
Defines functions coxphPredictInterface coxphTrainInterface

# An Interface for survival Package's coxph Function. The standard Cox proportional hazards.
coxphTrainInterface <- function(measurementsTrain, survivalTrain, ..., verbose = 3)
  if(!requireNamespace("survival", quietly = TRUE))
    stop("The package 'survival' could not be found. Please install it.")
  if(verbose == 3)
    message(Sys.time(), ": Fitting coxph classifier to training data and making predictions on test
  # coxph doesn't like DataFrame input.
  measurementsTrain <- as.data.frame(measurementsTrain)    
  survival::coxph(survivalTrain ~ ., measurementsTrain)
attr(coxphTrainInterface, "name") <- "coxphTrainInterface"

# model is of class coxph.
coxphPredictInterface <- function(model, measurementsTest, ..., verbose = 3)
  predict(model, as.data.frame(measurementsTest), type = "risk")
DarioS/ClassifyR documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 8:22 p.m.