##### Table of contents #####
# Create union of classes
# Set generic accessors
# Create union of classes
# Union of A Function and NULL
setClassUnion("functionOrNULL", c("function", "NULL"))
# Union of a Function and a List of Functions. Useful for allowing ensemble feature selection.
setClassUnion("functionOrChraracterOrList", c("function", "character", "list"))
# Union of A Numeric Value and NULL
setClassUnion("numericOrNULL", c("numeric", "NULL"))
# Union of a Character and a DataFrame
setClassUnion("characterOrDataFrame", c("character", "DataFrame"))
# Union of a Surv class and a factor for flexibility with sample outcome
setClassUnion("factorOrSurv", c("factor", "Surv"))
# Union of a List and NULL
setClassUnion("listOrNULL", c("list", "NULL"))
# Union of NULL and DataFrame Class
setClassUnion("DataFrameOrNULL", c("DataFrame", "NULL"))
# Tabular data
setClassUnion("tabular", c("data.frame", "DataFrame", "matrix"))
setClassUnion("tabularOrList", c("tabular", "list"))
# List-like assay data
setClassUnion("MultiAssayExperimentOrList", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "list"))
# Params
##### CrossValParams #####
# Parameters for Cross-validation Specification
#' Parameters for Cross-validation Specification
#' Collects and checks necessary parameters required for cross-validation by
#' \code{\link{runTests}}.
#' @name CrossValParams
#' @rdname CrossValParams-class
#' @aliases CrossValParams CrossValParams-class
#' @docType class
#' @param samplesSplits Default: "Permute k-Fold". A character value
#' specifying what kind of sample splitting to do.
#' @param permutations Default: 100. Number of times to permute the
#' data set before it is split into training and test sets. Only relevant if
#' \code{samplesSplits} is either \code{"Permute k-Fold"} or \code{"Permute
#' Percentage Split"}.
#' @param percentTest The percentage of the data
#' set to assign to the test set, with the remainder of the samples belonging
#' to the training set. Only relevant if \code{samplesSplits} is \code{"Permute
#' Percentage Split"}.
#' @param folds The number of approximately equal-sized folds to partition
#' the samples into. Only relevant if \code{samplesSplits} is \code{"Permute k-Fold"}
#' or \code{"k-Fold"}.
#' @param leave The number of samples to generate all possible
#' combination of and use as the test set. Only relevant if \code{samplesSplits} is
#' \code{"Leave-k-Out"}. If set to 1, it is the traditional leave-one-out cross-validation,
#' sometimes written as LOOCV.
#' @param tuneMode Default: None. The cross-validation scheme to use for selecting any tuning parameters. Valid values
#' are \code{"Resubstitution"}, \code{"Nested CV"}, \code{"none"}.
#' @param performanceType Default: \code{"auto"}. The performance metric to use if \code{tuneMode} is not \code{"none"}.
#' @param adaptiveResamplingDelta Default: \code{NULL}. If not null, adaptive resampling of training
#' samples is performed and this number is the difference in consecutive iterations that the
#' class probability or risk of all samples must change less than for the iterative process to stop. 0.01
#' was used in the original publication.
#' @param parallelParams An instance of \code{\link{BiocParallelParam}} specifying
#' the kind of parallelisation to use. Default is to use two cores less than the total number of
#' cores the computer has, if it has four or more cores, otherwise one core, as is the
#' default of \code{\link{bpparam}}. To make results fully reproducible, please
#' choose a specific back-end depending on your operating system and also set
#' \code{RNGseed} to a number.
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' CrossValParams() # Default is 100 permutations and 5 folds of each.
#' snow <- SnowParam(workers = 2, RNGseed = 999)
#' CrossValParams("Leave-k-Out", leave = 2, parallelParams = snow)
#' # Fully reproducible Leave-2-out cross-validation on 4 cores,
#' # even if feature selection or classifier use random sampling.
#' @exportClass CrossValParams
setClass("CrossValParams", representation(
samplesSplits = "character",
permutations = "numericOrNULL",
percentTest = "numericOrNULL",
folds = "numericOrNULL",
leave = "numericOrNULL",
tuneMode = "character",
performanceType = "character",
adaptiveResamplingDelta = "numericOrNULL",
parallelParams = "BiocParallelParam"
