#' Reproducibly Run Various Kinds of Cross-Validation
#' Enables doing classification schemes such as ordinary 10-fold, 100
#' permutations 5-fold, and leave one out cross-validation. Processing in
#' parallel is possible by leveraging the package \code{\link{BiocParallel}}.
#' @aliases runTests runTests,matrix-method runTests,DataFrame-method
#' runTests,MultiAssayExperiment-method
#' @param measurements Either a \code{\link{matrix}}, \code{\link{DataFrame}}
#' or \code{\link{MultiAssayExperiment}} containing all of the data. For a
#' \code{matrix} or \code{\link{DataFrame}}, the rows are samples, and the columns
#' are features.
#' @param outcome Either a factor vector of classes, a \code{\link{Surv}} object, or
#' a character string, or vector of such strings, containing column name(s) of column(s)
#' containing either classes or time and event information about survival. If
#' \code{measurements} is a \code{MultiAssayExperiment}, the names of the column (class) or
#' columns (survival) in the table extracted by \code{colData(data)} that contain(s) the samples'
#' outcome to use for prediction. If column names of survival information, time must be in first
#' column and event status in the second.
#' @param crossValParams An object of class \code{\link{CrossValParams}},
#' specifying the kind of cross-validation to be done.
#' @param modellingParams An object of class \code{\link{ModellingParams}},
#' specifying the class rebalancing, transformation (if any), feature selection
#' (if any), training and prediction to be done on the data set.
#' @param characteristics A \code{\link{DataFrame}} describing the
#' characteristics of the classification used. First column must be named
#' \code{"charateristic"} and second column must be named \code{"value"}.
#' Useful for automated plot annotation by plotting functions within this
#' package. Transformation, selection and prediction functions provided by
#' this package will cause the characteristics to be automatically determined
#' and this can be left blank.
#' @param ... Variables not used by the \code{matrix} nor the \code{MultiAssayExperiment} method which
#' are passed into and used by the \code{DataFrame} method or passed onwards to \code{\link{prepareData}}.
#' @param verbose Default: 1. A number between 0 and 3 for the amount of
#' progress messages to give. A higher number will produce more messages as
#' more lower-level functions print messages.
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{ClassifyResult}}.
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' #if(require(sparsediscrim))
#' #{
#' data(asthma)
#' CVparams <- CrossValParams(permutations = 5, tuneMode = "Resubstitution")
#' tuneList <- list(nFeatures = seq(5, 25, 5))
#' attr(tuneList, "performanceType") <- "Balanced Error"
#' selectParams <- SelectParams("t-test", tuneParams = tuneList)
#' modellingParams <- ModellingParams(selectParams = selectParams)
#' runTests(measurements, classes, CVparams, modellingParams,
#' DataFrame(characteristic = c("Assay Name", "Classifier Name"),
#' value = c("Asthma", "Different Means"))
#' )
#' #}
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("runTests", function(measurements, ...) standardGeneric("runTests"))
#' @rdname runTests
#' @export
setMethod("runTests", c("matrix"), function(measurements, outcome, ...) # Matrix of numeric measurements.
stop("'measurements' matrix must have sample identifiers as its row names.")
runTests(S4Vectors::DataFrame(measurements, check.names = FALSE), outcome, ...)
#' @rdname runTests
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @export
setMethod("runTests", "DataFrame", function(measurements, outcome, crossValParams = CrossValParams(), modellingParams = ModellingParams(),
characteristics = S4Vectors::DataFrame(), ..., verbose = 1)
warning("'measurements' DataFrame must have sample identifiers as its row names. Generating generic ones.")
rownames(measurements) <- paste("Sample", seq_len(nrow(measurements)))
stop("Some data elements are missing and classifiers don't work with missing data. Consider imputation or filtering.")
originalFeatures <- colnames(measurements)
if("assay" %in% colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(measurements)))
originalFeatures <- S4Vectors::mcols(measurements)[, c("assay", "feature")]
splitDataset <- prepareData(measurements, outcome, ...)
measurements <- splitDataset[["measurements"]]
outcome <- splitDataset[["outcome"]]
if(crossValParams@performanceType == "auto")
if(is.factor(outcome)) crossValParams@performanceType <- "Balanced Accuracy" else
crossValParams@performanceType <- "C-index"
nFeatures <- modellingParams@selectParams@tuneParams[["nFeatures"]]
if(is.null(nFeatures)) nFeatures <- modellingParams@selectParams@nFeatures
if(!is.null(modellingParams@selectParams) && max(nFeatures) > ncol(measurements))
warning("Attempting to evaluate more features for feature selection than in
input data. Autmomatically reducing to smaller number.")
modellingParams@selectParams@tuneParams[["nFeatures"]][modellingParams@selectParams@tuneParams[["nFeatures"]] > max(nFeatures)] <- max(nFeatures)
modellingParams@selectParams@nFeatures <- max(nFeatures)
# Element names of the list returned by runTest, in order.
resultTypes <- c("ranked", "selected", "models", "testSet", "predictions", "tune", "importance")
# Create all partitions of training and testing sets.
samplesSplitsList <- samplesSplits(crossValParams@samplesSplits, crossValParams@permutations, crossValParams@folds, crossValParams@percentTest, crossValParams@leave, outcome)
splitsTestInfoTable <- splitsTestInfo(crossValParams@samplesSplits, crossValParams@permutations, crossValParams@folds, crossValParams@percentTest, crossValParams@leave, samplesSplitsList)
# Necessary hack for parallel processing on Windows.
modellingParams <- modellingParams
crossValParams <- crossValParams
characteristics <- characteristics
verbose <- verbose
# Make them all local variables, so they are passed to workers.
results <- bpmapply(function(trainingSamples, testSamples, setNumber)
if(verbose >= 1 && setNumber %% 10 == 0)
message(Sys.time(), ": Processing sample set ", setNumber, '.')
