#' @export
#' @import DECIPHER
#' @import Biostrings
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @title Map Evidence to a Genome
#' @description Maps proteomics hits and evolutionarily conserved starts to a central genome
#' @usage
#' MapAssessmentData(genomes_DBFile,
#' tblName = "Seqs",
#' central_ID,
#' related_IDs,
#' protHits_Seqs,
#' protHits_Scores = rep.int(1, length(protHits_Seqs)),
#' strainID = "",
#' speciesName = "",
#' protHits_Threshold = 0,
#' protHits_IsNTerm = FALSE,
#' related_KMerLen = 8,
#' related_MinDist = 0.01,
#' related_MaxDistantN = 1000,
#' startCodons = c("ATG", "GTG", "TTG"),
#' ema_AlphaVal = 0.1,
#' ema_MinVal = 0.6,
#' useProt = TRUE,
#' useCons = TRUE,
#' processors = 1,
#' verbose = TRUE)
#' @param genomes_DBFile A SQLite connection object or a character string specifying the path to the database file.
#' @param tblName Character string specifying the table where the genome sequences are located.
#' @param central_ID Character string specifying which identifier corresponds to the central genome, the genome
#' to which the proteomics data and evolutionary conservation data will be mapped.
#' @param related_IDs Character vector of strings specifying identifiers that correspond to related genomes, the genomes
#' that will be used to determine which start codons (ATG, GTG, and TTG) are evolutionarily conserved.
#' @param protHits_Seqs Character vector of amino acid strings that correspond to the sequences for the proteomics hits.
#' @param protHits_Scores Numeric vector of (confidence) scores for the proteomics hits. Scores cannot be negative.
#' The default option assigns a score of one to each proteomics hit.
#' @param strainID Optional character string that specifies the strain identifier that the central genome corresponds to.
#' @param speciesName Optional character string that specifies the name of the species that the central genome corresponds to.
#' @param protHits_Threshold Optional number that specifies what percent of the lowest scoring proteomics hits should be dropped.
#' Must be a non-negative integer less than 100.
#' @param protHits_IsNTerm Logical describing whether or not the proteomics hits come from N-terminal proteomics.
#' Default value is false.
#' @param related_KMerLen The k-mer length to be used when measuring distances between the central genome and related genomes.
#' Default value is 8. Recommended to use the default value.
#' @param related_MinDist The minimum fractional distance required for a related genome to be used in finding
#' evolutionary conservation. Used to prevent the inclusion of related genomes that are too similar to the central genome.
#' Default value is 0.01. Recommended to use the default value.
#' @param related_MaxDistantN The maximum number of related genomes to use in finding evolutionary conservation after the
#' related genomes have been sorted from most distantly related to most closely related in relation to the central genome.
#' Default value is 1000.
#' @param startCodons A character vector consisting of three-letter DNA strings to use as the start codons when finding
#' evolutionarily conserved starts.
#' @param ema_AlphaVal The alpha value to use when calculating the exponential moving average over an alignment derived
#' from a synteny map. Default value is 0.1. Recommended to use the default value.
#' @param ema_MinVal The minimum exponential moving average value required for an alignment position to be incorporated
#' into the conservation vectors. Default value is 0.6. Recommended to use the default value.
#' @param useProt Logical indicating whether or not proteomics evidence should be mapped to the genome.
#' Default value is true. Cannot be false if \code{useCons} is false.
#' @param useCons Logical indicating whether or not evolutionary conservation evidence should be mapped to the genome.
#' Default value is true. Cannot be false if \code{useProt} is false.
#' @param processors Number describing the how many processors to use with DECIPHER functions. Should be either a
#' positive integer that describes the number of processors to use or NULL to detect and use all available processors.
#' @param verbose Logical indicating whether or not to display progress and status messages.
#' @details
#' \code{MapAssessmentData} maps the given data (either proteomics data, evolutionary conservation data, or both) to the
#' given central genome and stores those mappings in the object outputted by the function. The object that is outputted can
#' then be used to assess the quality of genes predicted for that same central genome.
#' All genomes used inside this function, including the central genome, must be inside the specified table of the specified
#' database. If the central genome is not found, the function returns an error. Please see the Using AssessORF vignette
#' for details on how to populate a database with genomic sequences.