# CrossValParams constructor is an ordinary function and not S4 method for performance reasons.
#' @export
#' @rdname CrossValParams-class
CrossValParams <- function(samplesSplits = c("Permute k-Fold", "Permute Percentage Split", "Leave-k-Out", "k-Fold"),
permutations = 100, percentTest = 25, folds = 5, leave = 2,
tuneMode = c("none", "Resubstitution", "Nested CV"), performanceType = "auto", adaptiveResamplingDelta = NULL, parallelParams = bpparam())
samplesSplits <- match.arg(samplesSplits)
tuneMode <- match.arg(tuneMode)
if(samplesSplits == "Permute k-Fold")
percentTest <- NULL
leave <- NULL
} else if(samplesSplits == "Permute Percentage Split"){
folds <- NULL
leave <- NULL
} else if(samplesSplits == "k-Fold") {
permutations <- NULL
leave <- NULL
percentTest <- NULL
} else if(samplesSplits == "Leave-k-Out") {
permutations <- NULL
percentTest <- NULL
folds <- NULL
new("CrossValParams", samplesSplits = samplesSplits, permutations = permutations,
percentTest = percentTest, folds = folds, leave = leave, tuneMode = tuneMode, performanceType = performanceType,
adaptiveResamplingDelta = adaptiveResamplingDelta, parallelParams = parallelParams)
##### StageParams #####
# StageParams Virtual Class. A class for any one of TransformParams,
# SelectParams, TrainParams, PredictParams. Allows a method to dispatch on
# any of the parameter objects specifying any stage of cross-validation.
setClass("StageParams", representation("VIRTUAL"))
setClassUnion("StageParamsOrMissing", c("StageParams", "missing"))
# Union of a StageParams object and NULL for parameter that's optional.
setClassUnion("StageParamsOrMissingOrNULL", c("StageParams", "missing", "NULL"))
##### TransformParams #####
#' @exportClass TransformParams
setClass("TransformParams", representation(
transform = "function",
characteristics = "DataFrame",
intermediate = "character",
otherParams = "list"), contains = "StageParams"
# Union of a TransformParams object and NULL.
setClassUnion("TransformParamsOrNULL", c("TransformParams", "NULL"))
# Parameters for Data Transformation within CV.
#' Parameters for Data Transformation
#' Collects and checks necessary parameters required for transformation within CV.
#' @name TransformParams
#' @rdname TransformParams-class
#' @aliases TransformParams TransformParams-class TransformParams,ANY-method
#' TransformParams,character-method show,TransformParams-method
#' @docType class
#' @usage NULL
#' @section Constructor:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{TransformParams(transform, characteristics = DataFrame(), intermediate = character(0), ...)}}{
#' Creates a \code{TransformParams} object which stores the function which will do the
#' transformation and parameters that the function will use.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{transform}}{A character keyword referring to a registered transformation function. See \code{\link{available}}
#' for valid keywords.}
#' \item{\code{characteristics}}{A \code{\link{DataFrame}} describing the
#' characteristics of data transformation to be done. First column must be
#' named \code{"charateristic"} and second column must be named \code{"value"}.
#' If using wrapper functions for data transformation in this package, the data
#' transformation name will automatically be generated and therefore it is not
#' necessary to specify it.}
#' \item{\code{intermediate}}{Character vector. Names of any variables created in
#' prior stages by \code{\link{runTest}} that need to be passed to a feature selection
#' function.}
#' \item{\code{...}}{Other named parameters which will be used by the transformation function.}
#' } } }
#' @section Summary:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{transformParams} is a \code{TransformParams} object.}{
#' \code{show(transformParams)}: Prints a short summary of what \code{transformParams} contains.
#' }}
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' transformParams <- TransformParams("diffLoc", location = "median")
#' # Subtract all values from training set median, to obtain absolute deviations.
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("TransformParams", function(transform, ...)
#' @rdname TransformParams-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("TransformParams", "character",
function(transform, characteristics = S4Vectors::DataFrame(), intermediate = character(0), ...)
transform <- .transformKeywordToFunction(transform)
if(ncol(characteristics) == 0 || !"Transform Name" %in% characteristics[, "characteristic"])
characteristics <- rbind(characteristics, S4Vectors::DataFrame(characteristic = "Transform Name", value = .ClassifyRenvir[["functionsTable"]][.ClassifyRenvir[["functionsTable"]][, "character"] == attr(transform, "name"), "name"]))
new("TransformParams", transform = transform, characteristics = characteristics,
intermediate = intermediate, otherParams = list(...))
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("show", "TransformParams",
cat("An object of class 'TransformParams'.\n")
index <- na.omit(match("Transform Name", object@characteristics[, "characteristic"]))
transText <- object@characteristics[index, "characteristic"]
cat("Transform Name: ", object@characteristics[index, "value"], ".\n", sep = '')
otherInfo <- object@characteristics[-index, ]
if(nrow(otherInfo) > 0)
for(rowIndex in 1:nrow(otherInfo))
cat(otherInfo[rowIndex, "characteristic"], ": ", otherInfo[rowIndex, "value"], ".\n", sep = '')
##### FeatureSetCollection #####
#' @docType class
#' @exportClass FeatureSetCollection
#' @rdname FeatureSetCollection
setClass("FeatureSetCollection", representation(sets = "list"))
#' Container for Storing A Collection of Sets
#' This container is the required storage format for a collection of sets.
#' Typically, the elements of a set will either be a set of proteins (i.e.
#' character vector) which perform a particular biological process or a set of
#' binary interactions (i.e. Two-column matrix of feature identifiers).