# crossValParams is needed at least for nested feature tuning.
runTest(measurements[trainingSamples, , drop = FALSE], outcome[trainingSamples],
measurements[testSamples, , drop = FALSE], outcome[testSamples],
crossValParams, modellingParams, characteristics, verbose,
.iteration = setNumber)
}, samplesSplitsList[["train"]], samplesSplitsList[["test"]], (1:length(samplesSplitsList[["train"]])),
BPPARAM = crossValParams@parallelParams, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# Error checking and reporting.
resultErrors <- sapply(results, function(result) is.character(result))
if(sum(resultErrors) == length(results))
message(Sys.time(), " - Error: All cross-validations had an error.")
if(length(unique(unlist(results))) == 1)
stop("The common problem is: ", unlist(results)[[1]])
} else if(sum(resultErrors) != 0) # Filter out cross-validations resulting in error.
warning(paste(sum(resultErrors), "cross-validations, but not all, had an error and have been removed from the results."))
results <- results[!resultErrors]
iterationID <- do.call(paste, as.data.frame(splitsTestInfoTable))
iterationIDlevels <- unique(iterationID)
errorRows <- iterationID %in% iterationIDlevels[which(resultErrors)]
splitsTestInfoTable <- splitsTestInfoTable[!errorRows, ]
validationText <- .validationText(crossValParams)
modParamsList <- list(modellingParams@transformParams, modellingParams@selectParams, modellingParams@trainParams, modellingParams@predictParams)
autoCharacteristics <- lapply(modParamsList, function(stageParams) if(!is.null(stageParams) && !is(stageParams, "PredictParams")) stageParams@characteristics)
autoCharacteristics <- do.call(rbind, autoCharacteristics)
# Add extra settings.
extras <- unlist(lapply(modParamsList, function(stageParams) if(!is.null(stageParams)) stageParams@otherParams), recursive = FALSE)
if(length(extras) > 0)
extras <- extras[sapply(extras, is.atomic)] # Store basic variables, not complex ones.
extrasDF <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(characteristic = names(extras), value = unname(unlist(extras)))
characteristics <- rbind(characteristics, extrasDF)
characteristics <- .filterCharacteristics(characteristics, autoCharacteristics)
characteristics <- rbind(characteristics,
S4Vectors::DataFrame(characteristic = "Cross-validation", value = validationText))
if(is.numeric(results[[1]][["predictions"]])) # Survival task.
predictsColumnName <- "risk"
else # Classification task. A factor.
predictsColumnName <- "class"
predictionsTable <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(sample = unlist(lapply(results, "[[", "testSet")), splitsTestInfoTable, unlist(lapply(results, "[[", "predictions")), check.names = FALSE)
colnames(predictionsTable)[ncol(predictionsTable)] <- predictsColumnName
} else { # data frame
predictionsTable <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(sample = unlist(lapply(results, "[[", "testSet")), splitsTestInfoTable, do.call(rbind, lapply(results, "[[", "predictions")), check.names = FALSE)
rownames(predictionsTable) <- NULL
tuneList <- lapply(results, "[[", "tune")
if(length(unlist(tuneList)) == 0)
tuneList <- NULL
importance <- NULL
importance <- do.call(rbind, lapply(results, "[[", "importance"))
fullResult <- runTest(measurements, outcome, measurements, outcome, crossValParams = crossValParams, modellingParams = modellingParams, characteristics = characteristics, .iteration = 1)
warning("Unable to fit a full model: ", fullResult)
fullResult <- list(models = NULL)
ClassifyResult(characteristics, rownames(measurements), originalFeatures,
lapply(results, "[[", "ranked"), lapply(results, "[[", "selected"),
lapply(results, "[[", "models"), tuneList, predictionsTable, outcome, importance, modellingParams, fullResult$models)
#' @rdname runTests
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment methods
#' @export
setMethod("runTests", c("MultiAssayExperiment"),
function(measurements, outcome, ...)
prepArgs <- list(measurements, outcome)
extraInputs <- list(...)
prepExtras <- numeric()
if(length(extraInputs) > 0)
prepExtras <- which(names(extraInputs) %in% .ClassifyRenvir[["prepareDataFormals"]])
if(length(prepExtras) > 0)
prepArgs <- append(prepArgs, extraInputs[prepExtras])
measurementsAndOutcome <- do.call(prepareData, prepArgs)
runTestsArgs <- list(measurementsAndOutcome[["measurements"]], measurementsAndOutcome[["outcome"]])
if(length(extraInputs) > 0 && (length(prepExtras) == 0 || length(extraInputs[-prepExtras]) > 0))
if(length(prepExtras) == 0) runTestsArgs <- append(runTestsArgs, extraInputs) else
runTestsArgs <- append(runTestsArgs, extraInputs[-prepExtras])
do.call(runTests, runTestsArgs)
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