
#' Convert Different Data Classes into DataFrame and Filter Features
#' Input data could be of matrix, MultiAssayExperiment, or DataFrame format and this
#' function will prepare a DataFrame of features and a vector of outcomes and help
#' to exclude nuisance features such as dates or unique sample identifiers from
#' subsequent modelling.
#' @aliases prepareData prepareData,matrix-method prepareData,DataFrame-method
#' prepareData,MultiAssayExperiment-method
#' @param measurements Either a \code{\link{matrix}}, \code{\link{DataFrame}}
#' or \code{\link{MultiAssayExperiment}} containing all of the data. For a
#' \code{matrix} or \code{\link{DataFrame}}, the rows are samples, and the columns
#' are features.
#' @param outcome Either a factor vector of classes, a \code{\link{Surv}} object, or
#' a character string, or vector of such strings, containing column name(s) of column(s)
#' containing either classes or time and event information about survival. If column names
#' of survival information, time must be in first column and event status in the second.
#' @param outcomeColumns If \code{measurements} is a \code{MultiAssayExperiment}, the
#' names of the column (class) or columns (survival) in the table extracted by \code{colData(data)}
#' that contain(s) the each individual's outcome to use for prediction.
#' @param useFeatures Default: \code{NULL} (i.e. use all provided features). If \code{measurements} is a \code{MultiAssayExperiment} or list of tabular data,
#' a named list of features to use. Otherwise, the input data is a single table and this can just be a vector of feature names.
#' For any assays not in the named list, all of their features are used. \code{"clinical"} is also a valid assay name and refers to the clinical data table.
#' This allows for the avoidance of variables such spike-in RNAs, sample IDs, sample acquisition dates, etc. which are not relevant for outcome prediction.
#' @param maxMissingProp Default: 0.0. A proportion less than 1 which is the maximum
#' tolerated proportion of missingness for a feature to be retained for modelling.
#' @param maxSimilarity Default: 1. A number between 0 and 1 which is the maximum similarity between a pair of
#' variables to be both kept in the data set. For numerical variables, the Pearson correlation is used and for categorical variables,
#' the Chi-squared test p-value is used. For a pair that is too similar, the second variable will be excluded from the data set.
#' @param topNvariance Default: NULL. If \code{measurements} is a \code{MultiAssayExperiment} or list of tabular data, a named integer vector of most variable 
#' features per assay to subset to. If the input data is a single table, then simply a single integer.
#' If an assays has less features, it won't be reduced in size but stay as-is.
#' @param ... Variables not used by the \code{matrix} nor the
#' \code{MultiAssayExperiment} method which are passed into and used by the
#' \code{DataFrame} method.
#' @return A list of length two. The first element is a \code{\link{DataFrame}} of features
#' and the second element is the outcomes to use for modelling.
#' @author Dario Strbenac

#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("prepareData", function(measurements, ...)

#' @rdname prepareData
#' @export
setMethod("prepareData", "matrix",
  function(measurements, outcome, ...)
  prepareData(S4Vectors::DataFrame(measurements, check.names = FALSE), outcome, ...)

#' @rdname prepareData
#' @export
setMethod("prepareData", "data.frame",
  function(measurements, outcome, ...)
  prepareData(S4Vectors::DataFrame(measurements, check.names = FALSE), outcome, ...)

#' @importFrom dcanr cor.pairs
#' @rdname prepareData
#' @export
setMethod("prepareData", "DataFrame",
  function(measurements, outcome, useFeatures = NULL, maxMissingProp = 0.0, maxSimilarity = 1, topNvariance = NULL)
    warning("'measurements' DataFrame must have sample identifiers as its row names. Generating generic ones.")
    rownames(measurements) <- paste("Sample", seq_len(nrow(measurements)))
  if(!is(outcome, "Surv") && is.numeric(outcome))
    if(all(outcome == round(outcome))) # Suspiciously, all outcomes are integers.
      warning("It seems that 'outcome' should be a factor. Converting to one and continuing.")
      outcome <- factor(outcome)
    } else { # outcome contains decimal numbers.
      stop("'outcome' is continuous. Regression functionality is not provided.")
  # Won't ever be true if input data was MultiAssayExperiment because wideFormat already produces valid names.  
  # Need to check if input data was DataFrame because names might not be valid from user.
  if(!all(colnames(measurements) == make.names(colnames(measurements))))
    warning("Unsafe feature names in input data. Converted into safe names.")
    S4Vectors::mcols(measurements)$feature <- colnames(measurements) # Save the originals.
    colnames(measurements) <- make.names(colnames(measurements)) # Ensure column names are safe names.
 # DataFrame's outcome variable can be character or factor, so it is a bit involved.
  if(is.character(outcome) && length(outcome) > 3 && length(outcome) != nrow(measurements))
    stop("'outcome' is a character variable but has more than one element. Either provide a\n",
         "       one to three column names or a factor of the same length as the number of samples.")