#' Information on the proteomics hits is primarily given by \code{protHits_Seqs} and \code{protHits_Scores}. The sequences
#' (\code{protHits_Seqs}) are mapped to the six-frame translations of the central genome, and the scores (\code{protHits_Scores})
#' are used in thresholding and plotting the proteomics hits.
#' \code{protHits_Scores} can be a single number. In that case, that number is used the as the score for all proteomics hits.
#' Otherwise, the \code{protHits_Scores} must be of the same length as \code{protHits_Seqs}.
#' Only proteomics hits with a score greater than the value of the percentile that corresponds to the value of \code{protHits_Threshold}
#' will be kept and the rest of the hits will be dropped. If all the proteomics hits have the same score or if \code{protHits_Threshold}
#' is zero, no thresholding will occur and no hits will be dropped.
#' Please note that the logical parameter \code{protHits_IsNTerm} has no effect on how the proteomics evidence is mapped to the central
#' genome but it can be used to affect how genes are assessed and categorized in \code{AssessGenes}. The \code{NTermProteomics} item in
#' the outputted object is set to the value of \code{protHits_IsNTerm} (TRUE or FALSE). Users then have the option of requiring that
#' \code{AssessGenes} specifically perform N-terminal proteomics assessment when categorizing genes via the \code{useNTermProt} parameter
#' to the \code{AssessGenes} function. To summarize, the \code{protHits_IsNTerm} parameter in the \code{MapAssessmentData} function and
#' the \code{useNTermProt} in the \code{AssessGenes} function must both be set to TRUE in order to perform N-terminal proteomics
#' assessment. See \code{\link{AssessGenes}} for more details.
#' Evolutionarily conserved starts and conserved stop are found by first measuring how far the related genomes are from the central
#' genome using k-mer frequencies. Next, synteny is mapped between the central genome and each of the most distant related genomes, and
#' alignments are built from those synteny maps. An exponential moving average (EMA) is calculated over the alignment (based on whether
#' the central genome is identical to the related genome at that position) to filter out areas of poor alignment. The synteny maps and
#' filterd alignments provide information on how often each position in the central genome is covered by syntenic matches to related
#' genomes (coverage), how often those positions correspond to the start codons (start codon conservation) in both genomes, and how
#' often those positions correspond to stop codons in related genomes (stop codon conservation). A ratio of conservation to coverage is
#' used in downstream functions to measure the strength of both conserved starts and conserved stops.
#' Related genomes should be from species that are closely related to the given strain. \code{related_IDs} specifies the identifiers
#' for the sequences of the related genomes inside the database. A related genome identifier (each element of \code{related_IDs}) is
#' considered invalid and not used when finding evolutionary conservation if it is not found in the databse. Please note that the function
#' will only error when none of the related genomes are found.
#' If there are less valid related genomes in the sequence database than value of \code{related_MaxDistantN}, all valid related genomes
#' will be used in finding evolutionary conservation.
#' The logical flag \code{useProt} is used to indicate whether or not proteomics evidence has been provided and should be mapped to
#' the genome. Error checking will not occur for any arguments that involve proteomics if it is false.
#' The logical flag \code{useCons} is used to indicate whether or not evolutionary conservation evidence has been provided and should be
#' mapped to the genome. Error checking will not occur for any arguments that involve evolutionary conservation if it is false.
#' @return An object of class \code{Assessment} and subclass \code{DataMap}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Assessment-class}}
#' ## Example showing the minimum number of arguments that need to be specified
#' ## to map both proteomics and evolutionary conservation data:
#' \dontrun{
#' myMapObj <- MapAssessmentData(myDBFile, central_ID = "1",
#' related_IDs = as.character(2:1001),
#' protHits_Seqs = myProtSeqs)
#' }
#' ## Runnable example that uses evolutionary conservation data only:
#' ## Human adenovirus 1 is the strain of interest, and the set of Adenoviridae
#' ## genomes will serve as the set of genome. The cenral genome, also known as
#' ## the genome of human adenovirus 1, is at identifier 1. The related genomes
#' ## are at identifiers 2 - 13.