#' @name FeatureSetCollection
#' @aliases FeatureSetCollection FeatureSetCollection-class
#' FeatureSetCollection,list-method length,FeatureSetCollection-method
#' show,FeatureSetCollection-method
#' [,FeatureSetCollection,numeric,missing,ANY-method
#' [[,FeatureSetCollection,ANY,missing-method
#' @docType class
#' @usage NULL
#' @section Constructor:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{FeatureSetCollection(sets)}}{
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sets}}{A named list. The names of the list
#' describe the sets and the elements of the list specify the features which
#' comprise the sets.}
#' }
#' }}
#' @section Summary:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{featureSets} is a \code{FeatureSetCollection} object.}{
#' \code{show(featureSets)}: Prints a short summary of what \code{featureSets} contains.\cr
#' \code{length(featureSets)}: Prints how many sets of features there are.
#' }
#' }
#' @section Subsetting:
#' The \code{FeatureSetCollection} may be subsetted to a smaller set of elements or a single set
#' may be extracted as a vector.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{featureSets} is a \code{FeatureSetCollection} object.}{
#' \code{featureSets[i:j]}: Reduces the object to a subset of the feature sets between elements \code{i} and \code{j} of the collection.\cr
#' \code{featureSets[[i]]}: Extract the feature set identified by \code{i}. \code{i} may be a numeric index or the character name of a feature set.
#' }}
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' ontology <- list(c("SESN1", "PRDX1", "PRDX2", "PRDX3", "PRDX4", "PRDX5", "PRDX6",
#' "LRRK2", "PARK7"),
#' c("ATP7A", "CCS", "NQO1", "PARK7", "SOD1", "SOD2", "SOD3",
#' "SZT2", "TNF"),
#' c("AARS", "AIMP2", "CARS", "GARS", "KARS", "NARS", "NARS2",
#' "LARS2", "NARS", "NARS2", "RGN", "UBA7"),
#' c("CRY1", "CRY2", "ONP1SW", "OPN4", "RGR"),
#' c("ESRRG", "RARA", "RARB", "RARG", "RXRA", "RXRB", "RXRG"),
#' c("CD36", "CD47", "F2", "SDC4"),
#' c("BUD31", "PARK7", "RWDD1", "TAF1")
#' )
#' names(ontology) <- c("Peroxiredoxin Activity", "Superoxide Dismutase Activity",
#' "Ligase Activity", "Photoreceptor Activity",
#' "Retinoic Acid Receptor Activity",
#' "Thrombospondin Receptor Activity",
#' "Regulation of Androgen Receptor Activity")
#' featureSets <- FeatureSetCollection(ontology)
#' featureSets
#' featureSets[3:5]
#' featureSets[["Photoreceptor Activity"]]
#' subNetworks <- list(MAPK = matrix(c("NRAS", "NRAS", "NRAS", "BRAF", "MEK",
#' "ARAF", "BRAF", "CRAF", "MEK", "ERK"), ncol = 2),
#' P53 = matrix(c("ATM", "ATR", "ATR", "P53",
#' "CHK2", "CHK1", "P53", "MDM2"), ncol = 2)
#' )
#' networkSets <- FeatureSetCollection(subNetworks)
#' networkSets
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("FeatureSetCollection", function(sets, ...)
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("FeatureSetCollection", c("list"),
new("FeatureSetCollection", sets = sets)
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("length", c("FeatureSetCollection"),
#' @usage NULL
#' @rdname FeatureSetCollection
#' @export
setMethod("show", "FeatureSetCollection",
setType <- ifelse("character" %in% class(object@sets[[1]]), "features", "interactors")
setTypeText <- ifelse(setType == "features", "feature sets.\n", "sets of binary interactions.\n")
if(setType == "features")
setlElementsFunction <- length
setlElementsFunction <- nrow
cat("An object of class 'FeatureSetCollection' consisting of", length(object@sets), setTypeText)
setSizes <- sapply(object@sets, setlElementsFunction)
featureText <- ifelse(setType == "features", "features.", "binary interactions.")
cat("Smallest set:", min(setSizes), featureText, "Largest set:", max(setSizes), featureText, "\n")
maxIndex <- min(length(object@sets), 3)
featuresConcatenated <- sapply(object@sets[1:maxIndex], function(set)
if(setType == "features")
if(length(set) > 5)
set <- set[1:6]
set[6] <- "..."
setText <- paste(set, collapse = ", ")
} else { # Binary interactors
setText <- paste(set[, 1], set[, 2], sep = '-', collapse = ", ")
if(nrow(set) > 5)
setText <- paste(setText, ", ...", sep = '')
setsText <- paste(names(object@sets)[1:maxIndex], featuresConcatenated, sep = ": ")
setsText <- paste(setsText, collapse = '\n')
if(length(object@sets) > 6)
cat("\n ... ...\n")
minIndex <- max(length(object@sets) - 2, maxIndex + 1)
if(minIndex <= length(object@sets))
lastIndex <- length(object@sets)
featuresConcatenated <- sapply(object@sets[minIndex:lastIndex], function(set)
if(setType == "features")
if(length(set) > 5)
set <- set[1:6]
set[6] <- "..."