  ## String specifies the name of a single outcome column, typically a class.
  if(is.character(outcome) && length(outcome) == 1)
    outcomeColumn <- match(outcome, colnames(measurements))
        outcomeColumn <- match(outcome, mcols(measurements)$feature)
        stop("Specified column name of outcome is not present in the data table.")
    outcome <- measurements[, outcomeColumn]
    measurements <- measurements[, -outcomeColumn, drop = FALSE]
    # R version 4 and greater no longer automatically casts character columns to factors because stringsAsFactors
    # is FALSE by default, so it is more likely to be character format these days. Handle it.
    if(class(outcome) != "factor") # Assume there will be no ordinary regression prediction tasks ... for now.
      outcome <- factor(outcome)
    else outcome <- droplevels(outcome) # Ensure that no unused factor levels remain.
  # survival's Surv constructor has two inputs for the popular right-censored data and
  # three inputs for less-common interval data.
  if(is.character(outcome) && length(outcome) %in% 2:3)
    outcomeColumns <- match(outcome, colnames(measurements))
        outcomeColumns <- match(outcome, mcols(measurements)$feature)
        stop("Specified column names of outcome is not present in the data table.")
    outcome <- measurements[, outcomeColumns]
    measurements <- measurements[, -outcomeColumns, drop = FALSE]
  if(is(outcome, "factor") && length(outcome) > 3 & length(outcome) < nrow(measurements))
    stop("The length of outcome is not equal to the number of samples.")
  ## A vector of characters was input by the user. Ensure that it is a factor.
  if(is.character(outcome) & length(outcome) == nrow(measurements))
    outcome <- factor(outcome)
  # Outcome has columns, so it is tabular. It is inferred to represent survival data.
  if(!is.null(ncol(outcome)) && ncol(outcome) %in% 2:3)
    # Assume that event status is in the last column (second for two columns, third for three columns)
    numberEventTypes <- length(unique(outcome[, ncol(outcome)]))
    # Could be one or two kinds of events. All events might be uncensored or censored
    # in a rare but not impossible scenario.
    if(numberEventTypes > 2)
      stop("Number of distinct event types in the last column exceeds 2 but must be 1 or 2.")
    if(ncol(outcome) == 2) # Typical, right-censored survival data.
      outcome <- survival::Surv(outcome[, 1], outcome[, 2])
    else # Three columns. Therefore, counting process data.
      outcome <- survival::Surv(outcome[, 1], outcome[, 2], outcome[, 3])
  if("clinical" %in% is.null(mcols(measurements)$assay) && (is.null(useFeatures) || !"clinical" %in% names(useFeatures)))
    warning("Using clinical table, but no 'useFeatures' named list element for it is specified. Clinical data often has\n", 
    "lots of uninformative variables. Please consider specifying useful features.")
      if(!is.list(useFeatures) || is.null(names(useFeatures)))
          stop("'useFeatures' must be a named list for multi-assay data.")
      dropFeaturesIndices <- unlist(mapply(function(assayID, features)
        assayIndices <- which(mcols(measurements)$assay == assayID)  
        useIndicies <- intersect(assayIndices, which(mcols(measurements)$feature %in% features))
        setdiff(assayIndices, useIndicies) # To drop.
      }, names(useFeatures), useFeatures))
      measurements <- measurements[, -dropFeaturesIndices]

    } else { # A single tabular data set (i.e. matrix or DataFrame) was the user's input.
      measurements <- measurements[, useFeatures]