#' myMapObj <- MapAssessmentData(system.file("extdata",
#' "Adenoviridae.sqlite",
#' package = "AssessORF"),
#' central_ID = "1",
#' related_IDs = as.character(2:13),
#' speciesName = "Human adenovirus 1",
#' useProt = FALSE)
MapAssessmentData <- function(genomes_DBFile,
tblName = "Seqs",
protHits_Scores = rep.int(1L, length(protHits_Seqs)),
strainID = "",
speciesName = "",
protHits_Threshold = 0L,
protHits_IsNTerm = FALSE,
related_KMerLen = 8L,
related_MinDist = 0.01,
related_MaxDistantN = 1000L,
startCodons = c("ATG", "GTG", "TTG"),
ema_AlphaVal = 0.1,
ema_MinVal = 0.6,
useProt = TRUE,
useCons = TRUE,
processors = 1,
verbose = TRUE) {
## Check inputs for error.
if ((!is.logical(verbose)) ||(anyNA(verbose)) || (length(verbose) != 1)) {
stop("'verbose' must be of type logical, be either TRUE or FALSE, and consist of only 1 element.")
if ((!is.logical(useProt)) ||(anyNA(useProt)) || (length(useProt) != 1)) {
stop("'useProt' must be of type logical, be either TRUE or FALSE, and consist of only 1 element.")
if ((!is.logical(useCons)) ||(anyNA(useCons)) || (length(useCons) != 1)) {
stop("'useCons' must be of type logical, be either TRUE or FALSE, and consist of only 1 element.")
if ((!useProt) && (!useCons)) {
stop("Either 'useProt' or 'useCons' must be true. Must specify at least one type of evidence.")
if ((!is.character(central_ID)) || (anyNA(central_ID))) {
stop("The ID for the central genome must be a valid character string.")
if (length(central_ID) != 1) {
stop("Exactly one character string must be inputted as the ID for the central genome.")
if (central_ID == "") {
stop("The ID for the central genome cannot be an empty character string.")
if (useProt) {
if (!is.character(protHits_Seqs)) {
stop("Sequences for the proteomics hits must be inputted as a character vector.")
if (length(protHits_Seqs) <= 0) {
stop("'protHits_Seqs' must have a length greater than 0.")
if ((anyNA(protHits_Seqs)) || (any(protHits_Seqs == ""))) {
stop("Sequences for the proteomics hits must be inputted as valid, non-empty character strings.")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if ((!is.numeric(protHits_Scores)) || (anyNA(protHits_Scores))) {
stop("Scores for the proteomics hits must be inputted as valid numbers.")
thresholdProt <- FALSE
if (length(protHits_Scores) <= 0) {
warning("'protHits_Scores' does not have a length greater than 0. ",
"Assigning a score of 1 to all proteomics hits. ",
"No threshold will be applied.")
protHits_Scores <- rep.int(1L, length(protHits_Seqs))
} else if ((length(protHits_Seqs) != length(protHits_Scores)) && ((length(protHits_Scores) != 1))) {
stop("The number of proteomic hit sequences does not match up with the number of proteomic hit scores. ",
"The number of scores must either be one or the same as the number of sequences.")
} else if (all(protHits_Scores == 0)) {
warning("'protHits_Scores' consists entirely of zeroes. ",
"Assigning a score of 1 to all proteomics hits. ",
"No threshold will be applied.\n")
protHits_Scores <- rep.int(1L, length(protHits_Seqs))
} else if (any(protHits_Scores <= 0)) {
stop("Scores for the proteomics hits must all be positive.")
} else if (length(protHits_Seqs) == length(protHits_Scores)) {
if (any(protHits_Scores != protHits_Scores[1])) {
thresholdProt <- TRUE
if (verbose) {
message("'protHits_Scores' has distinct scores. ",
"A threshold will be applied (if possible).\n")
} else {
## 'protHits_Scores' has a length of 1.
if (verbose) {
message("'protHits_Scores' has length of 1. ",
"Assigning the same score to all proteomics hits. ",
"No threshold will be applied.\n")
protHits_Scores <- rep(protHits_Scores, length(protHits_Seqs))
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if (thresholdProt) {
if ((!is.numeric(protHits_Threshold)) || (anyNA(protHits_Threshold))) {
stop("The threshold for proteomic hits must be a valid real number.")
if (length(protHits_Threshold) != 1) {
stop("Exactly one number must be inputted as the threshold for proteomic hits.")