setText <- paste(set, collapse = ", ")
} else { # Binary interactors
setText <- paste(set[, 1], set[, 2], sep = '-', collapse = ", ")
if(nrow(set) > 5)
setText <- paste(setText, ", ...", sep = '')
setsText <- paste(names(object@sets)[minIndex:lastIndex], featuresConcatenated, sep = ": ")
setsText <- paste(setsText, collapse = '\n')
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setMethod("[", c("FeatureSetCollection", "numeric", "missing", "ANY"),
function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
new("FeatureSetCollection", sets = x@sets[i])
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setMethod("[[", c("FeatureSetCollection", "ANY", "missing"),
function(x, i, j, ...)
setClassUnion("FeatureSetCollectionOrNULL", c("FeatureSetCollection", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("functionOrList", c("function", "list"))
setClassUnion("characterOrList", c("character", "list"))
##### SelectParams #####
#' @exportClass SelectParams
setClass("SelectParams", representation(
featureRanking = "functionOrList",
characteristics = "DataFrame",
nFeatures = "numericOrNULL",
minPresence = "numeric",
intermediate = "character",
subsetToSelections = "logical",
tuneParams = "listOrNULL",
otherParams = "listOrNULL"), contains = "StageParams"
setClassUnion("SelectParamsOrNULL", c("SelectParams", "NULL"))
# Parameters for Feature Selection
#' Parameters for Feature Selection
#' Collects and checks necessary parameters required for feature selection.
#' Either one function is specified or a list of functions to perform ensemble
#' feature selection. The empty constructor is provided for convenience.
#' @name SelectParams
#' @rdname SelectParams-class
#' @aliases SelectParams SelectParams-class SelectParams,missing-method
#' SelectParams,characterOrList-method
#' @docType class
#' @section Constructor:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{SelectParams(featureRanking, characteristics = DataFrame(), nFeatures = 20, minPresence = 1, intermediate = character(0), subsetToSelections = TRUE, tuneParams = list(nFeatures = seq(10, 100, 10)), ...)}}{Creates a \code{SelectParams} object which stores the function(s) which will do the selection and parameters that the function will use.\cr
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{featureRanking}}{A character keyword referring to a registered feature ranking function. See \code{\link{available}} for valid keywords.}
#' \item{\code{characteristics}}{A \code{\link{DataFrame}} describing the characteristics of feature selection to be done. First column must be named \code{"charateristic"} and second column must be named \code{"value"}. If using wrapper functions for feature selection in this package, the feature selection name will automatically be generated and therefore it is not necessary to specify it.}
#' \item{\code{nFeatures}}{Default: \code{20}. The number of top-ranked features to choose. Can also be \code{NULL} if a vector of top numbers is specified to \code{tuneParams} for the list element named \code{nFeatures}.}
#' \item{\code{minPresence}}{Default: \code{1}. If a list of functions was provided, how many of those must a feature have been selected by to be used in classification. 1 is equivalent to a set union and a number the same length as \code{featureSelection} is equivalent to set intersection.}
#' \item{\code{intermediate}}{Character vector. Names of any variables created in prior stages by \code{\link{runTest}} that need to be passed to a feature selection function.}
#' \item{\code{subsetToSelections}}{Whether to subset the data table(s), after feature selection has been done.}
#' \item{\code{tuneParams}}{A list specifying tuning parameters to try during feature selection. A list element named \code{nFeatures} is used to represent a variety of top-n ranked features to try. Other names of the list are the names of the parameters of the ranking function and the vectors are the values of the ranking function's parameters to try. All possible combinations are generated.}
#' \item{\code{...}}{Other named parameters which will be used by the selection function. If \code{featureSelection} was a list of functions, this must be a list of lists, as long as \code{featureSelection}.}}
#' }
#' }
#' @section Summary:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{selectParams} is a \code{SelectParams} object.}{
#' \code{show(SelectParams)}: Prints a short summary of what \code{selectParams} contains.
#' }}
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' #if(require(sparsediscrim))
#' #{
#' SelectParams("KS")
#' # Ensemble feature selection.
#' SelectParams(list("Bartlett", "Levene"))
#' #}
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("SelectParams", function(featureRanking, ...)
