot2::unit(0.02, 'npc'),
data = hulldf
) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(palette = 'Paired') +
guides(colour = guide_legend(ncol = 4))
#' Plot gene statistics for clusters of gene sets
#' This function plots gene statistics against gene frequencies for any given
#' cluster of gene sets. The plot can be used to identify genes that are
#' over-represented in a cluster of gene-sets (identified based on gene-set
#' overlaps) and have a strong statistic (e.g. log fold-chage or p-value).
#' @param geneStat a named numeric, containing the statistic to be displayed.
#' The vector must be named with either gene Symbols or Entrez IDs depending
#' on annotations in msigGsc.
#' @param statName a character, specifying the name of the statistic.
#' @param topN a numeric, specifying the number of genes to label. The top genes
#' are those with the largest count and statistic.
#' @inheritParams plotMsigWordcloud
#' @return a ggplot object, plotting the gene-level statistic against gene
#' frequencies in the cluster of gene sets.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(GSEABase)
#' data(hgsc)
#' groups <- list('g1' = names(hgsc)[1:25], 'g2' = names(hgsc)[26:50])
#' #create statistics
#' allgenes = unique(unlist(geneIds(hgsc)))
#' gstats = rnorm(length(allgenes))
#' names(gstats) = allgenes
#' #plot
#' plotGeneStats(gstats, hgsc, groups)
plotGeneStats <- function(geneStat, msigGsc, groups, statName = 'Gene-level statistic', topN = 5) {
#check params
checkGenesetCollection(msigGsc, 'msigGsc')
checkGroups(groups, names(msigGsc))
checkNumericRange(topN, 'topN', 0, eq = TRUE)
topN = as.integer(topN)
#compute frequencies
genefreq = plyr::ldply(groups, function (x) {
gc = table(unlist(lapply(msigGsc[x], GSEABase::geneIds)))
gc = data.frame('Gene' = names(gc), 'Count' = as.numeric(gc))
}, .id = 'Group')
#add stats
genefreq$GeneStat = geneStat[genefreq$Gene]
if (all(is.na(genefreq$Gene)))
stop("none of the gene-level statistics in 'geneStat' match with the 'groups'")
#identify outliers
genefreq = plyr::ddply(genefreq, 'Group', function(x) {
x = x[!is.na(x$GeneStat) & !is.infinite(x$GeneStat), ]
st = rank(abs(x$GeneStat)) * rank(x$Count)
x$rank = rank(-st)
p1 = ggplot(genefreq, aes(Count, GeneStat)) +
ggplot2::geom_jitter(data = genefreq[genefreq$rank > topN, ], shape = '.', colour = 'gray80') +
ggplot2::geom_jitter(data = genefreq[genefreq$rank <= topN, ]) +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label = Gene), data = genefreq[genefreq$rank <= topN, ]) +
ggplot2::xlab('Gene-set count') +
ggplot2::ylab(statName) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ Group, scales = 'free_x') +
#' Custom theme
#' @param rl a numeric, scaling factor to apply to text sizes
#' @return a ggplot2 theme
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p1 = ggplot2::ggplot()
#' p1 + bhuvad_theme()
bhuvad_theme = function (rl = 1.1) {
stopifnot(rl > 0)
ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
panel.border = element_rect(colour = 'black', fill = NA),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(size = rel(rl) * 1.1),
axis.text = element_text(size = rel(rl)),
plot.title = element_text(size = rel(rl) * 1.2),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = NA, colour = 'black'),
strip.text = element_text(size = rel(rl)),
legend.text = element_text(size = rel(rl)),
legend.title = element_text(size = rel(rl), face = 'italic')
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