if (protHits_Threshold == 0) {
if (verbose) {
message("'protHits_Threshold' is zero so it is not possible to apply a threshold.\n")
thresholdProt <- FALSE
} else if ((protHits_Threshold %% 1 != 0) || (protHits_Threshold < 0) || (protHits_Threshold >= 100)) {
stop("The threshold for proteomic hits must be a non-negative integer ",
"that is greater than (or equal to) 0 and less than 100.")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if ((!is.logical(protHits_IsNTerm)) ||(anyNA(protHits_IsNTerm)) || (length(protHits_IsNTerm) != 1)) {
stop("'protHits_IsNTerm' must be of type logical, be either TRUE or FALSE, and consist of only 1 element.")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if (useCons) {
if ((!is.character(related_IDs)) || (anyNA(related_IDs))) {
stop("The IDs for the related genomes must be valid character strings.")
if (length(related_IDs) <= 0) {
stop("One or more character strings must be inputted as the IDs for the related genomes.")
if (any(related_IDs == "")) {
stop("None of the IDs for the related genomes can be empty character strings.")
if ((!is.numeric(related_KMerLen)) || (anyNA(related_KMerLen))) {
stop("The length of k-mers to use in distance measuring must be a valid real number.")
if (length(related_KMerLen) != 1) {
stop("Exactly one number must be inputted as the length of k-mers to use in distance measuring.")
if ((related_KMerLen %% 1 != 0) || (related_KMerLen <= 0) ||(related_KMerLen >= 11)) {
stop("The length of k-mers to use in distance measuring must be a ",
"non-negative integer that is greater than 0 and less than 11.")
if ((!is.numeric(related_MinDist)) || (anyNA(related_MinDist))) {
stop("The minimum fractional distance required for a related genome to use in ",
"finding evolutionary conservation must be a valid real number.")
if (length(related_MinDist) != 1) {
stop("Exactly one number must be inputted as the minimum fractional distance ",
"required for a related genome to use in finding evolutionary conservation.")
if ((related_MinDist <= 0) || (related_MinDist >= 1)) {
stop("The minimum fractional distance required for a related genome to use in ",
"finding evolutionary conservation must be greater than 0 and less than 1.")
if ((!is.numeric(related_MaxDistantN)) || (anyNA(related_MaxDistantN))) {
stop("The maximum number of most distantly related genomes to use in ",
"finding evolutionary conservation must be a valid real number.")
if (length(related_MaxDistantN) != 1) {
stop("Exactly one number must be inputted as the maximum number ",
"of related genomes to use in finding evolutionary conservation.")
if ((related_MaxDistantN %% 1 != 0) || (related_MaxDistantN <= 0)) {
stop("The maximum number of related genomes to use in finding evolutionary ",
"conservation must be a non-negative integer that is greater than 0.")
if ((!is.character(startCodons)) || (anyNA(startCodons))) {
stop("'startCodons' must consist of valid character strings.")
if (length(startCodons) <= 0) {
stop("'startCodons' must consist of one or more character strings.")
## Make all the letters in start codons upper case so it's easier to check.
startCodons <- toupper(startCodons)
if (any(nchar(startCodons) != 3L) ||
!(all(unlist(strsplit(startCodons, split = "")) %in% c("A", "C", "G", "T")))) {
stop("'startCodons' must consist only of three-letter DNA strings.")
if ((!is.numeric(ema_AlphaVal)) || (anyNA(ema_AlphaVal))) {
stop("The alpha value for calulating exponential moving averages ",
"must be a valid real number.")
if (length(ema_AlphaVal) != 1) {
stop("Exactly one number must be inputted as the alpha value for ",
"calulating exponential moving averages.")
if ((ema_AlphaVal <= 0) || (ema_AlphaVal >= 1)) {
stop("The alpha value for calulating exponential moving averages ",
"must be greater than 0 and less than 1.")
if ((!is.numeric(ema_MinVal)) || (anyNA(ema_MinVal))) {
stop("The minimum required exponential moving average value ",
"must be a valid real number.")
if (length(ema_MinVal) != 1) {
stop("Exactly one number must be inputted as the minimum required ",
"exponential moving average value.")
if ((ema_MinVal <= 0) || (ema_MinVal >= 1)) {
stop("The minimum required exponential moving average value ",
"must be greater than 0 and less than 1.")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if ((!is.character(strainID)) || (anyNA(strainID))) {
stop("The strain ID must be a valid character string.")
if (length(strainID) != 1) {
stop("Exactly one character string must be inputted as the strain ID.")
if ((!is.character(speciesName)) || (anyNA(speciesName))) {
stop("The species name must be a valid character string.")
if (length(speciesName) != 1) {
stop("Exactly one character string must be inputted as the species name.")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Get the strain's genome, i.e. the central genome, from the database.