#' @rdname SelectParams-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("SelectParams", c("characterOrList"),
function(featureRanking, characteristics = DataFrame(), nFeatures = 20, minPresence = 1,
intermediate = character(0), subsetToSelections = TRUE, tuneParams = NULL, ...)
if(is.character(featureRanking)) featureRanking <- .selectionKeywordToFunction(featureRanking) else featureRanking <- lapply(featureRanking, .selectionKeywordToFunction)
if(!is.list(featureRanking) && (ncol(characteristics) == 0 || !"Selection Name" %in% characteristics[, "characteristic"]))
characteristics <- rbind(characteristics, S4Vectors::DataFrame(characteristic = "Selection Name", value = .ClassifyRenvir[["functionsTable"]][.ClassifyRenvir[["functionsTable"]][, "character"] == attr(featureRanking, "name"), "name"]))
if(is.list(featureRanking) && (ncol(characteristics) == 0 || !"Ensemble Selection" %in% characteristics[, "characteristic"]))
selectMethodNames <- unlist(lapply(featureRanking, function(rankingFunction) .ClassifyRenvir[["functionsTable"]][.ClassifyRenvir[["functionsTable"]][, "character"] == attr(rankingFunction, "name"), "name"]))
characteristics <- rbind(characteristics, S4Vectors::DataFrame(characteristic = "Ensemble Selection", value = paste(selectMethodNames, collapse = ", ")))
if(!is.null(tuneParams[["nFeatures"]])) nFeatures <- NULL # User wants to do tuning of nFeatures.
others <- list(...)
if(length(others) == 0) others <- NULL
new("SelectParams", featureRanking = featureRanking, nFeatures = nFeatures,
characteristics = characteristics, minPresence = minPresence,
intermediate = intermediate, subsetToSelections = subsetToSelections,
tuneParams = tuneParams, otherParams = others)
#' @usage NULL
#' @rdname SelectParams-class
#' @export
setMethod("show", "SelectParams",
cat("An object of class 'SelectParams'.\n")
IDs <- c("Selection Name", "Ensemble Selection")
index <- na.omit(match(IDs, object@characteristics[, "characteristic"]))
selectText <- object@characteristics[index, "characteristic"]
cat(selectText, ": ", object@characteristics[index, "value"], ".\n", sep = '')
if(selectText == "Ensemble Selection")
cat("Minimum Functions Selected By:", object@minPresence)
otherInfo <- object@characteristics[-index, ]
if(nrow(otherInfo) > 0)
for(rowIndex in 1:nrow(otherInfo))
cat(otherInfo[rowIndex, "characteristic"], ": ", otherInfo[rowIndex, "value"], ".\n", sep = '')
##### TrainParams #####
#' @exportClass TrainParams
setClass("TrainParams", representation(
classifier = "function",
characteristics = "DataFrame",
intermediate = "character",
tuneParams = "listOrNULL",
otherParams = "listOrNULL",
getFeatures = "functionOrNULL"), contains = "StageParams")
#' Parameters for Classifier Training
#' Collects and checks necessary parameters required for classifier training.
#' The empty constructor is provided for convenience.
#' @name TrainParams
#' @rdname TrainParams-class
#' @aliases TrainParams TrainParams-class TrainParams,missing-method
#' TrainParams,characterOrFunction-method show,TrainParams-method
#' @docType class
#' @section Constructor:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{TrainParams(classifier, balancing = c("downsample", "upsample", "none"), characteristics = DataFrame(),
#' intermediate = character(0), tuneParams = NULL, getFeatures = NULL, ...)}}{
#' Creates a \code{TrainParams} object which stores the function which will do the
#' classifier building and parameters that the function will use.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{classifier}}{A character keyword referring to a registered classifier. See \code{\link{available}}
#' for valid keywords.}
#' \item{\code{balancing}}{Default: \code{"downsample"}. A keyword specifying how to handle class imbalance for data sets with categorical outcome.
#' Valid values are \code{"downsample"}, \code{"upsample"} and \code{"none"}.}
#' \item{\code{characteristics}}{A \code{\link{DataFrame}} describing the
#' characteristics of the classifier used. First column must be named \code{"charateristic"}
#' and second column must be named \code{"value"}. If using wrapper functions for classifiers
#' in this package, a classifier name will automatically be generated and
#' therefore it is not necessary to specify it.}
#' \item{\code{intermediate}}{Character vector. Names of any variables created
#' in prior stages by \code{\link{runTest}} that need to be passed to
#' \code{classifier}.}
#' \item{\code{tuneParams}}{A list specifying tuning parameters required during feature selection. The names of
#' the list are the names of the parameters and the vectors are the values of the parameters to try. All possible
#' combinations are generated.}
#' \item{\code{getFeatures}}{A function may be specified that extracts the selected
#' features from the trained model. This is relevant if using a classifier that does
#' feature selection within training (e.g. random forest). The function must return a
#' list of two vectors. The first vector contains the ranked features (or empty if the
#' training algorithm doesn't produce rankings) and the second vector contains the selected
#' features.}
#' \item{\code{...}}{Other named parameters which will be used by the classifier.} } } }
#' @section Summary:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{trainParams} is a \code{TrainParams} object.}{
#' \code{show(trainParams)}: Prints a short summary of what \code{trainParams} contains.
#' }}
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' #if(require(sparsediscrim))
#' trainParams <- TrainParams("DLDA")
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("TrainParams", function(classifier, ...) standardGeneric("TrainParams"))
setClassUnion("characterOrFunction", c("character", "function"))
#' @usage NULL
#' @rdname TrainParams-class
#' @export
setMethod("TrainParams", c("characterOrFunction"),
function(classifier, balancing = c("downsample", "upsample", "none"), characteristics = DataFrame(), intermediate = character(0), tuneParams = NULL, getFeatures = NULL, ...)
extras <- list(...)
