setGeneric(name = "base_batch_2DCOW",
def = function(reference, sample_chroms,
segments, max_warp, add_ref){
setMethod(f = "base_batch_2DCOW",
signature = c("GCxGC", "list"),
definition = function(reference, sample_chroms,
segments, max_warp, add_ref){
multiple_alig <- lapply(sample_chroms, method_TwoDCOW,
ref_chrom = reference,
segments = segments,
max_warp = max_warp)
if (add_ref){
all_chromatograms <- c(reference, multiple_alig)
} else all_chromatograms <- multiple_alig
setGeneric(name = "method_batch_2DCOW",
def = function(reference, sample_chroms,
segments, max_warp, ref_name, add_ref){
setMethod(f = "method_batch_2DCOW",
signature = c("GCxGC", "list"),
definition = function(reference, sample_chroms,
segments, max_warp, ref_name, add_ref){
lst_aligned <- base_batch_2DCOW(reference = reference,
sample_chroms = sample_chroms,
segments = segments,
max_warp = max_warp,
add_ref = add_ref)
if (add_ref){
names(lst_aligned) <- c(ref_name, names(lst_aligned)[-1])
chrom_2DCOW <- new("batch_2DCOW")
chrom_2DCOW@name <- "batch_2DCOW"
chrom_2DCOW@mod_time <- reference@mod_time
chrom_2DCOW@time <- reference@time
chrom_2DCOW@chromatogram <- reference@chromatogram
chrom_2DCOW@Batch_2DCOW <- lapply(lst_aligned,
function(x) x@chromatogram)
#' Two-dimensional COW in batch.
#' `batch_2DCOW` perform two-dimensional correlation optimized warping
#' alignment in batch.
#' The first argument is the reference chromatogram which other chromatograms
#' will aligned against to. Then, a named list is needed for the sample_chroms
#' argument. Each chromatogram in this list will be aligned using the reference
#' chromatogram. By default, the reference chromatogram will be not included in
#' the subsequent analysis, such as MPCA. If you would like to add the reference
#' chromatogram, then add_ref = T.
#' This is an adaptation of two-dimensional COW alignment, firstly implemented
#' in MATLAB. This function takes a set of samples chromatogram to be aligned
#' against to the reference. The argument [segment] will be used
#' to split the whole chromatogram in \emph{n} and \emph{m} parts in the first
#' and the second dimension, respectively. The [max_warp] argument provides
#' the maximum tolerance of the signal transformation for the first and the
#' second dimension, respectively.
#' @param reference a GCxGC chromatogram which will be taken as the reference
#' chromatogram.
#' @param sample_chroms a named list with the sample chromatograms which will
#' be aligned against to the reference chromatogram.
#' @param segments a two integer vector with the number of segments
#' which the first and second dimension will be divided, respectively.
#' @param max_warp a two integer vector with the maximum warping parameter for
#' the first and second dimension
#' @param add_ref a logical indicating if the reference chromatogram will
#' be joined together with the sample chromatograms. By the fault add_ref = F.
#' If add_ref is set to T, the provide reference chromatogram will
#' be included as another sample chromatogram in the downstream analysis.
#' @importFrom methods new is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Read Sample chromatogram
#' GB08_fl <- system.file("extdata", "08GB.cdf", package = "RGCxGC")
#' MTBLS08 <- read_chrom(GB08_fl, mod_time = 5)
#' # Read reference chromatogram
#' GB09_fl <- system.file("extdata", "09GB.cdf", package = "RGCxGC")
#' MTBLS09 <- read_chrom(GB09_fl, mod_time = 5)
#' # Create a named list
#' # MTBLS08 will be repeated for exemplification
#' # Considerer that chromatograms are renamed considering the list names
#' batch_samples <- list(Chrom1 = MTBLS08, Chrom2 = MTBLS08)
#' # Perform batch 2DCOW alignment
#' # Add the reference chromatogram as another sample
#' batch_alignment <- batch_2DCOW(MTBLS09, batch_samples,
#' c(10, 40), c(1, 10), add_ref = TRUE)
#' # Exclude the reference chromatogram in the sample chromatogram set
#' batch_alignment <- batch_2DCOW(MTBLS09, batch_samples, c(10, 40), c(1, 10))
#' }
batch_2DCOW <- function(reference, sample_chroms, segments, max_warp,
add_ref = FALSE) {
if (length(sample_chroms) < 2)
stop("At least two sample chromatograms are needed")
if (length(names(sample_chroms)) != length(sample_chroms))
stop('A named list must be provided')
if (!is(sample_chroms, "list"))
stop("A list must be provided")
ref_name <- deparse(substitute(reference))
batch_aligned <- method_batch_2DCOW(reference = reference,
sample_chroms = sample_chroms,
segments = segments,
max_warp = max_warp,
ref_name = ref_name,
add_ref = add_ref)
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