## The retrieved DNA string is assumed to be the forward strand of that genome.
fwdGenome <- SearchDB(dbFile = genomes_DBFile, tblName = tblName, identifier = central_ID,
type = "DNAStringSet", processors = processors, verbose = FALSE)
if (length(fwdGenome) <= 0) {
stop("Central genome not found in database. ",
"Please check the following inputs: 'genomes_DBFile' and 'central_ID'.")
fwdGenome <- DNAStringSet(unlist(fwdGenome))
## Get the reverse strand of the central genome.
revGenome <- reverseComplement(fwdGenome)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Translate each of the six frames of the genome and build the lists used to store the proteomics mappings.
fwdFrame1AA <- suppressWarnings(translate(fwdGenome, if.fuzzy.codon="solve"))
fwdFrame2AA <- suppressWarnings(translate(subseq(fwdGenome, 2), if.fuzzy.codon="solve"))
fwdFrame3AA <- suppressWarnings(translate(subseq(fwdGenome, 3), if.fuzzy.codon="solve"))
fwdFrameAA <- list(fwdFrame1AA, fwdFrame2AA, fwdFrame3AA)
fwdProtMap <- lapply(width(fwdGenome), integer)
fwdProtMap <- list(fwdProtMap, fwdProtMap, fwdProtMap)
revFrame1AA <- suppressWarnings(translate(revGenome, if.fuzzy.codon="solve"))
revFrame2AA <- suppressWarnings(translate(subseq(revGenome, 2), if.fuzzy.codon="solve"))
revFrame3AA <- suppressWarnings(translate(subseq(revGenome, 3), if.fuzzy.codon="solve"))
revFrameAA <- list(revFrame1AA, revFrame2AA, revFrame3AA)
revProtMap <- lapply(width(revGenome), integer)
revProtMap <- list(revProtMap, revProtMap, revProtMap)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
genomeLen <- width(fwdGenome)
## Initialize vectors for storing evolutionary conservation mappings.
fwdConStops <- revConStops <- fwdCov <- revCov <- integer(genomeLen)
fwdConStarts <- revConStarts <- rep.int(NA_integer_, genomeLen)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
# find all stops in each frame
stopsByFrame <- vector("list", 6)
for (frame in seq_along(fwdFrameAA)) {
currMatch <- vmatchPattern("*", fwdFrameAA[[frame]])
currMatch <- unlist(startIndex(currMatch))
currMatch <- (currMatch - 1)*3 + frame
stopsByFrame[[frame]] <- currMatch
for (frame in seq_along(revFrameAA)) {
currMatch <- vmatchPattern("*", revFrameAA[[frame]])
currMatch <- unlist(startIndex(currMatch))
currMatch <- (currMatch - 1)*3 + frame
stopsByFrame[[frame + 3]] <- currMatch
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if (useProt) {
## Threshold proteomics hits if necessary.
if (thresholdProt) {
quantProbs <- seq(0, 1, 0.01)
scoreQuants <- quantile(protHits_Scores, quantProbs)
names(scoreQuants) <- as.character(quantProbs)
threshold <- quantProbs[(quantProbs <= (protHits_Threshold / 100))]
threshold <- threshold[length(threshold)]
protInds <- which(protHits_Scores > scoreQuants[as.character(threshold)])
protHits_Scores <- protHits_Scores[protInds]
protHits_Seqs <- protHits_Seqs[protInds]
if (verbose) {
message(protHits_Threshold, " percentile threshold applied.\n")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Map proteomics hits.