TPparams <- .classifierKeywordToParams(classifier, tuneParams)
trainParams <- TPparams[[1]] # Get a default params object.
if(is.null(getFeatures) && !is.null(trainParams@getFeatures))
getFeatures <- trainParams@getFeatures
if(is.null(tuneParams) && !is.null(trainParams@tuneParams))
tuneParams <- trainParams@tuneParams
classifier <- trainParams@classifier # Training function.
if(ncol(characteristics) == 0 || !"Classifier Name" %in% characteristics[, "characteristic"])
characteristics <- rbind(characteristics, S4Vectors::DataFrame(characteristic = "Classifier Name", value = .ClassifyRenvir[["functionsTable"]][.ClassifyRenvir[["functionsTable"]][, "character"] == attr(classifier, "name"), "name"]))
if(length(extras) == 0) extras <- NULL
new("TrainParams", classifier = classifier, characteristics = characteristics,
intermediate = intermediate, getFeatures = getFeatures, tuneParams = tuneParams,
otherParams = extras)
#' @usage NULL
setMethod("show", "TrainParams",
cat("An object of class 'TrainParams'.\n")
index <- na.omit(match("Classifier Name", object@characteristics[, "characteristic"]))
trainText <- object@characteristics[index, "characteristic"]
cat("Classifier Name: ", object@characteristics[index, "value"], ".\n", sep = '')
otherInfo <- object@characteristics[-index, ]
if(nrow(otherInfo) > 0)
for(rowIndex in 1:nrow(otherInfo))
cat(otherInfo[rowIndex, "characteristic"], ": ", otherInfo[rowIndex, "value"], ".\n", sep = '')
##### PredictParams #####
#' @exportClass PredictParams
setClass("PredictParams", representation(
predictor = "function",
characteristics = "DataFrame",
intermediate = "character",
otherParams = "listOrNULL"), contains = "StageParams"
#' Parameters for Classifier Prediction
#' Collects the function to be used for making predictions and any associated
#' parameters.
#' The function specified must return either a factor vector of class
#' predictions, or a numeric vector of scores for the second class, according
#' to the levels of the class vector of the input data set, or a data frame
#' which has two columns named class and score.
#' @name PredictParams
#' @rdname PredictParams-class
#' @aliases PredictParams PredictParams-class PredictParams,missing-method
#' PredictParams,characterOrFunction-method show,PredictParams-method
#' @docType class
#' @section Constructor:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{PredictParams(predictor, characteristics = DataFrame(), intermediate = character(0), ...)}}{
#' Creates a PredictParams object which stores the function
#' which will do the class prediction, if required, and parameters that the
#' function will use. If the training function also makes predictions, this
#' must be set to \code{NULL}.}
#' \describe{ \item{\code{predictor}}{A character keyword referring to a registered classifier. See \code{\link{available}}
#' for valid keywords.}
#' \item{\code{characteristics}}{A \code{\link{DataFrame}} describing
#' the characteristics of the predictor function used. First column must be
#' named \code{"charateristic"} and second column must be named \code{"value"}.}
#' \item{\code{intermediate}}{Character vector. Names of any
#' variables created in prior stages in \code{\link{runTest}} that need to be
#' passed to the prediction function.}
#' \item{\code{...}}{Other arguments that \code{predictor} may use.} } }
#' @section Summary:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{predictParams} is a \code{PredictParams} object.}{
#' \code{show(predictParams)}: Prints a short summary of what \code{predictParams} contains.
#' }}
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' # For prediction by trained object created by DLDA training function.
#' predictParams <- PredictParams("DLDA")
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("PredictParams", function(predictor, ...)
#' @usage NULL
#' @rdname PredictParams-class
#' @export
setMethod("PredictParams", c("characterOrFunction"),
function(predictor, characteristics = DataFrame(), intermediate = character(0), ...)
predictor <- .classifierKeywordToParams(keyword = predictor, NULL)[[2]]@predictor # Prediction function.
others <- list(...)
if(length(others) == 0) others <- NULL
new("PredictParams", predictor = predictor, characteristics = characteristics,
intermediate = intermediate, otherParams = others)
#' @usage NULL
setMethod("show", "PredictParams",
cat("An object of class 'PredictParams'.\n")
if(ncol(object@characteristics) > 0)
index <- na.omit(match("Predictor Name", object@characteristics[, "characteristic"]))
if(length(index) > 0)
cat("Predictor Name: ", object@characteristics[index, "value"], ".\n", sep = '')
otherInfo <- object@characteristics[-index, ]
if(nrow(otherInfo) > 0)
for(rowIndex in 1:nrow(otherInfo))
cat(otherInfo[rowIndex, "characteristic"], ": ", otherInfo[rowIndex, "value"], ".\n", sep = '')
cat("Prediction is done by function specified to TrainParams.\n")
setClassUnion("PredictParamsOrNULL", c("PredictParams", "NULL"))
#' @exportClass ModellingParams
setClass("ModellingParams", representation(
balancing = "character",
transformParams = "TransformParamsOrNULL",
selectParams = "SelectParamsOrNULL",
trainParams = "TrainParams",
predictParams = "PredictParamsOrNULL",
doImportance = "logical"
##### ModellingParams #####
#' Parameters for Data Modelling Specification
#' Collects and checks necessary parameters required for data modelling. Apart
#' from data transfomation that needs to be done within cross-validation (e.g.