  # Remove samples with indeterminate outcome.
  dropSamples <- which(is.na(outcome) | is.null(outcome))
  if(length(dropSamples) > 0)
    measurements <- measurements[-dropSamples, ]
    outcome <- outcome[-dropSamples]  
  # Remove features or samples to ensure all features have less missingness than allowed.
  nSamples <- nrow(measurements)
  nFeatures <- ncol(measurements)
  measurementsMatrix <- as.matrix(measurements) # For speed of calculation.
  # Iteratively collect feature and sample IDs to drop, after removing each feature or sample.
  dropSamples <- character()
  dropFeatures <- character()
  missingOrNotMatrix <- is.na(measurementsMatrix)
  NAfeaturesProportions <- colSums(missingOrNotMatrix) / nSamples
  # Create an initial vector of feature IDs to individually check.
  checkDropFeatures <- colnames(measurements)[(NAfeaturesProportions > maxMissingProp)]
  for(checkColunName in checkDropFeatures)
    columnProportionMissing <- sum(missingOrNotMatrix[, checkColunName]) / nrow(missingOrNotMatrix)
    # Feature could be below the missingness threshold after previous sample removals. Skip.
    if(columnProportionMissing <= maxMissingProp) next()
    rowProportionsMissing <- rowSums(missingOrNotMatrix[missingOrNotMatrix[, checkColunName], , drop = FALSE]) / ncol(missingOrNotMatrix)
    if(mean(rowProportionsMissing) > columnProportionMissing)
    {# Get rid of the samples / rows with higher missingness.
      samplesRemove <- rownames(missingOrNotMatrix)[missingOrNotMatrix[, checkColunName]]
      dropSamples <- c(dropSamples, samplesRemove)
      missingOrNotMatrix <- missingOrNotMatrix[-match(samplesRemove, rownames(missingOrNotMatrix)), ]
    } else { # Remove the feature / column.
      dropFeatures <- c(dropFeatures, checkColunName)
      missingOrNotMatrix <- missingOrNotMatrix[, -match(checkColunName, colnames(missingOrNotMatrix))]
  if(length(dropFeatures) > 0) measurements <- measurements[, -match(dropFeatures, colnames(measurements))]
  if(length(dropSamples) > 0)
    dropIndices <- match(dropSamples, rownames(measurements))      
    measurements <- measurements[-dropIndices, ]
    outcome <- outcome[-dropIndices]
  # Use only the most N variable features per assay.
    if(is.null(mcols(measurements)$assay)) assays <- rep(1, ncol(measurements)) else assays <- mcols(measurements)$assay
    measurements <- do.call(cbind, lapply(unqiue(assays), function(assay)
      assayColumns <- which(assays == assay)
      assayTopN <- topNvariance
      if(length(topNvariance) > 1) assayTopN <- topNvariance[assay]
      if(length(assayColumns) < assayTopN)
        measurements[, assayColumns]
        measurements[, assayColumns][order(apply(measurements[, assayColumns], 2, var, na.rm = TRUE), decreasing = TRUE)[1:assayTopN]]  
  if(maxSimilarity < 1)
    categoricalFeatures <- sapply(measurements, class) %in% c("factor", "character")
      checkPairs <- combn(which(categoricalFeatures), 2)
      pValues <- apply(checkPairs, 2, function(checkPair)
        fisher.test(table(measurements[, checkPair[1]], measurements[, checkPair[2]]))$p.value
      if(any(pValues) < maxSimilarity) dropFeatures <- checkPairs[2, which(pValues < maxSimilarity)]
    numericFeatures <- sapply(measurements, class) == "numeric"
        correlations <- dcanr::cor.pairs(as.matrix(measurements[, numericFeatures]))
        diag(correlations) <- 0
        dropFeatures <- c(dropFeatures, unique(which(correlations > maxSimilarity, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]))
    dropFeatures <- character()
    if(length(dropFeatures) > 0) measurements <- measurements[, setdiff(1:ncol(measurements), dropFeatures)]
  # Names are on both the covariates and outcome. Ensure consistent ordering.
  if(!is.null(rownames(measurements)) && !is.null(names(outcome)))
      measurements <- measurements[match(names(outcome), rownames(measurements)), ]
  list(measurements = measurements, outcome = outcome)