if (verbose) {
pBar_Prot <- txtProgressBar(style=ifelse(interactive(), 3, 1))
for (rIdx in seq_along(protHits_Seqs)) {
peptide <- protHits_Seqs[rIdx]
completeAASeq <- peptide
startShift <- 0L
## Methionine (M) is the typical starting amino acid for newly translated proteins,
## regardless of what amino acid the first codon of the gene codes for. Usually,
## this initial M is cleaved off in post-translation processing but can remain for
## a variety of reasons including the enrichment for N-terminal (the starting end
## of the protein) peptides in N-terminal proteomcis. Therefore, the first amino
## acid of a peptide can potentially be ignored when mapping proteomics hits back
## to the central genome.
## Get the first amino acid of the peptide.
firstAA <- unlist(strsplit(peptide, ""))[1]
## Check if it is an M.
isStartAA <- (firstAA == "M")
if (isStartAA) {
peptide <- substring(peptide, 2)
startShift <- -1L
# Match to the 6-frame translations.
matchFrameAA <- vector("list", 6)
## Check the forward frames (frames 1-3).
for (frame in seq_along(fwdFrameAA)) {
matchFrameAA[[frame]] <- vmatchPattern(peptide, fwdFrameAA[[frame]])
## Check the reverse frames (frames 4-6).
for (frame in seq_along(revFrameAA)) {
matchFrameAA[[frame + length(fwdFrameAA)]] <- vmatchPattern(peptide, revFrameAA[[frame]])
matchLens <- lapply(matchFrameAA, lengths)
if (sum(unlist(matchLens)) != 1) {
if (isStartAA) {
# Match to the 6-frame translations.
matchFrameAA <- vector("list", 6)
## Check the forward frames (frames 1-3).
for (frame in seq_along(fwdFrameAA)) {
matchFrameAA[[frame]] <- vmatchPattern(completeAASeq, fwdFrameAA[[frame]])
## Check the reverse frames (frames 4-6).
for (frame in seq_along(revFrameAA)) {
matchFrameAA[[frame + length(fwdFrameAA)]] <- vmatchPattern(completeAASeq, revFrameAA[[frame]])
matchLens <- lapply(matchFrameAA, lengths)
if (sum(unlist(matchLens)) != 1) {
startShift <- 0
} else {
cFrame <- which(vapply(matchLens, sum, integer(1))==1)
cSeq <- which(matchLens[[cFrame]]==1)
begIdx <- unlist(startIndex(matchFrameAA[[cFrame]][cSeq])) + startShift
endIdx <- unlist(endIndex(matchFrameAA[[cFrame]][cSeq]))
if (cFrame <= length(fwdFrameAA)) { # forward hit
begIdx <- (begIdx - 1)*3 + cFrame
endIdx <- endIdx*3 + cFrame - 1
fwdProtMap[[cFrame]][[cSeq]][begIdx:endIdx] <-
fwdProtMap[[cFrame]][[cSeq]][begIdx:endIdx] + as.numeric(protHits_Scores[rIdx])
} else { # reverse hit
cFrame <- cFrame - 3
begIdx <- (begIdx - 1)*3 + cFrame
endIdx <- endIdx*3 + cFrame - 1
revProtMap[[cFrame]][[cSeq]][begIdx:endIdx] <-
revProtMap[[cFrame]][[cSeq]][begIdx:endIdx] + as.numeric(protHits_Scores[rIdx])
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pBar_Prot, rIdx / length(protHits_Seqs))
if (verbose) {
message("Proteomics hits mapped.\n")
} else {
protHits_IsNTerm <- FALSE
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if (useCons) {
## Determine how distant the related genomes are and which ones to use.
central_KMers <- oligonucleotideFrequency(fwdGenome,
width = related_KMerLen,
as.prob = TRUE)
numRelated <- length(related_IDs)
distToCentral <- rep(NA_real_, numRelated)
if (verbose) {
pBar_Freq <- txtProgressBar(style=ifelse(interactive(), 3, 1))
for (rIdx in seq_along(related_IDs)) {
currRGenome <- SearchDB(genomes_DBFile,
tblName = tblName,
identifier = related_IDs[rIdx],
type = "DNAStringSet",
processors = processors,
verbose = FALSE)
currRGenome <- DNAStringSet(unlist(currRGenome))
currFreqs <- oligonucleotideFrequency(currRGenome,
width = related_KMerLen,
as.prob = TRUE)
distToCentral[rIdx] <- sum(abs(central_KMers - currFreqs)) / min(sum(central_KMers), sum(currFreqs))
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pBar_Freq, rIdx / numRelated)
if (verbose) {
message("Distance from related genomes to central genome (i.e. strain's genome) measured.\n")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Determine which related genomes to use.