#' subtracting each observation from training set mean), feature selection, model training and
#' prediction, this container also stores a setting for class imbalance
#' rebalancing.
#' @name ModellingParams
#' @rdname ModellingParams-class
#' @aliases ModellingParams ModellingParams-class
#' @docType class
#' @param balancing Default: \code{"downsample"}. A character value specifying what kind
#' of class balancing to do, if any.
#' @param transformParams Parameters used for feature transformation inside of C.V.
#' specified by a \code{\link{TransformParams}} instance. Optional, can be \code{NULL}.
#' @param selectParams Parameters used during feature selection specified
#' by a \code{\link{SelectParams}} instance. By default, parameters for selection
#' based on differences in means of numeric data. Optional, can be \code{NULL}.
#' @param trainParams Parameters for model training specified by a \code{\link{TrainParams}} instance.
#' By default, uses diagonal LDA.
#' @param predictParams Parameters for model training specified by a \code{\link{PredictParams}} instance.
#' By default, uses diagonal LDA.
#' @param doImportance Default: \code{FALSE}. Whether or not to carry out removal of each feature, one at a time, which
#' was chosen and then retrain and model and predict the test set, to measure the change in performance metric. Can
#' also be set to TRUE, if required. Modelling run time will be noticeably longer.
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' #if(require(sparsediscrim))
#' #{
#' ModellingParams() # Default is differences in means selection and DLDA.
#' ModellingParams(selectParams = NULL, # No feature selection before training.
#' trainParams = TrainParams("randomForest"),
#' predictParams = PredictParams("randomForest"))
#' #}
#' @export
ModellingParams <- function(balancing = c("downsample", "upsample", "none"),
transformParams = NULL, selectParams = SelectParams("t-test"),
trainParams = TrainParams("DLDA"), predictParams = PredictParams("DLDA"),
doImportance = FALSE)
balancing <- match.arg(balancing)
new("ModellingParams", balancing = balancing, transformParams = transformParams,
selectParams = selectParams, trainParams = trainParams, predictParams = predictParams,
doImportance = doImportance)
setClassUnion("ModellingParamsOrNULL", c("ModellingParams", "NULL"))
##### ClassifyResult #####
#' Container for Storing Classification Results
#' Contains a list of models, table of actual sample classes and predicted
#' classes, the identifiers of features selected for each fold of each
#' permutation or each hold-out classification, and performance metrics such as
#' error rates. This class is not intended to be created by the user. It is
#' created by \code{\link{crossValidate}}, \code{\link{runTests}} or \code{\link{runTest}}.
#' @name ClassifyResult
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @aliases ClassifyResult ClassifyResult-class
#' ClassifyResult,DataFrame,character,characterOrDataFrame-method
#' show,ClassifyResult-method sampleNames sampleNames,ClassifyResult-method
#' predictions predictions,ClassifyResult-method actualOutcome
#' actualOutcome,ClassifyResult-method features features,ClassifyResult-method
#' models models,ClassifyResult-method finalModel finalModel,ClassifyResult-method
#' performance performance,ClassifyResult-method tunedParameters
#' tunedParameters,ClassifyResult-method totalPredictions
#' totalPredictions,ClassifyResult-method
#' @docType class
#' @section Constructor:
#' \code{ClassifyResult(characteristics, originalNames, originalFeatures,
#' rankedFeatures, chosenFeatures, models, tunedParameters, predictions, actualOutcome, importance = NULL, modellingParams = NULL, finalModel = NULL)}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{characteristics}}{A \code{\link{DataFrame}} describing the
#' characteristics of classification done. First column must be named
#' \code{"charateristic"} and second column must be named \code{"value"}. If
#' using wrapper functions for feature selection and classifiers in this
#' package, the function names will automatically be generated and therefore it
#' is not necessary to specify them.}
#' \item{\code{originalNames}}{All sample names.}
#' \item{\code{originalFeatures}}{All feature names. Character vector
#' or \code{\link{DataFrame}} with one row for each feature if the data set has multiple kinds
#' of measurements on the same set of samples.}
#' \item{\code{chosenFeatures}}{Features selected at each fold. Character
#' vector or a data frame if data set has multiple kinds of measurements on the same set of samples.}
#' \item{\code{models}}{All of the models fitted to the training data.}
#' \item{\code{tunedParameters}}{Names of tuning parameters and the value chosen of each parameter.}
#' \item{\code{predictions}}{A data frame containing sample IDs, predicted class or risk and information about the
#' cross-validation iteration in which the prediction was made.}
#' \item{\code{actualOutcome}}{The known class or survival data of each sample.}
#' \item{\code{importance}}{The changes in model performance for each selected variable when it is excluded.}
#' \item{\code{modellingParams}}{Stores the object used for defining the model building to enable future reuse.}
#' \item{\code{finalModel}}{A model built using all of the samples for future use. For any tuning parameters, the
#' most popular value of the parameter in cross-validation is used. May be missing if some cross-validated fittings
#' failed. Could be of any class, depending on the R package used to fit the model.}
#' }
#' @section Summary:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{result} is a \code{ClassifyResult} object.}{
#' \code{show(result)}: Prints a short summary of what \code{result} contains.