#' @rdname prepareData
#' @export
setMethod("prepareData", "MultiAssayExperiment",
  function(measurements, outcomeColumns = NULL, useFeatures = NULL, ...)
  if(is.null(useFeatures) || !"clinical" %in% names(useFeatures))
    warning("No 'useFeatures' named list element for clincal data is specified. Clinical data often has\n", 
    "lots of uninformative variables. Please consider specifying useful features.")

    stop("Data set contains replicates. Please remove or average replicate observations and try again.")
    stop("'outcomeColumns' is a mandatory parameter but was not specified.")
  if(!all(outcomeColumns %in% colnames(MultiAssayExperiment::colData(measurements))))
    stop("Not all column names specified by 'outcomeColumns' found in clinical table.")  

  # Get all desired measurements tables and clinical columns.
  # These form the independent variables to be used for making predictions with.
  # Variable names will have names like RNA_BRAF for traceability.
  dataTable <- MultiAssayExperiment::wideFormat(measurements, colDataCols = union(useFeatures[["clinical"]], outcomeColumns), check.names = FALSE)
  rownames(dataTable) <- dataTable[, "primary"]
  S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, "sourceName"] <- gsub("colDataCols", "clinical", S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, "sourceName"])
  dataTable <- dataTable[, -match("primary", colnames(dataTable))]
  colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable))[1] <- "assay"
  # Sample information variable names not included in column metadata of wide table but only as row names of it.
  # Create a combined column named "feature" which has feature names of the assays as well as the clinical.
  S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, "feature"] <- as.character(S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, "rowname"])
  missingIndices <- is.na(S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, "feature"])
  S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[missingIndices, "feature"] <- colnames(dataTable)[missingIndices]
  # Finally, a column annotation recording variable name and which table it originated from for all of the source tables.
  S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable) <- S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, c("assay", "feature")]
  # Do other filtering and preparation in DataFrame function.
  prepareData(dataTable, outcomeColumns, useFeatures = NULL, ...)

#' @rdname prepareData
#' @export
setMethod("prepareData", "list",
  function(measurements, outcome = NULL, useFeatures = NULL, ...)
  # Check the list is named.
    stop("'measurements' must be a named list.")

  # If clinical table is present, features to use should be user-specified.            
  if("clinical" %in% names(measurements) && (is.null(useFeatures) || !"clinical" %in% names(useFeatures)))
    warning("Using clinical table, but no 'useFeatures' named list element for it is specified. Clinical data often has\n", 
    "lots of uninformative variables. Please consider specifying useful features.")

  # Check data type is valid.
  if(!(all(sapply(measurements, function(assay) is(assay, "tabular")))))
    stop("assays in the list must be of type data.frame, DataFrame or matrix")
  # Check same number of samples for all datasets
  if (!length(unique(sapply(measurements, nrow))) == 1)
    stop("All datasets must have the same samples.")
  for(filterIndex in seq_along(useFeatures))
    assayFilter <- names(useFeatures)[filterIndex]      
    listIndex <- match(assayFilter, names(measurements))
    if(!is.null(outcome) && assayFilter == "clinical" && length(outcome) <= 3)
        useFeatures[[filterIndex]] <- union(useFeatures[[filterIndex]], outcome)
    measurements[[listIndex]] <- measurements[[listIndex]][, useFeatures[[filterIndex]]]
  allMetadata <- do.call(rbind, mapply(function(measurementsOne, assayID) {
                        data.frame(assay = assayID, feature = colnames(measurementsOne))
                        }, measurements, names(measurements), SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
  # Ensure that sample IDs are consistently ordered in all data tables.
  measurements <- lapply(measurements, function(measurementsOne) measurementsOne[rownames(measurements[[1]]), ])
  allMeasurements <- do.call("cbind", measurements)
  # Different assays e.g. mRNA, protein could have same feature name e.g. BRAF.
  colnames(allMeasurements) <- paste(allMetadata[, "assay"], allMetadata[, "feature"], sep = '_')
  rownames(allMeasurements) <- rownames(measurements[[1]])
  allMeasurements <- DataFrame(allMeasurements)
  S4Vectors::mcols(allMeasurements) <- allMetadata
  # Do other filtering and preparation in DataFrame function.
  prepareData(allMeasurements, outcome, useFeatures = NULL, ...)
DarioS/ClassifyR documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 8:22 p.m.