related_NoNA_Order <- order(distToCentral,
decreasing = TRUE,
na.last = NA)
if (length(related_NoNA_Order) <= 0) {
stop("No related genomes found in database. ",
"Please check the following inputs: 'genomes_DBFile' and 'related_IDs'.")
validRelated_IDs <- related_IDs[related_NoNA_Order]
validDistToCentral <- distToCentral[related_NoNA_Order]
dVal <- 1 - ((1 - related_MinDist) ^ related_KMerLen)
distantRelatedIdxs <- which(validDistToCentral >= dVal)
if (length(distantRelatedIdxs) <= 0) {
stop("Related genomes are too similar. ",
"Please check the following inputs: 'genomes_DBFile' and 'related_IDs'.")
validRelated_IDs <- validRelated_IDs[distantRelatedIdxs]
if (length(validRelated_IDs) > related_MaxDistantN) {
validRelated_IDs <- validRelated_IDs[seq_len(related_MaxDistantN)]
numTopR <- length(validRelated_IDs)
if (verbose) {
message("Most distant related genomes selected. Beginning evolutionary conservation mapping.\n")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Set up the conservation vectors.
gPos <- seq_len(genomeLen - 2)
fwdCodons <- as.character(unlist(extractAt(fwdGenome, IRanges(gPos, gPos + 2))))
matchIdxFwd <- fwdCodons %in% startCodons
fwdConStarts[gPos[matchIdxFwd]] <- 0L
revCodons <- as.character(unlist(extractAt(revGenome, IRanges(gPos, gPos + 2))))
matchIdxRev <- revCodons %in% startCodons
revConStarts[gPos[matchIdxRev]] <- 0L
stopCodons <- c("TAG", "TGA", "TAA")
revCompStartCodons <- as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(startCodons)))
revCompStopCodons <- as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(stopCodons)))
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Find evolutionarily conserved starts.
if (verbose) {
pBar_Synteny <- txtProgressBar(style=ifelse(interactive(), 3, 1))
for (rIdx in seq_along(validRelated_IDs)) {
synteny <- FindSynteny(genomes_DBFile,
tblName = tblName,
identifier = c(central_ID, validRelated_IDs[rIdx]),
processors = processors,
verbose = FALSE)
currAlign <- AlignSynteny(synteny,
tblName = tblName,
processors = processors,
verbose = FALSE)
currAlignSeq <- strsplit(as.character(unlist(currAlign[[1]])), "", fixed=TRUE)
for (iIdx in seq_len(length(currAlignSeq) / 2)) {
currRange <- synteny[2,1][[1]][iIdx, "start1"]:synteny[2,1][[1]][iIdx, "end1"]
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Get the non-gap alignment positions for the central genome.
## This serves as the basis for determing the central genome triplets
## and the related genome triplets that are aligned to them.
nonGapPos <- which(currAlignSeq[[(iIdx * 2) - 1]] != "-")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Determine which codons in the central genome alignment are identical
## to corresponding codons in the related genome alignment.
areIdentical <- (currAlignSeq[[(iIdx * 2) - 1]][nonGapPos]) ==
(currAlignSeq[[iIdx * 2]][nonGapPos])
currLen <- length(areIdentical)
## Calculate the exponential moving average in both directions.
leadAvg <- trailAvg <- numeric(currLen)
leadAvg[1] <- areIdentical[1]
trailAvg[currLen] <- areIdentical[currLen]
for (pIdx_Lead in seq(2, currLen, by = 1)) {
## Leading average
leadAvg[pIdx_Lead] <- (ema_AlphaVal * areIdentical[pIdx_Lead]) +
((1 - ema_AlphaVal) * leadAvg[pIdx_Lead - 1])
## Trailing average
pIdx_Trail <- currLen - (pIdx_Lead - 1L)
trailAvg[pIdx_Trail] <- (ema_AlphaVal * areIdentical[pIdx_Trail]) +
((1 - ema_AlphaVal) * trailAvg[pIdx_Trail + 1])
## Get the mean of the two moving average vectors.
centerAvg <- (leadAvg + trailAvg) / 2
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Get the first, second, and third position for each possible triplet.