#' }}
#' @section Accessors:
#' \code{result} is a \code{ClassifyResult} object.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sampleNames(result)}}{Returns a vector of sample names present in the data set.}}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{actualOutcome(result)}}{Returns the known outcome of each sample.}}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{models(result)}}{A \code{list} of the models fitted for each training.}}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{finalModel(result)}}{A deployable model fitted on all of the data for use on future data.}}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{chosenFeatureNames(result)}}{A \code{list} of the features selected for each training.}}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{predictions(result)}}{Returns a \code{DataFrame} which has columns with test sample,
#' cross-validation and prediction information.}}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{performance(result)}}{Returns a \code{list} of performance measures. This is
#' empty until \code{calcCVperformance} has been used.}}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{tunedParameters(result)}}{Returns a \code{list} of tuned parameter values.
#' If cross-validation is used, this list will be large, as it stores chosen values
#' for every iteration.}}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{totalPredictions(result)}}{A single number representing the total number.
#' of predictions made during the cross-validation procedure.}}
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' #if(require(sparsediscrim))
#' #{
#' data(asthma)
#' classified <- crossValidate(measurements, classes, nRepeats = 5)
#' class(classified)
#' #}
#' @importFrom S4Vectors as.data.frame
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("ClassifyResult", function(characteristics, originalNames, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @exportClass ClassifyResult
setClass("ClassifyResult", representation(
characteristics = "DataFrame",
originalNames = "character",
originalFeatures = "characterOrDataFrame",
rankedFeatures = "listOrNULL",
chosenFeatures = "listOrNULL",
actualOutcome = "factorOrSurv",
models = "list",
tune = "listOrNULL",
predictions = "DataFrame",
performance = "listOrNULL",
importance = "DataFrameOrNULL",
modellingParams = "ModellingParamsOrNULL",
finalModel = "ANY") # Different packages use different classes for fitted models.
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("ClassifyResult", c("DataFrame", "character"),
function(characteristics, originalNames, originalFeatures,
rankedFeatures, chosenFeatures, models, tunedParameters, predictions, actualOutcome, importance = NULL, modellingParams = NULL, finalModel = NULL)
new("ClassifyResult", characteristics = characteristics, originalNames = originalNames, originalFeatures = originalFeatures,
rankedFeatures = rankedFeatures, chosenFeatures = chosenFeatures,
models = models, tune = tunedParameters,
predictions = predictions, actualOutcome = actualOutcome, importance = importance, modellingParams = modellingParams, finalModel = finalModel)
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("show", "ClassifyResult", function(object)
cat("An object of class 'ClassifyResult'.\n")
print(as.data.frame(object@characteristics), row.names = FALSE)
cat("Features: List of length ", length(object@chosenFeatures), " of feature identifiers.\n", sep = '')
cat("Predictions: A data frame of ", nrow(object@predictions), " rows.\n", sep = '')
if(length(object@performance) > 0)
cat("Performance Measures: ", paste(names(object@performance), collapse = ', '), ".\n", sep = '')
cat("Performance Measures: None calculated yet.\n", sep = '')
# Set generic accessors
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("sampleNames", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("sampleNames", "ClassifyResult",
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("allFeatureNames", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("allFeatureNames", c("ClassifyResult"),
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("chosenFeatureNames", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("chosenFeatureNames", "ClassifyResult",
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("models", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("models", "ClassifyResult",
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("finalModel", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("finalModel", "ClassifyResult",
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("predictions", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("predictions", "ClassifyResult",
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("performance", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("performance", "ClassifyResult",
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("actualOutcome", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("actualOutcome", "ClassifyResult",
#' @export
setGeneric("tunedParameters", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("tunedParameters", "ClassifyResult",
#' @export
#' @usage NULL
setGeneric("totalPredictions", function(result, ...)
#' @rdname ClassifyResult-class
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setMethod("totalPredictions", "ClassifyResult",
setClass("MixModelsListsSet", representation(set = "list"))
setGeneric("MixModelsListsSet", function(set, ...) standardGeneric("MixModelsListsSet"))
setMethod("MixModelsListsSet", c("list"), function(set) new("MixModelsListsSet", set = set))
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