pos1 <- nonGapPos[-c(length(nonGapPos) - 1, length(nonGapPos))]
pos2 <- nonGapPos[-c(1, length(nonGapPos))]
pos3 <- nonGapPos[-c(1, 2)]
## Use the triplet positions to get the codons from the
## central genome alignment sequence.
centralCodons <- paste(currAlignSeq[[(iIdx * 2) - 1]][pos1],
currAlignSeq[[(iIdx * 2) - 1]][pos2],
currAlignSeq[[(iIdx * 2) - 1]][pos3],
sep = "")
## Do the same for the related genome alignment sequence.
relatedCodons <- paste(currAlignSeq[[iIdx * 2]][pos1],
currAlignSeq[[iIdx * 2]][pos2],
currAlignSeq[[iIdx * 2]][pos3],
sep = "")
## Ignore any codons whose sequence of triplet positions cross a gap.
crossGapCodons <- which((pos1 + 1L != pos2) | (pos2 + 1L != pos3))
if (length(crossGapCodons) > 0) {
centralCodons[crossGapCodons] <- NA_character_
relatedCodons[crossGapCodons] <- NA_character_
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Positions in the central genome are only covered if they correspond
## to valid (non-gap) codons in the related genome alignment sequence
## AND if the "center point" moving average is greater than the
## threshold at that position.
relNoGap <- (relatedCodons %in% names(GENETIC_CODE))
avgAboveT <- (centerAvg[seq(1, length(centerAvg) - 2, by = 1)] >= ema_MinVal)
covRange <- currRange[which(relNoGap & avgAboveT)]
## Add to the coverage.
fwdCov[covRange] <- fwdCov[covRange] + 1L
revCov[genomeLen - covRange - 1] <- revCov[genomeLen - covRange - 1] + 1L
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Positions in the central genome can only be conserved if they are
## also covered. This is applied to finding start and stop codons in
## both forward and reverse directions (based on the first triplet
## position).
## Forward conserved starts
areStarts <- currRange[which((centralCodons %in% startCodons) &
(relatedCodons %in% startCodons))]
if (length(areStarts) > 0) {
validPos <- areStarts[(areStarts %in% covRange)]
if (length(validPos) > 0) {
fwdConStarts[validPos] <- fwdConStarts[validPos] + 1L
## Reverse conserved starts
areStarts <- currRange[which((centralCodons %in% revCompStartCodons) &
(relatedCodons %in% revCompStartCodons))]
if (length(areStarts) > 0) {
validPos <- areStarts[(areStarts %in% covRange)]
if (length(validPos) > 0) {
revConStarts[genomeLen - validPos - 1] <-
revConStarts[genomeLen - validPos - 1] + 1L
## Forward conserved stops
hasStop <- currRange[which(relatedCodons %in% stopCodons)]
if (length(hasStop) > 0){
validPos <- hasStop[(hasStop %in% covRange)]
if (length(validPos) > 0) {
fwdConStops[validPos] <- fwdConStops[validPos] + 1L
## Reverse conserved stops
hasStop <- currRange[which(relatedCodons %in% revCompStopCodons)]
if (length(hasStop) > 0){
validPos <- hasStop[(hasStop %in% covRange)]
if (length(validPos) > 0) {
revConStops[genomeLen - validPos - 1] <-
revConStops[genomeLen - validPos - 1] + 1L
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pBar_Synteny, rIdx / numTopR)
if (verbose) {
message("Evolutionary conservation mapped.")
} else {
validRelated_IDs <- character()
if (verbose) {
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Save data to an assessment object.
return(structure(list("StrainID" = strainID,
"Species" = speciesName,
"GenomeLength" = genomeLen,
"StopsByFrame" = stopsByFrame,
"NTermProteomics" = protHits_IsNTerm,
"FwdProtHits" = fwdProtMap,
"RevProtHits" = revProtMap,
"FwdCoverage" = fwdCov,
"FwdConStarts" = fwdConStarts,
"FwdConStops" = fwdConStops,
"RevCoverage" = revCov,
"RevConStarts" = revConStarts,
"RevConStops" = revConStops,
"NumRelatedGenomes" = length(validRelated_IDs),
"HasProteomics" = useProt,
"HasConservation" = useCons),
class = c("Assessment", "DataMap")))
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